News & Announcements Archive
Save the Date: Sunday, June 14 is the L.A. Pride Parade
KIDS MARCH; FAMILIES MARCH; EVEN DOGS MARCH. You can march too! Join us! You don’t even need to drive! We’ll be chartering a bus that will leave from the church right after the 9 a.m. service. Round trip fare is $15 (with a bit of a break for families). Contact Janet Goodwin for more information. The first 55 marchers to sign up and pay up will have a reserved seat. Otherwise, try to carpool with your UU neighbors.
New Member Recognition Sunday
Every year we join together as a congregation to celebrate and welcome the members who have joined in the past year. This year our welcome will take place on May 3 during both services. After the service we will honor our new members with a special reception in Forbes Hall. We hope you stop by to say a personal hello.
Please join the Membership Committee in welcoming the following new members to our church family: Boyd Adams, Mark Christiansen, Joanne Brownlie, Dierdre Dietel, Olga Felton, Christie & David Ferreria, Manuel Fonseca, Clayton Fossett, Brad & Lois Hutchinson, Brigham Johnson, Kikanza Nuri-Robbins, Wendell Pascual & Carolina San Juan, Barbara Powers, Norman P. Richey & Beverly Shoenberger, Mark Rizzo & Christine Suarez, Sarah Robson, Herb & Susan Stahl, Andrea Steffan, Manny Trujillo.
You can find photos and some of their biographies on the New Member bulletin board in Forbes Hall. A few of these names may sound familiar to some of you and for good reason. A number of these new members have been participating in our congregational life for many years and only recently have made the decision to become formal members. A warm welcome to all of you. Please join us on May 3 for our congregational celebration!
— Beth Rendeiro
Town Hall Meeting on Church Finances
Save the date! On Sunday, April 19, 12:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary, there will be a Town Hall meeting to review/preview the 2015-2016 fiscal budget in advance of the annual meeting and an update from the Committee on Money.
Save the Date: Work and Play at Camp de Benneville Pines.
We have reserved Craig’s Cabin over the weekend of May 8 to 10 for about 20 members of UU Santa Monica. That weekend is scheduled as the regular Spring Work Weekend, so UU’s from many churches will be there painting, repairing, and raking leaves for fire safety. You have two choices: agree to work and receive free room and meals, or just have a leisurely time in the mountains for reading, hiking, and hot-tubbing under the stars for a reduced rate of $100 for adults, $75 for accompanying children above grade 6, and $50 for grade 6 or below. First-come, first-served until our 7 rooms are spoken for. Please contact Jerry Moore for more information. Note: Our regular church weekend at Camp de Benneville Pines is scheduled for September 18 to 20.
February Ministry Theme: God
The ministry theme for February is God. This month, Rev. Rebecca continues a four-part series of sermons on God from a Unitarian Universalist perspective. February 1 she will give a brief history of non-theism, humanism, and the New Atheism movement. February 15 she will have a conversation about UUs in recovery from addiction and their experiences with AA and other recovery programs. February 22 she will conclude with the images of God held by UUs, and what Amerians say about God, and what that says about us.
Dining for Dollars Is Coming in February!
Hear to Heart Circles:
New Year Retreat 2015: Let Your Life Speak
Undy Sunday returns in January
Small Group Ministry: now Heart to Heart
Ernie Pipes Lecture with Sandy Banks a Great Success!
The Treasure Hunt is on!
One Man Play about Thomas Paine, Sunday, November 16, in the Sanctuary, at 1:30 p.m.
Undy Sunday is Coming!
Save the Date: Annual Holiday Bazaar
Small Group Ministry
The Treasure Hunt is on!
Volunteer Day Saturday, November 1, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Artists and Crafters Wanted...
CareNet Can Help
Reminder: It's renewal time for the Scrip program at Ralph's
Announcements, Order of Service and Newsletter Submissions
Camp de Benneville Pines — September 12 to 14
Each year, UU Santa Monica members and friends flock to Camp de Benneville Pines, an idyllic, rustic paradise two hours east of Santa Monica (if you leave at the right time on Friday), for a weekend of ping-pong tournaments, dam building, s'mores, tye-dying and sing-along versions of every '60s song you know (or don't). New this year: get to know UUSM's intern minister and spend some quality time with DRE Catherine Farmer Loya and her family.