Order of Service Archive

Sunday, July 26, 2015
Close trees shelter each other as a family holds tight in harsh times
light conquering darkness
Grove of trees shading each other, swaying as one, intertwined and bending
toward a beautiful future. ~ Eric Martinez
*Gathering Hymn                                         Come, come, whoever you are,
                                                                         Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving.
                                                                         Ours is no caravan of despair.
                                                                        Come, yet again, come.
Welcome                                                      Rima Snyder, pulpit host
Prelude                                                        Songs My Mother Taught Me                                                Antonin Dvorak
                                                                       Lynn Angebranndt, cello
Chalice Lighting                                          Diana Spears
*Opening Hymn                                         #326 Let All the Beauty We Have Known
*Covenant                                                   Love is the doctrine of this church.
                                                                      The quest for truth is its sacrament,
                                                                      And service is its prayer.
                                                                      To dwell together in peace,
                                                                      To seek knowledge in freedom,
                                                                      To serve humankind in fellowship,
                                                                      Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise                                        From all that dwell below the skies
                                                                      Let songs of hope and faith arise
                                                                     Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
                                                                     Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank
Poems for All Ages                                     My Family's Fond of Gadgets                                               by Kenn Nesbitt
read by Carrie Lauer                                 My Mom's Spaghetti                         by Kenn Nesbitt & Donna Lee Murphy
Song of Blessing                                        Go now in peace, go now in peace,
                                                                       May the spirit of love surround you
                                                                       As you go, as you go, on your way                       ~ Natalie Sleeth, adapted
Pulpit Message                                           UU Justice Ministry scholarship                                               Cathie Gentile
A Time for Community
Offertory                                                        Dido’s Lament, from Dido and Aenaes                                   Henry Purcell
                                                                       When I am laid in earth, may my wrongs create no trouble in thy breast.
                                                                       Remember me, but, ah, forget my fate!
Reading                                                       The Guest House                                                                                        Rumi
Silent Meditation
Responsive Reading                                  #661 The Heart Knoweth                                        Ralph Waldo Emerson
Introduction                                                   Tree & Root: Poems About Family                                       Rima Snyder
Emmy Cresciman                                          Nan Burton, by Vincent Cresciman
Bettye Barclay                                               My Dad
Music for the Morning                                  Found My Way Back Home                                                     Karl Lisovsky,
                                                                                                                                                                     arr. by Rima Snyder
Cassandra Christenson                              Community Is Family
Jessica Fant-Chapin                                    Generations
*Closing Hymn                                              #342 O Slowly, Slowly, They Return, verses 1-3
Postlude                                                          Feldeinsamkeit                                                                Johannes Brahms
Extinguishing the Chalice
*Please stand in body or in spirit
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Greeters:                                                           Dwight Flowers, Glen Howell, Michael & Steve Young
Ushers:                                                             Tom Foretich & Dan Patterson
Coffee:                                                              Nancy Howell & Alicia Van Ooyen
Bookstore:                                                        Nancy Babbitt
Service Notes
Huge thanks and a warm welcome back to our guest musician this morning, Lynn Angebranndt. Ms.
Angebranndt received her Bachelor of Music in applied cello from The Catholic University of America
and a Master of Fine Arts from the California Institute of the Arts. Since 2008, she has been a member of
the Kadima String Quartet, a group with an extensive mission to both perform and educate. Through the
Kadima Conservatory of Music, Ms. Angebranndt teaches cello lessons, leads a cello choir and
introductory group violin classes, and coaches youth orchestra and chamber music. Ms. Angebranndt
also maintains her own private teaching studio, is a board member of the Los Angeles Cello Society and
sits principal cello for the West Chester Symphony and Lancaster Philharmonic.
This month, 60% of our non-pledge offering will go to Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services. With
locations in Culver City and throughout Los Angeles, Didi Hirsch transforms lives by providing quality
mental health care and substance abuse disorder services in communities where stigma or poverty
limit access. Its Suicide Prevention Center was the first in the nation to provide 24/7 crisis counseling
and receives over 55,000 calls each year at 877-7-CRISIS, or 877-727-4747.
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Supplemental Poetry: "Tree & Root: Poems About Family"

Nan Burton
Nan Burton
was thirty at the turn
of the twentieth century,
had birthed her only child,
Edna, my grandmother.
Burtons had been abolitionists
sheltering runaway slaves
on their way to Canada,
part of the underground railway.
none the less her husband,
twenty some years older than she,
had gone to a camp deep in the woods
to avoid the civil war draft.
not out of fear or conscientious objection
out of deep distrust of recruiters
from beyond his home town
unwilling to put his life
in the hands of strangers.
(Yankee isolationism at its most basic.)
my great grandmother Nan Burton
taught me to draw a cup and saucer in perspective
taught me to add and subtract in my head, playing dominoes.
When she thought no one was looking
she peeked behind the television
to see how they got those people on the screen.
