"Leaving Room for Hope: Sermons for Uncertain Times"
By the Rev. Judith E. Meyer, Minister Emerita
Edited by Felicity A. Nussbaum
Forward by the Rev. Ernest D. Pipes, Jr., Minister Emeritus
This collection of sermons from our Minister Emeritus spans the years 1993-2005 and addresses a variety of themes. From the spiritual experience of every day life to Unitarian Universalist history, Leaving Room for Hope is a good sampling of our Sunday pulpit messages. Publication of the book celebrated Judith’s twenty-fifth year in the ministry.
Chapter headings: "Leaving Room for Hope;" "Walking the Dog;" "Finding Home;" "Living Within and Without Tradition;" "Celebrating Seasons;" "Taking Fun Seriously." Published by KayT Publishing, Long Beach, California (2006).
If you would like to order a copy of the book, please print this page, fill out the portion below the line, and send it - with your check - to the address below. All proceeds benefit the church building program.
"Leaving Room for Hope: Sermons for Uncertain Times"
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Please enclose a check (sorry - no credit card orders) - made out to UUCCSM - for $15 (price of the book + tax), plus $5 shipping and handling (for up to three copies) or $10 shipping and handling (for 4-6 copies).
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UU Community Church
1260 18th St.
Santa Monica, CA 90404