From Our President Archive
April is a busy month at UUCCSM. Much is going onin preparation for the May 15th annual congregationalmeeting. (Yes, that was a plug for you to be there.) Muchof what we are going to do next year is being thoughtabout in the weeks leading up to the annual meeting -not the least of which is budgeting. We are still operatingin a deficit. The Finance Committee has taken all therequests for next year's funds and allocated our too fewresources as fairly as they can. The budget is then presented to the board and we take a look and commentbefore we submit it to the congregation for approval atthe annual meeting.
When we are in a deficit as we are now (and hopenot to be next year). it is very important that we keep inmind what the church's mission statement is and identify what are the key elements in keeping that missiongoing. There is so much that goes on here that is compelling and important and needs to be supported. Howto prioritize it all? I characterize the prioritization as figuring out what our "food, shelter, and clothing" needsare for the church. What is basic? The budget reflectsthat discussion and thought process through the eyes ofthe Finance Committee and the board.
Since we are still in a deficit spending mode, thatmeans we value more than we have funds to implement.This should get us all to thinking about what is importantto each of us here at UUCCSM. What do we do to supportthat which is important to us? What is the tradeoff? Canwe live with less being done at church? Can we live witha bit more of our income going into the church coffers?Can we participate in something that will help take thepressure off the funding we have? What we have learnedagain, over the last few years, is that we are the church.We are the living, breathing entity that makes the churcha living, breathing place. Our congregational health is amatter of all of us paying attention and putting in energy.The annual congregational meeting is one place to start.Please read the materials that will be sent out soon andcome to the meeting to let your voice be heard aboutwhat the essentials are for our community.
Taking it up one level, the district annual meeting isin Pasadena this year on May 20 and 21. Ron Crane willbe speaking on one of the panels! The link for information and registration is below. While we are thinking about congregational health, we can think about thewider health of the district, too.
For information visit: .
One final personal plug, on April 17th we will have aguest musician at the 11:00 service. He is a friend ofmine by the name of John Flynn. He is a folk guitaristcommitted to social justice. His actions and songs arewell integrated and he really does walk the talk. Not onlythat, he has a lovely sense of humor and good songs. Iencourage you to come and listen in the morning andthen come back for the 7:30 p.m. concert he will be giving in the sanctuary. He is not on the West Coast veryoften.
Happy April.
- Sue Bickford
It is not often that one gets to see an idea turn intoan institution. That is just what seems to have happened to the Second Sunday Supper. Two years agoas the board was talking about how to support churchmembers who had been hit hard by the economicdownturn, the idea of having a place to gather with noagenda but plenty of community crystallized into theSecond Sunday Supper. Nurtured along by a core groupfor the first couple of years, it is beginning to spread intothe wider church community. Attendance has grown.It is now preceded by a games gathering, has been attached to musical events, and been adopted in variousmonths by other church committees. The basic premiseis that the core group of the month brings a main dishand drinks and makes sure that plates, silverware, andcups are at hand. The event is a success because everyone pitches in. Side dishes, salads, munchies, anddesserts get brought. Chairs and tables get set up. Thereis dinner and conversation and community. When it istime, tables and chairs get put away, dishes get cleaned,counters are wiped, and we go home. It is simply a timeof community with each other.
As the awareness of this communal meal spreads,we would like to encourage sponsorship to spreadalso. It has begun to organically. The small core groupwhich has been nurturing this idea along would like ourfledgling institution to fly on its own. If your committeeis interested in sponsoring for a month, let me or RonCrane know. Create a theme. Celebrate an event. Makeothers outside your committee know you are a vital partof the church.
In a wider community note, the 2011 District Assembly will be held May 20 and 21 at NeighborhoodChurch in Pasadena. Our own Ron Crane will be on oneof the panels. This year's theme is "A Covenant for OurFuture." If you haven't been to any of the larger UUgatherings, this one is tailor-made for getting your feetwet. You can carpool there and back with no worriesabout housing or dinner unless you want to stay with thecrowd. Our district includes Nevada and Arizona. Youcould spread your UU horizons wider. Watch for moreinformation on DA and GA!
Enjoy March!-Sue Bickford
February on the East Coast is often a month of doldrums. The holidays have faded and spring isn't quitearound the corner. Here we are not so subject to thedeep of winter, but I find people can still be anticipatingthe longer amount of sunlight promised later in the year.The doldrums that lead us to feel stagnant or in a slumpcan still get hold of us.
Not this year!
