News & Announcements Archive
Ministers' Schedule
The Rev. Judith Meyer is available for meetings and appointments in the churchoffice Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. She works at home Fridays and Saturdays.Her day off is Monday. This month, Judith and Stefanie Etzbach-Dale will bein Chicago October 28-30 for an Internship Conference sponsored by Meadville-LombardTheological School.
Pulpit Suggestions Invited
The Pulpit Committee invites your feedback on the summer services, your suggestionsfor guest speakers, and your comments about how to improve the quality of ourworship.
Our job is to find guest speakers when the Rev. Judith Meyer is out of thepulpit, train members of the congregation to serve as pulpit hosts, and assistwith services created by members of the church. We’d like to hear yourcomments. Please e-mail Pulpit Committee chair Vilma Ortiz,and your feedback will be reported to the committee (Sue Bickford, Alison Chipman,Kathy Cook, Gary Kinsinger, Scott Roewe), which meets the first Tuesday of eachmonth.
Weekly Mediatation is Starting Again
Meditation and discussion of various spiritual and religious subects will beginevery Tuesday evening beginning September 2 in Room 6 from 7 to 9 p.m. The classwill be led by Bernie Silvers, a former Zen monk.
Meditation and discussion will resume again every Sunday morning from 9:30to 10:45 a.m., beginning September 7, in Room A (building behind Forbes Hall,upstairs). Bernie will again lead the discussions and teach meditation. Beginnersare welcome. For more information contact Bernie.
Holiday Boutique Needs New Sponsor
For more than 10 years, the Social Action Committee had, as one of its projects,the very popular holiday recycling boutique, which enabled members of the congregationto clear out their closets of new and nearly new items and to buy other people’snew and nearly new items at prices more affordable than Macy’s 15-hoursale. The proceeds, which amounted to between $2,000 and $3,000, went to non-profitagencies in our community. We also contributed a fax machine to the farm workersunion office in Oxnard, and $1,000 to the new California Unitarian UniversalistLegislative ministry.
The Social Action Committee has disbanded and we are looking for a committeeor group of energetic people to take over this fun and worthwhile project. Manyitems are left over from last year’s boutique, and also, some wonderfulconsultants are prepared to meet with any group or committee to help keep thisproject going. Sunday, November 30, has been put on the church’s calendaras the date for this year’s boutique.
Commitments should be be made as soon as possible to leave time to properlyput the boutique together. Please call Sylvia Berke, JanFolick, or Marge Zifferblatt if you are interested.
-- Sylvia Berke
Art Note
Calling all artists who are members of our be part of theOur Own Artists exhibit in December on our gallery wall in Forbes Hall.For more information, call Shirlee Frank.
Name Tag Reminder
It's September. Please start the season right by wearing your name tag!
Items Worth More Than $50 Sought for Mini-Auctions
Have you noticed the mini-auction that was posted on the bulletin board inthe Forbes Hall seating alcove? We sold a set of Shakespeare books and a PalmPDA with a keyboard. This money will go to the building fund.
The next item for sale will be a Macintosh G3 computer, complete with monitor,extra memory, software, and manuals. Other items will be sold when they aredonated. Donors will receive a receipt for income tax credit.
Items must be worth at least $50 used. Unless they are things that have appreciatedin value, they should have been several hundred dollars new. If you have somethingto auction, please contact Carol Agate.
Vacation Month
The Rev. Judith Meyer is on vacation for the month of July. If you need ministerialservices while she is away, please call the church office for a referral.
Committee on Ministry Wants to Hear from You
Several times a year, the committee on ministry meets with JudithMeyer to discuss issues involving her ministry and to serve as a soundingboard for her related ideas. The committee's primary function is to providean annual evaluation of the minister and to present it to the board. To thisend, the committee conducts interviews with a number of congregational members.Although formal interviewing takes place at the end of the calendar year, wewelcome congregation members' input at any time.
You may send comments to any of the committee members, currently AudreyLyness, Felicity Nussbaum, and Karen Raiford.You may also address your comments to Jerry Gates, liaisonto the board. We look forward to hearing from you about the strengths and challengesto the minister at our church.
-- Audrey Lyness
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Election Update: No on LV Wins
Why and How to Access the "For Members" Section of
Are You Aware (Memory)?
Profiled - A documentary film by Kathleen Foster
Saturday, December 10, 7:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary