News & Announcements Archive
CareNet offers meals, rides and cards to church members and friends. If you have such a need or know of someone who does, please call the church office, email or call Karl Lisovsky.
CareNet offers meals, rides, and cards to church members and friends. If you have such a need or know of someone who does, please call the church office, email or call Karl Lisovsky.
UUCCSM Hospitality
We are looking for those of you who may be interested in forming a team responsible for creating and implementing celebrations and recognitions appropriate to our congregation and community. This Hospitality Committee would meet as needed to plan special events and/or receptions, perhaps several times each year. If you consider yourself a good, hospitable prospect, please let me know.
— Barbara Gibbs
Board Vice President
Monthly UUCCSM Theme Discussion
with Leon Henderson-MacLennan
@ 11:10 a.m. on the Patio
Directory Photos!
We want your photo in the directoryDirectory photographs will betaken in Forbes Hall on Sunday, April10, between 10 and 11 a.m. New members are especially encouraged to come,but anyone with an outdated photograph in the directory is welcome tocome for an updated photograph. Lookfor Charles Haskell in the southwestcorner of Forbes Hall between services.
Thank You!
Thank you to those who purchased Girl Scout cookies and have donated them to the Coffee Committeefor Sunday morning coffee.
Rob Briner, our historian, reminds us that April is the30th anniversary of our church pipe organ. It waspurchased with donated funds under the guidance ofdeceased churchmemberDeanVoegtlen.
Japan Disaster Relief
Following the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the UUA has been in contact withreligious partners in Japan to express concern and willingness to partner with them in recoveryefforts. Those who would like to contribute to the UUA / UUSC Japan Relief Fund, go to
Second Sunday Supper
January 11, 6:00 p.m.
Potluk in Forbes Hall; monthly on second Sundays.. Entree and drinks provided. (Jan. 11 - Turkey. Feb. 10 - Turkey chili. March 8 - Soup.)
Bring a dish of vegetables, bread, your speciality dessert...or just yourself for conversation, entertainment, laughter and food.
Times are hard and the UUs are a'eating. Join us each month.
Town Hall Meeting Guidelines
Town Hallmeeting guidelinesThe board has received many requests for Town Hallmeetings to occur next spring. In order to be fair to allgroups, the board has established a few guidelines:Place request at least one month in advance.Submit request to board will consider your requests for approvaland placement on the church calendar.
Dining for Dollars Silent Auction is February 15 & 22
The Dining for Dollars committee has been working very hard toget some great events to be auctioned off during the last two Sundaysin February.
What about dining under a 300-year-old oak tree at the 1920's estatethat used to belong to Donald Douglas, founder of Douglas Aircraft?How about homemade ice cream and dessert wine?
Events include aWildflowerWalk; Scenes from an Italian Restaurant atthe church, hosted by the YRUU youth; Ladies' Night in a heated pool;Fresh Maine Lobsters, flown in live (tools, bibs, and know-how includedin the price); French, Sicilian, Thai, Mexican dinners; Vegetarian Brunch;Brunch at the Bel-Air Bay Club; Dinner at the Jonathan Club.We havethem all.
We will be publishing the list of all the events (date, place, host/hostess)in the February newsletter and in the February church announcements,so watch those spaces for further information.
- Melanie Sharp
New Class - UU 101 (Session A & B)
Thursday, January 29 and February 5, 7:00 p.m. in the Cottage
UU 101 is a new class for people who are interestedin membership or who want to get to know the churchand its people, culture, values and programs a bit better.When you register you are signing up for both Aand B sessions. Each session is an hour and a half, witha total commitment of three hours.
For details and registration, see You can also sign up for theclasses in Forbes at the Ask Me station, or simply sendan e-mail to Marsha Smith to getthe class description and to register.UU101 is hosted by the Membership & LeadershipCommittee
Since their inception I have been managing three ofthe church's e-mail lists: newsletter/announcements,sermons, and board. This is not a big job. If you wouldlike to take on a relatively small responsibility with nocommittee meetings, let me know.
The person who does this job does not have to be atechie, but must check e-mail at least daily. There areothers who handle any technical problems that arise.The job means e-mailing the sermons once a week. Allyou have to do is take the sermon Roberta sends you,paste it into an e-mail message, and send it to the subscriberlist. The way Roberta formats her sermons theentire thing takes less than a minute. The office takescare of e-mailing the weekly news and Liz Fuller sends anewsletter link.
The actual job is replying to people's subscriptionrequests. Although they can subscribe and unsubscribethemselves, most people don't know how. Also, newcomersnotify the office when they want to subscribe, soyou'll get messages asking you to add them to the list. Ifthat task takes 15 minutes a week it would be a lot.
The board list requires minimal maintenance.Sometimes a person will try to post a message to theboard list. Since messages can be posted only by boardmembers, the manager gets a notice of the attempt atposting. I forward those to Ron and he can decidewhether he wants to post them. When a new board iselected the former members are switched to read-onlyand the new members are added.
List maintenance is an interesting way to beinvolved in the community without taking on an overwhelmingtask. Contact me if you have any questions.
- Carol Agate
Child Dedications
If you would like to haveyour child dedicatedat the December14 service, pleasecontact the Rev.Roberta Haskin beforeDecember 7.
