One important task of our developmental ministry has been modernizing and refreshing our congregation’s bylaws. A team of congregations leaders, chaired by Past President Patricia Wright, has been working diligently with our Developmental Minister for the past year to study UUA recommendations and the best practices of similar-sized UU congregations to draft refreshed bylaws.
The Bylaws Refresh Task Force is happy to announce they have completed the first draft of proposed bylaws to be considered for adoption at the Annual Meeting in June. We would like to share the draft proposal with the congregation at two Bylaws Refresh Town Halls. We will provide information on the process we followed, the changes we’re recommending, and we want to hear from you before we finalize the proposal.
Announcing our Candidates and their Bios for Our In-Person Annual Meeting on June 5, 2022, 12 - 2 pm
Our IN-PERSON Annual Meeting will take place on June 5, 2022, at 12 pm. Members in good standing can look for your ballot in the mail (remember to vote on the resolutions, too) and in your email inbox. If you would like to save a tree and opt out of getting a mailer, please contact the office, We will be emailing the entire packet directly to your inbox. You could mail or email your ballot in. Absentee Votes must be received by Thursday, June 2, at noon.
Please join us in person! Our existing bylaws require that our Annual Meeting be done in person, so that is what we will do. We will not be streaming this year’s Annual Meeting or voting online. We would like to entice you to come with a delectable vegan lunch box provided by the Board of Directors, as a thank you to all the wonderful leaders in our community who help us run UUSM, by showing up and voting. Lunch will be served in the Courtyard for Members. Be prepared to stay and vote. Remember those great coffee drinks? We will have some of those too.
Bios of our Candidates
Board of Directors
Eileen McCormack, President
I joined UUSM, along with my husband, Michael, in May 2015, after attending for about six months as visitors. I am very happy that we made that decision. We’ve gotten to know so many wonderful people who share our values. We’ve had the opportunity to experience countless beautiful moments of conversations, meals, performances, and, of course, the services.
I have participated in three Heart to Heart groups and am participating in Beloved Conversations. I’m on the coffee committee when we meet in person. I’ve served one term on the board as a Member-at-Large and Vice President and I am nominated for my first year as President. I was on the search committee for our developmental minister, am presently on the COVID steering committee, and have also participated in a variety of meetings and planning sessions. Michael and I have tried to make meaningful contributions to UUSM, including becoming part of the Sustainability Fund. We believe in this place.
I have been awed by the grace with which this community has met the challenges brought by the pandemic. I am honored to be among the nominees this year and excited about the opportunity to serve as Board President as we move toward being together in person again.
Norm Richey, Vice President
UU Member, West Hartford, CT, 2 years
UUSM Member 5 years
Board Secretary, 2 years
Board Member-at-Large, 2 years
Co-Chair, Membership Committee, 3 years
Heart-to-Heart Chairperson, 2 years, Co-Facilitator 1 year; participant 3 years
Participant in Meditation Group, 4 years, and Men’s Group, 5 years
UUA General Assembly, Spokane, WA, June 2019
UUA General Assembly, New Orleans, June 2017
I believe...
In a congregational home that provides opportunities for spiritual and personal growth.
In a caring and loving community that is welcoming and inclusive and assumes an active responsibility for our community and world.
That UUSM is a hidden gem in the Community of Santa Monica. I think it should be easier for people to find us!
That as we continue to grow as a healthy congregation, we will attract people to our Church and membership will grow.
That a UU Community that supports high expectation membership will attract members who are dedicated, energized, and committed.
That in addition to seeking and growing our UU Community, it is equally important to connect with and care for each other as current members.
To fulfill to the best of my ability, the position of Board Vice President
To bring ideas, energy, dedication, and commitment to the Board as we deal with the important issues before us.
Beth Brownlie (she/her), Past President
Collaborative Leadership for Collective Liberation. This statement is still powerful for me. How do we all participate together? Making light work for many hands. Collective Liberation is something we have heard a lot of in our work in Beloved Conversations, our powerful anti-racist anti-oppression work we are doing together with the program created by the Fahs Collaborative @ Meadville-Lombard.
