From Our President Archive
It is a Season of Thanksgiving. Our Community is moving forward.
Change of attitude and heart has sprouted among us.
Revisiting Our Principles
There is a wallet sized card (printed by UUA) on the table as you enter the foyer.
It lists our Principles and the Living Traditions we share. I strongly suggest you acquire one of these cards and carry it with you.
Summertime Help
A Call to Accept Our Differences and Understand Each Other
FROM OUR VICE PRESIDENT: Building Better Beloved Community
Put Aside Differences and Become a Beloved Community
Ron Crane
A Note from Our President
The President’s column will not appear this month due to preparation for the board retreat and the vicissitudes of life.
— Ron Crane
Building Right Relations and Making New Acquaintances
The Task Force on Right Relations
As I engage in our congregation’s Right Relations process I’m impressed with the number of differing perceptions that can be held by even a small group of people.
How we learn to allow those perceptions to be expressed, and influenced, is what we are engaging in the Right Relations process.
The invitations to the Long Term Right Relations Task Force membership have been made. More invitations will follow to fill the membership. The arc of the action will be given to you by Nancy Edmundson in the coming month.
We have no lack of capable congregants. We had over 40 names in nomination by the board. These numbers show the depth of people we have to call on in the next year as the process unfolds. Every name represented talent that we as a congregation need.
The time has come when you are invited to start thinking that we are in the process. “Right Relations” isn’t something that is going to happen in the future. It is happening now. I invite you now to watch for all those perceptions I was talking about. Attend to what is happening within the process. Share your perceptions and listen to the perceptions of others. There will be many future opportunities to engage with groups in our congregation in Right Relations conversations and process, and it all begins with each of us paying attention to our own perceptions and listening more deeply without judgment to others.
— Ron Crane