News & Announcements Archive
Charles Haskell's photo (above) of members of our congregation marchingagainst war has been used as a banner heading on the UUA web site on a rotating basis with other photos. It is now theletterhead used by the UUAWashington Office for Advocacy in their weekly e-mails. To subscribe, go to
Marriage EqualityTraining on September 7
A free workshop to help UUs and other people offaith become more effective advocates for the freedomto marry will be held on Sunday, September 7, 12:45p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the cottage.We need to convince100,000 "moveable middle" voters in Los AngelesCounty to help protect marriage equality by voting"No" on Pro p. 8 this November 4.The workshop will be led by Vivien Hao, who is theDirector of Communications and CommunityResources for the UU Legislative Ministry, California(UULM-CA). This training will help you speak moreeloquently and confidently to your family, neighbors,colleagues, and the general public about this importanthuman rights issue.Lunch will be provided at noon in Forbes for a smalldonation to support marriage equality.
How to Submit Your Articlesand Photos to the Newsletter
The newsletter welcomes your articles and photosabout UUCCSM. Please e-mail them or leave them in the newslettermailbox in the church office. The newsletter deadlineis noon on the 15th of every month. Articles shouldgenerally be under 450 words. Photo captions appreciated.Articles may be edited by the newsletter staff.
Summer Retirement Party for Judith
Sunday, August 24,11 a.m. to noonfollowing the 10 a.m. service.Details are still being planned.Volunteers are needed.Contact the church officeto join the retirement party team.
Can You Help Choose Our Settled Minister?
The Nominating Committee has the responsibilityof nominating a slate of nine candidates for theSettled Minister Search Committee. Although weare still enjoying Judith's care until August 31 and aninterim minster, Rev. Roberta Haskin, has been chosento help us for up to two years in our transition to a newminister, we recognize that our committee needs tomove without delay to develop a list of people interestedin being a part of the Search Committee. More informationwill be forthcoming in the next few months as wedevelop criteria for committee membership, but themain and obvious consideration is the amount of timerequired to be thoroughly and continually involved forthe duration of the process. This work may well requirea minimum of 20 hours monthly for more than a year.If you think you might be interested and/or want toknow more, please contact the Nominating Committeeby e-mail at or call the churchoffice at (310) 829-5436. Leave a message with yourname, phone, and e-mail address and we will be intouch. Thank you.
- Your Nominating Committee:Rob Briner, Liza Cranis, Cathie Gentile,Dayla McDonald, Karen Patch, and Pam Teplitz
Limited space is stillavailable as UUCCSMmembers and friends head tobeautiful Camp de Benneville Pines, locatedin the San Bernardino Mountains just 100 miles east ofSanta Monica, for a fun-filled and relaxing weekendtogether. This year's annual retreat weekend is June 13through 15.
Singles, couples, and families young and old enjoyclean mountain air, lots of activities, great food and fellowship.Rustic heated cabins are clean and comfortable,with indoor plumbing and hot showers, for "roughingit, gently." Registration for the weekend (generallyunder $150/person with discounts for kids) includestwo nights lodging, meals Friday night through Sundaylunch, and all kinds of activities from archery to canoeing,yoga to mindfulness meditation, dam building tosing-a-longs, adult hot-tubbing and a pool with a lifeguard.Please contact Margot Page, de Benneville WeekendRegistrar, at (310) 821-5169 with any questions.
Do you have a skill or talent to share? We are lookingfor people to lead activities and workshops during theweekend. We would like to provide a variety of workshopsfor all ages and tastes, so please get in touch withus if you plan to attend the weekend and would be willingto lead an activity.
Want to sample the camp experience by DVD? Wehave a limited number of copies of a short film that capturesthe essence of our beloved camp.
Contact Jacki Weber, de Benneville Weekend ProgramDean orAmy Lacombe, Vice-Program Dean, or Margot Page. More information on de Bennevilleis at
A Big Step Up for Disabled Members and Guests
People with physical disabilities will now find it easierto reach the chancel, thanks to the sturdy aluminumramp we have just purchased. People in wheelchairs ormotorized scooters, or anyone who just can't climbstairs, can now get from the sanctuary floor up to thechancel for choir performances, other music performances,lighting the chalice, or making announcements.
