
Feb 2006
News & Announcements: 

Secret Pals Program Will Resume This Year

The Secret Pals program is a month-long event bringing together new friendsfrom different generations through the exchange of letters and "clues." Onceyou sign up to be a secret pal, you will be assigned a secret pal to leave messagesfor, and someone else will be assigned to leave secret pal clues for you. Thematching is done so that every adult is leaving clues for a child, and eachchild is leaving clues for an adult. And we need lots of adults - not just parents- to sign up to be the secret pals.

Signups will take place through February 5, and the program will kick off onFebruary 12 after each service, when you'll be given the name of your Pal, andwill have an opportunity to decorate your goodie bag. Then from February 19to March 12, make sure to leave clues, or letters, or photo hints (Baby photo?Extreme close-up of your eye? Be creative!), etc. in your Pal's bag each week.

Mark your calendars now for March 18, 7 to 9 p.m. for our secret pals party,when all will be revealed. So, whether you're a kid or a grown-up, don't missout on this great opportunity to get to know more about someone new at UUCCSM- or maybe someone you already know. Be on the lookout for signup tables inForbes Hall. For more information, contact Catherine Farmer at the church office.


Thank You

John-Michael and Karl Lisovsky, who tookdown the Christmas decorations on New Year's Eve; to Arvid Knudsen,head greeter for the 11 a.m. service, who has organized a cadre of church peopleto welcome everyone as they come to church Sunday morning; to CarolynBerry, for providing home hospitality to Jim and BettyGrant while they were with us during Judith's sabbatical; to JackiWeber and the Stewardship Committee, for the bestpledge drive ever.


Your Services are Needed to Help Us Raise Money

Please join us in helping to balance the church budget. During February andearly March we are asking you to donate personal services that can be auctionedto our congregants and friends in the spring. Please come by the gallery wallin Forbes Hall after church and talk with one of our volunteers about thesedonations.

Questions about this fund-raising effort can also be addressed to LeslieReuter or (818) 451-9175, or Kathy Cook. This is agreat way to help our church and to honor the part of our church covenant thatstates "service is our prayer."


Nominating Committee Seeking Recommendations for Candidates

The Nominating Committee is starting work on the slate for the Board of Directorsand for the Nominating Committee to present at the annual meeting. Each yearseveral positions must be filled: all officers, three members at large, andtwo nominating committee positions. This year new people must be elected toserve as president and treasurer because the incumbents have each served threeyears. If you have thoughts or suggestions about people or characteristics thatyou think should be considered, please contact any member of the NominatingCommittee: Kathy Cook, John Fels, SJ Guidotti, Audrey Lyness, Victor Paddock,or Linda Van Lighten.


Music Committee Provides Opportunity for New Talent to Perform on Sunday

February 5 will be our second Church Talent Sunday. These are the music program'seffort to showcase the talent in our congregation, to give the less experienceda chance to perform, to generate involvement of church members in the services,and to enrich our community coming together in this way.

We've just begun, and we're looking for more members who would like to takepart. You don't have to be the next Elvis or Sinatra to do it (though if youare, we'd be thrilled to give you your start), but if you sing or play an instrument,then please sign up.

If you'd like to have Louis accompany you, all you need is a chart of the pieceyou want to perform. If you'd like to team up with different instruments orother vocalists, let us know what you're looking for, and we'll do our bestto match you up.

For more information or to sign up contact Peter van den Beemt.Come join us and contribute to our church in a whole new way.

Faith in Action News: 

Town Hall Meeting Will Discuss Pending and Future Resolutions

All church members and friends are invited to the sanctuary at 12:30on Sunday, February 12, for our annual winter Town Hall meetingon UUA Statements of Conscience, Study/Action Issues and Issues of ImmediateWitness.


1. Discuss and conduct a non-binding vote about commemorating the threeyear anniversary of War in Iraq on Sunday, March 19.

2. Discuss the proposed 2006 UUA Statement of Conscience entitled "GlobalWarming."

3. Discuss and vote on whether to participate in the current Study/ActionIssue entitled "Moral Values for a Pluralistic Society."

4. Prioritize new Study/Action Issues for a vote by our delegates at GeneralAssembly in June.

5. Decide whether or not we want to undertake one of the current Issues ofImmediate Witness.

Complete information on these issues may be found on the web site of the UUACommission on Social Witness

- Charles Haskell Chair, FIA Commission

Splinters from the Board: 

At the January 10 meeting, Alison Kendall, for the Building Committee, explainedthat the decision of the City Council requires a written statement of the conditionsof the parking agreement by city staff and written proof of the agreement for12 parking spaces at the Seventh Day Adventist lot. Application for buildingpermits cannot be made until that is done.