Functional Organization Protocol or “Look! Everyone knows what they’re doing!” is really so important to me and now we are working towards modernized Bylaws. I am really excited about creating better documents to help us collect our institutional knowledge and make it easily accessible to all.
Leadership. How do we cultivate our leaders in our community? I have found so much here at UUSM and become a more developed human being, a better leader in my work by committing fully and participating fully in this community.
Our Mission and Vision. Let’s work on what this really means.
Board of Directors: Past 8 years
President (2020-2022), Vice President (2018-2020), Secretary of the Board (2016-2018)
Attended UUA GA, 2012, 2015, 2019, 2020, 2021
Larry Weiner, Secretary
My name is Larry Weiner, and I am running for the Board of Directors of UUCCSM and for a third one-year term as Secretary. I am 72 years old. My wife, Laura, my 23-year-old son, Jacob, and I have been members of our church for about 14 years. I have spent most of my time here teaching RE, so if you don't know me well, it could be because I spent so much time upstairs in Forbes Hall. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with our youth and a lot of fun, too. If you are looking for a way to make a difference here at our church, I recommend teaching RE.
I worked in retail grocery for 35 years and am now retired. While working, I was a union shop steward and also on the Executive Board of UFCW local 1442. I also served six years on a Homeowners Association Board in a large community in Culver City, where I have lived for 42 years. I was the President of that HOA Board for the last five years. More recently, while my son spent 12 years in Culver City Unified School District, I also spent 12 years on various PTA Boards both at school and council levels. I was known for my advocacy. When my son graduated, I left the PTA and moved on to the Exchange Club, a service organization in Culver City that produces events to raise money for children's and veterans' causes. I love this Church and would be honored to continue to serve on the Board here.
Vilma Ortiz, Treasurer
It has been an honor to serve as church treasurer for the last three years. I knew before I started in this position that it meant working on our long-standing financial issues (namely deficit budgets). But I could not imagine that only a few months later, we would be facing a global public health crisis that would shut down our society. The financial worries of the pre-Covid times paled by comparison. Yet we are a stronger church today because of our commitments to each other and our commitment to ensuring that our church survives. As I originally promised, I commit to working with the board and the congregation to move our church forward. As treasurer, I promise to work on the toughest issues facing our congregation today: that of finances. I commit to listening carefully and working closely with each of you.
Linda Van Ligten, Member-at-Large
Linda has been a member of UUCCSM for over 26 years. With her husband Greg Wood, they raised their daughter Alyssa in this church and tried to live the Seven Principles. She is a retired RN. During the Pandemic, she chaired Care Ring, was part of Pastoral Care, became a member of the Intersectional Anti Racist Anti Oppression Commission, and Zoomed Adult RE Classes. Prior to the Pandemic she participated in RE as an OWL teacher, was an usher, a coffee barista, and was part of the Second Sunday Supper team. For fun, she likes to hike, travel, and take classes at Emeritus College.
Mike Monte, Member-at-Large
I came out as an atheist on the day of what would have been my confirmation as a Catholic in the late 80s. I didn’t get involved with church until my ex-wife convinced me that church would be good for our daughters. She found the UUs in 2000. I was skeptical. During the first sermon I attended, we broke out into groups for a discussion. I don’t remember the topic, but I hadn’t met that many other atheists in one sitting before. I started coming to UUCCSM in 2011. I like it here, and I plan on staying. I've been involved as an OWL facilitator for a few years, and I've hosted a few D4$ events. In my spare time, I like to surf and play board games.
