News & Announcements Archive
Nominees are Wanted for Board of Directors
The nominating committee is developing the Board of Directors slate that willbe presented at the annual meeting. Several positions must be filled this year.At a minimum, these will be president, treasurer and member(s) at large. Ifyou have thoughts or suggestions about people or characteristics that you thinkshould be considered, please contact any member of the Nominating Committee:Kathy Cook, John Fels, S.J. Guidotti, Audrey Lyness, Victor Paddock, or LindaVan Lighten.
Interweave Appreciates Your Help
Interweave thanks members of the congregation who so generously donated clothes- including sweatshirts, socks, and jeans - and travel-size hygiene supplies- shampoo, conditioners, soaps, lotions, deodorant, razors, and feminine hygieneproducts - along with money to Common Ground's Westside Homeless Youth PeerEducation Program. Your response was overwhelming.
We'll continue to collect items on an intermittent basis, so if you have moreto donate please drop it off at church or contact Judy Federick.Thank you again.
Dining for Dollars -- the A-Team
We want to say a special thank you to our crack volunteers who year after yearsucceed in putting together our favorite fundraiser for this church. This yearPat Gomez joined the small four-member committee, and wrote the program to createa database to make the committee's work easier. Pat has put in hours of timeto get everything to work properly. Thank you, Pat, for your efforts.
Helen Burns is the committee chair. She uses her expertise in all areas sowe function like a well-oiled machine. Her extensive knowledge of our membersand their families prevents errors in issuing tickets. A big job she also handlesis all the telephone calls and changes. Thank you, Helen, for your leadership.
Sue Moore types all auction information for the newsletter and order of serviceinsert, and performs sundry other tasks. Thank you, Sue, for your support.
Shirlee Frank is the master solicitor, signing up many of our hosts. She alsolends her hand organizing the paperwork, writing the "Thank you" letters, anddoing many hand-lettering jobs. Thank you, Shirlee, for your selflessness.
Charles Haskell made new posters for the choir concert and pancake breakfastevents.
Sandra Trutt is in charge of typing the tickets and is the team's utility player.Thank you, Sandra.
The success of our Dining for Dollars fundraising and the camaraderie of small,intimate dinners that cement our community are due in large part to this committee'sefforts. Thanks also go to the office staff for support and to the bidders whomake Dining for Dollars a success.
Thank you, Dining for Dollars A-team!
Undy Sunday was a Great Success...
Thanks to all of you who provided underwear for the homeless. You are indeeda generous community. The final tally:
Secret Pals Program Will Resume This Year
The Secret Pals program is a month-long event bringing together new friendsfrom different generations through the exchange of letters and "clues." Onceyou sign up to be a secret pal, you will be assigned a secret pal to leave messagesfor, and someone else will be assigned to leave secret pal clues for you. Thematching is done so that every adult is leaving clues for a child, and eachchild is leaving clues for an adult. And we need lots of adults - not just parents- to sign up to be the secret pals.
Signups will take place through February 5, and the program will kick off onFebruary 12 after each service, when you'll be given the name of your Pal, andwill have an opportunity to decorate your goodie bag. Then from February 19to March 12, make sure to leave clues, or letters, or photo hints (Baby photo?Extreme close-up of your eye? Be creative!), etc. in your Pal's bag each week.
Mark your calendars now for March 18, 7 to 9 p.m. for our secret pals party,when all will be revealed. So, whether you're a kid or a grown-up, don't missout on this great opportunity to get to know more about someone new at UUCCSM- or maybe someone you already know. Be on the lookout for signup tables inForbes Hall. For more information, contact Catherine Farmer at the church office.
Thank You
John-Michael and Karl Lisovsky, who tookdown the Christmas decorations on New Year's Eve; to Arvid Knudsen,head greeter for the 11 a.m. service, who has organized a cadre of church peopleto welcome everyone as they come to church Sunday morning; to CarolynBerry, for providing home hospitality to Jim and BettyGrant while they were with us during Judith's sabbatical; to JackiWeber and the Stewardship Committee, for the bestpledge drive ever.
Your Services are Needed to Help Us Raise Money
Please join us in helping to balance the church budget. During February andearly March we are asking you to donate personal services that can be auctionedto our congregants and friends in the spring. Please come by the gallery wallin Forbes Hall after church and talk with one of our volunteers about thesedonations.
Questions about this fund-raising effort can also be addressed to LeslieReuter or (818) 451-9175, or Kathy Cook. This is agreat way to help our church and to honor the part of our church covenant thatstates "service is our prayer."
