Heart and Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service @ 5 p.m. - "What Does It Mean to be a Community of Blessing?"

Sunday, June 10, 2018 - 5:00pm
Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Karen Hsu Patterson & Joyce Holmen
Homily by Catie Grasso
Heart & Soul is a monthly contemplative worship service series that occurs on the second Sunday of each month. It is a shorter, more intimate service, with singing and instrumental music, statements, and questions, silence, and sharing. Readings, poems, quotes, and music are drawn from a variety of sources, including the UU Soul Matters Sharing Circle, our hymnals, and popular/folk music. 
Please note audio is currently unavailable for Heart & Soul services.

Sabbath Moments

Sunday, June 24, 2018
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins
Worship Associate: 
Rima Snyder
You may be familiar with the idea of Sabbath Keeping -- setting aside a particular day in the week to worship and to rest. Have you ever noticed the sabbath moments in your life? These are the small windows of peace cause you to smile, take your breath away, or invite you to breathe deeply. By honoring sabbath moments, you allow your soul to rest. 

Abraham and the Peach Seed Monkey

Sunday, June 17, 2018
Rev. Greg Ward
Worship Associate: 
Cassie Winters
A child will always determine the level of importance they have in their father's eyes by comparing what their father gives to them versus what their father gives to others. When a child sees that their father values something more than them, it can hurt. Through examining one story of great pain and one story of great promise, we find our place value in our father' eyes. And maybe, we find out how to convey to our children the value they bring us.

Marlon Bundo: What You Need to Know about Lessening Shame

Sunday, June 10, 2018
Rev. Greg Ward
Worship Associate: 
Cassie Winters
When counting our blessings, a very important one to remember is the blessing that teaches us to rise above doubt and beyond shame. We all hope for a life where we see clearly and learn to call ourselves – and teach others to call us – by our true names. It is only after we begin to see and call ourselves as beloved that we begin to write the real story of our life. This is a service about getting to the starting line in the journey toward Love. We will welcome new members into our congregation during this service.

The Blessings of Tone-Deafness and Arrhythmicism

Sunday, June 3, 2018
Dr. Zanaida Robles
Worship Associate: 
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins
Dr. Zanaida Robles, our Director of Music, shares personal experiences related to "tone-deafness" and "arrythmicism." We listen to stories, songs, and singing experiences that reveal theological truths about how everyone has a singing voice and how every singing voice matters.

Membership Committee - Celebrate the start of summer!




Date / Time: 
Sunday, June 17, 2018 - 11:00am - 12:00pm

LA Pride Parade - offsite

FIA is organizing the Church’s group for the LA Pride Parade!
Sun, June 10, 10am-2pm. 
Kids march; families march; even dogs march. You can march too! Join us! You don’t even need to drive. We will meet before the 10am service on June 10th and use Lyft and Uber to carpool to West Hollywood. Or you can arrange carpools/public transit from your neighborhood. 
We teach our kids love, not hate! UU Santa Monica has made participating in the LA Pride parade a fun and meaningful family and intergenerational event for many years.
Join us on June 10th to march for the UU values of love, reason, inclusiveness and human rights. 
More information is available at our Facebook event page, which can be found here. 
Carpool sign-up sheets are at the FIA table in Forbes on Sundays, or contact Sarah Mae Harper amapolaroja@gmail.com or email justice@uusm.org with any questions.
Date / Time: 
Sunday, June 10, 2018 - 10:00am - 2:00pm

Visitor Meetup

We welcome all newcomers and drop-in visitors to our Visitor Meetup, usually held on the first Sunday of the month at 12:30 after the second service. Check the Order of Service for any updates. We also have informal Visitor Meetups in Forbes Hall during our inter-hour, on the right-hand couch area. If you come late, ask for Sarah Robson. We will answer your curious questions as best we can – what is Unitarian Universalism, what is our mission, what are our ethical principles, the history of our church, our programs, and how to become involved. Along with our own stories, you will also be given the opportunity to share with us your story, what you are searching for, and how you found us. Refreshments will be provided.

Contact Nina Emerson at nina.emerson@gmail.com and Sarah Robson at seraphima23@gmail.com, co-chairs of the Membership Committee.

Date / Time: 
Sunday, June 2, 2019 - 11:30am - 12:30pm
Contact Name: 
Sarah Robson

Facilities Development Committee - Beautify the UUSM Campus

Help the Facilities Development Committee Beautify the UUSM Campus!
- Could you donate mulch to help preserve our plants and soil?
- Could you donate some small 4" or 6"plants, such as Lavender, Rosemary, Ceanothus (California Lilac), Salvia, Rainbow Flax, Society Garlic or another drought-tolerate plant? 
We have a new irrigation system, so we are ready to replant our perimeter planter beds. 
* Could you help us do some work on an upcoming Saturday or Sunday? Work may include gardening, painting of garden walls, inside painting touch ups, organizing closets and more ... we have lots of jobs for all abilities. 
Contact: Beth Brownlie
 Much appreciation for your care for our Facilities!
Date / Time: 
Saturday, June 23, 2018 - 8:00am - 2:00pm
Contact Name: 
Beth Brownlie

Memorial Bricks Installation

We will have a short ceremony after the service to commemorate loved ones who’ve passed. We invite those of you who purchased bricks in the past or are installing bricks to participate in the service and everyone to join us. We will be honoring a few members and friends from UUSM history for their leadership and generosity.
Date / Time: 
Sunday, May 27, 2018 - 11:30am - 12:00pm