News & Announcements Archive
Jun 2014
New Board
Our 2014-2015 Board of Directors: Emily Hero, member-at-large; Kit Shaw, treasurer; Pat Gomez, member-at-large; Patricia Wright, president; Rebecca Crawford, member-at-large; Barbara Gibbs, vice president; Leonard Cachola, secretary; Cynthia Cottam, past president. Not present: Beth Brownlie, member-at-large. Photo by Carol Ring.
Generous Congregation Plans
In June we will send 50% of the Sunday offering to Common Ground: The Westside HIV Center. Now housed within the Venice Family Clinic, Common Ground is the only HIV agency on the Westside of Los Angeles and is committed to helping everyone know their HIV status and making sure that people living with the virus find — and stay connected to — medical care.
UU Santa Monica Architectural History
— Dwight Flowers & John Zinner
Summer Office Hours
Summer office schedule from June 15 through September 7:
— Mondays: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
— Tuesdays through Thursdays: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
— Fridays: offices closed
May 2014
May Generous Congregation
This month, 50% of our non-pledge offering will go to Unitarian Universalism beyond our congregation, including the Unitarian Universalist Association, UU Musician’s Network, UU Ministry for the Earth, and UU Pacific Southwest District.
One Service Only on May 18
Please note that there will be ONE SERVICE ONLY on Sunday, May 9:00 a.m. Our congregational Annual Meeting will be held in the Sancturary at 11:30.
Membership Trends
This chart shows the average number of members at UU Santa Monica each year from 1963 to the present time. Also shown are the periods of time that our settled ministers have served during this time. Breaks in the straight lines represent periods when ministerial duties were covered by a series of interim ministers. The membership information was provided by Warren Mathews. — Charles Haskell
Need a New Photo?
Member photographs will be taken on May 4 from 10 to 11 a.m. at the southwest corner of Forbes Hall. Look for Christine and Charles Haskell to check in.
CareNet Can Help
CareNet offers meals, rides, and cards to church members and friends. If you have such a need or know of someone who does, please call the church office, or call Karl Lisovsky, or send an email to
Apr 2014
April Generous Congregation Recipient
Our Generous Congregation gift of 50% of the non-pledge offering for Sundays in April will go to A New Way of Life Reentry Project. A New Way of Life provides housing and support services to formerly incarcerated women in South Central Los Angeles, facilitating a successful transition back to community life. Since its founding in 1998, the organization has helped transform the lives of more than 600 women and their children. Learn more about this organization at their website:
Can Miracles Happen in a UU Church?
You may have noticed a new line in your Order of Service: Late comers will be seated. It’s in diminutive italics, underneath “Chalice Lighting.”
At the request of Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur, ushers have been asking those arriving at church after the service has begun to wait to enter the sanctuary until after the chalice lighting. “I was nervous about asking them to wait,” one usher said, “but members and visitors have cooperated. Mostly they stay in the anteroom until it’s time to go in. One habitual latecomer even told me that it’s a more dignified service when the gathering, welcome, prelude and chalice lighting are not interrupted by a constant trickle of people looking for seats.”
Another usher expressed the hope that the new policy would encourage congregants to arrive on time, or even early, so they have time to chat and get seated before the service begins. Can miracles happen in a UU church? Time will tell.
— Michael Young and Rick Rhoads
The caption for the photograph on page 1 of the March newsletter was incorrect. Rhonda Peacock has provided the following correction to that caption: Reverend Rebecca with 2014 Small Group Facilitators Bettye Barclay, Pat Gomez, Laura Matthews and 2013 Facilitator Wendi Gladstone. 2014 Facilitators who were not present for the photo include Phil Bonacich, Carrie Lauer, Amelia Monteiro, Margot Page, Geno Monteiro, Rhonda Peacock, and Amy Thiel.
Mar 2014
Small Group Ministry
and new participants. We look forward to another good year!
— Bettye Barclay
The Small Group Ministry facilitators for 2014: Rev. Rebecca, Bettye Barclay, Pat Gomez, Laura Matthews, and Wendi Gladstone. Not present for the photo: Rhonda Peacock. Photo by Charles Haskell.
Rev. Rebecca with Ben Youcef, Muezzin, on Sunday, February 2. Ben Youcef taught our congregation about Muslim prayer practices, including a Call to Worship and an Abrahamic Blessing. Photo by Charles Haskell.
Our settled ministers #7 (Rev. Ernie Pipes, Jr., minister emeritus), #8 (Rev. Judith Meyer, minister emerita), and #9 (Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur), reunited on our pulpit on January 26. Photo by Charles Haskell.
Feb 2014
Pledges Commitments for 2014
To all members who did not sign a 2014 pledge commitment form: your 2013 pledge was automatically rolled over to a 2014 pledge. If you wish to make any changes to the amount or frequency your pledge is paid, please email Church Administrator Nurit Gordon at To all who make a pledge commitment, thank you.
Girl Scout Cookies are Here!
Please wait to purchase your cookies from the Scouts in our UUCCSM congregation. Our Scouts from various troops work collaboratively and uphold UU principles in their cookie sales. Cookie sale proceeds will support community-based service projects. Hold off your cookie purchase and support our UU Scouts! Look for the Scouts after each Sunday service in February.
-- Vala Legan
Go Green...
Contact to receive the newsletter online only.
