News & Announcements Archive
Did You See the Newsletter Digest?
Worship Associates Applications
October Newsletter Deadlines
The October 2018 issue of the UUSM Newsletter will be published on September 28. Deadline for that issue is Friday, September 14 at noon. Please submit articles to
Welcome Back and Welcome Robin! - Second Sunday Supper in September - Sunday, September 9, 6 to 8 pm.
RIGHT RELATIONS: Back in Action!
Holiday Craft Fair, Sunday, November 18
Sign Up Now for Heart to Heart Circles Small Group Ministry
September Newsletter Deadlines
Women Over 60 Discussion Group is on Hiatus
UUSM 2018 Church Camp September 14-16
UUSM members marched at the Los Angeles Pride Parade on June 10 in West Hollywood. Photo by Janet Goodwin.
UUSM Church Camp September 14-16
Second Sunday Supper (SSS) Hosting Schedule
If you are interested in joining the hiking group, please contact Steve Young.. UU hikers Greg Wood, Roberta Frye, Sylvia Young, Haygo Salibian, and Bill Blake next to Franklin Canyon Lake on June hike. (photo by Steve Young)
Join UUSM at the 2018 Pride Parade on Sunday, June 10
We will meet at the church before the 10 am service, then use Lyft and Uber to carpool to West Hollywood. Sign up at the Faith in Action table or contact Sarah Mae Harper.
July Newsletter Deadlines
Rev. Greg's Sunday Sermons Available for Purchase
UUSM Church Camp September 14-16
Members Who Recently Joined will Be Honored
Directory Photo Op Afte June 10 Service
Summer Breakfast
UUSM Annual Meeting - Sunday, May 20 - 12:30 p.m. - Sanctuary
Summer Schedule Starting
Sunday, May 20 will begin our summer worship schedule of ONE SERVICE AT 10 AM.
The May 20 service will be followed by our annual meeting at 12:30 pm. Please note: one service each Sunday at 10 am until September 23.
June Newsletter Deadlines
Heart to Heart Contemplative Worship Service:
Sunday, May 13 5 pm to 5:45 pm
Rev. Greg’s Sunday Sermons Available for Purchase
Second Sunday Supper in May - Hosted by the Heart to Heart Circles Committee
May 13 • 6 to 8 pm • Forbes Hall
Second Sunday Cinema - May 13 • 7:30-9:30 pm • Sanctuary
Brick Installation Memorial Day Weekend
Environmental Stewardship Award
Lunch on Sunday May 20 Benefits LRE Matching Fund
Sacred Nature: The Emerging Theology of Religious Naturalism
May Newsletter Deadline
Second Sunday Supper in April - Sunday, April 8, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm - Forbes Hall
Help Save Second Sunday Supper!
Rev. Greg’s Sunday Sermons Available for Purchase
Congratulations to Rev. Greg!
Rev. Greg’s sermon “Why the Right Get It Wrong and the Left Just Don’t Get It,” was selected as this year’s winner of The UU Ministers Association Social Witness Sermon contest. Rev. Greg was invited to deliver this sermon as part of a worship session this June at General Assembly 2018 in Kansas City. The Sermon was lauded by the Commission of Social Justice and is available on our website.
Garden of Eternity Memorial Day Weekend Engraved Bricks Sale
Annual Reports are Due April 15
April Newsletter Deadlines
The April 2018 issue of the UUSM Newsletter will be published on March 27. Deadline for that issue is Thursday, March 15 at noon. Please submit announcements to Submit articles to
Rev. Greg’s Sunday Sermons Available for Purchase
The Rev. Greg Ward’s sermons are now available for purchase at the church office at $10 per publication. All proceeds will be contributed to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund to help those who are in need in our community. If you would like to order a copy of the monthly sermons you can either mail a contribution to the church or call the office and pay with a credit card and the sermons will be mailed to you. You can also stop at the office during office hours to purchase a copy.
Second Sunday Supper - CENA DI FAMIGLIA (Italian Family Dinner) hosted by the Stewardship and Membership Committees March 11 • Potluck at 6 pm • Forbes Hall
We hope you can make it to this informal, community potluck event. It has been described as, “…a chance to meet over good food, bond in conversation as we get to know one another. It is also “an opportunity to develop and deepen friendship and trust.” Bring a side dish or dessert if you can. As always, to save on waste and promote green living, we kindly ask that you bring your own plates, cups, utensils, and cloth napkins (we will have extra dishes if you cannot bring your own). Contact: Norm Richey.