When she was asked certain questions
she replied “Well” with a specific kind of inflection.
not to gather her thoughts or at a loss for words
what she meant was,
“I’ll keep my own counsel about that.”
(Yankee reticence at its finest.)
she took me to the post war parades
she was there at union station
when the uncles came back from world war II
unimaginable and distant hence fascinating
she was at the table when they talked about the bomb
(the one that could blow up everything)
Nan Burton told me she didn’t eat tomatoes
“I don’t eat love apples” she said
years later I learned that in her day
tomatoes were thought to be an aphrodisiac.
Nan Burton told me
I could do anything I set my mind to;
so I read like her and most of my family.
in order to figure out what to put my mind to.
I didn’t have a clue but I knew I’d recognize it
when I read it.
turned out it was the reading itself
led me to movies and television
which made me a living.
right around the time she died
she visited me in a dream,
while I was in army prison.
She said to me
“you’ll be all right Vincent”
  ~~~ Vincent Cresciman
Passing through the generations,
The foundation stands.
Steady as a rock,
Yet bending with the grace of a willow,
A helpful hand here, then a gentle push when needed,
Someone to laugh till you cry with, or cry until you are healed with,
Family members you have known well for years,
And those just coming into your life.
Those who speak to you from family albums
And photos
Long gone but never forgotten,
Your ancestors handing you the reins.
With the ebb and flow of time, sometimes the present picture changes,
But never those souls within.
Carry your fate proudly; you know who you are,
And where you come from, and that matters.
  ~~~ Jessica Fant-Chapin
My Dad
He loved Old Spice sawdust wet dirt and warm wood
                 Hard wiry with blue of sky settled in his eyes
Loved clatter of keyboard grind of saws hoe on garden ground
                Curious yearning stretching to new experiences
I’m tied to him through curiosity blood line and learning
                 A distant tie while he was in California
Working shipyards during World War II
                 The family behind in Arkansas
His foot almost lost in a work accident
                 That brought him back to church work
Slight limp as he built his home helped build a
                  National organization of church administrators
Friends called them the “going Arney’s”
                  Always ready for the next journey in the US and beyond
With wife to Amsterdam and Papua New Guinea with their pilot son
                 To Japan as president of Lion's Club
At eighty the headline said “Just call Henry ‘Superman’”
                 As he outperformed others half his age
In rope climbing running and jumping at a modern day
                 Institute in community leadership skills
Building and remodeling homes and meeting places
                  For self and others through his retirement years
Building and remodeling himself through his life
                  Writing serving learning growing
Born into a log cabin cracks chinked with mud
                  Mountain spring giving water
Away to Valley Springs High School dedicated
                  To educate its students in body mind and soul
He read Greek studied theology and philosophy
                  Earned a degree in Latin at Hendrix
Building with brick on campus to pay his way
                  Graduated into the depression with a wife and infant son
Grew gardens all his life vegetables for food
                 Flowers for the wife he loved sixty plus years
Created bird friendly yard
                 Hand fed a mockingbird each morning
Grew into the world as he found it computers electronics
                  Existing alongside age old ties with the earth
Aimed to live to one hundred years
                  Made it to eighty-six active and alert to the end
On his burying day the church was full to overflowing
                  With family and friends who came to honor him
His contributions his giving heart and mind
                   And Dan the minister teary eyed voice cracking
Spoke with love and respect
                   About this man
Who lived fully into life
                   With love with curiosity with service
  ~~~ Bettye Barclay
The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
  ~~~ Jellaludin Rumi, translation by Coleman Barks
Cave of the Flowers
We lonely, bundled-up against dark birds swooping
a storm sky. Childhood a gray garden where flowers
loosen their hold, weeping their petals. Weeds, twisted
and grasping search out green shoots.
I do not lie down in wild tangle, hover, though stunted,
wait till eighteen with just enough life, left to plant
my own garden.
Seek out new family who gather my life precious, seed
packet of potential, plant, water and tend, the lush-
humming for years.
Until gold leaves of autumn, the fence line of winter,
where ice winds blow, and I twirl, a little leaf tight hangs,
stem to bare twig and worry into the season of snow.
Fierce winter, season of advanced age.
No garden. Snow. Lies silent and deep, feet heavy, blind-
feel through the cold.
But there, as I peer and puzzle a glow, cave, warm cave
full of flowers!
It is this church. Unitarian-Universalist, almost hidden in
blurred world of white storm. Garden inside.
And family of gardeners. My own people, family, loving
service. Respect.
It is church of great bears of the heart, tigers of intellect,
swans of grace, and hound dogs of commitment.
All feeling as pups tumbling a sunny garden in great cave,
bobbing and burbling, they tend
burgeoning, flourishing garden.
Miraculous, in deep winter-snow,
full garden of spring flowers grow.
  ~~~ Cassandra Christenson
Sunday, July 19, 2015
*Gathering Hymn                                             Bind Us Together                                                                 Bob Gillman
                                                                            Bind us together, oh bind us together
                                                                            With cords that cannot be broken.