In order to leave passageways in the sanctuaryclear, the ramp is being stored on the floor to the rightof the doors into Forbes Hall. Since it takes two peopleto unfold it and set it up for each use, please notify thechurch office in advance if you will need it. Instructionsfor use will be placed with the ramp.
We've worked on this for a long time, and are gratefulto those who met, measured, discussed, designed,compared, e-mailed, and finally completed this project:Carol Agate, Melinda Ewen, S.J. Guidotti, JoeHardin, Karl Lisovsky, Ren Renshaw, Peggy Rhoads, andSara van Dyck. Pat Parkerton deserves special thanks asthe key, the person who came up with the solution.Church members should be proud that this is anotherstep toward making our services truly welcoming toeveryone.
- Sara van Dyckand members of the Disabilities Subcommittee
Thank You!
Pat Parkerton, who led two town hall meetings on thebuilding program last month. Pat has shown us how tocome together to hear each other's concerns and staytogether to build consensus. Our appreciation goes toher for her leadership skill, for the time she has given toour process, and for her contribution to our buildingprogram.
Guidelines for Sunday Announcements and Flyers and Tables in Forbes
Happily, our congregation isinvolved in many activities,which requires management of our spatial resources,especially on Sunday.
Melinda Ewen, director of administration, pointsout that there is limited space for announcements andflyers in the Sunday morning order of service. To makeit possible for the greatest number of requests for spaceto be met, Melinda often needs to edit text submittedfor announcements. Events held outside the church orby non-UUCCSM organizations can be submitted forthe "Opportunities Outside Our Church" announcementsection, which is e-mailed and posted on bulletinboards, but not printed in the order of service. There isa limit of two flyers (four sides) in each OOS, which mayrestrict flyer use to one time only. Deadline forannouncements and flyers is 8 a.m. every Thursday
Melinda and our other office professionals, HollyNguyen and Rima Snyder, also assign floor space fortables and displays in Forbes Hall on Sunday. If youhave need for either publicity or a presence in Forbes,please call the church office staff, who will be pleased toassist you.
Why Attend the May 18 Annual Meeting?
To give your final OK so we can start building.
To elect the people who will appoint the committeeto find our next minister.
To decide where to spend and what to cutfrom next year's budget.
Need more reasons?See our president's column.
Dining for Dollars Again a Success
The Dining for Dollars silent auction is over but thefun is just beginning. We hope that the successful bidderswill enjoy themselves and take pride in havingcontributed $24,000 to the Church's general fund whenthe collections are completed.
Many thanks to all those who offered events fromwhich we could choose and plaudits to their creativitywhich seems to rise annually. Thanks also to the 150-plus bidders who made this endeavor a financial success.
Finally, none of this would have materialized withoutthe hundreds of hours spent by our committeemembers in pulling this together. Sue Moore, NatalieKahn, and Nels Hanson comprised our computer division,and Gerrie Lambson stepped up to the platewhenever needed.
Our cup runneth over with gratitude.
- Helen Burns, Dining for Dollars Committee Chair
Malibu Family Campout
Last month's Malibu Family Campout featured pink paper umbrellas and hot banana splits. You can ask organizer Chris Brown for the recipe. |
Thank You...
To the volunteers who provided the reception the memorial service for Wally Giffen:Thank you to Nancy Howell, Patrick Burrows, Nancy Shinno, Amy Lacombe, and GerrieLambson, for making it possible for us to offer the hospitality of our church to Wally'sout-of-town family and friends, and to all the people who came to be together on that day.
Mark Your Calendar for All-Church Retreat Weekend
On Father's Day weekend each year, UUCCSM membersand friends head to beautiful Camp de BennevillePines, located in theSan BernardinoMountains just 100miles east of SantaMonica, for a funfilledand relaxingweekend together.This year's annualretreat weekend isJune 13 to 15.