Nominating Committee Seeking Recommendations for Candidates
The Nominating Committee is starting work on the slate for the Board of Directorsand for the Nominating Committee to present at the annual meeting. Each yearseveral positions must be filled: all officers, three members at large, andtwo nominating committee positions. This year new people must be elected toserve as president and treasurer because the incumbents have each served threeyears. If you have thoughts or suggestions about people or characteristics thatyou think should be considered, please contact any member of the NominatingCommittee: Kathy Cook, John Fels, SJ Guidotti, Audrey Lyness, Victor Paddock,or Linda Van Lighten.
Music Committee Provides Opportunity for New Talent to Perform on Sunday
February 5 will be our second Church Talent Sunday. These are the music program'seffort to showcase the talent in our congregation, to give the less experienceda chance to perform, to generate involvement of church members in the services,and to enrich our community coming together in this way.
We've just begun, and we're looking for more members who would like to takepart. You don't have to be the next Elvis or Sinatra to do it (though if youare, we'd be thrilled to give you your start), but if you sing or play an instrument,then please sign up.
If you'd like to have Louis accompany you, all you need is a chart of the pieceyou want to perform. If you'd like to team up with different instruments orother vocalists, let us know what you're looking for, and we'll do our bestto match you up.
For more information or to sign up contact Peter van den Beemt.Come join us and contribute to our church in a whole new way.
February Will Be Bidding Time on Dining for Dollars Events
Dining for Dollars bidders alert: Be in Forbes Hall on Sunday, February 19and 26, to bid on more than 70 wonderful events. More information? Contact HelenBurns.
Give the Church Your Services and Your Unwanted Christmas Gifts
$So Much to Do, $So Little Time Committee is working to raise money to helpbalance the church budget. This month we are asking you to donate personal servicesand to bring unwanted gifts to the church on Sunday, January 8, for re-givingSunday.
Please come by the gallery wall in Forbes Hall after church and talk with oneof our volunteers about these donations. Questions about this fund raising effortmay be addressed to Leslie Reuter or Kathy Cook.
Church Member is Lecturing at Getty
UCLA Professor Joanna Woods- Marsden will give a lecture,"Titian's portrait of Alfonso d'Avalos in its Political and Artistic Contexts,"in the J. Paul Getty Museum lecture hall, Sunday, January 8, 4 p.m.,in Brentwood. You are invited to attend.
Our Next Food Sort is January 24
Will you help the church help the Westside Food Bank? We're needed to sortthe cans, packages, and jars of food donated to the Food Bank to feed the hungry.The boxes we fill are delivered to nearby social service agencies and food pantries.Please give two hours of your time on Tuesday night, January 24, from 5 7 p.m. and join our food sort at the Food Bank, 1710 22nd St., Santa Monica.For additional details, contact PaulaBernstein. All are welcome,including families with children. Please participate in this important activity.It's fun and it's rewarding.
Celebrate Ernie's 50th Anniversary
On Sunday, March 12, we will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of calling Rev.Ernest D. Pipes, Jr. to serve as our minister. Now emeritus, Ernie will givethe sermon at both services on that date, and Ernie and Maggie will be honoredin Forbes Hall following both services.
Tell Your Friends About Our Opening for Adminstrator
The following ad has been posted to our website,to Craig's list, the PSWD e-mail list, and other locations. Please considerthe qualifications below and refer friends and acquaintances who you think wouldfit and would enjoy the job.
"We seek a Congregational Administrator for the liberal, 75-year-old UnitarianUniversalist Community Church of Santa Monica. This team leader will assurethe church's administrative, financial, facility, and communication needsare met with the assistance of paid staff and member volunteers. The CongregationalAdministrator reports directly to the minister. The applicant should haveexperience with management of a small enterprise and staff supervision. TheAdministrator must be well organized, skilled in office applications for computers,well versed in office practices and financial reporting, a clear communicator,and possess strong interpersonal skills. Consideration of applicants willbegin on January 8. To express interest in this position, please mail a coverletter and resume to the Chair, Administrator Search Committee, UnitarianUniversalist Community Church, 1260 Eighteenth Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404or by e-mail to:"
UUCF Prayer Meetings Suspended
The Santa Monica UU Christian Fellowship Prayer Group is no longer meetingon the first Sunday of each month at our church. If you wish to help them beginagain, please contact Iris Jue or Achim Jung.
