The Meeting was called to order @12:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The first orderof business was a resolution to sign the Covenant with the California InterfaithPower & Light Organization as follows: "Shall the Rev. Judith Meyer,as the spiritual leader of this congregation, pledge to support the goal ofCalifornia Interfaith Power and Light?"
Leslie Reuter, co-chair of the Green Sanctuary Committee outlined the CongregationalCovenant. The members of the Congregation in attendance voted unanimously toauthorize the Rev. Judith Meyer as our spiritual leader to sign the CongregationalCovenant with CIPL.
Next, we discussed becoming a Certified Green Sanctuary with the UUA Ministryfor Earth. The resolution stated: "Shall the UUCCSM Congregation takethe necessary steps to become a Green Sanctuary?" There was agreementto take the necessary steps to become a Green Sanctuary. The Rev. Judith Meyerhas authorized the Application for Candidacy and the $100 application fee tothe UUMFE on submission.
Leslie Reuter and Alison Kendall, member of the Building Committee, outlinedwhat steps have already been taken and what steps the Building Committee iswilling to take to establish the UUCCSM as a Green Sanctuary.
Leslie talked about some activities planned by the Green Group, starting a3-2-1 Pledge Campaign to get members to pledge to save energy. Rev. Ernie Pipeswill begin a discussion course on Global Warming, sponsored by NWEI which willbe offered in March.
Our last item was to relate information about the Health Care for All billsponsored by Senator Keuhl. We will distribute literature on this and worktowards passage of this needed legislation.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Gentile