News & Announcements Archive
Warren Mathews Honored
A resolution was passed at the May 20annual congregational meeting to honorWarren Mathews by naming the conferenceroom in the Blue Cottage the"Warren Mathews Conference Room"in honor of his four decades ofinvaluable management guidance.
An Intrepid Crew Repaired and Painted...
...the walls in our sanctuary during the month ofMay: S.J. Guidotti, Karl Lisovsky, Ren Renshaw,Bill Dimpfl, and Sherry Handa (not pictured).
Thank You...
. . . to volunteers fromthe Board, StewardshipCommittee, and Membership& LeadershipCommittee, who hosteda welcoming dinner for ournew members. Thanks to MelanieSharp, Marsha Smith and Laurel Bleak, who cochairedthe event, and to Audrey Lyness, CaroljeanTeuffel,Linda Van Ligten and Greg Wood,Melinda Ewen and S.J. Guidotti, CatherineFarmer, Rob Briner, Phil Bonacich, Sanjeev andSusan Jain, Marv Pulliam and Nedra Bickel, DaylaMcDonald, Bronwen Jones and Tom Hamilton,Peter van den Beemt, and Kathy Cook for theircontribution to the dinner and to all our newmembers for joining us
.. . . to the members of Lyn Armondo's covenantgroup for providing the reception for the memorialservice for Lyn's husband George
.. . . to our choir for the fabulous concert onMay 5, "I Get a Kick Out of UU." With a programof 22 show tunes, the choir treated us to anevening to remember.
FUUsion works atCamp de Benneville Pines
FUUsion, the group for youthful UUs, spentMother's Day weekend at de Benneville's springwork camp. Six of us went in two cars and spentthe weekend helping out at camp - doing construction,moving hay and wood, painting, andraking. In exchange for our hard work we gotnew friends, delicious meals, a free stay inCraig's Cabin, and a relaxing soak in the hottub. Read more and see more photos at
The Great Moving Day - Saturday, August 18
We need to move everything from the 17th Street facility and everything from Forbes and from the second floor RE rooms. Will you help? Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Holiday Cookie Bake
All are invited to the Holiday Cookie Bake on Saturday,December 2, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Forbes Hall.Bring a brunch dish to share and an uncooked batch ofcookies and we'll bake and decorate cookies together- and sample a few. Then we'll pack up our cookies tobe sent to the Santa Monica Head Start Christmasparty. Bring cookie cutters, cookie sheets, rolling pins,aprons, and your batch of cookie dough. Bring thewhole family. To RSVP, or for more information, contactCatherine Farmer.
Toy Drive
On Sundays, December 3 and 10, we'll be collectingtoys for the Santa Monica Head Start program's holidayparty. This year we need approximately 35 unisex giftsthat are new, unopened, and unwrapped for three-tofive-year-olds. Drop them off in the "Head Start" box atthe foot of the Arizona entrance stairs. This year we'retaking signups so we know how many gifts to expect.Please sign up on November 26 or December 3 at theHead Start table in Forbes Hall during coffee hour, orcontact Catherine Farmer.
Small Group Ministry
All three fall Covenant Groups are full. One meetsMonday evenings, two on Sunday afternoons. Be aware,however, an empty chair is always part of each circle.During a group's six-month meeting span, there will beopportunities for new members to occupy this emptychair. Your name will be drawn from the waiting list.
The Rev. Judith Meyer is responsible for identifyingand training facilitators. Set up a time to speak with herif you are moved to explore being a facilitator in thefuture.
Are you interested in using your good judgment onthe Covenant Group ImplementationTeam (CGIT)?We meet monthly toplan, take on tasks,share information,and lendsupport togroup facilitatorsand oneanother. Contactone of us inthe blue booklet"Connections," orat the coffee hourCGIT table.
- Carol-jean Teuffel
Thank You...
To Rob Briner andMelanie Sharp, fortheir work on "GettingInvolved" Sunday.
To Helen Burns and the people who helped her withthe new member dinner: Peggy Kharraz, MelanieSharp, Rob Briner, Lyn Armondo, Jessamine Winston,Anne MacQueen, Natalie Kahn, and DianePhillips; and thanks to all the people who broughtfood for the dinner and gave our new members awarm welcome.
To our Music Committee, Co-Chairs Bronwen Jones and Peter van den Beemt; our volunteers; ourchoir; and our music staff, Louis Durra andSteve Wight, for "Saturday Spotlight" and the VeteransDay service at Arlington West.