Consideration of alternative parking possibilities and appearances at hearingshas required extensive time from the architect in excess of that expected andagreed. The board approved an additional payment of up to $5,000 from the capitalfund.

Marv Pulliam gave a presentation on Covenant Groups. Since the first ones wereformed in October of 2004, there have been six groups, and four of them arenow meeting. Fourteen facilitators have been trained and six are currently active.In all 34 people are now members of groups and there are 20 alumni of past groups.

The lessons learned so far are that a group can be formed with a minimum ofsix members and that groups can grow by addition of new members, though a commitmentto regular attendance is necessary for groups to thrive.

Plans for the future include training additional facilitators, adding membersto the implementation team, and developing programs in coordination with otheradult religious exploration goals.

Charles Haskell reported that the Search Committee for a new congregationaladministrator will continue to advertise the position and accept applicationsthrough January. A short list of candidates for interview will be ready by February.

Melinda Ewen said current membership is 464. Warren Mathews said he now projectsa surplus of approximately $20,000 for the budget year 2005.

Judith Meyer reported that her book, "Leave Room for Hope," is almost readyfor production. Felicity Nussbaum has served loyally in achieving this goal.Judith's major concerns at this time are seeking a prompt transition in officestaff, working with Catherine Farmer to develop a lifespan religious explorationprogram, supporting the membership and leadership group and other membershipinitiatives, and working with the young adult leadership to increase young adultvisibility and outreach, including the new group at UCLA.

Judith's December 2001 sermon, "A Season Turns," was published in Quest, thepublication of the Church of the Larger Fellowship, and the Pakistani churchhas requested that it be translated into Urdu for a wider distribution.

Catherine Farmer reported that she is working with Michele Prichard to co-ordinateSocial Justice Month in which each class explores some aspect of homelessness.Consideration is being given to realigning the lower grades' classes to geta more effective balance in class sizes. The focus of classes during the secondhalf of the church year will be Principle 5: The Right of Conscience and theUse of the Democratic Process.

Melinda Ewen reported that Chuck Craig has agreed to continue as part-timeoffice assistant, but she has been unable to hire anyone as parking attendant.Antivirus software is being updated. Additional virtual memory is being installedin several computers with the help of Shawn Kerr. A new fax machine has beenordered to replace the very old one.

Security continues to be a problem. It is not acceptable to have homeless peoplein the courtyard because of trash accumulation and neighbor complaints, andcity police report that three parolees, one a violent offender, occupied thevacant house across the street. One panhandler said he collected $100 from peopleattending our Christmas Eve service.

- Gerrie Lambson

Other UU News & Events: 

An Online Dating Service for UUs Now Available to Browse or Join

UUsingles.com providesmatchmaking services for Unitarian Universalists and other like-minded liberalreligious thinkers. They make it fun to meet other singles while promoting theinherent worth and dignity of every individual - a fundamental principle ofUnitarian Universalism. Individuals age 18 and older of all sexual orientationsare welcome to join. Posting ads is free and membership dues are modest.

This matching service differs from other like matchmaking services in severalways:

RE News: 

February RE Star - Michele Prichard

Social justice has long beenone of Michele Prichard's passions. Remember how hard she worked on the campaignto achieve a living wage and to improve the working conditions for hotel workers?Michele has shared this deep social commitment and conscience with the RE programin a variety of ways.

Several years ago, Michele became the first social justice chair in the newWay Cool format, planning and leading monthly RE classes on social justice issues.This past fall, Michele gathered materials that taught the kids about UNICEFand why we hold a carnival each Halloween to raise money for it. This January,our social justice month, Michele designed and led sessions at both serviceson helping the homeless.

How many of us joined the church so that our kids could be part of a sociallyconscious and involved community? Well, thanks to Michele Prichard, our kidsare learning what it means to help your neighbor who may be less fortunate thanyou. In addition to being warm, funny and sweet, Michele is an incredible listener- take a moment to see how the kids respond to her.

For all the loving kindness she exhibits, for the resources she provides andfor the faith she truly puts "in action," we honor her this month. Way to go,Michele!


January Social Justice Event

InJanuary the religious exploration children participated in the social justiceprogram launched this month. All the elementary classes met together to participatein a project related to homelessness. On January 15 they made lunch to sellafter the services to raise money for a microwave oven to be donated to TurningPoint Shelter, a transitional home for formerly homeless people, a program ofthe Ocean Park Community Center.