From Our President Archive
Check-in from the President: Summer Joys

UUSM Board of Directors President Beth Brownlie
UU Santa Monica Church Camp at de Benneville Pines
New Dates: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, October 22, 23, 24

Single Sunday Service at 10:00 am will Continue through 2019

President, Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica
On Gratitude and Year-End Giving - Open Your Heart and Support the Community that Nurtures You
Dear Friends,
- My closest UUSM friends who model what unconditional acceptance looks like;
- The colleagues whom I’ve come to love as we work together helping make this a more joyful and vibrant faith community;
- Every one of you committed to love and service within and beyond our UUSM walls;
- The children who provide hope for the future;
- Our Minister, Rev. Greg, for choosing to spend his life building a stronger Unitarian Universalist faith;
- The countless blessings that I do nothing to do deserve, including life itself, my family, my health, my able-bodiedness, my privilege, and more.
What are you grateful for? I would like to know. Please drop me a line. I’m just a text or email, phone call, or holiday card away.
Changes, and Right Relations
Making Our Vision a Reality
The Finance Committee, the board, the staff, and numerous members are working on next year’s budget for the church.
We need your help, support, and minds.
We currently project a deficit.
This is the year we hoped to reach a balanced budget.
There is a Finance Town Hall planned to give details as we attempt to develop a budget for next year. Your attendance and participation at the Town Hall and the Annual Meeting is needed.
We also need your financial support in supporting the church in the endeavors as we attempt to make a community that addresses the needs of our church family, and our work to make the world a place that reflects our Vision and our Principles.
I strongly request that you be involved in discussions and decisions that face us. Rev. Greg has brought new possibilities to our community.
Each of us needs to be a part of that development.
Please be an active member in our work together to bring positivity to what seems to be an ever-increasingly chaotic word.
We need each other’s hearts, minds, and souls.
Please join in.
— Ron Crane
A Time for Unitarian Universalist Principles
We are but four months until our annual meeting, to be held on Sunday, May 20.
That meeting is the cornerstone of our democratic process. Prior to the meeting, the Finance Committee will hold a Town Hall to present our financial status to the congregation, and to discuss the debt we face for this fiscal year and the year to come.
Our aspiration – to build a stronger community of cooperation and respect – is working. The tenor of dispute and difference has changed. We are treating one another with more of the respect and consideration endemic to our principles.
I encourage you to continue with the Right Relations we have studied so intently in the last year and a half.
Please carry forward in expressing your beliefs with gentleness of presentation and consideration of the differences in our diverse community.
Attend the Town Hall on Finance, the Right Relations presentation of a Covenant of interpersonal interaction, and the Sunday event sponsored by the Nominating Committee, where you may learn more of the many activities available to be of service to one another and the world.
In this time of world disorder, it is a time for UUs to speak out and be seen as providing a better way to inhabit this earth. Let us provide a model for others by practicing on ourselves.
We each need each other.
– Ron Crane