News & Announcements Archive
Newsletter Deadline
Heart & Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service
Second Sundays, 5 to 5:45 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Rev. Greg’s sermons are now available for purchase in the front office and on Sundays, in Forbes Hall
Join the Choir for the Joy of Music During the Holidays
Heart to Heart Circles: Deadline for 2018
Need a Photograph for the Directory?
The Future of Second Sunday Supper
Join the Hiking Group!
Remembrance Vespers
UUSM’s annual Remembrance Vespers will be held on Sunday, November 5, at 7 pm in the sanctuary. Under the direction of Dr. Zanaida Robles, the UUSM choir will sing selections from “”Requiem” K.626 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. During this special evening of music and spoken word, we will turn toward that which we hold sacred, sharing our experience of love, loss and healing.
Heart & Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service
Second Sundays, 5 to 5:45 pm in the sanctuary
Heart and Soul services are led by Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Joyce Holmen, and Karen Hsu Patterson. With singing and instrumental music, poetry, statements and questions, silence and sharing, we’ll explore monthly worship themes.
Sunday, November 12: What Does It Mean to be a Community of Abundance?
Second Sunday Supper
Sunday, November 12 - Hosted by the Stewardship Committee
Please join us at 6 pm in Forbes Hall for this informal potluck dinner together with UUSM members and friends. It’s a great way to get to know your fellow congregants better!
Attendees should bring a main dish, side dish, salad, or dessert to share. You can help – join our Kitchen Cabinet and help with cooking (the day before), setup, or cleanup. You know that the most fun at any party is in the kitchen! Sign up at Children are absolutely welcome! To save on waste and promote green living, we kindly ask that you bring your own plates, cups, utensils, and cloth napkins. We will have extra dishes if you cannot bring your own. Contact: Jacki Weber for more information.
Leslie Beuvais and Friends in Concert
Exploring Our Shared History
On Sunday November 12, Rev. Greg is calling on many leaders to gather in Forbes Hall, at 1 pm after the second service, to share with him – and all of us – the benefit of their insight. UUSM is blessed to have long-time members who have first-hand experience of key milestone events that helped shape our collective character. We also have many retrievable archived documents which describe key moments where the church faced a choice, what choices the church has made, the impact those choices had on the people then, and the way such choices might have influenced who we are now. Every person, and every church, has a choice about what it wants to change about itself in order to become what it feels called to be – but only if it takes the intentional step of becoming conscious of its own history and habits that helped shape it. This is not just for ‘leaders,’ but for anyone who has any interest in knowing a little more about who – and why – we are the way we are.
Garden of Eternity Remembrance and Celebration Ceremony - Sunday, November 5 at 12:30 pm
UUSM’s Garden of Eternity is a very important part of the church. Beyond being an annual ceremony and ritual…beyond raising a little money for the church… it does something that every strong community needs: it allows us all a moment to bring our past, present, and future together. We invite all who wish to come to help us commemorate and consecrate new bricks into the church’s memorial site. We seek to install a foundation of love into our collective lives that their love and influence instilled in us as leaders. In this simple ceremony in the garden, their investment in helping us understand love and justice finds a home in this community.
The 2017-2018 UUSM choir enriches our Sunday worship services, and will perform at the annual Remembrance Vespers on Sunday, November 5.
Hosted by the Art Committee Sunday, Nov 19, following each service -- DON’T MISS OUT!
Art includes clay, glass, jewelry, paintings and more. Our regular artists and a few new ones will offer a selection of items for your enjoyment and/or for gifts. There is always a beautiful and interesting assortment of things to choose from. Contact: Bettye Barclay.
Beverly’s Treasure Table will be back with lots of ritzy glitzy items at great prices including: A SURFBOARD! Custom Infinity gun between 7 1/2 and 8 ft long. Glassed on fins in thruster configuration. Minor dings on the nose and tail along with some pressure dings on the deck and bottom. Bag and leash included. $100 (one-fifth the usual selling price! What a deal!)
Other Items Include:
• Original Movie Posters from Argentina
• A Bejeweled Jacket
• Original Art
• and much, much more!
Beverly Alison is still on the treasure trail at this time, so call for pick-up of items you have for the treasure table.
THANKSGIVING FEAST - All-Church Potluck - Saturday, November 18 - 6 p.m.
Sign-up in Forbes Hall after services starting November 5 or contact Kathy Cook. All are welcome. You will be asked to bring traditional food and choose a volunteer job. We also need several people to cook turkeys. If you sign up and then are unable to attend, please notify Kathy Cook so there will be room for others.
Newsletter schedule
Second Sunday Supper - October 8, 6 p.m.
Hosted by the Green Committee in Forbes Hall
Heart & Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service
Second Sundays 5 to 5:45 pm in the Sanctuary
Sunday Spotlight: Kai Landauer in Concert
Sunday, October 8, 7 pm. Sanctuary
The Worship Associates Program
Annual Pipes Lecture to Feature The Rev. Judith Meyer on Nov. 5
Heart to Heart Circles: New Groups for 2018
Kudos for OWL
FROM LINDA VAN LIGTEN: Volunteers Make Welcome Event a Success
Caregivers’ Support Group holds its last meeting
Summer and Fall Service and Newsletter Schedules
How to be there with love and gentle care at the end of a life
Sunday November 19, 2017
Labor Day Meet-and-Greet with Rev. Greg Ward
RE Seeks Funds to Match Grant
Sanctuary 7pm
Open mike for music, poetry, comedy, spoken word, etc.