UUSM’s World Religions Banners Will Soon Include Humanist Tradition
In late 2014, the UUSM board unanimously approved the addition of a banner representing Humanism to the parade of symbols on display in our historic sanctuary. Humanism is a philosophical tradition of reason and compassion; it emphasizes the responsibility of human beings to lead ethical lives that aspire to the greater good of humankind and our planet, without regard to theism or the supernatural. It traces its roots to the ancient Greeks and the Renaissance, and has been an influential and integral theology within Unitarian Universalism for at least a hundred years.
It has taken some time to move the plan for this banner from aspiration to reality. A dedicated group of us, including some who were instrumental in the design and implementation of the existing banners (thanks to Ron Crane, Joyce Holmen, David Olson, Carol Ring, Pam Teplitz, and Mark Warkentin) to identify the most appropriate design and ensure aesthetic consistency. We are happy to report that the process is nearing completion. In the next few months, the Humanist banner will join the other world religious traditions on the walls of our congregation, helping to honor and welcome the contributions of non-theists to our community of love and justice beyond belief.
— James Witker
Need a Photograph for the Directory?
All church members are listed in the church directory, along with their photographs. If you are a new member, or a longtime member whose photo needs refreshing, Charles Haskell welcomes you to his home studio for your headshot. Contact Charles to set up an appointment.
Annual Reports by Committee and Program Leaders Due Soon
Each year our Annual Reports, in many voices, offer detailed perspectives on the life and times of our church. They can educate and inspire current and future members and leaders. And your committee or program deserves to be included this year with a write-up that’s due April 16.
— Joyce Holmen
ARE YOU AWARE? Walking Distances Present Barriers
From cottage to sanctuary to Forbes Hall to the Mural Room to the parking structure. Up steps and stairs. And down. There is a lot of walking we may need to do at church. This is hard for some of us.
Those who find distance a challenge and come to church by car need to be able to park in the spaces behind the church on Sundays. The parking for persons with disabilities in the parking structure at 16th is too far away. Some in our community have felt burdened or stayed away due to this barrier.
You can help by looking around as you are involved in the church. Can you park in the UCLA parking structure and leave a space free near or behind the church? Do you have a need that is not being addressed? What can be done to improve access for you, or someone you know?
You can help by talking with the Disability Support Group and others in the Church about ways to improve support for persons with disabilities in our church community or by sharing your concerns and needs. Not sure whom to contact? Look for Mark Christiansen, Michael Young, Steve Young, or Sylvia Young.
— Steve Young, for the Disability Support Group
The Homeless Street Care Project
There is now a donation box in Forbes Hall where you can leave items such as blankets, underwear, socks, and toiletries to fill care kits for 100 needy people. Flyers listing what we still need are available at the donation box.
UUpcoming Event
Newsletter Deadline
The March 2018 issue of the UUSM Newsletter will be published on February 27. Deadline for that issue is Thursday, February 15 at noon. Please submit announcements to Submit articles to
Second Sunday Supper
Feb 11, 6 to 8pm.
Forbes Hall
Please join us for this monthly informal potluck get together! This month’s dinner is sponsored by the Music Committee, Faith In Action and Rev. Greg, in conjunction with our Second Sunday Spotlight featuring Roy Zimmerman. There are plenty of sign-ups for main dishes already so come with your appetite! As always, we invite you to bring your own tableware in order to be green-friendly. Contact: Kim Miller for more informaiton.
Second Sunday Spotlight: Roy Zimmerman - "ReZist!"
Sunday, February 11, 7:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary
We’re excited to welcome the great Roy Zimmerman back to UUSM! Roy’s shows are always a great time -- funny, heartfelt, and inspiring for people who care about progressive values in difficult times.
“ReZist” is 90 minutes of Roy Zimmerman’s original songs, a funny and forceful affirmation of Peace and Social Justice. “Sometimes I think satire is the most hopeful and heartfelt form of expression,” says Roy, “because in calling out the world’s absurdities and laughing in their face, I’m affirming the real possibility for change.”
Roy’s songs have been heard on HBO and Showtime, and his videos have garnered tens of millions of views. He has recorded for Warner/Reprise Records. He’s shared stages with Bill Maher, Ellen DeGeneres, Holly Near, Robin Williams, Arlo Guthrie, John Oliver, Kate Clinton, and George Carlin, and tours the country constantly with his wife and co-writer Melanie Harby.