A live recording of the Sunday, July 23, sermongiven by church member Michael Eselun, "MyTrip to the Holy Land," is available for purchaseon compact disc (rather than cassette) at $2.Michael told the story of traveling with his dearfriend Jackie to Jerusalem after she was diagnosedwith an inoperable brain aneurysm.Together, they embarked on a trip to the birthplaceof Christianity.
What was Michael's reaction, as a lapsedCatholic, to religious theory versus reality? Whatadvance arrangements did Jackie make, and didshe survive the trip? What did they both think oftheir local guide, Moishe? Was an unexpectedmitzvah fulfilled? What is the future of Jerusalem?How precious is life, and did Moishe ever stopreading from his script to engage in real dialogue?For answers to all of these questions andmore, see Rob Briner to purchase the CD or borrowa copy if one is available.
Mobile Bookstore is Now Open
After taking the summer off, theBook Cart has been reorganizedinto the "Mobile Bookstore."The emphasis is on books forand about Unitarian Universalists,published by the UUA. Wealso ordered six new titles foryoung people.
This month we would like to highlight"Being Liberal in an Illiberal World" by JackMendelsohn. This book explores the roots ofUnitarian Universalism and how it came intobeing. At a time when the religious right is thedominant voice in America, this book providespowerful testimony to the ideals and tradition ofliberal religion.
Stop by and browse the bookstore during coffeehour after each service.
New Covenant Groups
New covenant groups will be formed in mid-October based on ourfacilitators' choiceof times and days of theweek. Judith will trainseveral new facilitators,along withsome of the previousones. Watchchurch bulletins forcalls to join.
We encouragevisitors, new membersand long-time membersto become involved inboth the planning group andthe covenant groups themselves.
- Carol-Jean Teuffel
Camp de Benneville Pines Work Weekend
This is a great opportunity to improvevarious work skills, socialize with otherUnitarians, and get free lodging and foodwhile enjoying the mountain air.
The work weekend will be Friday, October27 to Sunday, October 29. Please call JerryMoore to RSVP and arrangecar pools.
Dining For Dollars Gearing Up
Want to meet new people? Love to entertain and cook? Eager to earn moneyfor the Church? Dining for Dollars might be right up your alley. The D4$ Committeeis now in session, accepting offers of dinners, brunches and other innovativeactivities to be bid on at our Silent Auction on Feb. 19th and 26th. We’llgraciously accept your contributions or provide information where needed.
Would you participate in this fund-raiser if you could team up with anotherperson? You might have space but lack cooking skills, or visa versa. If youlet Dining for Dollars people know, we might help you find your teammate.
This auction generated $26,500 for the church coffers last year. Contact HelenBurns or Sue Moore for more information, or to offerto host a Dining for Dollars event.
Getting Involved Sunday, October 15
On Sunday, October 15, the following groups or committees will be representedat Getting Involved Sunday after both services Plan on who you would like totalk with that day: Books R’ Us (Fiction reading); Book Store (bookcart);Building and Grounds; Capital Campaign and Planned Giving; Caregivers Support;Coffee Hour; Committee on Religious Symbolism (Sanctuary banners); CovenantGroups; CUUPS (Covenant of UU Pagans); deBenneville Pines Weekend (Annual);Dining for Dollars (fundraising dinners); Faith in Action; FUUSION (18-35 yearolds); Greeters; Interweave (BLGT); Lending Library; Lifespan Religious Exploration(adult RE education); Membership & Leadership; Men’s Group; Music;New Building; New Member Dinner (Annual); Newsletter; Office Volunteers; Peace & CivilLiberties; Pipes Lecture Series; Poetry; Pulpit; Religious Exploration (Childrenand Youth); Science Non-Fiction Book Discussion; Stewardship (annual pledging);Sustainable (Green) Living; TAG (The Adventure Group); Ushers; Website; Women’sAlliance; Zen Discussion & Meditation.
We thank the volunteers who led our summerSundays: our pulpit hosts. Their preparation, skill, andsense of worship contributed to the life of our church.Thanks to Sue Bickford, Ernie Pipes, Dan Nannini,Carol Agate, Didi Rea, Rob Briner, Kathy Cook, CharlesHaskell, and Vilma Ortiz for their good work.
