fUUsion: Young Adults

fUUsion is the social group for young adults age 18-35 years. Our events are a loosely rotating mix of social outings (such as group lunch after Sunday services, movie nights, potlucks), spiritual discussions, and service projects.

Join our Yahoo! Groups e-mail list at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ UUCCSMYA/ and become a fan of fUUsion on Facebook to be notified about upcoming events.

Keep updated on UU young adult events throughout the greater Los Angeles area via UUYALA (Unitarian Universalist Young Adults in Los Angeles).

fUUsion is also now on Meetup.com

**NEW: As of June 1, 2017, Karen Hsu Patterson will be stepping down as primary contact and group coordinator. fUUsion is currently seeking new leadership. In the meantime, you can generally find our UU young adults at the 11 AM service, or in Forbes Hall after the 11 AM service.



(Last updated: 4/28/2017)

Karen Hsu Patterson