For collating the Sunday Order of Service we thank: Irene Hollandand Gist Lavoie, who have retired after many years on the job;Peggy Butler, Michael Young, and AnneMacQueen, who continue; and our new volunteers, Ellen Boag,Helen Brown, and Serena Shames. We are alsofortunate to have Anne serving as coordinator of office volunteers.
Christmas Notices
- Christmas eve, December 24, UCLA parking will be available from 5 to 10p.m.
- There will be only one service on December 25, at 10 a.m.
- The church office will be closed for the holidays on Monday, December 26and January 2.
Holiday Children's Events
Toy Drive
On Sundays, December 4 and 11, we'll be collecting toys for the Santa MonicaHead Start program's holiday party. This year, we need a total of 30 unisexgifts for three-to-five-year-olds that are new, unopened, and unwrapped. Dropthem off in the "Head Start" box at the foot of the Arizona entrance stairs.This year, we're taking signups so we know how many gifts to expect. Pleasesign up on November 27 or December 4 at the RE table in Forbes Hall during coffeehour, or contact Catherine Farmer.
Holiday Cookie Bake
All are invited to the Holiday Cookie Bake on Saturday, December 3, from 2to 4 p.m. in Forbes Hall. Bring an uncooked batch of cookies and we'll bakeand decorate cookies together-and sample afew. Then we'll pack up our cookiesto be sent to the Santa Monica Head Start Christmas party. Bring cookie cutters,cookie sheets, rolling pins, aprons, and your batch of cookie dough. Bring thewhole family. To RSVP, or for more information, contact Catherine Farmer.
Pay Your Pledge the Easy Way
Would you like your pledge payments to be taken directly from your bank account?Contact Warren Mathews or Carol Agate to getthe forms you can fill out authorizing the deductions.
There's Still Time to Offer a Meal for the Dining for Dollars Auction
Tantalizing, tasty, toothsome treats to tempt your taste buds have been tenderedby generous members and friends of the church for the Dining for Dollars SilentAuction slated for February 19 and 26. There are 67 contributors to date.
Offers are still being accepted for this auction, which generates income forthe church general fund and fosters community among church members and friends.
To donate, or for more information, call Helen Burns, ShirleeFrank, Sue Moore or Sandra Trutt.
It's Winter and Time Again to Bring Undies to Church
The first two Sundays in January are "Undy Sundays," when we collect new underwearfor the homeless and abused people in Santa Monica. These contributions areappreciated by those agencies that provide cleanliness and shelter to thosein need. If you come across a great sale during your holiday shopping, buy somethingfor this part of our community service. We collect underwear for both gendersand all ages and sizes.
Ponchos for the Homeless
Cold, wet weather is coming soon and many homeless people are going to be verywet unless we act to help them in their time of need. Stop by the Faith in Actiontable and donate $3 or more for the purchase of one or more ponchos for thehomeless. The ponchos will be given to local social service agencies for distribution.For further information contact Charles Haskell or SylviaBerke.
Celebrate Your Commitment November 13
Commitment Sunday is November 13. Celebrate your commitment to the church withbrunch after either service. We'll have champagne and sparkling ciders, chocolates,delectable food, delightful surprises, and fun for kids and adults. Bring yourpledge card (or fill one out onsite) and exchange it for an "I Pledged My Commitment"sticker in the courtyard before the service or in Forbes Hall after the service.That's your admission ticket for brunch.
-Jacki Weber, Stewardship Committee
Won't You Offer to Sponsor a Dining for Dollars Event?
It's that time of the year again. The Dining for Dollars Committee is solicitingoffers of dinners, brunches, weekend retreats, or whatever, for bidding by membersand friends at a silent auction on February 19 and 26.
This is the principal fundraising project of the church and it generated over$24,500 last year, in addition to fostering community among the participants.The events take place from March through November. We welcome your contributions.For information call Helen Burns, Sue Moore, Shirlee Frank, or Sandra Trutt.
Camp de Benneville Pines Needs Brush Clearers
The UUCCSM Friends of Camp de Benneville Pines ask you to consider a work week-endFriday, December 9, through Sunday, December 11. You'll get great food, a hottub, and a warm bed in exchange for work on fire fuel reduction - removing,piling, and chipping brush. Please RSVP to Jerry Moore to plan carpooling.
Kitchen Alert: No More Room
Please, please don't donate things to the kitchen without checking with EllenBoag or Marie Kashmer- Stiebing. The counters and cupboards are overflowingwith objects we don't need and have no room to store. We appreciate your generosity,but space is at a premium and in the future, anything not marked will be disposedof.