Be a Good Neighbor - Use the UCLA Parking Garage
We wanted to let you know that we now have a newManagement Company to provide parking lot attendantsat the UCLA Parking Garage. To those of you who havehad problems in the past, we apologize. This new Companyis very responsible. We have had no problems sincethey started. We encourage all our members and friendsto park at the UCLA Garage at 1311 16th Street. Also, youcan now print out your own parking passes forthe garage.Thanks for helping us be good neighbors.
Getting Involved Sunday
On Sunday, October 15, the following groups orcommittees will have representatives availableto talk with you at Getting Involved Sunday afterboth services: Books R' Us (fiction reading), Bookstore(book cart), Building and Grounds, Capital Campaignand Planned Giving, Caregivers Support,Coffee Hour, Committee on Religious Symbolism(sanctuary banners), CovenantGroups, CUUPS (Covenant of UU Pagans),de Benneville Pines Weekend (annual Junetradition), Dining for Dollars (fundraisingevents), Faith in Action, FUUSION (18- to35-year- olds), Greeters, Interweave (BLGT),Lending Library, Lifespan Religious Exploration(adult RE education), Membership &Leadership, Men's Group, Music, New Building,New Member Dinner (annual), Newsletter,Office Volunteers, Peace and Civil Liberties,Pipes Lecture Series, Poetry, Pulpit,Religious Exploration (children and youth),Science Non-Fiction Book Discussion, Stewardship(annual pledging), Sustainable (green) Living, TAG (TheAdventure Group), Ushers, Website, Women's Alliance,and Zen Discussion and Meditation.
Pilgrims Feast
Mark your calendars for the church Pilgrims Feast.It will be held on Saturday night, November 18.Lyn and George Armando will be assistingwith registration starting in mid-October.Participants will bring food for the potluckand will also have a job to do such assetup, cleanup or a speaking part in theservice. When you sign up, you will begiven further instructions about food tobring and given an opportunity to chooseyour volunteer activity. Space is limited, sodon't procrastinate when you see theregistration table.
- Kathy Cook
Interweave Supports Common Ground
The Sixth Annual All-Church Interweave Picnicwas held August 13 to raise funds for CommonGround, the Westside’s Homeless Youth Program. Photo shows Danny Getzoff(Deputy Director of CommonGround), Judy Federick, and Hugo Farias (Directorof Common Ground Westside).
Shop 'til You Drop
Attention all grocery shoppers. If you have a cardfor Ralphs, Vons, Pavilions, or Albertsons, you canhelp raise money for the church with every purchase.To sign up, bring your card to church andsign up in ForbesHall or contactGerrie Lambson orMarge Zifferblatt.The grocery storespay a percentageon each purchase.This is an easy wayto earn money forthe church.
Green Living Group to Form
Attending the Sustainability Class here at church has raised the participants'awareness of the many things each person can do to lessen the impact of ourdaily existence. We want to share the ways we have reduced our consumptionand use of energy. The group is open to all interested. We meet on Saturday,once a month in Forbes Hall. For date and time of meeting, please contact SandraTrutt.
Living Green
Here are some tips from Sustainable Works on transportation. If we changeour behavior in these five ways, we can positively affect the environment.
1. Rideshare, bike, walk or take the bus whenever possible.
2. Keep your car well tuned.
3. Buy locally made or locally grown products.
4. Trip Link - consolidae daily errands to eliminate unnecessary driving.
5. Shut off the engine of your car when waiting.
For more information or to join the Green Living group, contact SandraTrutt.
Socks and T-Shirts Sought by Interweave
Interweave is again collectingdonations of clothing for theteens in "Common Ground,"the homeless youth programon the west side. The two items of clothing they alwaysrequest - both men and women - are socks and Tshirts.We'll be collecting now through August 13th.Please bring your donations to church or contact JudyFederick.
Peace Corps Experiences are Wanted
Did you serve in the Peace Corps?Did the experience inform yourworldview, your commitment tovolunteer service, your career choice?These are some interesting themes toaddress in a Sunday service. If wouldlike to participate (or contribute yourPeace Corps experience in any way),please speak to Judith Meyer.
- Tracy and Philip Scruggs, KarenLang, Vilma Ortiz,Amy and Bruno Lacombe, MichelePrichard and RodLane, Linda van Ligten and GregWood, and their children,for participating in ourspecial service celebratingadoption May 14.
- To Carol Agate and DaylaMcDonald and all thenewsletter team for accomplishinga smooth transitionto Dayla as editor-in-chief.
Vacation Notice
The Rev. Judith Meyer ison vacation during themonth of July.
