Structure of the Faith in Action Commission
As amended by the FIA Commission November 6, 2005
Approved by the Board of Directors December 13, 2005
Membership and Terms of Appointment
The FIA Commission shall consist of a minimum of seven standing members plus the minister serving as an ex officio voting member. At least one representative each will come from Church Board and the Religious Education (RE) program, plus one or more members who can serve as a liaison with the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office (UU-UNO), Interweave, and the UU Legislative Ministry–California. Each task group formed as a result of the congregational Faith in Action Issues Election will choose a chairperson, who will sit on the Commission. Other church groups and affiliated organizations may also have representation at the discretion of the Chair subject to a majority vote of the Commission.
Any member of the Commission who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Commission shall be presumed to have resigned. In the case of a person who has been presumed to resign, the FIA Commission may reappoint the same person if it finds such action advisable.
A chair will be elected for a two-year term subject to ratification by the Board. Terms of office will coincide with the church’s Fiscal Year (July 1st of each year through June 30th of the next year). Other officers will be elected as necessary.
The Commission meets as needed on the call of the Chair. This will generally be on a quarterly basis. The work of the Commission may also proceed by telephone, e-mail, or other informal mechanisms as required to meet the responsibilities and pursue the objectives of the group. This may include the use of e-mail or telephone or both to vote on issues that require approval by a majority vote of the FIA Commission as a whole.
The quorum for face-to-face meetings of the Commission shall be half of the total membership of the Commission.
The Chair of the FIA Commission may authorize a vote by email or other written communication in the following manner.
a. If no member of the FIA Commission objects to holding the vote by e-mail or other written communication, the subject of the vote shall be deemed approved if a majority of the total membership of the FIAC vote in favor thereof.
b. If two or fewer FIAC members object to holding the vote by email or other written communication, the vote shall proceed and the subject of the vote shall be deemed approved if two-thirds of the total membership of the FIAC vote in favor thereof.
c. If three or more FIAC members object to holding the vote by email or other written communication, the vote shall not proceed, but the subject matter may be taken up at any subsequent face-to-face meeting of the Board.
d. FIAC members without e-mail may vote by writing or speaking to the Chair of the FIAC.
Relationship of the FIA Commission and Task Groups
Once formed, task groups shall:
1. Elect Officers:
- A chair who attends Commission meetings and who will communicate between the task group and the FIA Commission
- Elect a secretary to record meeting notes
2. Research the issue and existing programs and services in the community;
3. Develop an action plan for congregational involvement;
4. Present the action plan to the commission for review and approval;
5. Implement the action plan with regular progress reports to the Commission
6. Prepare an annual progress report to be delivered to the Commission.
The Commission will:
1. Facilitate the process of selecting focus issues and formation of the task groups;
2. At least two Commission members attend initial group meetings;
3. Provide guidance to the task groups and help identify existing resources within the church and the community;
4. Commission members will stay informed of task group activities and provide ongoing support;
5. Commission members review drafts of proposed action plans and offer constructive feedback;
6. The Commission has final approval over all task group action plans.
Criteria for selecting and approving a proposed Task Force, Committee, Study Group or other task group:
1. Is there a need?
2. Is it viable in terms of resources, training, personnel, facilities, and transportation?
3. Does it conflict with other church activities?
4. Is it a focused activity with measurable impact? How could it be measured in product and process?
Ideally activities:
- Are available to different age groups, families and different group sizes;
- Will require different levels of commitment in time;
- Will have necessary training provided.
Annual Report to the Congregation
The work of the Commission will be evaluated annually. A summary of the work and accomplishments of the FIA program will be published each year in May at the time of the Annual Meeting of the UUCCSM
Coordination with Church Board
The Faith in Action Commission will report to the Board of Directors of the church on a regular basis. The nature and the frequency of the coordination will be jointly decided by the Board and the Chair of the FIA Commission, and will include at a minimum:
- Ratification of the Chair of the FIA Commission
- Review of the FIA Procedure Manual
Policies Guiding Public Witness or Advocacy by the FIA Commission in the name of the UUCCSM
1. If the congregation has approved a position statement related to a social action issue, the Faith in Action Commission and its leadership may speak and act appropriately on the congregation’s behalf, consistent with church Bylaws and Board policies, to further the goal of the position statement.
2. The Faith in Action Commission may approve and sponsor social action activities on church premises (or create a task group to handle such an activity) with a majority vote of the Commission, and with determination by the Commission that it conforms to the UU Principles and Purposes and church mission statement, and is consistent with church Bylaws and Board policies.
3. The Faith in Action Commission and its leadership may take appropriate action in its own name in the greater community on issues without a formal congregational endorsement, with a majority vote of the Commission, and with agreement of the Commission that it conforms to the UU Principles and Purposes and church mission statement, and is consistent with church Bylaws and Board policies. The Commission will consult with the minister before taking such action.
4. The Faith in Action Commission may, with the consent of the minister, request the Board to consider specific issues or concerns for possible inclusion on the agenda of the Annual Meeting or as the basis for calling a special congregational meeting for the purpose of a congregational vote on the specific issue or concern following the procedure outlined in the Bylaws of the church. Given the nature of FIA issues, a 2/3 majority of the votes cast will be required for approval of FIA issues.
Annual Timeline
July/August - Start planning All Church Issues Election, including presentation of the UUA Study/Action Issue (SAI) for this year.
September - Faith in Action Congregational Issues Election: Focus issue(s) is/are chosen at an All-Church Town Hall congregational meeting and review this year’s SAI from GA with congregation.
October - Task groups are formed, and chairs of task groups are chosen. Task groups recruit volunteers after a special church service(s), or through other means. Consider proposing an SAI for consideration by GA next year.
Sept.-Nov. - Task groups build their teams, define the problem(s) they want to solve, strategize and create action plans.
November - Task groups submit their plans to the Faith in Action Commission for approval.
December - Submit possible SAI (if any) to GA by 12/15 deadline.
Dec.-May - Task group action plans get carried out.
Jan.-Feb. - Commission may submit request for funds from following year's church budget. Review status of SAIs with congregation at an all-church Town Hall meeting.
March - Progress report and comments on our congregational pursuit of SAIs due at UUA by March 1.
April Send congregational/Board prioritization of SAIs to UUA.
May FIA annual report to the congregation at the Annual Meeting. Elect a chair for the FIA Commission (alternate years).
June - Celebrate FIA accomplishments for the year.
Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter - Publish FIA Bulletin