One more concern: The dish racks need to be emptied and the dishes put away.There is no one else to do this. Thank you for cooperating.
- Ellen Boag
We're Looking for Scrabble Players
Know more obscure two-letter words than any human should ever have use for?Long for the elusive thrill of a seven-letter "Bingo" - played on a triple-word-scoringspace? Then you're a Scrabble player and we'd love to meet you. Would you liketo get together once a month to play? We plan to start in January. Contact CarolAgate.
Covenant Groups Invite You to Join Them
October's end marked the one-year anniversary of our successful UU CovenantGroup program.
An empty chair in each of our current five groups is reserved for you. We jointogether in behavioral covenant and service projects. After meeting with thegroup for three weeks, a new member may then make a commitment to membership,which is at least six months.
If you take part in this, our second year, through summer or fall, you willhave:
- Explored yourself and your spirituality.
- Served your community and church along with your group in two projects.
- Involved yourself with at least eight people more deeply.
- Helped build and strengthen UUCCSM.
- Practiced listening more deeply.
- Honored others.
- Learned or reinforced leadership skills.
How widely are the covenant group relationships felt? Think of a pond. Imaginethrowing a stone into it. Watch the widening circles - immeasurable.
We welcome all who visit here to explore the opportunity to be a part of covenantgroup, to sign up for facilitator training, and/or work with the Small GroupMinistry Implementation Team.
- Carol-jean Teuffel
Got Talent? Show it Off!
October 30 will be our first Church Talent Sunday. Church Talent Sundays arethe music program's effort to showcase the talent in our congregation, to givethe less experienced a chance to perform, to generate involvement of churchmembers in the services, and thereby enrich our community.
We've just begun, and we're looking for more members who'd like to take part.You don't have to be the next Elvis or Sinatra to do it (though if you are,we'd be thrilled to give you your start), but if you sing or play, then comesign up.
If you'd like to have Louis Durra accompany you, all you need is a chart ofthe piece you want to perform. If you'd like to team up with a different instrumentor other vocalists, let us know what you're looking for, and we'll do our bestto match you up.
If you'd like to sign up, come to the music table in Forbes Hall after the11 a.m. service on the 3rd, 4th (or if there is one, 5th) Sunday of the month,and fill out a Church Talent Form.
For more information, contact Peter van den Beemt.
We'll Help Camp De Benneville Pines with Work Parties, Money
UUCCSM wants to show support for Camp de Benneville Pines and its ConferenceCenter and plans to assist with time and/or financial support. There are twowork weekends during the year - one in the spring and one in the fall. Freefood and lodging are provided in exchange for participating in the clean-up,fix-up work parties.
Annual financial support is through "Share the Vision" and endowmentfunds are accepted by "Campfire Lighters" with pledges of $100 peryear for eight years. Help keep de Benneville strong. To join supporters LeslieReuter, Sue and Jerry Moore, Greg Coleman, Linda and Dan Marten, Marv Pulliam,Kathryn and Craig Lee, Carol Agate, Greg Wood and Linda Van Ligten, or to getmore information, please contact Jerry Moore.
Where to Send Newsletter Subissions (Hint: It's Not Carol's "Baby"Any More)
Many people think of this newsletter as Carol Agate's "baby." But over theyears that Carol has been working on it, an editorial team has developed. Today,the newsletter is put together by a lot of people, and Carol is only one memberof this team. But old ideas die hard, and stories keep getting sent to Carol,even when she's not involved in the issue's production. And when Carol doeswork on an issue, her job is not the first step. If you send an article to her,she might not get it in time to forward it to the appropriate person.
All submissions should go to,an address that will automatically forward your message to everyone involvedwith putting the issue together. You don't have to remember the address; justremember to check our masthead - usually on page 10 - where the address andrules of submission appear every month.
- Thanks from the editorial team
Chalice Lighters Needed
Anyone interested in lighting the chalice, please contact Vilma Ortiz.
Linda van Ligten, a nurse, and Nancy Shinno,a physician, have each provided a necessary medical presence during our churchweekends at Camp de Benneville Pines, tending to the minor injuries and specialneeds of our members. Fortunately we haven't kept them too busy, so they havebeen able to enjoy their time in the mountains as well. But we thank them fortaking on the responsibility for our care-and for giving freely of their skills.