Format same as Second Sunday Spotlights
Contact Tom Ahern —
Second Sunday Suppers: July 9 and August 13
Going Forward
Newsletter Schedule
Anderson Courtyard Fountain Has a New Look
Communicators Wanted!
Movie Night!
Picnic Time!
Celebration of Reverend Rebecca’s Ministry Save the Dates!
Child Dedication: A Sacred Ceremony
Patio Furniture Renovation Project
Saying Goodbye to Reverend Rebecca
Second Sunday Supper Spring Brunch!
Save the Date - Annual All-Church Interweave Picnic
Are You Aware? (Independence, Help)
Undy Sundays Return
Newsletters and Websites and Facebook, Oh My!
April 9, 2017 Second Sunday Supper - Sponsored by the UUCCSM Green Living Committee
Muppet Sing-a-Long!
Saturday, April 8. Sing along with The Muppets, and all you can eat dinner...with Let's Be Frank Gourmet Hot & Vegan Dogs, popcorn, candy and soda pop! Doors open at 5 p.m., move starts at 5:45 p.m. Pay what you can...proceeds benefit UUSM.
Does the Santa Monica Police Department Engage in Racial Profiling?
Celebration of Rebecca's Ministry - Save the Dates!
MEMORIAL DAY SPECIAL -- Engraved bricks for $400 if ordered by May 19th (Regular Price $500!)
Congregational Meeting March 5 to Decide on Hiring of Developmental Minister
Newsletters and Websites and Facebook, Oh My!
Support UUSM Through the Ralphs Community Contribution Program
Are You Aware? (Transportation)
Post Valentine’s Day fundraiser for the Anti-KKK3
Saturday • February 25 • 6 PM • Forbes Hall
Fine Vining & Dining (for omnivores, carnivores, vegans...) You could go out for dinner on Valentine’s Day and spend $200 for a mediocre dinner at an overcrowded restaurant. Or you could bring your love to church, sip good wine and enjoy delicious food, and help cover the legal expenses of Hugo Contreras, Mark Liddell, and Nikki Schop, who face trial in Orange County May 30. Many of you have already contributed generously, but the bills pile up. To have your contribution tax deductible, make out a check to UUSM and write FIA-Legal in the memo line, or go to, MAKE A DONATION, check other, and type FIA–LEGAL.
For more info or if you’d like to help, contact Sarah Mae Harper.
Dining for Dollars is Coming!
Your Dining for Dollars committee is working hard to make 2017 our best year ever, and we need your help. D4$ events not only support the financial needs of our church, more importantly it provides yearlong availability of events that provide important social and community-building opportunities to all our members and friends.
Thank you to all the members who already signed up to host an event and we are more than half way there to our final goal of more than 50! Might you have an idea for an event or service that you can offer to our silent auction, the bidding for which will happen after services on February 19 and 26?
You can use our online D4$ entry form or see Emily at Sunday’s D4$ table following services. Questions to: or Farrokh Allen
2017 Dining for Dollars Preliminary Event List
Please note that this is a preliminary list only. (Click on the list graphic to see a larger, more easily readable version.) Please check final dates and descriptions for events as printed on the bid sheets in Forbes Hall February 19 and 26 after both services. Bidding will close at 1:00 P.M. on Sunday February 26. Children pay at adult rates except where noted. Child’s name is to be placed on separate line on bid sheet. Money donated (paid) for winning bids is non-refundable. No email or mailed-in bids will be accepted. Questions may be directed to D4$ Chair, Farrokh Allen.
Our Black Lives Matter banner...
..which had been down for several months for repairs, is once again attached — far more firmly — to the Garden of Eternity fence, facing Arizona Avenue. Special thanks to Cathie Gentile, Kirk Silsbee, and Bob Dietz for their contributions to this effort.
Are You Aware? (Disability Support Group)
Our church Disability Support Group welcomes all members of our church community, whether you have an obvious disability, a hidden disability, know someone with a disability, or are curious how you can support the church efforts to become more inclusive. You can help by attending Disability Support Group meetings; we meet twice a month on the second and fourth Sundays. The group provides support for all persons with disabilities and those interested in providing support. We are working to increase awareness within this congregation and to provide information on accessibility in neighboring places of worship. You can help by talking with Disability Support Group members and others in the Church about ways to improve support for persons with disabilities in our church community, or by sharing your concerns and needs. Not sure whom to contact? Look for Mark Christiansen, Michael Young, Steve Young, or Sylvia Young.
Please Join Us on Sunday, January 22 at 3 p.m. for a Ceremony of Welcome for Our Director of Religious Education, Kathleen Hogue
We will share our hopes and dreams of our shared ministry together. A light dinner reception will follow the service. Please put this date on your calendar, and help us welcome Kathleen into our church family.
The Rev. Diane Dowgiert, preaching
If our UU congregation is where we come to learn how to live our liberal religious values and principles, then everything we do together is religious education. The great Universalist educator, Angus McLean, believed that how we teach is more important than what we teach. Or, as McLean would say, the method is the message. How we are together in community and how we embody our covenants — this is religious education.
Rev. Diane Dowgiert serves as interim minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greensboro, NC. She served as minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson, AZ for ten years and at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Marietta, OH for five years. Diane is a graduate of Starr King School for the Ministry. With a background in social work, Diane has a passion for responding to the needs of the local community, bringing Unitarian Universalist principles and values to social justice issues. Outside of church, she enjoys hiking and quilting. She has been married to her husband AJ for 42 years. Their family includes two adult sons, one wonderful daughter-in-law, one grand dog, and two adorable cats.
Rev. Pipes Commendation