Choir to Perform at UCLA Dalai Lama exhibit July 30
The UUCCSM Choir will perform "Songs ofPeace" at UCLA on Sunday, July 30, at 4 p.m., aspart of the university's Summer Sunset Series.This summer's concerts are presented in conjunctionwith the UCLA Fowler Museum's premier ofthe traveling art exhibition, "The Missing Peace:Artists Consider the Dalai Lama." The museum isopen from noon to 5 p.m.
Admission is free to both the Fowler Museumexhibit and to the outdoor concert next to themuseum. Parking is available for $8 in campuslot 4.
Living Green
Our church is sponsoring a six-week SustainableWorks workshop on Living Green. The first session, onwater, was so informative and inspirational that I wasmoved to write something for the newsletter. I receiveda big shock when workshop leader Ferris Kawar told usthat using our garbage disposals caused more harmthan good from a "green" point of view. It seems that thewater filtration system was designed to take care ofwash water and sewage. The ground-up food clogs theworks and is causing many problems. We were cautionedabout putting large amounts of food down thedisposal. Ferris suggested we scrape our plates into thekitchen garbage. Raw vegetables can be added to thegreen bin or to the compost pile.
If you would like to join the class or get more information,please contact Sandra Trutt or FerrisKawar.
-- Sandra Trutt
Come Hear Judith Preach Via the Internet on Thursday, June 22
The Rev. Judith Meyer has been honored by beinginvited to give the sermon at the "Service of the LivingTradition" in June. That solemn ceremony, a highlightof the UUA General Assembly (GA), is beautiful, withbanners, robes, and fine music, and it pays homage toministerial leadership. This year's GA is in St. Louis.
On Thursday evening, June 22, we will gather inForbes Hall to watch and listen, via the Internet, toJudith's sermon and be ever so proud of her. Bring apotluck dish, or just your own dinner, to Forbes Hallstarting at 5:30 p.m., so we can settle in around a bigscreen for the 6 to 7:30 service. We'll even join insinging the hymns. Everyone is welcome. Please bringsome board games, books, and toys for kids to enjoy bythe sofas.
I am grateful for the technical expertise of GregWood, Catherine Farmer, Liz Fuller, Dan Kegel, andMelinda Ewen, plus Website Manager Julie Albanese atthe UUA. You can catch a variety of GA events liveonline at, where there will also be postedreports and photos of many activities at the annualgathering of several thousand UUs. Another prominentevent available online is the Ware Lecture by poet MaryOliver, on Saturday at 7p.m. Streaming video is bestviewed with high speed Internet, and you will need aRealVideo
Annual Mother's Day Picnic is May 14 After Second Service
Whether you are a mom or just play one occasionally to your friends and lovedones, you are invited to celebrate the nurturer in each of us and sample deliciousvictuals made by your friends in the pews. Please join us for the second annualMother's Day potluck picnic in the blue bungalow yard on Sunday, May 14, afterthe second service.
We'll have a picnic - with balls, bubbles, and more for the little ones - andnice conversation with tables and chairs for the over 10 set. Everyone's invited.No need to RSVP. Just show up and bring something to share (or I'm sure we'llhave plenty in case you forget). We'll have plates, silverware and drinks forall.
If you would you like to help make this a memorable afternoon, please contactJacki Weber to volunteer to be a photographer, help with setupor clean up, bring juice boxes, waters or sodas, or be on the welcoming committee.Happy Mother's Day!
Shirlee Frank is moving to Atlanta after 40 years of membershipin our community. We say goodbye reluctantly, but with great appreciation forall that Shirlee has done. From 1966, when Shirlee was the program chair forSingletarians and arranged popular weekly speakers drawing more than 100 people,to providing workshops at de Benneville Pines, Shirlee has always found a wayto make a contribution. She dedicated herself to draft counseling during theVietnam War. She coordinated the exhibits on the Art Wall with the church office,wrote out hundreds of invitations and envelopes in her inimitable artistic handwriting,and was a founding member of the Poetry Group. Shirlee has also been activewith various fundraisers over the years, most recently with Dining for Dollars,for which she was, according to Helen Burns, "the best solicitor we ever had."
Frank Dorrel, veteran, activist, and member of our congregation,has made a full-time commitment to working for peace. As publisher of the book"Addicted to War," Frank has poured his heart and soul into the task of educatingand exhorting the public to the cause of peace.