Are You Aware? Clogged Spaces Block Access
We have done much to make our church campus more accessible and friendly, but important meetings are still held in inaccessible locations. There are also several bottlenecks on Sundays that make navigating with a walker or wheelchair difficult. Often membership, coffee, and other tables are set near the patio entrance to Forbes Hall. This is a popular place to talk. Getting by here is a challenge for everyone, and is extra challenging for wheelchairs and walkers. A second bottleneck is at the foot of the side patio ramp. Tables set up in this area often need to be moved when anyone uses the ramp.
You can help by looking around as you are involved in church activities. When you are working or passing through these bottleneck areas please look around and move if you see a bottleneck, so these spaces can remain open and welcoming to all.
You can help by practicing awareness. Would a person with limited vision, with a walker or wheelchair, with limited hearing, or cognitive limitations be able to talk with you and participate in church activities? Do you have a need that is not being addressed? What can be done to improve access for you, or someone you know?
You can help by talking with the Disability Support Group and others in the Church about ways to improve support for persons with disabilities in our church community or by sharing your concerns and needs. Not sure whom to contact? Look for Mark Christiansen, Michael Young, Steve Young, or Sylvia Young.
Thank you again for your help and support.
– Steve Young, for the Disability Support Group
New Website Section Spotlights Individuals Who Leave a Sustaining Legacy to UUSM
There are many people who greatly contributed to the success of our church over the years. Jerry Moore is organizing a series of profiles of people who played important roles in UUSM’s history. These accounts will be published on our website in a new "Profiles in Stewardhsip" section of our Stewardship/Fundraising page. This month, Jerry’s story on Earl Morgan will be posted. “Earl was an unusual individual,” says Jerry, who was Earl’s stockbroker, and notes that while Earl was never a member of our church, he left his estate, with a value of over $400,000, to UUSM upon his death in 2003. Watch for more stories of the people who made lasting contributions to UUSM.
Contact: Beverly Shoenberger and Carol Ring
You are cordially invited to join our monthly group, “Open Meditation.” Whether you are a beginner who is just curious about meditation or whether you have been meditating for many years – you are welcome. We are not teaching a particular form of meditation or doctrine. You don’t need to know anything, do any particular activity or believe in anything. We will have brief readings, one 25-minute period of sitting with walking meditation, and time for journaling and sharing.
Need a Photograph for the Directory?
All church members are listed in the church directory, along with their photographs. If you are a new member, or a long-time member whose photo needs refreshing, Charles Haskell welcomes you to his home studio for your headshot. Contact Charles to set up an appointment.
February Newsletter Deadline
The February 2018 issue of the UUSM Newsletter will be published on January 29. Deadline for that issue is Monday, January 15 at noon. Please submit announcements to Submit articles to
January 14, 6 pm to 8 pm
Forbes Hall
For nearly a decade, Second Sunday Suppers have been an integral component of UUSM congregational life, particularly valued by new and potential members, those who often eat alone, and all who simply enjoy one another in fellowship over food. UUSM member Kim Miller is currently sustaining this program through May 2018, but at that point the program may be retired in the absence of leadership and coordination. If you are interested in helping strengthen community through Second Sunday Supper, now is the time to step up. Contact Jacki Weber or Kim Miller.
Heart and Soul on Hiatus
The Heart and Soul contemplative worship service is on hiatus in January.
Service Texts for Sale
Tom Peters Publishes Memoir; Book Signing Benefits Church
Congregation member Tom Peters has just published his memoir, Step Away From The War. The book will be on sale after both services on Sunday, January 14, in Forbes Hall, to benefit UUSM.
Explore Church Activities on Showcase Sunday January 28
We invite every member and friend of the church and others curious about us to Showcase Sunday after the services on January 28. Forbes Hall will be filled with representatives from all committees who are ready to answer your questions. You’ll have the opportunity to find out what the committees do, how often they meet, what skills are required or helpful, and, if it interests you, what it would take to get on to the committee— sometimes all you need to do is ask.
This idea came from talking to other UU congregations about their activities. It turns out that it’s been done before at our church. Who knew?
Many committees offer time-limited opportunities – tasks that take a fixed length of time. The Communications Team, for instance, is seeking someone for a 3- or 4-month commitment to organize and promote a new campaign for renting out our sanctuary for weddings.
Do you have an idea for how to fill a need in our community? Would you like to start something new such as broadcasting our services or perhaps writing blurbs that promote our beliefs? Come and be part of the fun on the 28th and find out which committee is best for you.