                                                                            Bind us together, oh bind us together
                                                                            Oh, bind us together with love.
Prelude                                                              Mr. C                                                                                            Pete Snell
Welcome                                                           Nica Eaton-Guinn
Chalice Lighting                                              Natalie Kahn
*Opening Hymn                                             #360 Here We Have Gathered
*Covenant                                                       Love is the doctrine of this church.
                                                                          The quest for truth is its sacrament,
                                                                          And service is its prayer.
                                                                          To dwell together in peace,
                                                                          To seek knowledge in freedom,
                                                                          To serve humankind in fellowship,
                                                                          Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise                                            From all that dwell below the skies
                                                                         Let songs of hope and faith arise
                                                                         Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
                                                                         Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank and Turning Point
Time for All Ages                                           The Three Questions                                                                  Jon J. Muth
Song of Blessing                                            I Seek the Spirit of a Child                                                          Traditional
                                                                           I seek the spirit of a child, the child who meets life naturally,
                                                                           The child who sings the world alive, and greets the morning sun                                                                                                with glee.
                                                                           Children are real beyond all art.
                                                                           May I see: Joy’s a gift to our heart.
                                                                           I seek the wonder of a child, a child who sees delightfully,
                                                                           Now clowns in cloud, now gold in sun - imaginations true and free.
                                                                           Children are real beyond all lies.
                                                                           May I see: Faith’s a gift to our eyes.
Life Together
Offering                                                               Wandering                                                                             Daniel Gledhill
Devotional Time
Sung Response                                               Building Bridges
                                                                            Building Bridges between our divisions,
                                                                            I reach out to you, will you reach out to me,
                                                                            With all of our voices and all of our visions,
                                                                            Friends, we could make such sweet harmony.
Music for the Morning                                     Lydia                                                                                             Pete Snell
Sermon                                                            Creating our Own Theologies                                       Nica Eaton-Guinn
                                                                          with Jo An Peters, Clayton Fossett, Andrea Steffan,
                                                                          Sarah Robson, Natalie Kahn & Mark Warkentin
*Closing Hymn                                              #1054 Let This Be a House of Peace                                           Jim Scott
*Benediction                                                   Nica Eaton-Guinn
Musical Response                                       Colin’s Dream                                                                                 Pete Snell
*Please stand in body or in spirit
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Greeters:                                                           Roberta Frye, David Olson & Rhonda Peacock
Ushers:                                                              Rick Rhoads & Michael Young
Coffee:                                                               Kit Shaw & Alicia Van Ooyen
Bookstore:                                                         Nancy Babbitt
Service Notes
Thank you to our guest musician this morning, UUSM member, Pete Snell. Pete grew up on the East
Coast playing in clubs in the tri-state area. He studied with Linc Chamberland, Pat Martino, Joe Pass,
and at The Manhattan School of Music before heading to Los Angeles in the 1980's. There he signed with
Capitol Records and Bruce Lundvall to do two albums with his band, In Vitro. Next, he toured with Lyle
Lovett and his Large Band, Sam Phillips, and many others while doing session work in Los Angeles for
many television shows, films, and solo artists. Currently, Pete is producing artists, composing for film
and television, doing session work and playing in Los Angeles area jazz clubs.
This month, 60% of our offering will go to Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services. With locations in
Culver City and throughout Los Angeles, Didi Hirsch transforms lives by providing quality mental
health care and substance abuse disorder services in communities where stigma or poverty limit
access. Its Suicide Prevention Center was the first in the nation to provide 24/7 crisis counseling and
receives over 55,000 calls each year at 877-7-CRISIS, or 877-727-4747.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
*Gathering Hymn                                     Enter, Rejoice, and Come In                                            arr. Betty A. Wylder
                                                                    Enter, rejoice, and come in.
                                                                    Enter, rejoice, and come in.
                                                                    Today will be a joyful day;
                                                                    Enter, rejoice, and come in.
Prelude                                                      The Preacher                                                                                Horace Silver
Welcome                                                    Nica Eaton-Guinn
Chalice Lighting                                        Jessica Fant-Chapin
*Opening Hymn                                       #349 We Gather Together
*Covenant                                                 Love is the doctrine of this church.
                                                                    The quest for truth is its sacrament,
                                                                    And service is its prayer.
                                                                    To dwell together in peace,
                                                                    To seek knowledge in freedom,
                                                                    To serve humankind in fellowship,
                                                                    Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise                                        From all that dwell below the skies
                                                                     Let songs of hope and faith arise
                                                                     Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
                                                                     Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank and Turning Point
Time for All Ages                                     God’s Hat                                                                                            Chris Buyce
Song of Blessing                                     I Seek the Spirit of a Child                                                                  Traditional
                                                                   I seek the spirit of a child, the child who meets life naturally,
                                                                   The child who sings the alive, and greets the morning sun with glee.
                                                                   Children are real beyond all art.
