From Our President Archive
“Policy Governance is a fundamental redesign of church management. It calls on a board to focus on the organization’s vision and goals rather than minutia, and to give staff more freedom in making decisions.”
Whoa, that would make me stop and think and ask questions!
Perhaps you recall my mentioning Policy Governance in my “inaugural” speech at the Annual Meeting. I mentioned it as a process that might benefit our congregation as we go forward. We can take pride in our accomplishments, thanks to the united effort of our leadership and congregants. It is now an auspicious time to reflect on serving our mission in the best way possible.
At the time of the Annual Meeting, I had only just been introduced to the concept but it made sense to me and also seemed inspirational. Leadership roles are carefully defined: Oversight belongs to the Board; Management is the staff’s sphere; Discernment (i.e., articulating mission and vision) and strategy (i.e., making the big choices) are shared with the Board, staff, and congregation.
I began by reading “Reinventing Your Board” by John and Miriam Carver, the authors of the formal model for Policy Governance, also known as the Carver model. The model is intended to apply to all non-profit boards and is written as such, so it must be interpreted for UU churches. At General Assembly, I talked to congregations who had implemented Policy Governance (including the UUA) or were in the process of doing so. I also got some useful feedback from our district representatives and was introduced to “Governance and Ministry; Rethinking Board Leadership” by Dan Hotchkiss, a UU minister. The latter is far better for our purposes.
The Board is in a process of education that will proceed slowly with careful deliberation and with help from the district. Currently, the Board is educating itself by reading and discussing the Hotchkiss book. Ultimately a change in the way we do things will only happen by a vote of the congregation, but I feel that we will benefit from the process no matter what.
Many ask me what Policy Governance is. It is difficult to articulate a succinct statement that really explains it, so I offer you a gift. If you are interested in Policy Governance as it might apply to our church, I will happily give you a copy of Dan Hotchkiss’s book that you may keep, underline, and annotate as you wish. I hope it will inspire dialog and good ideas. Please contact me if you are interested.
I’ll be keeping you informed as we go forward. Honestly I am excited about where this effort will take us!
— Patricia Wright