On February 13 we will install Rebecca Benefiel Bijuras our ninth settled minister. As Unitarian Universalistswe do not have a lot of occasions that involve formal ritual and ceremony. An installation is one of those eventsthat allow us to hark back to our Christian roots andinvoke all the ceremony we care to. Rev. Bijur has beenplanning her installation with the able help of some ofthe former search committee. She has invited mentors,friends, and family to speak at the installation. Musichas been chosen, food is ordered, and a program hasbeen planned. Our ministers emeriti Ernie Pipes andJudith Meyer will both be on hand to participate andlend continuity. We as a congregation will seal ourcovenant with Rev. Bijur that began when we called herto be our minister last May.
This installation is an all-congregation event that Ihope you will attend. It is a ceremony we have heldinfrequently in the history of UUCCSM. We tend to keepour ministers for a long time. We are hoping Rev. Bijurfollows in that trend. If she does, you may have to wait along time to have the opportunity to be present at aninstallation at UUCCSM again. Please join us and makethis a very memorable occasion.
The installation is one event that reminds me thatthe church is like that proverbial river that can never bestepped in twice to find the same place. We are dynamicand flowing. Sometimes that flowing takes people awayfrom us. This newsletter has been very ably put togetherthrough my whole presidency by many hands led byDayla McDonald. Dayla's life is now taking her a littlefurther afield, and she has chosen to let go of thenewsletter. I want to thank her for all the energy andcare she has put into our newsletter, including, on themonths that I have let time slip past me, those littleemails that have come my way saying, "Madame President, do you care to submit an article this month?"Thank you, Dayla.
Another coming change on our horizon is that SteveWight has decided that he will end his tenure as ourFrom ourPresidentmusic director in June. I was on the pulpit committeewhen he was hired, have been in the choir for a numberof years, and will usher him out as I end my tenure aspresident. Steve is a fine musician, an intelligent andcompetent choir leader, and is keeper of a unique senseof humor. As mild-mannered as he looks sitting up onthe dais on Sunday mornings, he has a manner and sensitivity for music that is dynamic. I have learned muchfrom him about singing and music and will be sorry tosay good-bye.
So, there never seem to be any February doldrumsfor us here at UUCCSM. The rhythms of our church yearare punctuated by change and metamorphosis on a frequent basis. May February be a month full of promisefor you also. Happy Valentine's Day! After all, love is thedoctrine of this church.
- Sue Bickford
January 2011! Already! Wo rriesabout Y2K computerglitches are now more thana decade behind us. We are firmly entrenched inthe 21st century. Here at UUCCSM we are firmlyentrenched in our own fast moving world. The bignews for us is the departure of our longtimemember and Director of Administration, MelindaEwen. Fulfilling a dream to move further north,she will be taking a position with the First UnitarianUniversalist Society of San Francisco. Wewill miss her. She has served our church conscientiouslyand attentively through four ministers, abuilding program, and leaks in our roof. Whilewe have been in transition, she has been the stability. She attended her last board meeting inDecember and will be with us on a part-timebasis through January. After that she is cutting usloose to build a future here without her. On January9 we will have a reception for her after eachservice to give the congregation a chance to say aformal goodbye. Please join us in wishingMelinda and SJ well on their move.
The plan is to have a temporary office managerthrough May or June. In these next few months acommittee will be examining the office functionswith an eye on how to configure the office tomeet congregational needs even better. The decisionsthat come out of that investigation willdetermine what the staffing will look like whenwe hire a permanent replacement. Keep listening.
Next month, on February 13, the Rev. RebeccaBenefiel Bijur will be installed as our settledminister. An installation is one of the few trulyformal ceremonies in a UU congregation's life.
It is an event that will seal our covenant withher and hers with us. There will be music andguests and family and (yes) food. The day wevoted to call her to be our settled minister, thesanctuary was full of happy congregants. We wereproud of the search we had conducted and happywith the person we had found. I certainly haven'tseen any sign of buyer's remorse, so put February13 on your calendar to extend that spirit andjoin in the formal installing of our new settledminister.
See what I mean? January and the entire 2011calendar are already filling up. May this year beprosperous both spiritually and economically forour congregation. The past couple of years havebeen challenging on a lot of levels. May 2011r e c h a rge us so that we can be generous with ourselvesand with the world around us. I look forwardto moving through the year with all of you.
- Sue Bickford
A new year offers wondrousand auspicious time
It seems to me we've been in a bitof a malaise since about June of2008.While we've certainly beenworking hard, I don't think we'vebeen working very joyfully.
Yes, we've been grieving the loss of a long-settledminister; yes, we're facing an international economiccrisis; yes, yes, we've been in a bit of shock and trauma.
Now it is time to shift the momentum into addressingneed, caring, and action. In just the past threeweeks there is forward momentum in building a courtyard;budgeting and finance taking the current financialstate as something to be proactively addressed;becoming really welcoming to new and old members;fUUsion is a place to be; music is ever better and morediverse; a Caring Group is forming; Adult ReligiousEducation is back.We are awake and moving.