The Nominating and Membership Committees are organizing this event to remove the mystery of how to get involved...for longtime members, new members, and friends. If you have any suggestions or would like to help on the day of the event, please contact us at nomcom@
— Bob Dietz
Choir Caroling
Our choir and friends went caroling on Saturday, December 8 at Sunrise Assisted Living and Seaport Care Center
Seeking Missing Coffee Cups
Have you inadvertently taken a coffee cup from church? Several people have noticed that our congregational coffee cups have found their way to home cupboards, the floors of their cars, or other places. Please check, and if you have a church coffee cup, we would be grateful for its return.
Are You Aware? (Getting to Church)
When it is difficult to get to church you have alternatives to your car. Ask another member for help, or use any of the following:
Santa Monica Big Blue Bus – Line 1 Santa Monica Blvd. – runs about every 15 minutes on weekends; Line 2 Wilshire Blvd. – runs every 20 to 30 minutes on weekends. \
Santa Monica Dial-a-ride. Operates inside Santa Monica weekdays and from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm on Saturday and 8 am to 1:30 pm on Sunday. To register call 310-394-9871; registered participants can call 310-394-981for reservations.
METRO Access Services operates regionally for rides 24/7. Reserve one day ahead at 800-883-1295. To start registration, call 800- 827-0829 or visit .
Lyft ( and Uber ( ride/how-uber-works/) generally provide quick and reliable help when you have the app on a smart phone. \\
Cost per ride: Buses $1.25 ($0.50 for seniors) on Big Blue Bus; Dial-a-ride, less than $1; Access Services, between $2 and $4; ride services and taxis will cost more.
You can help by reaching out to others in the church. Discuss carpooling to church with people who live near you, or offer help by asking, “Do you have a need that is not being addressed?” or, “What can be done to improve your access?”
You can help by talking with the Disability Support Group and the Church CARE GROUP about ways to improve support for persons with disabilities in our church community or by sharing your concerns and needs. If you are not sure whom to contact, look for Mark Christiansen, Michael Young, Steve Young, or Sylvia Young.
Women’s Singing Retreat with Carolyn McDade Songwriter, Spiritual Feminist, Social Activist
“Spirit of Life,” “Come, Sing a Song with Me,” “Rising Green,” and “We’ll Build a Land.” These four of Carolyn McDade’s wealth of songs you already know from our hymnals. At annual retreats across what she has called “a continent in song” this skilled leader has taught dozens more. She composes and arranges insightful, healing, empowering works to cherish each soul, build community, honor the earth. Whether you think of yourself as a singer or not, consider joining me to sing with Carolyn on Friday evening February 23 and Saturday daytime, February 24 at the United Church of Christ in Simi Valley. Registration information: or 818-599-0257. Recordings: This is the 18th year of our singing circle of liberal religious women from across the Southland. A wonderful experience.
— Joyce Holmen
“I am in awe of what happens when creative energy serves a deep and common purpose — a vision of wholeness, reverence, and well being formed in communion with one another and the community of Earth.” — Carolyn McDade
Need a Photograph for the Directory?
All church members are listed in the church directory, along with their photographs. If you are a new member, or a long-time member whose photo needs refreshing, Charles Haskell welcomes you to his home studio for your headshot. Contact Charles to set up an appointment.
33rd Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration in Santa Monica on January 15, 2018
THEME: Never Lose Hope: Unity Wins
On Monday, January 15, the MLK Jr. Westside Coalition presents its annual celebration of Dr. King with keynote speaker Dr. Tommie Smith. Dr. Smith, a long-time faculty member of Santa Monica College, is also notable for his achievements at the 1968 Summer Olympic Games, where he won a gold medal for the 200 meter sprint. At the medal podium, while the national anthem played, Dr. Smith and fellow American medal-winner John Carlos, wearing Olympic Project for Human Rights badges, each raised a black-gloved fist in protest against human rights abuses.
The theme of the celebration, which is free of charge and includes music, entertainment and student awards, is “Never Lose Hope: Unity Wins.” The event takes place at the SGI-USA World Peace Ikeda Auditorium, 525 Wilshire Boulevard in Santa Monica, from 9 to 10:30 am, and is followed by a Community Involvement Fair at St. Monica Church’s Grand Pavilion at 701 California Ave. The Fair offers participants the opportunity to learn about local organizations and includes refreshments and door prizes. UUSM’s Peace and Social Justice Committee will staff a table, as it has done in the past.