Did you know that if you are age 70.5 or older, youcan now make gifts to UUCCSM, the UUA, or otherUU entities directly from your IRA - without includingthe IRA withdrawal in your taxable income? Thistimely provision will be in effect through December31, 2009.
To make a tax-free distribution, simply send a letterto your IRA custodian requesting a transfer directlyfrom your IRA to the organization of your choice.
Women's Alliance Asks, "Now What?"
It seems like it's been a long election season. Assumingthat we have the results on at least most of whatbrought voters into the November 4th democraticprocess, what do we face now? Let's light a chalice andconsider some questions together. What we can celebrate,what do we mourn, and what challenges are instore for Unitarian Universalists?The Women's Alliance meets Sunday, November 9.You can bring your ideas and sack lunch to the Cottageat 12:30 pm. For information, contact Joyce Holmen.
We Need Help with UUCCSM's Electronic Presence
Did you know that most of our new members findus on the Web? Did you know that members' labor andpledges are what support the smooth functioning ofour church? Are you aware that we need new membersin order to continue to develop as a community?All this to say that we need to develop a larger Webpresence - possibly a Facebook site, postings to chatrooms - let your imagination run wild. Our web site isably run by Liz Fuller and Dan Kegel, so we're all setthere. Thank you, Dan and Liz, for your on-going webmasterwork. Now we need to get the word out aboutUUCCSM's unique community instead of just waitingfor folks to find us.Do you love to play with computers?Are you savvy with new developments on the web?Will you help the church get itself out there intocyberspace?Please volunteer for this fun project by contactingboard member Beth Rendeiro.
How to Submit Your Articles and Photos to the Newsletter
The newsletter welcomes your articles and photosabout UUCCSM . P lease e-mail them to or leave them in the newslettermailbox in the church office. The newsletter deadline isnoon on the 15th of every month. Articles should generallybe fewer than 450 words. Photo captions are appreciated.Newsletter staff may edit articles.
Apply by October 31 to Help Shape Our Future
October 31 is the deadline to apply formembership on the New Settled Minister SearchCommittee. Go to and fill out the simple form.You can also pick up and submit anapplication in the church office.See for more information.
New Settled Minister Search Committe Update
To apply for the opportunity to shape UUCCSM'sfuture, go to, click on the application linkin the "What's New" box and fill out the simple form.You can also pick up and submit an application atthe church office. More information about the searchprocess can be found at the UUA website: You can also email questions and comments tothe nominating committee at or leave a message in the office.
-Your Nominating Committee:Rob Briner, Liza Cranis, Cathie Gentile,Dayla McDonald, Karen Patch, Pam Teplitz
Friendship Dinners are Back
We are looking forward to your joining us foranother round. These dinners are a way to make newconnections and get to know other members of ourcommunity. They are also great fun. We meet once amonth over a four-month period and share a cooperativedinner at each other's homes. The dinnergroups will be a mix of approximately eight adult singlesand couples. Families with children will begrouped together. If you cannot commit to all four ofthe dates, you can sign up as a substitute in casesomeone has to miss a dinner. The dates this seasonare: October 18, November 15, December 13 andJanuary 17.
There will be a sign-up table on Sunday, September7, in Forbes Hall after the services. You can alsosign up e-mailing Marjorie Annapav..
- Farrokh Allen and Marjorie Annapav
Welcome Katie Carnahan
Katie has joined our office staff, taking over responsibilityfor many of the duties that church member Rima Snyder didon a temporary basis. Rima will continue with her responsibilitiesas music librarian and Music Committee co-chair. Katiewill work in the office Thursdays and Fridays and will workevery other Sunday.
Katie lives in the North Hollywood area of Los Angeles andhas started her sophomore year at Woodbury University inBurbank. Her major is psychology, and hergoal is to work in criminal psychology. Oneof the reasons she decided to go to Woodburywas its excellent reputation for placingits students in graduate programs.Katie is from the Pine Bluff area ofArkansas, just south of Little Rock. She grewup in a Southern Baptist church and had afriend who attended a UU church. WhenKatie was growing up her family often visitedSouth Chicago to see her dad's family,so she had no fear of big cities when shemoved to L.A. She is grateful though that as a child she did nothave to confront many of the problems of a big city.
Katie has Arkansas friends also living in L.A., which hasmade settling here easier. She spends free time being withfriends in Griffith Park, at the beach, and at movies at UniversalCity. She is also an avid reader, plowing through literature,including mysteries and science fiction, sometimes threebooks at a time. That may slow down now that school hasstarted and she has to replace one or two of them with textbooks.After a year in Los Angeles, Katie says she still missesthe rain in Arkansas, but she does not miss the ever changingweather that comes with it. And she is glad that she can gettake-out at any time, day or night.
Give Katie a warm welcome when you see her.
Another UUSM Wedding in the "Summer of Love"
The Rev. Judith Meyer (center) officiated at the August 16marriage of Ron Crane and John Fels (flanking Judith), whowere attended by friends Richard, Sherri, and John's son, Theo.
How to Submit Your Articles and Photos to the Newsletter
The newsletter welcomes your articles andphotos about UUCCSM. Please e-mail them or leave them in thenewsletter mailbox in the church office. The newsletterdeadline is noon on the 15th of every month. Articlesshould generally be fewer than 450 words. Photocaptions are appreciated. The newsletter staff mayedit articles.