News & Announcements Archive
The First Call Goes Out to Our UU Chalice Lighters
June Generous Congregation Supports Westside Food Bank
Online GA This Year Expands Access: Scholarships Available
Join the Coffee Committee
Wednesday, Sept. 25 – Healthy Congregation Council Offers Dialogue About Theology
Healthy Congregation Council
Please join us to celebrate the contributions Rev. Greg has made to UUSM in helping us become better together over the past two years! We will be enjoying each other's company as well as Lorenzo's famous southern BBQ after service, and we'll be putting together a well-wish jar for Rev. Greg to which you can add a sentiment for him.
If you'd like to participate, we'd like your RSVP so that we don't over-purchase.
The menu is Southern BBQ (Ribs, Brisket, Pulled Pork) with coleslaw, potato salad, dessert, and drinks. We'll have veggie burgers for vegetarians.
If you would like, you may donate to support the BBQ, volunteer for setup, cleanup, serving, or activities. Just indicate in your RSVP and Janine deZarn will follow up with further instructions.
Proceeds from donations will be split among all departing staff members (Rev Greg, Kathleen, and Robin) to help with moving expenses. Your generosity is appreciated.
Farewell to Our DRE
On Sunday, June 16 we are saying farewell to Kathleen Hogue. Please help by creating a card or write a short note and give it to Teri Lucas or Robin Stillwater. We’ll have an insert in the order of service with the prompts: “I loved the time you...” “I’ve always been impressed the way you...” “When I think of you I will always appreciate…”
Fiction Reading Group News: Farewell
Summer Schedule, Sunday Meetings: May 19, 2019 to September 15, 2019
UU Santa Monica Book Group Discussion on May 13: "How to Be Less Stupid about Race"
Looking for a few good ushers
The UUSM softball team practice ⚾️
Annual Reports on Programs
Journey of the Universe: An Earth Sunday Screening
Second Sunday Cinema Presents “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret”
Save the Date
Special Event: “Humanitas” West Coast Premiere Plus Q&A
Passover Seder to be Held on April 20 at 5 pm
Heart and Soul on Hiatus until the Fall.
Goodbye and Hello
Dining for Dollars News: GOING FAST!
Second Spring Music Fundraiser
Leslie Beauvais and Friends in Concert
Community Donations
Office Schedule
UUSM Committee list for review and update by committees members
Calling all Connectors!
West Side Community Resources
Dining for Dollars - Important Announcement!
Westside Food Bank Food Sort
Camp De Benneville Pines Family Winter Camp - Saturday-Monday, February 16-18
Safe Sitter Class!
Interfaith Co-ed Softball League Forming this Spring
Looking for Ushers
Freethinker Forum Considers Anthony Pinn and Humanism in the Civil Rights Movement
Pledge Packets
Second Sunday Cinema: “The Great White Hoax: Donald Trump and the Politics of Race & Class in America”
Sunday, January 13, 7:30 p.m.
UU Rendez-Vous for the Women’s March
Saturday, January 19, 9:00 am
Sunday, February 17 & February 24:
Dining for Dining for $$$ Dollars Auctions
December UUSM News Podcast: News plus Rev. Greg on Holiday Services
Adult RE Book Group
Please join us for "Recognizing and Resisting Racist Responses," a discussion of academic and whiteness studies lecturer Robin DiAngelo's new book, "White Fragility." We will share our responses to the author's perspectives on implicit bias and structural racism, and explore the unconscious strategies that white folks engage in to defend against the notion that they are complicit. Books are available for purchase at the Lifespan R.E. table. For further information, please contact Roberta Frye or Audrey Lyness.
Save the Date
Second Sunday Suppers are informal social events for all ages held in Forbes Hall on the second Sunday of each month at 6 pm. Initial set up time is followed by communal meal. Attendees should bring a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share. Please join us! Children are absolutely welcome! To save on waste and promote green living, we kindly ask that you bring your own plates, cups, utensils, and cloth napkins. We will have extra dishes if you cannot bring your own. Happy hour begins at 5:45 pm.
We proudly announce that due to your amazing generosity and participation, the proceeds from last year's D4$, after expenses, was a record-breaking $37, 343. Our campaign for 2019 is about to start and soon you will hear from one of us as to how we can make 2019 another banner year. Time to start thinking about what event you might host in the coming year. If you want new ideas, please let us help, though we do love repeats! With sincere gratitude to all those who host and to all those who bid.