Singles, couples, andfamilies enjoy clean mountain air, lots of activities,great food and fellowship. Heated cabins are clean andcomfortable, with indoorplumbing and hot showers.Registration fees willbe announced shortly viaa flier in Sunday services.Sign ups will be taken inForbes Hall April 20 and27. Please contact MargotPage, de Benneville WeekendRegistrar, with any questions.
Do you have a skillor talent to share? Weare looking for peopleto lead activities andworkshops during theweekend. We wouldlike to provide a va rietyof workshops forall ages and tastes, soplease get in touchwith us if you plan toattend the weekend andwould be willing to lead an activity.Want to sample the campexperience by DVD? Wehave a number of copies ofa film that captures theessence of our belovedcamp. Contact Jacki Weber,Weekend Program Dean orAmy Lacombe, ProgramVice-Dean.More information on deBenneville is at
"Love, Sex and the Human Condition"
This is the title of a book written by Lex Crane,published just last June. It has been describedas "a penetrating account of the currenthuman condition, and of what it takes to befully alive and engaged today." It guides readersthrough the maze of influences on our livestoward a freedom rarely found. Price $16. Lexwill sign copies of the book after both servicesMarch 2.
Help Wanted
The personnel committee is short one member. Ifyou have some human resources experience - oreven if you don't - and would like to serve thechurch on this committee, please contact S.J.Guidotti.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Girl Scout Cookies are Coming
This year, threescouts from threedifferent troops willbe selling Girl ScoutCookies after both serviceson March 2,March 9, andperhaps afterthat.
We sell cooperativelywith the goal of benefitting all three troops,who make 75 cents per box to fund all of their activities:service, camping, and leadership work.
As in past years you may wish to buy cookies:
Second Annual UUCCSM Malibu Family Campout
Ocean breezes. Good conversation. S'moresand chillin' and good things grillin'. Hikes,folksinging, and comaraderie with fellow SantaMonica UUs - yes folks, it's the Malibu FamilyCampout.
The details: February 29 to March 2, Fridayevening to Sunday midday, at La Jolla GroupCamp Site, only 30 miles from Santa Monica.Come for two nights, one night, or just the day.Running water and flush toilets available, but noshowers.
All ages - all welcome. Cost is a mere $10 forboth nights, $5 for one. That price does notinclude meals. You'll be asked to contribute to ameal or meals from one of our meal coordinators.
Space for 50 people - this will sell out. Paymentholds your spot. Check (to UUCCSM) orcash to Melinda Ewen. For more info contact ChrisBrown.
• To Susan Marsh, for volunteering to be anadult participant at the Senior High wintercamp at de Benneville Pines.
• To the Faith-in-Action Commission and toeveryone who contributed to our generouscongregation offering for the OPCC BuildingFund. Our church donated $5,000 in all,fulfilling our pledge.
Each Month...
...the status of the capital campaign and the expenditures to date is posted on the new building bulletin board in the Forbes Hall alcove.
Office Update
We have yet another change to report among thechurch office staff. I regretfully accepted the resignationof Carmen Haley, our previous RE-OfficeAssistant, in December. The silver lining to thatcloud is that Rima Snyder, who is active in ourchoir and Music Committee, has agreed to fill infor that position temporarily, until the PersonnelCommittee can complete a real "search" for thisjob.We are thrilled to have Rima on board!
- Melinda Ewen,Director of Administration
Westside Shelter and HungerCoalition Seeks Support
The Westside Shelter and Hunger Coalitionwould like to ask again for your support of theWestside Winter Shelter Program. As you mayalready know, the Winter Shelter program is a seasonalproject that operates from Decemberthrough March and provides shelter to 310 homelesspeople each night at the West Los Angelesand Culver City Armories. This year EIMAGO (adivision of the Union Rescue Mission) is operatingthe project and has subcontracted with NewDirections, Inc., to provide the evening hot mealand sack lunch distributed each morning. Thisyear we are requesting your assistance in the followingways:
Thank You...