                                                                   May I see: Joy’s a gift to our heart.
                                                                   I seek the wonder of a child, a child who sees delightfully,
                                                                   Now clowns in cloud, now gold in sun - imaginations true and free.
                                                                   Children are real beyond all lies.
                                                                   May I see: Faith’s a gift to our eyes.
Life Together
Offering                                                    The Graceful Path                                                                             Scott Roewe
Devotional Time
Sung Response                                   Voice Still and Small                                                                       John Corrado
                                                                Voice still and small, deep inside all,
                                                                I hear you call, singing.
                                                                In storm and rain, sorrow and pain,
                                                                Still we remain singing.
                                                               Calming my fears, quenching my tears,
                                                                Through all the years, singing.
Responsive Reading                           #664 Give Us the Spirit of the Child
Music for the Morning                           Hope                                                                                                      Scott Roewe
Sermon                                                    Choosing a Future for Unitarian
                                                                  Universalism in the 21st Century                                     Rev. Dr. Ken Brown
*Closing Hymn                                      #1017 We are Building a New Way
*Benediction                                          Rev. Dr. Ken Brown
Postlude                                                 When You Hear the “La La La”                                                        Scott Roewe
*Please stand in body or in spirit
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Greeters:                                                Barbara Gibbs, Kris Langabeer & Katie Malich
Ushers:                                                  Bonnie Brae & Tom Early
Coffee:                                                   Phyllis & Robert Kory, Diane Macunovich & Linda van Ligten
Bookstore:                                             Nancy Babbitt
Service Notes
Thanks to Rev. Dr. Ken Brown from the Pacific Southwest District (PSWD) of the UUA for being here
today and for hosting a half-day workshop Saturday concerning UU governance in the 21st century.
We appreciate him leading a discussion about the changing nature of the religious conversation in our
congregations in our current times!
Special thanks to our guest musician today, Scott Roewe. Scott has scored numerous films and TV
shows including writing the theme for the Prime Time CBS Television series "Rescue 911.” Scott has
also worked as assistant composer on the hit T.V. show C.S.I.. Scott is currently the Jazz Band Director
at New Roads High School in Santa Monica. In addition, he serves as the music director at the UU
Church of Santa Clarita. Scott is also a founding member of the group Wild Colonials. Since it's
inception in 1992, the band has signed to Geffen records, released 3 records and toured nationally.
This week we are doing a special collection to mark Black Lives Matter Sunday and the beginning of
a week of Righteous Resistance. 60% of our offering will go to the James Reeb Fund first established
during the days after Rev. Reeb's death at Selma, that continues to support the work of racial justice in
our congregations and our Association. With what we collect this month, we will be able to supply
immediate material needs to congregations terrorized by arson and other acts of violence. Donations
also promote continual work on racial justice, voting rights, ministries to UU religious professionals of
color, and interfaith organizing, especially around #BlackLivesMatter. Some of the money raised will
also go to the Rebuild the Churches Fund (http://goo.gl/pb1wN8).
Sunday, June 28, 2015
*Gathering Hymn                            When the Summer Sun is Shining                                    arr. Margaret W. Mealy
                                                           When the summer sun is shining over golden land and sea,
                                                           And the flowers in the hedgerow welcome butterfly and bee;
                                                           Then my open heart is glowing, full of warmth for everyone,
                                                           And I feel an inner beauty which reflects the summer sun
                                                           In the cool of summer evening, when the dancing insects play,
                                                          And in garden, street, and meadow linger echoes of the day;
                                                          Then my heart is full of yearning; hopes and mem’ries flood the whole
                                                          Of my being, reaching inwards to the corners of my soul.
Prelude                                             Tryptich on “In Babilone”                                                             Michael Burkhard
Welcome                                           Rev. Carrie Lauer
Chalice Lighting                              Cassandra Christenson
*Opening Hymn                               #139 Wonders Still the World Shall Witness
*Covenant                                         Love is the doctrine of this church.
                                                            The quest for truth is its sacrament,
                                                            And service is its prayer.
                                                            To dwell together in peace,
                                                            To seek knowledge in freedom,
                                                            To serve humankind in fellowship,
                                                            Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise                               From all that dwell below the skies
                                                            Let songs of hope and faith arise
                                                            Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
                                                            Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank and Turning Point
Time for All Ages                               When the Anger Ogre Visits                                                            Andree Salom
Song of Blessing                               As You Leave This Friendly Place                                Johann Sebastian Bach
                                                             As you leave this friendly place, love give light to every face.
                                                             May the kindness which you learn, light your hearts till you return.
Life Together
Offering                                               Fugue on the Name B.A.C.H.                                    Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Devotional Time                                Rev. Jim Conn
Sung Response                                Wake, Now, My Senses                                                                           Traditional
                                                             Wake, now, my senses, and hear the earth call;
                                                             Feel the deep power of being in all;
                                                             Keep, with the web of creation your vow,
                                                             Giving, receiving as love shows us how.
