Middle School/Coming of Age
Neighboring Faiths
For 6th & 7th grades
Class offered at 9:00 & 11:00
Meets in the Northeast room of the Cottage
“Neighboring Faiths” is a two-year comparative religions course that takes participants outside of our own walls to experience the wide variety of religious practice in our world. Participants will use their experiences from class discussions, visitors and field trips to reflect on the unique and universal of religious experience, to explore their own val-ues as they relate to many other faith traditions, to increase their appreciation of religious diversity, and to build relationships with peers, adult leaders, and our congregation and community. In the 2011-12 year the class will study Eastern and Native religions.
For more information, please see our letter and calendar for Neighboring Faiths parents.
Coming of Age
For 8th grade
Class offered at 9:00 service only.
Meets in the Churchview room of the Cottage
“Coming of Age” provides opportunities for youth to learn who they are and where they are on their spiritual journey, bond with other teens, celebrate their gifts, learn about the church and how it works, and articulate their own personal beliefs within the context of our UU faith. The year culminates on Coming of Age Sunday, May 20th, when the youth will present religious credo statements before the congregation in a worship service of their own design.
For more information, please see our letter and calendar for Coming of Age parents.