Five people have played an important role in maintaining and promoting ourchurch's support of the work of the Westside Shelter and Hunger Coalition. MargeZifferblatt has been our church's liaison to the coalition for manyyears and she has been a tireless advocate of its programs. In the early yearsof Faith in Action, Cathie Gentile led our hunger task forceand helped us establish a liaison with Turning Point and Step Up on Second.More recently, Lyn Armondo has coordinated monthly dinnersat Step Up on Second. Assisted by her husband, George Armondo,and a small band of dedicated volunteers, this program has flourished underLyn's direction. Janet Goodwin has served a similar coordinatingfunction for periodic meals at Turning Point, and Paula Bernstein hascoordinated our twice-yearly food sorts at the Westside Food Bank.
- Kris Langabeer
Homeless Women's Shelter Needs Gifts of Frozen Food
Our church needs help to provide food on the first Sunday of every month toa Santa Monica day shelter for homeless mentally ill women. This populationis very vulnerable. Many of these women are frightened, confused, hungry, thirsty,forced to sleep outdoors, robbed or raped. So please help if you possibly can.
Food items must be fully cooked and then frozen. This is a great project foranyone who loves to cook. If you are over-scheduled but want to help, it isfine to buy prepared food and just freeze it. Can't do either? Donation checksare always welcome.
A Reminder to Everyone About Garage Parking
Although the Planning Commission unanimously approved our building plans, thatapproval has been appealed by a neighbor. The reason? Parking.
No one who spoke against our plans had anything negative to say about our churchor us. What they did say was that parking remains a significant concern.
Happily we have a solution: the UCLA hospital parking garage-only two shortblocks west. Although many of us use the garage, more of us could. If you needto drop off passengers at the church, do so. But then proceed to the structureto park.
As part of our church project, the Wednesday Night Covenant Group is askingfor your help. Let's ease the discomfort of our neighbors, who have always beenfriends. Let's use the parking garage (or Wilshire Blvd. and Santa Monica Blvd.metered spots) on Sunday and enjoy the two-block walk to our special place.We can do this.
We are part of a wonderful church. We are so fortunate to be able to gatherand share our lives, beliefs, and dreams together, right here.
- Paulette Katz
Choir Records CD of Dining for Dollars Performance
SteveWight, our music director, on July 10 volunteered his time and his house/recordingstudio to re-record professionally the choir's Dining for Dollars event. LouisDurra, our pianist/organist volunteered his time and his 10 talented fingers.Members of the choir who were available to record volunteered their time andtheir voices. The result was a great recording of many of the songs at the Diningfor Dollars event. The CD will be available in the fall at the music table inForbes Hall for $5.
Leslie Reuter is Honored
Leslie Reuter has received an award from Camp de Benneville Pines. The PatronAward was given to her "in recognition of outstanding financial contributionto the George de Benneville Endowment Fund." The citation adds, "Thank you forbeing a caretaker of our camp."
Ordination Collection Benefits School
President Carol Kerr, The Revs. Ernie Pipes, Stefanie Etzbach- Dale, and JudithMeyer at Stefanie Etzbach-Dale's ordination on June 19 at our church. A collectionat the ordination ceremony yielded a donation of just over $800 to Stefanie'salma mater, Meadville Lombard Theological School.
Your Clutter is Our Treasure
Contact Ed Field or Phil Bonacich to donateitems to the UU Mens' Group September garage sale.
Mother's Day Picnic was a Huge Success
Moms,children, fathers, in-laws - it was everybody's Mother's Day potluck party inour own Anderson Courtyard. (There were two people with no food, and we fedthem, too.) A wonderful automatic bubble machine, thanks to Jacki Weber whobrought it, triggered gales of laughter as children leapt about trying to catchthe bubbles. Thanks to the unofficial volunteers who set up tables and chairs.The picnic was a gratifyingly good time for all.
- Serena Shames
Extended Family Picnic will be Held on July 10
We had so much fun at the Mother's Day picnic we've decided to do it again.So mark your datebook and get out your cooler. Sunday, July 10, in the 17thStreet lot after service, we'll have a picnic, along with balls, bubbles andmore for the young 'uns and nice conversation for the over 10 set. Everyone'sinvited. We hope to mix up the generations and share our lunches. No need toRSVP. Just show up and bring your own lunch. For more information, contact JackiWeber.
Board Members Have a New Role in the Sunday Morning Services
Starting in July, each Sunday a member of the church board will play a roleby carrying out the welcoming part of the service. This will increase the members'awareness of who is serving on their board.
