February, 2006
Town Hall Meeting Will Discuss Pending and Future Resolutions
All church members and friends are invited to the sanctuary at 12:30on Sunday, February 12, for our annual winter Town Hall meetingon UUA Statements of Conscience, Study/Action Issues and Issues of ImmediateWitness.
1. Discuss and conduct a non-binding vote about commemorating the threeyear anniversary of War in Iraq on Sunday, March 19.
2. Discuss the proposed 2006 UUA Statement of Conscience entitled "GlobalWarming."
3. Discuss and vote on whether to participate in the current Study/ActionIssue entitled "Moral Values for a Pluralistic Society."
4. Prioritize new Study/Action Issues for a vote by our delegates at GeneralAssembly in June.
5. Decide whether or not we want to undertake one of the current Issues ofImmediate Witness.
Complete information on these issues may be found on the web site of the UUACommission on Social Witness
- Charles Haskell Chair, FIA Commission