                                                             Wake, now, my conscience, with justice thy guide;
                                                             Join with all people whose rights are denied;
                                                             Take not for granted a privileged place;
                                                             God’s love embraces the whole human race.
                                                              Wake, now, my vision of ministry clear;
                                                              Brighten my pathway with radiance here;
                                                              Mingle my calling with all who will share;
                                                             Work toward a planet transformed by our care.
Music for the Morning                       Modal Prelude                                                                                     Jean Langlais
Sermon                                                Can Democracy Save The Planet?                                              Rev. Jim Conn
*Closing Hymn                                 #166 Years Are Coming, Speed Them Onward
Musical Response                           Concerto on "Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying"                         Robert Hobby
*Please stand in body or in spirit
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Greeters:                                              Dwight Flowers, Glen Howell, Michael Young & Steve Young
Ushers:                                                Tom Foretich & David Goetz
Coffee:                                                  Deirdre Dietel, Nancy Howell & Sylvia Young
Bookstore:                                            Nancy Babbitt
Service Notes
Thank you to Rev. Jim Conn for visiting us today. Rev. Jim Conn is the founding minister of the
Church in Open Park. He also helped found the Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice
(CLUE-LA) as well as the Santa Monica renter’s rights campaign. Rev. Conn is also affiliated with
Capital & Main as a writer and the Asset Based Community Development Institute.
We are also grateful to our esteemed guest musician, this morning, Ken Herman. Last fall, Ken was
named Director of Music/Organist Laureate by the First UU Church of San Diego, where he served for
43 years. Twice, he was elected president of the UU Musicians Network, and he served on the editorial
boards of two UUA-published hymnbooks: Singing the Journey and Las Voces del Camino . He chaired
the UUA's first Music Leadership Credentialing Program. In San Diego, he is a long established music
critic who now writes for SanDiegoStory.com.
This month, 60% of our offering will go to Common Ground: The Westside HIV Community
Center . Now housed within the Venice Family Clinic, Common Ground is the only HIV agency on the
Westside of Los Angeles and is committed to helping everyone know their HIV status and making sure
that people living with the virus find – and stay connected to – medical care.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
*Gathering Hymn                                       Enter, Rejoice, and Come In                                             arr. Betty A. Wylder
                                                                      Enter, rejoice, and come in.
                                                                      Enter, rejoice, and come in.
                                                                      Today will be a joyful day;
                                                                      Enter, rejoice, and come in.
Prelude                                                        A Moment Like This                                                                         John Reid
Chalice Lighting                                         Cynthia Cottam
*Opening Hymn                                          #131 Love Will Guide Us
*Covenant                                                    Love is the doctrine of this church.
                                                                       The quest for truth is its sacrament,
                                                                       And service is its prayer.
                                                                       To dwell together in peace,
                                                                       To seek knowledge in freedom,
                                                                       To serve humankind in fellowship,
                                                                       Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise                                           From all that dwell below the skies
                                                                        Let songs of hope and faith arise
                                                                        Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
                                                                        Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank and Turning Point
Time for All Ages                                         Journey to the New Forest
Song of Blessing                                         This Little Light of Mine                                                               Traditional
                                                                        This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…
                                                                         Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine...
Life Together
Recognition of LRE Volunteers
Offering                                                           One Moment in Time                                                        arr. Tony Esposito
Devotional Time
Sung Response                                           Jacob’s Ladder                                                                               Traditional
                                                                        On and on the circle’s moving (3x), sisters, brothers, all.
                                                                        Every round a generation (3x), brightening our world.
                                                                        If I stumble, will you help me? (3x) We are climbing on.
                                                                        Strong is what we make each other (3x), sisters, brothers, all.
Reflection on Bridging                                                                                                                                   Maxwell DeVita
Bridging Ceremonies
Music for the Morning                                    Where Are You Going?                                                       Dave Matthews
                                                                           Sam Cranis & Maxwell DeVita
Spiritual Milestones                                                                                                                           Catherine Farmer Loya
*Closing Hymn                                                 #1020 Woyaya
Musical Response                                          This is the Moment, Jekyll & Hyde                                Frank Wildhorn
*Please stand in body or in spirit
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Greeters:                                          Roberta Frye, Wendi Gladstone, David Olson & Rhonda Peacock
Ushers:                                             Rick Rhoades & Michael Young
Coffee:                                              Sheila Bjornlie & Sheila Cummins
Bookstore:                                        Nancy Babbitt
Service Notes
Many thanks and welcome back to our guest musician this morning, Michael Antaramian. Michael
spent many years in Fresno, CA’s performing arts environment, not only as a collaborative pianist, but
also as a performer with Fresno Grand Opera in works such as Carmen and Rigoletto and with
StageWorks Fresno for Ragtime and Next to Normal . He has had the unique opportunity to accompany
Renee Fleming and to be the featured celesta player for Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker . An experienced
educator, Michael spent more than five years teaching music to K-12 students. Recently, he has
worked as the Musical Director for Riverside Repertory Theatre’s productions of Fiddler on the Roof , La
Cage aux Folles , Assassins! , and The Pirates of Penzance . Michael currently lives in Riverside, CA.
