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February 8, 2007 NOTE: This tentative board agenda reflects items to be considered at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Additional items of new business may be added at the board meeting. An updated agenda is available from the Church Office on the day of the board meeting. 1. Check-in [6:30 p.m.] 2. Call to order & identification of new business items: [6:45 p.m.] 3. Discussion and approval of minutes: Dayla McDonald [6:50 p.m.] |
February Art Wall: Gillian Renault – Looking Beyond One’s Self FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Santa Monica, CA, Feb. 1, 2019 — The February Art Wall will feature some of artist Gillian Renault’s most priceless work with an opening reception on Sunday, February 3 from 12 pm to 1:30 pm in Forbes immediately after the UU Santa Monica services. A featured piece entitled “Cover to Cover” tells the story of Renault father’s life, the highs and lows as she puts it in an email. Letting go of any of this art would be like cutting a chapter out of a novel or cutting years out of her own life. “I want the work to inspire people to contemplate their own relationships with parents or elders whom they [may] have lost through death or for other reasons,” Renault said, “That’s why I show it. I hope people leave the show changed even if just a little.” “Cover to Cover” chronicles the life of Renault’s father and is designed to encourage viewers to contemplate the strengths and flaws of the lives of their parents and elders, how their lives were shaped by them in order to understand how they carry them in their psyches forever. Renault’s work was featured in Atlanta, Georgia by Universalist Unitarian’s First Existentialist congregation, Mercer University and Richards Gallery at Georgia Tech University. Another similar work featuring her maternal relationship was first premiered in Atlanta, 2002. Born on the island of Jersey, Renault is a self-taught artist who has lived in the United States since the 70s. In 2012, with 25 years of media experience she pivoted professionally and completed a two-year Chaplaincy Program at the Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe. She then was ordained as a Buddhist lay minister and now a hospice chaplain. To view this month’s installment after the February 3 reception contact Nancy Thompson at or dial 310-829-5436 x102. Accessible parking is available behind the church. Artist life pieces not for sale Art Director: Beverly Allison ### -- |
February, 2004Vote on GA Issues at the February 8 MeetingGeneral Assembly (GA) is coming to Long Beach in June and it is time to startpreparing for the big event. As in years past, February is the month for usto review Unitarian Universalist Study/Action Issues, Actions of immediate Witness,and proposed Statements of Conscience that will be voted on at GA. So mark yourcalendars for Sunday, February 8, at 12:45 p.m. This is the date for our annualFaith in Action town hall meeting in the sanctuary to review these issues. Thiscolumn summarizes what we hope to accomplish at this town hall meeting. First, we will review a short list of proposed Study/Action Issues to be consideredat General Assembly in June. The finallist, determined late in January, will be presented at the town hall meeting.Our job will be to prioritize these issues for our congregational delegation.Our delegates will participate in a debate and vote at GA leading to the selectionof one new Study/Action Issue to be used nationally between 2004 and 2006. Our second task will be to review the draft Statement of Conscience on CivilLiberties that arose out of GA in June 2004. This is the Study/Action Issuewe discussed last year. It is now in the pipeline as the next official Statementof Conscience for the UUA. We’ll review the draft to educate ourselvesand to provide guidance to our congregational delegates when they vote in Juneto accept or reject the final document. Our third task involves a review of the current Study/Action Issue on PrisonReform that is being pursued nationwide. We will decide whether or not to becomeinvolved in this Study/Action Issue. Our final task will be to inform ourselves about the newest official UUA Statementof Conscience on Economic Globalization and the five new Actions of ImmediateWitness that were officially endorsed at General Assembly in Boston inJune 2004. These Actions of Immediate Witness include (1) AmeriCorps, (2) depleteduranium munitions, (3) global HIV/AIDS, (4) public hearings on Iraq, and (5)women’s rights. Since this is not an official business meeting of thechurch, all votes are non-binding. Although no homework or advance preparationis required, participants are encouraged to check the UUA Commission on SocialWitness website at What we really want is yourhelp in prioritizing these worthwhile issues. —Charles Haskell,
January Food Sort Event
February, 2004Vote on GA Issues at the February 8 MeetingGeneral Assembly (GA) is coming to Long Beach in June and it is time to start preparing for the big event. As in years past, February is the month for us to review Unitarian Universalist Study/Action Issues, Actions of immediate Witness, and proposed Statements of Conscience that will be voted on at GA. So mark your calendars for Sunday, February 8, at 12:45 p.m. This is the date for our annual Faith in Action town hall meeting in the sanctuary to review these issues. |
February, 2006Town Hall Meeting Will Discuss Pending and Future ResolutionsAll church members and friends are invited to the sanctuary at 12:30on Sunday, February 12, for our annual winter Town Hall meetingon UUA Statements of Conscience, Study/Action Issues and Issues of ImmediateWitness.
Complete information on these issues may be found on the web site of the UUACommission on Social Witness - Charles Haskell Chair, FIA Commission |
February, 2006Town Hall Meeting Will Discuss Pending and Future ResolutionsAll church members and friends are invited to the sanctuary at 12:30 on Sunday, February 12, for our annual winter Town Hall meeting on UUA Statements of Conscience, Study/Action Issues and Issues of Immediate Witness.
February, 2007Town Hall Meeting -February 11, 2007The Meeting was called to order @12:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The first orderof business was a resolution to sign the Covenant with the California InterfaithPower & Light Organization as follows: "Shall the Rev. Judith Meyer,as the spiritual leader of this congregation, pledge to support the goal ofCalifornia Interfaith Power and Light?" Leslie Reuter, co-chair of the Green Sanctuary Committee outlined the CongregationalCovenant. The members of the Congregation in attendance voted unanimously toauthorize the Rev. Judith Meyer as our spiritual leader to sign the CongregationalCovenant with CIPL. Next, we discussed becoming a Certified Green Sanctuary with the UUA Ministryfor Earth. The resolution stated: "Shall the UUCCSM Congregation takethe necessary steps to become a Green Sanctuary?" There was agreementto take the necessary steps to become a Green Sanctuary. The Rev. Judith Meyerhas authorized the Application for Candidacy and the $100 application fee tothe UUMFE on submission. Leslie Reuter and Alison Kendall, member of the Building Committee, outlinedwhat steps have already been taken and what steps the Building Committee iswilling to take to establish the UUCCSM as a Green Sanctuary. Leslie talked about some activities planned by the Green Group, starting a3-2-1 Pledge Campaign to get members to pledge to save energy. Rev. Ernie Pipeswill begin a discussion course on Global Warming, sponsored by NWEI which willbe offered in March. Our last item was to relate information about the Health Care for All billsponsored by Senator Keuhl. We will distribute literature on this and worktowards passage of this needed legislation. Respectfully submitted, Catherine Gentile |
February, 2007Town Hall Meeting - February 11, 2007The Meeting was called to order @12:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The first order of business was a resolution to sign the Covenant with the California Interfaith Power & Light Organization as follows: "Shall the Rev. Judith Meyer, as the spiritual leader of this congregation, pledge to support the goal of California Interfaith Power and Light?" |