Sue Bickford summarized what has happened whenshe said: "We are the church"-not a building, not aminister-we are the church.
Religious Exploration is revisioning. The congregationneeds to begin revisioning-that's a single wordfor examining who we are, where we want to go, andhow we want to get there.
The process for searching for a settled ministerrequires that we evaluate what we are and what we arelooking for. Now is the time to begin. Rev. RobertaHaskin is experienced in this process. It is whatinterim ministers do. Let's get started.
As a small beginning on doing something different,the board is initiating "Second Sunday Supper" onSunday evening, January 11, at 6 p.m.We are all invitedto meet in Forbes. Remember, "We is us," as Pogo onceobserved.
Second Sunday Supper intends to bring us togethereach month to find community, give us opportunityfor cussing and discussing, become friends, and toconfirm, as always, that UUs do their best when well fed.
The board will provide a couple of main dishes. Youbring the rest: bread, vegetables, desserts, appetizers,vegan dishes, and a plastic covered bowl to take somehome if any remains.
Kids-oh yes
Make Second Sunday Super a regular event on yourcalendar. Rumor has it that February will be turkeychili-and tofu, of course.
We have much to do.
For what we are and what we will become,
- Ron Crane
It seems that we can't escapethe continuing impact of theworld financial crisis. Twoactions on your part will help usin monitoring the financial viabilityof the church.
1. Current pledge receipts are below normal.The church administration and finance committeeestimate receipts according to monies pledgedmonthly, quarterly, and yearly. According to ourhistorical pattern of income we are currently 20percent below expected contributions. Pleasecheck your payment history to ascertain whetheryou are behind. If you are so affected by the currenteconomy that you aren't able to meet yourpledged amount, let us know so that we mightmake appropriate income estimate adjustments.Contact Roberta Haskin, Melinda Ewen, or me.
2. The Stewardship Committee is beginningnext year's pledge drive. Historically "no newpledge form" has indicated your desire to maintainpledging at the current level. This year we are askingEVERYONE to submit a pledge form in orderthat budget planning may be accurate. In anunusual and time-consuming effort, the StewardshipCommittee and the Board of Directors willcall those who have not submitted a currentpledge form on or before Commitment Sunday.
This is not a "sales" call to get you to give more.Callers won't even know your pledge amount; onlythat a form has not been received. This call is anattempt to ensure accuracy in the estimation ofprojected income, which in turn allows for accuracyin budgeting and financial planning. You canconserve time and effort by submitting yourpledge form.
We have reserves established to meet economicmodulations.We have utilized $30,000 this year tomaintain programs.We look to being conservativein the next year should financial conditions so dictate.The budget is established at the Annual BusinessMeeting. You are the ones who determinehow our resources are utilized. Be a participant.
Your assistance in providing accurate informationis integral to proper planning. Please keep usinformed so that we may continue our consideredand detailed monitoring of our financial condition.Informed action is one of our strongestattributes.
With Appreciation,
Ron Crane
As we begin a new church year there is opportunityto join the many affinity groups that are active atthe church.
Volunteer opportunities are numerous and yourhelp is needed. The best and quickest way to build communityis to participate in that community.
You may have noticed the increase in the size of thechoir and the accompanying pleasant sounds. Do yousing? Join.
Religious Exploration, youth and adult, need teachersand committee members. We're trying to expand theadult program to embrace wider interests.
Faith in Action has a growing task in social actiongiven the economic and political situation in our country.Bronwen is leading a growing cadre of UU and membersof the larger community during the Wednesdayphone banks opposing Proposition 8.
Membership and Leadership, led by Pat Gomez, isexpanding the work begun to make our community moreeffective and inclusive for visitors and new members.
Stewardship, led by Phil Bonacich, will need morehelp this year. Having deleted a paid development positionto reduce budget expenses, we need volunteers toachieve our annual drive goal of a balanced budget. Thisyear is particularly challenging because of the loss ofseveral "large" pledges due to death, moving, andchanges in people's lives. We will have to work hard tomaintain income during national and international economicturmoil.
Most of our visitors and new members come to usvia the internet. We need to give time and effort in assistingLiz Fuller and Dan Kegel to expand our web presenceand to keep the web site a contemporary experience.We also need to greet and make welcome thosepersons as they visit our church. We need greeters andmeeters.
Our members are exceptionally capable. Yet, we allfeel the constraints of having less discretionary moneyand time. Look to yourself to see what you may contributeto each committee.
One thing we can do in this election year is to act inaccordance with our social and political conscience."Bad people are elected by good people who don't vote."Whatever cause motivates you - VOTE! Our world is ina state of change that requires that we each give voice toour precepts and votes to our causes.
