Volunteer Opportunities
Task-Oriented Volunteer Opportunities are the kinds of pitching-in-to-get-the-work-done jobs for which you can sign up once or as many times as you like, without committing to long-term membership or leadership on an ongoing committee or council. Instead, you can simply lend a hand with specific administrative chores, or at various kinds of special events or activities (often during Sunday coffee hours)…which is a great way to get involved, meet new friends and find a niche in our congregation.
Care Net Services
Contact: Karl Lisovsky - carenet@uusm.org
Hunger Task Force
Contact: hunger@uusm.org
Religious Education
Contact: Catherine Farmer Loya
Contact: dre@uusm.org
Coffee Service
Contact: Nancy Howell
Contact: Barbara Gibbs
Contact: Edward (Ned) Wright