This month, 60% of our offering will go to Common Ground: The Westside HIV Community
Center. Now housed within the Venice Family Clinic, Common Ground is the only HIV agency on the
Westside of Los Angeles and is committed to helping everyone know their HIV status and making sure
that people living with the virus find – and stay connected to – medical care.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
*Gathering Hymn                                        Bind Us Together                                                                       Bob Gillman
                                                                       Bind us together, oh bind us together
                                                                       With cords that cannot be broken.
                                                                       Bind us together, oh bind us together
                                                                       Oh, bind us together with love.
Prelude                                                        Help                                                                                           Daniel Gledhill
Welcome                                                     Nica Eaton-Guinn
Chalice Lighting                                        Kerry Thorne
*Opening Hymn                                         #170 We Are a Gentle, Angry People
*Covenant                                                   Love is the doctrine of this church.
                                                                      The quest for truth is its sacrament,
                                                                      And service is its prayer.
                                                                     To dwell together in peace,
                                                                     To seek knowledge in freedom,
                                                                     To serve humankind in fellowship,
                                                                     Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise                                       From all that dwell below the skies
                                                                    Let songs of hope and faith arise
                                                                    Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
                                                                    Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank and Turning Point
Time for All Ages                                       Catherine Farmer Loya
Song of Blessing                                       This Little Light of Mine                                                                  Traditional
                                                                      This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…
                                                                      Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine...
Life Together
Offering                                                        Sonata in D Minor, L. 108                                                 Domenico Scarlatti
Devotional Time
Sung Response                                         How Could Anyone                                                                  Libby Roderick
                                                                      How could anyone ever tell you you were anything less than beautiful?
                                                                      How could anyone ever tell you you were less than whole?
                                                                      How could anyone fail to notice that your loving is a miracle?
                                                                      How deeply you’re connected to my soul.
Reflection                                                    Kerry Thorne
Music for the Morning                                For Good, Wicked                                                              Stephen Schwartz
Sermon                                                        Being Ourselves                                                                Nica Eaton-Guinn
*Closing Hymn                                           #1014 Standing on the Side of Love
*Benediction                                               Nica Eaton-Guinn
Musical Response                                   Angel                                                                                       Sarah McLachlan
*Please stand in body or in spirit
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Greeters:                                                              Kris Langabeer (9am)
                                                                              Barbara Gibbs & Katie Malich (11am)
Ushers:                                                                Carrie Lauer & Kit Shaw (9am)
                                                                              Carrie Lauer & Dan Patterson (11am)
Coffee:                                                                 Phyllis & Robert Kory (9am)
                                                                             Sanna Egan (11am)
Bookstore:                                                          Nancy Babbitt
Service Notes
This month, 60% of our offering will go to Common Ground: The Westside HIV Community
Center. Now housed within the Venice Family Clinic, Common Ground is the only HIV agency on the
Westside of Los Angeles and is committed to helping everyone know their HIV status and making sure
that people living with the virus find – and stay connected to – medical care.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
*Gathering Hymn                                           We Give Thanks                                                         Wendy Luella Perkins
                                                                          Oh, we give thanks for this precious day,
                                                                          For all gathered here, and those far away,
                                                                          For this time we share with love and care,
                                                                          Oh, we give thanks for this precious day.
Prelude                                                           Something Better (9am)                                                       Daniel Gledhill
                                                                          Rain Come Down (11am)                                                   Shawn Kirchner
Welcome                                                         Nica Eaton-Guinn
Chalice Lighting                                            Andrea Steffan (9am)
                                                                          Karl Lisovsky (11am)
*Opening Hymn                                             #1000 Morning Has Come
*Covenant                                                      Love is the doctrine of this church.
                                                                         The quest for truth is its sacrament,
                                                                         And service is its prayer.
                                                                         To dwell together in peace,
                                                                         To seek knowledge in freedom,
                                                                         To serve humankind in fellowship,
                                                                         Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise                                            From all that dwell below the skies
                                                                         Let songs of hope and faith arise
                                                                         Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
                                                                         Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank and Turning Point
Time for All Ages                                            Catherine Farmer Loya
Song of Blessing                                            This Little Light of Mine                                                             Traditional
                                                                           This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…
                                                                           Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine...
Life Together
Offering                                                             Wireless Rag (9am)                                                       Adaline Shepherd
                                                                           Mercy, Mercy Me (11am)                                       arr. Farrar, DeReau K.
Devotional Time
Sung Response                                               Comfort Me                                                              Mimi Bornstein-Doble
                                                                            Comfort me, comfort me, comfort me oh my soul…
                                                                            Sing with me, sing with me, sing with me oh my soul…
                                                                            Speak for me, speak for me, speak for me oh my soul…
                                                                            Dance with me, dance with me, dance with me oh my soul…
                                                                            Comfort me, comfort me, comfort me oh my soul...