Another Successful Food Sort
UUCCSMvolunteers (here with Bruce Rankin, director of the Westside Food Bank, secondfrom right) completed another successful food sort at the Food Bank in SantaMonica on June 16, filling boxes of canned goods, packages of groceries, andjars of baby food collected by letter carriers in their May food drive. Theboxes are distributed by agencies sponsoring food pantries for hungry people(mostly the working poor) on the Westside. Our church participates in thesefood sorts in June and December
Our Ordinations
On Sunday, June 12, our formerFaith in action intern, Susan Conrad, was ordained by the FirstParish in Cambridge, MA. The Rev. Judith Meyer preached the sermon. Susan willbe moving back to the West Coast to spend a year as a chaplain intern at AltaBates hospital in Berkeley. The Rev. Jory Agate, Minister of Religious Educationat the First Parish in Cambridge, also participated in the service. (Jory isCarol's daughter.) Church members Pat and Ned Wright, as well as David Denton,were present for the ordination ceremony.
On Sunday, June 19, in our sanctuary, our former ministerial intern, StefanieEtzbach-Dale (right) was ordained by the congregation.
Living Green Group Launches
The Seventh Principle of the UUA is "Respect for the interdependent web ofall existence of which we are a part." So we have started an e-mail conversationabout "Living Green," discussing ways to leave a lighter footprint on the earth.To join in, go to
Here are two tips from our group that we would like to share with you:
1. Buy paper towels, tissue, and toilet paper made from 100% recycled paper.(Sold at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods.)
2. Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs to save energy.
Contact Sandra Trutt for more information.
Save Items for Men's Group Rummage Sale on Sept. 23
The UUCCSM Men's Group has scheduled a rummage sale to raise money for thechurch. It will be held in Forbes Hall on Friday evening, September 23, forchurch members only, and opened to the general public on Saturday, September24, at 9 a.m. Meanwhile, it's not too early to start sorting and saving salableitems you no longer need. Contact Ed Field if you wish to donateitems for sale, or if you would like to help out. We could use extra hands,a dolly, and a truck.
Our Capital Campaign Need You
The Capital Campaign is in full bloom. Have you completed your pledge sheet?Members of the Capital Campaign committee are in Anderson Courtyard each Sundaybefore and after services. Walk right up and complete your pledge sheet. Nowis the chance to build our church and our community. Your participation is whatmakes it work. Contactl Ron Crane. Build now.
Volunteers are Needed for Stefanie's Reception
If you can donate finger foods (appetizers, small sandwiches, cookies, etc.)for the reception following Stefanie Etzbach-Dale's ordination, please contactKit Shaw. And don't forget you are all invited to the ordinationand celebration on Sunday, June 19, at 7 p.m. There will be enough time forthose who go to Camp de Benneville Pines to also attend the ordination.
Your Unclaimed Raffle Prizes May Be Picked Up on June 5
Many of the prizes in the shopping bag raffle remain unclaimed. The unidentifiedtickets are the following:
Trader Joe tote bag-2883
Japanese vase-2878
Museum stationery-2926
TV turntable-2813
Cassette player-3082
Hair brush-2900
Book light-2817
Cassette player with radio-2734
Combo drive-2733
Storage cabinet-2780
Lenox sugar and creamer-2736
Prizes may be picked up after both services on June 5. Check the order of serviceannouncements. Prizes that remain unclaimed after a few weeks will be addedto the September rummage sale.
The total proceeds from the raffle were $280, which will go into the church'sgeneral fund to make a tiny dent in this fiscal year's deficit. The raffle hada mix of costly and inexpensive items and showed that we do much better on costlyitems. A future raffle may be held for items worth at least $100. Please contactCarol Agate if you have something to contribute.
Learn How to Use the Web; Teach How to Use the Web
People who subscribe to the newsletter online receive it about a week earlierthan others and see it in color. Some people in our congregation don't subscribebecause they don't understand computers or cannot afford them.
Computers are available at the public library, and we may have members whowould like to receive their newsletters there. If you would like to give peoplea lesson in accessing the internet at the public library, please contact CarolAgate to volunteer. You don't have to be a techie. All you need dois show people how to open a free e-mail account on Yahoo, or one of the otherservices, how to get their e-mail after they have their account, and how toaccess the internet.
If you are one of the people who would like to see the newsletter in color,or have any other reason for wanting to learn how to use the library computers,also contact Carol.
Jobs, Anyone?
Our church youth are looking for summer employment and internships. If youor your company can employ intelligent, hard working, principled and eager youngpeople, contact Ron Crane. UU Youth are available for interviews.