Camp de Benneville Pines Offers Free Food and Lodging
Come join other UUs for a work party May 12 to 14 at Camp de Benneville Pines.There will be free lodging, food, and spa for participants. Please call JerryMoore to confirm your attendance and plan car pools.
Join in Honoring Ernie & Maggie at the June 11 Gay Pride Parade
On Sunday, June 11, Interweave will again march in the annual Gay Pride Paradein West Hollywood. We invite our friends and allies to join us.
As a special recognition to Rev. Ernie Pipes and Maggie Pipes, they will beour unit's Honored Supporters of Marriage Equality. They will ride in an openconvertible. We will march before, beside, and behind them wearing our distinctiveUUCCSM T-shirts. Join us so that our contingent honoring the first ministerin the area to perform gay marriages will impress the masses of parade and televisionviewers.
Contact the church office,Judy Federick or Ron Cranefor more information.
Thanks for Buying Cookies
During four Sundays in February and March our congregation purchased 212 boxesof Girl Scout cookies from four of our congregation's Girl Scouts. AngelicaJue, Rachel Moore, Rachael Dodd, and Rosy DePaul appreciate your support. Yourorders resulted in 21 boxes being donated to our church coffee hour supply.We all thank you for that.
Westside Food Bank received 17 boxes, Step Up on Second got 12. We hope yourfamily and friends enjoyed the rest. Your purchases from the tables set up bythe girls allowed them to sell cooperatively, rather than competitively. Theinteractions between sellers and buyers nurtured an important bond of communitybetween the girls who are growing up in our church with the adults and familieswho bought the cookies.
Thank you for being supportive of Girl Scouting, these young people and that"ol' sugar jones" that kicks in on Sunday mornings right after each service.We'll see you next year.
- Beth Rendeiro
Help Restart the Christian Fellowship
The UU Christian Fellowship in Santa Monica is no longer meeting. If you wouldlike to help them get started again, call Iris Jue.
Camp de Benneville Pines -- Register Now for June Weekend
Come with us to the beautiful de Benneville Pines Camp, and enjoy clean mountainair, lots of activities, great food, fellowship, and relaxation. Rustic heatedcabins are clean and comfortable, with indoor plumbing and hot showers, for"roughing it, gently."
Our church's annual retreat weekend is June 16 to 18. Registration will beafter church (both services) on April 16 and 23. Space can go quickly, so markyour calendar and plan to register early. Rides can be arranged for those withdifficultly getting to the camp, and a limited amount of scholarship money isavailable for those in need. Please contact Marv Pulliam, deBenneville weekend registrar, if you have any questions or if you can offera ride to another camper.
Do you have a skill or talent to share? We are looking for people to lead activitiesand provide a variety of workshops for all ages and tastes. If you are willingto lead an activity, please get in touch with Sharon Voigt Damerell,de Benneville Weekend Program Dean
Thanks are extended to:
- Dan Kegel and Liz Fuller who have volunteeredmany hours to our computers and website, responding quickly and capably tothe questions and crises we generate.
- Kathy Cook, Laurel Bleak, MarshaSmith, Marv Pulliam, and Carol Agate,who attended the UUA Conference for Mid-size Congregations in Phoenix lastmonth.
- All those who helped make our celebration of 50 years of ministry with ErniePipes so special: to our historian and archivist, Rob Briner;to the generous donors who underwrote our brunch; to the choir, musicians,and all those who helped Steve Wight prepare the music forthe service; and of course to Ernie.
Save the Date of June 11
Join Interweave at the Gay Pride Parade Ernie and Maggie Pipes will ride withus to support marriage equality.
Church Office Adds Pickup Spot
Have you ever wanted to leave something at the church for someone who doesn'thave a mailbox? The office has created the "pickup spot" especially for thatpurpose. It is a shelf catty-corner from the mailboxes, over the safe. Lookfor the sign "pickup spot."
Be sure if you leave something there for someone to pick up, you notify theperson it's there. And don't leave lost-andfound items. The pickup spot willwork only if things get picked up.
-Carol Agate
Another Dining for $$$ Record?
We are still, partially, a work in progress. But thanks to the generosity ofthe donors and bidders we anticipate income of approximately $25,000. This wouldbeat last year's record of $24,554. Plaudits are due to the Herculean effortsof the committee and to Pat Gomez who engineered the transition to computerizationof many aspects of the program. Thank you all.
-Dining for $$$ Committee: Helen Burns, Shirlee Frank, Sue Moore, SandraTrutt