We have much to appreciate and enjoy: community,music, social action, education, fun and caring. Enjoyour healthy and vibrant community - being a communityis what we are about; the vibrant comes naturally.
For what we are and what we will become.
- Ron Crane
With Ingathering Sunday we begin a newchurch year that will be filled with activity.
The Rev. Roberta Haskin joins us as ourinterim minister to shepherd us through anextensive process of self-evaluation andfuture direction.
We will undergo this extensive institutionalself-evaluation under the leadership ofRev. Haskin and the Search Committee for anew settled minister. During this approximately18-month period we need the intelligence,talent, and compassion that so profoundlyreflects the essence of ourcommunity.
We face many challenges:
How do we utilize our physical plantwhile remodeling Forbes Hall?
How do we provide for the increasingneeds of the greater community whileexpanding our own intellectual and spiritualgrowth?
How do we educate ourselves about theenvironmental and geopolitical changes thatseem to change daily?
Rather than asking for more it's appropriatethat we now ask for better.
Deeper thought, extensive discussion,broader perspective, and precision in theapplication of our energy is required of us.Our goal is a strong identity and a profoundstrategy.
During our recent wedding festivities I'vehad the interesting experience of seeing mynon-UU friends have contact with my UUfriends-- the consistent response from thenon-UUs is about how: "intelligent, thoughtful,caring and real 'those UU people are.'"External validation of what we know to betrue is delightful. It supports my earnest beliefthat we have something very special in theUUCCSM community. The near future willcertainly test the validity of my assumption.
Let us grow together in what we are andwhat we will become.
- Ron Crane
The Reverend JudithMeyer, a good andnoble minister
At the end of this month Judith will no longer beour settled minister. Her ministry has given us theopportunity to know and love one of those exceptionalpersons that we too seldom encounter inour life journey.
Judith is a scholar. Her continual curiosity aboutlife, theology, and human interaction has impactedus all in our desire to understand the world.
Judith practices compassion in our presence. She allows us to examine our posture relative to alarger world and challenges us do more as a congregationand as individuals.
Judith is intellectual and articulate. She graspsthe complexity of life and articulates that understanding.
Judith lives a life of social consciousness thatencourages us to do the same.
Judith has a sense of the humor of living. Sheappreciates the continuum of seriousness of livingand the responsibility of not seeing ourselves sonarrowly that we lose sight of our human comedy.
Judith is with us during our joys and sorrows.She cries with our tears and soars in our elation.Judith is a shepherd. She guides us through ourturmoil and elucidates the rainbows and majestiesof living.
Judith is a practitioner of humanness. Sheattends to her own frailties as a person as shestrives to become a wiser person in an oftenunwisesociety.
Judith has class. She has a presence and adialogue that promotes a calm and consideredapproach to people and events of our world.
Judith's ministry has touched the soul, challengedthe intellect, charged energy, and madeliving a more worthwhile and more fruitful experience.
Now as we move our community into the influenceof new interim and settled ministries, we doso with the knowledge and comfort of a ministryunder the Reverend Judith Meyer.
Thank you Judith. You are with us even as youare not.
With appreciation,
Ron Crane
We have begun, again.
As you visit Church this month you'll see the progressionof the landscaping phase of the buildingprogram. The north, front, and south of the cottagewill be completed for our use by fall.
The New Building Committee chaired by TomHamilton and Pat Parkerton has recommended TerraForm Landscaping and the Board of Directors hasapproved the contract. The contract requires an expenditureof $290,000.
A great deal of the work will be "underground" interms of required subterranean construction. We won'tsee it, but our future courtyard/patio will in essence bea "second story" of an elaborate drainage and waterretention system.
In terms of being "Green" you're more apt to see theeffect in the Santa Monica Bay than what happens underour property.
The next phase of refurbishing the Forbes complexwill be studied, discussed at a Town Hall meeting todetermine priorities within our budget availability, andpresented to the congregation for approval in the fallwith a plan to begin construction by January.
Get ready for change: both physical and organizationally.
Judith will retire in August; Roberta Haskin willbegin her interim Ministry on September 1.
Our programs are going full speed - like a Priusgoing down the Grapevine during a Santa Ana.
Faith in Action is realizing the results of its longtermsupport of Marriage Equality; Religious Explorationis flourishing; Membership and Leadership isattracting and working to retain a bevy of new, youngermembers who are bringing to us an infusion of newenergy; our music program is magnificent, just listen;"Green" has become a way of life rather than being aconcept of the future; we are planning and will implementtechnology that will bring our UU message intothe astonishing age of technological presence.
It is an exciting time for our community. You are anintegral part of this exciting time.
Thank you all...
...for what we are and what we will continue to become.
- Ron Crane