Reflections                                                        Andrea Steffan & Karl Lisovksy
Music for the Morning                                     Sure on This Shining Night (9am)                                    Samuel Barber
                                                                            Everybody Rejoice, The Wiz (11am)                              Charlie Smalls
Sermon                                                             Second Chances                                                           Nica Eaton-Guinn
*Closing Hymn                                                #1015 I Know I Can
*Benediction                                                     Nica Eaton-Guinn
Musical Response                                           Angel                                                                                 Sarah McLachlan
*Please stand in body or in spirit
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Greeters:                                                               Denise Helton (9am)
                                                                               Tom Foretich, Denise Helton & Jila Tayefehnowrooz (11am)
Ushers:                                                                 Steve DePaul & Jila Tayefehnowrooz (9am)
                                                                               Joann Brownlie & Ned Wright (11am)
Coffee:                                                                  Kit Shaw & Alicia van Ooyen (9am)
                                                                               Peggy Rhoads & Pam Teplitz (11am)
Bookstore:                                                            Nancy Babbitt
Service Notes
Flowers: From Rima Snyder and Norb Gallery: In loving memory of our dear friends, Elisabeth
Hathaway and Sam Carr Polk. You are in our hearts.
Thank you to our wonderful choir! This Sunday is their last Sunday with us until Ingathering on
September 13th. Thanks to DeReau Farrar for his inspired musical direction, to Daniel Gledhill,
Jyvonne Haskin, James Hayden, Colleen Keene, and Gabriel Paredes for their continued staff support,
and to our dedicated choir members: Sue Bickford, Teri Bond, Lauren Callendar, Diane
Fletcher-Hoppe, Norb Gallery, Janet Goodwin, Kate Groundwater, Larry Howard, Karen Hsu
Patterson, Brigham Johnson, Cindy Kelly, Alex Lu, Kim Miller, Liam Mina, and Rima Snyder - and
dear friends who have recently moved on to other places and things: Tom Ahern, Rob Briner, Rebecca
Crawford, Eric Huang and Richard Scher.
This month, 60% of our offering will go to Common Ground: The Westside HIV Community
Center. Now housed within the Venice Family Clinic, Common Ground is the only HIV agency on the
Westside of Los Angeles and is committed to helping everyone know their HIV status and making sure
that people living with the virus find – and stay connected to – medical care.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
*Gathering Hymn                                            Bind Us Together                                                                      Bob Gillman
                                                                           Bind us together, oh bind us together
                                                                           With cords that cannot be broken.
                                                                           Bind us together, oh bind us together
                                                                           Oh, bind us together with love.
Prelude                                                             Flying Free                                                                                     Don Besig
Welcome                                                          James Witker
Chalice Lighting                                             Greg Germann
*Opening Hymn                                              #207 Earth Was Given As A Garden
*Covenant                                                        Love is the doctrine of this church.
                                                                           The quest for truth is its sacrament,
                                                                           And service is its prayer.
                                                                           To dwell together in peace,
                                                                           To seek knowledge in freedom,
                                                                           To serve humankind in fellowship,
                                                                           Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise                                              From all that dwell below the skies
                                                                           Let songs of hope and faith arise
                                                                           Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
                                                                           Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank and Turning Point
Time for All Ages                                             Gate A-4                                                                       Naomi Shihab Nye
Song of Blessing                                            This Little Light of Mine                                                            Traditional
                                                                           This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…
                                                                           Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine...
Life Together
Offering Freedom Amos Lee
Devotional Time                                             Meditation On A Grapefruit                                                   Craig Arnold
Sung Response                                               #1011 Return Again
Responsive Reading                                      #610 I Call That Church Free                                       Mohammed Iqbal
Music for the Morning                                      I Stand in Awe                                                                    arr. Mark Hayes
Sermon                                                             Awe & Wonder                                                                          Jessica Clay
*Closing Hymn                                               #208 Every Time I Feel The Spirit
*Benediction                                                   Jessica Clay
Musical Response                                        The Sound of Music                                                        Richard Rodgers
Please stand in body or in spirit
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Greeters:                                                           Bryan Cahill (9am)
                                                                           fUUsion ℅ Karen Patterson (11am)
Ushers:                                                             Peggy Kharraz & Ned Wright (9am)
                                                                           Tom Foretich & Dan Patterson (11am)
Coffee:                                                              Sheila Bjornlie & Leah Moore (9am)
                                                                           Resa Foreman & Jila Nouroz (11am)
Bookstore:                                                        Nancy Babbitt
Service Notes
Thank you to our worship leaders this Sunday! Jessica Clay, preaching, is currently making her way
through divinity school at Starr King, (our UU seminary up in Berkeley), after many years of volunteer
leadership as a member here in Santa Monica. Today’s pulpit host, James Witker, is now serving here
as co-chair of Faith in Action at UUSM and is active with our AAHS group for atheists, agnostics,
humanists, and secularists. We’re very thankful to have these two leading our worship services this
This month, 60% of our offering will go to the the Unitarian Universalist Association . As one of
over 1,000 UU congregations in the United States and around the world, UU Santa Monica pledges our
mutual trust and support to all other UU congregations. Our support for the UUA through our shared
offering, as well as our congregation’s annual gift of $15,000 toward our Fair Share contribution,
allows UU congregations to transform their communities, enables religious leaders to innovate and
inspire, and amplifies our collective voice to bring more justice and more love to the world. Calling all
UUs: Join leaders, volunteers, and the UU Santa Monica YRUU Youth Group and advisors at the largest
annual gathering of UUs in the country at General Assembly in Portland, OR, June 24-28 by registering at
www.uua.org/ga or speaking with Congregation President Patricia Wright.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
*Gathering Hymn                                     Freedom Is Coming                                                                         Traditional
                                                                    Oh freedom, oh freedom, oh freedom, freedom is coming!