Two Caregivers’ Support Groups Reach Out to Help
A new Caregivers’ Support Group is forming for those who can’t attend the third Tuesday morning group. Rayma Greenberg writes, “I have been attending the Tuesday group for several years. Sharing concerns and information has been most helpful and supportive. If you are a caregiver, try it.” Being responsible for providing care for a chronically ill family member or friend can be alternately depressing, isolating, rewarding, frustrating, beautiful, and overwhelming. And you never know when the next crisis is coming, so you need to ready for it. It’s good to discuss what is happening with others who are in the same boat. The Caregivers’ Support Group can help you deal with day-to-day problems and questions while maintaining your own life and health. Upcoming dates are Sunday, February 9, 12:15 to 1:30 p.m., upstairs in Room 1, and Tuesday, February 18, 10 to 11:30 a.m. in Forbes Hall. for more information, contact Helen Brown or Joyce Holmen.
Dining for Dollars is Coming in March!
Jan 2014
In the Beginning: 2014 Spiritual Retreat
On this day-long retreat we will welcome the new year by considering anew our purpose and direction in life. Sometimes what we call “retreats” wind up being forums, workshops, or meetings. This will be an honest-to-goodness retreat. Our unstructured, self-directed day together will include time and space for reflection, silence, meditation, movement, prayer, journaling, and other practices of the heart. The gardens and chapel of Holy Spirit Retreat Center will be open to us. The Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur will lead a brief opening worship and closing worship time. We will share a simple lunch.
Please wear comfortable clothing and bring personally meaningful or religious texts, journals and pens, yoga mats, and anything else that might help you ground yourself and reflect on new beginnings in your life. A fee of $35 covers lunch and rental of the comfortable facilities at Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino. If this fee creates a barrier to your participation, please contact Rev. Rebecca ( Sign up at the Lifespan RE table in Forbes Hall between services, or contact Rhonda ( by January 12.
— Rhonda Peacock
From Our Pledge/Fund-Raising Committee — Refuel * Restore * Rejuvenate -- Kick off the new year with a massage!
Are your shoulders stiff? Your neck tweaked? Your jaw tight? In appreciation of the entire congregation and your generous support of the 2014 pledge drive, the Fundraising Committee invites you to be pampered at our Sunday, January 12 Spa Day. After each service, you will be guided to a soothing environment in the courtyard where we will greet you with some tender loving care. A team of massage therapists will be waiting by their massage chairs to help you relax and fully feel the renewal of the start of 2014. Massages will be available continuously from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. All are invited to enjoy a 10-minute massage in our restorative haven. This is our way of thanking you for your ongoing loving support of our shared community, and encouraging you to pledge if you haven’t done so. Childcare will be provided.
— Teri Bond
Second Sunday Supper & Sunday Spotlight
Supper: Tacos and More (Meat, Veggie and Vegan options)
Sunday, January 12 at 6:00 p.m. in Forbes Hall
Co-hosted by two groups from Small Group Ministry. (Facilitators: Dan Patterson & Janet Goodwin)
Sunday Spotlight - at 7:00 p.m. Immediately following the Second Sunday Supper Share your talents or just come and enjoy the show! Open Microphone for All Ages! In the Sanctuary. Sign up during Coffee Hour
Dec 2013
Readers Wanted
Would you like to be a reader for Christmas Eve? Rev. Bijur is looking for readers of all ages to share the story of Jesus’ birth at our Christmas Eve services at 3 p.m., 6 p.m., and 8 p.m. on December 24. Please contact her at if you are interested.
Save the Date
We are delighted to announce that Minister Emerita Rev. Judith Meyer will be visiting Santa Monica as our guest minister for both services on January, 26, 2014. Please save the date for a welcome reception for Rev. Meyer on Saturday, January 25, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Cottage.
CareNet offers meals, rides and cards to church members and friends. If you have such a need or know of someone who does, please call the church office, email or call Karl Lisovsky.
This sculpture, Gestation II, located in Palisades Park in Santa Monica, was designed so that the setting sun would be centered in the slit created by the two halves of the sculpture on the exact day of the Winter Solstice. Photo by Charles Haskell, December 20, 2012.
Nov 2013
Arts & Crafts Sale
Handmade jewelry, cards, scarves, and more on Friday, December 6, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, December 7, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., OPCC, 1751 Cloverfield Blvd., second floor, Santa Monica, CA 90404. For more information contact Cathie Gentile.
Oct 2013
Nametage Reminder!
Wear your nametag. (I’m so embarrassed when I forget your name.)
Photos Requested for Dia de los Muertos
Be prepared to provide photographs of deceased loved ones for our annual Dia de los Muertos service on October 27. Shown here is Vilma Ortiz with the table for the service in October 2011.
Sep 2013
Ralphs' Scrip Program to Resume
The new Scrip program by Ralph’s begins in September. UUCCSM is still active in the program, but participating members need to register for the new term after September 1. Participants are required to register for the new term at or by using a bar scan at a cash register. Even if you registered as recently as June, July, or August, you are required to register again beginning September 1.
For your convenience, step-by-step website registration instructions can be found at,
click on Community, then click on community Contributions, and then on “For participants questions, click here.”
If you want a customized bar scan as an alternative to registration, please email your request to Copies of the scan letter are also on file in the office.
— Nurit Gordon