Volunteers who areworking for our StewardshipProgram onthis year's operatingbudget drive: BronwenJones, RhondaPeacock, Laurel Bleak,Marsha Smith, Sanjeev Jain,Beth Rendeiro, Sue Bickford, Amy Thiel, Phyllis Kory,Linda Van Ligten, Julie Kinsinger, Karen Patch, JackiPaddock, Patricia Wright, Phil Bonacich, Rob Briner,Victor Paddock, Carol Agate, Jacki Weber, Ron Crane,Ofelia Lachtman, and Carlos Morales.
Adults who helped with the YRUU (Young ReligiousUnitarian Universalists) Halloween Dance: MargotPage, Dorothy Steinecke, Leah Moore, Iris Jue,MelissaWeaver, Jacki Paddock, Linda Van Ligten, Debbie Menzies,Kris Langabeer, Gretchen Goetz, Cindee Hallinan,Anne Hanson,Tom Kafka, Chris Brown, SarahGaillot, Karen Patch, Janie Spencer, and Liza Cranis.Their support of our youth program is a great gift toour entire congregation and to UNICEF, which receivedthe $400 raised that day.
Thanks to the people who helped us with the task ofclearing everything out of the 17th Street property,which is set to be demolished shortly: Sanjeev Jain,Cheyton Jain,Marv Pulliam, S.J. Guidotti, Ron Crane,John Fels, Kathy Cook,Melanie Sharp, Karl Lisovsky,Bill Dimpfl, Ren Renshaw, and Sandra Trutt.
Thanks also to people who helped to move and sortmusic and religious education materials: Beth Rendeiro,Liza Cranis, Bronwen Jones, Rima Snyder, NorbGallery, and to our conscientious staff, who madeevery deadline.
Undy Sundays are Coming
In the past you have provided hundreds of underwearitems for men, women, and children in need.While used clothing is distributed regularly, underwearis not included. That is why new underwear is so welcomefor those who finally get access to a shower.
Underwear you have contributed has been distributedto the OPCC, the Access Center, Sojourn, Step Upon Second, and the rape crisis center at Santa MonicaUCLA Hospital.
As you go about shopping for the holidays, keep aneye out for sales in underwear. Your contributions willbe collected on every Sunday in January. Let the spiritof the holidays extend to those most in need.
- Gerrie Lambson
Spend Labor Day weekendat Camp de Benneville Pines
Janet James, director of Camp de Benneville Pines, reports that the groupthat had reserved the camp for Labor Day has cancelled. Therefore, this comingLabor Day weekend will be a district-wide Labor Day Celebration at de Benneville.It will be laid-back, with little programming and much rest, relaxation,and great food. We will probably have some crafts and yoga also. The cost of the weekend (for normalaccommodations) is $150, which is great for a three-day event.
This is not a UUCCSM event, but rather an event hosted by the camp itself, available to the entire district, and opento anyone who would like to attend - UU or not. If you are interested in a relaxing, low-cost, end-of-summer weekendin the mountains, check it out. Also, please pass information about this opportunity to anyone you know who might beinterested. Thanks.
Service | Adults | Kids | Teachers |
9 a.m. | 69 | 31 | 11 |
11 a.m. | 139 | 21 | 7 |
Total church membership: 450 (June 12, 2007)
Be a Good Neighbor -- Use the UCLA Parking Garage
We encourage all our members and friends to parkat the UCLA Garage at 1311 16th Street. Also, you cannow print out your own parking passes for the garage.Thanks for helping us be good neighbors.
Judith is on Vacation
The Rev. Judith Meyer is out of the pulpit during the month of July, but she'll return with new stories for young and old. Also, please note: the church office will be closed on Wednesday, July 4. |
The Great Moving Day is Postponed
The Great Moving Day of August 18 has been overtakenby events. The current schedule for occupancyof the Blue Cottage is October 1. The Fall REprogram will therefore commence in Forbes Hall as inprevious years. Moving to the Blue Cottage will not drivenby the time pressure of the RE schedule and will takeplace according to other Phase 2 milestones, such as themodification to Forbes Hall.
As the process moves forward, and necessary cityapprovals are granted, you will be informed of the newdates. In the meantime, there will be a lot of work to do toprepare for vacating Forbes Hall. The Transition Committeewill keep the congregation abreast of these matters asplans are firmed up. Watch the newsletter and the weeklyannouncements for more information.