                                                                    Oh freedom, oh freedom, oh freedom, freedom is coming!
                                                                    Oh yes I know, oh yes I know, oh yes I know, freedom is coming!
                                                                    Oh yes I know, oh yes I know, oh yes I know, freedom is coming!
                                                                    Oh freedom, oh freedom, oh freedom, freedom is coming!
                                                                    Oh freedom, oh freedom, oh freedom, freedom is coming!
Prelude                                                       If Love Were All (9am)                                                                Noël Coward
                                                                     Va, pensiero, Nabucco (11am)                                              Giuseppi Verdi
Welcome                                                   Nica Eaton-Guinn
Chalice Lighting                                      Jeremy Arnold
*Opening Hymn                                      #131 Love Will Guide Us
*Covenant                                                Love is the doctrine of this church.
                                                                   The quest for truth is its sacrament,
                                                                   And service is its prayer.
                                                                   To dwell together in peace,
                                                                   To seek knowledge in freedom,
                                                                   To serve humankind in fellowship,
                                                                   Thus do we covenant with each other.
*Hymn of Praise                                      From all that dwell below the skies
                                                                   Let songs of hope and faith arise
                                                                   Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung
                                                                   Through every land, by every tongue.
Offering for the Westside Food Bank and Turning Point
Time for All Ages                                     Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur
Song of Blessing                                     This Little Light of Mine                                                                   Traditional
                                                                    This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…
                                                                    Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine...
Life Together
Pulpit Message                                       The Intern Committee
Offering                                                     A Mother’s Heart                                                                         William Joseph
Devotional Time
Sung Response                                     There’s A Wideness In Your Mercy                       Frederick William Faber
                                                                  There’s a wideness in your mercy like the wideness of the sea.
                                                                  There’s a kindness in your justice which is more than liberty.
                                                                  For the love we serve is broader than the measures of our minds
                                                                  And the heart of the eternal is most wonderfully kind.
Music for the Morning                         Menuetto, Sonata, Op. 31, No. 3                                     Ludwig van Beethoven
                                                                Three Chorales from Tagore, Op. 11, No. 3                                  Paul Creston
Sermon                                                   Arise All Women!                                                                     Nica Eaton-Guinn
*Closing Hymn                                     #1054 Let This Be a House of Peace
Musical Response                                The Sound of Music (9am)                                                       Richard Rodgers
                                                                  Libertad (11am)                                                                 arr. DeReau K. Farrar
*Please stand in body or in spirit
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Greeters:                                                   Kris Langabeer (9am)
                                                                    Barbara Gibbs & Katie Malich (11am)
Ushers:                                                      Peggy Kharraz & Jila Tayefehnowrooz (9am)
                                                                    Rick Rhoads & Ned Wright (11am)
Coffee:                                                       Phyllis & Robert Kory (9am)
                                                                    Diane Macunovich & Linda van Ligten (11am)
Bookstore:                                                 Nancy Babbitt
Backyard Bounty:                                     Sue Stoyanoff
Service Notes
This month, 60% of our offering will go to the the Unitarian Universalist Association . As one of
over 1,000 UU congregations in the United States and around the world, UU Santa Monica pledges our
mutual trust and support to all other UU congregations. Our support for the UUA through our shared
offering, as well as our congregation’s annual gift of $15,000 toward our Fair Share contribution,
allows UU congregations to transform their communities, enables religious leaders to innovate and
inspire, and amplifies our collective voice to bring more justice and more love to a world so in need of
our healing message. We give to support congregations other than our own because investing in and
strengthening the presence of Unitarian Universalism is a concrete expression of our
Calling all UUs: Join leaders, volunteers, and the UU Santa Monica YRUU Youth
Group and advisors at the largest annual gathering of UUs in the country at General Assembly in Portland,
OR, June 24-28 by registering at www.uua.org/ga or speaking with Congregation President Patricia Wright.