Abby Arnold, Member-at-Large
Abby Arnold has been a member of the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica since 1995 and raised two Unitarian Universalist children as a single parent. She has served the church as a worship associate and a leader of several Heart to Heart Circles, editor of the newsletter, and co-led a Religious Education group exploring the Sermon on the Mount from the New Testament. She was first elected to the Board in 2019. She values our connection to the Unitarian Universalist Association, attends the General Assembly as often as possible, and served on the UUA’s national Generosity Network. She is active in the Santa Monica community where she is co-chair of Santa Monica Forward. Abby works as a consultant and grant writer on issues including homelessness and housing, violence against women, and job development. In 2019, she had the life-changing experience of traveling in Alabama with other UUs on the Living Legacy Pilgrimage, focused on the legacy of slavery and how we repair it.
Siobhan Braybrook, Member-at-Large
I am relatively new to UUSM, and organized faith traditions as a whole. I came to UUSM during the pandemic and became a member in Fall of 2020 after recognizing (even through Zoom!) that this was the community I had been searching for and a place for my service. My ministry at UUSM currently includes being a Greeter and serving on the Membership Committee. I would be humbled by the opportunity to serve on the Board as a Member at Large. I believe that my newness to UUSM (and UUA) is a strength that allows me to bring a different perspective to our community, while also providing me with an amazing opportunity to learn and serve.
In my professional life, I am a Professor of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology at UCLA. Our lab studies plants and seaweeds in order to serve our planet and address societal challenges; work that is deeply linked to our UU Principles. As a professor, I aim to build inclusive classrooms that ignite and fan a lifelong passion for biology in our students; again, this work is connected to our Principles. I have always been a UU at heart! I have the opportunity to serve in many ways on campus and in the broader scientific community, including participating in and chairing committees dedicated to equity and inclusion. This work has led me to train in, and practice, anti-oppression facilitation, equity-based organizational change leadership, and inclusive community building. I hope that this experience and skills will be of benefit to our community at UUSM, and continue to grow and develop in community. I hope to have the opportunity to serve, and to get to know many more of you over the coming years!
Nominating Committee
Karl Lisovsky
Karl Lisovsky has been a member at UUCCSM since 1995 and has been active in several Church areas. He's been an usher, served coffee, was on the Facilities Committee for many years, taught in RE for four years, is the chair of the DeBenneville Pines Planning Committee, and currently serves on the Second Sunday Supper Committee. His children went through RE and OWL, and his wife, Janet, has also been involved in Church life for years.
Sheila Cummins
Sheila Cummins has been a member at UUCCSM since 2014 and was a friend for several years before becoming a member. She has served coffee almost as long as she’s been attending this church, served on the Hospitality Committee (now defunct) for three years, and has been a member of the Newsletter team for about two years. She has been affiliated with UU churches for most of her life.
Dan Patterson
Dan Patterson has been a member of UUCCSM since 2009. He has been a youth advisor, a member of the Adult RE committee and Committee of Ministry, a Small Group facilitator, and a member of fUUsion, the young adult group. He has been an usher for almost a decade and the head usher for the last five years. He enjoys small group discussions and looks forward to doing that in person again.
Wendi Gladstone
I have been a member of the Santa Monica UU Church since 2009. I love our Community and the wonderful people I have gotten to know. There are many more folks still to meet. I am looking forward to that time. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of serving at the Church in many ways. I previously served on the Nominating Committee, the Membership Committee, and with Greeting & Welcome Table team. I have always stepped up and helped in the kitchen at the Christmas Eve Services and various other events over the years. Now that we are coming closer to post-covid, I look forward to resuming activities at the Church.
Teresa Castelli
I have attended UUCCSM since 1994–my first Sunday was the day of the Northridge earthquake. At that service, Kris Langabeer’s and Debbie Menzies’ son, Skye, was being welcomed into the community, and I knew this was the place for me, I have served in various areas–I have been a greeter, usher, coffee hour host, RE teacher, at-large board member. I have worked on new member activities and dinners. I am particularly interested in our social action ministries and in our work to expand our church family to make it more inclusive and diverse. I look forward to serving on the Nominating Committee and having the opportunity to get to know more members of our community.