Splinters From The Board Archive
The Board began its meeting, as always, with dinner, chalice lighting, covenant, and check in. We had a very full agenda and got quickly down to business. Jerry Moore, who has been working with our UU camp at de Benneville Pines for 25 years, described a new opportunity for some of our families to attend camp the weekend of May 8 to 10. Craig’s cabin, which sleeps about 20, will be available on this weekend when most of the other people in the camp will be doing maintenance work. Watch for upcoming publicity.
Sue Stoyanoff, representing the Committee on Ministry, presented a draft of the Acting Minister Job Description and Letter of Understanding to be used in the hiring process for the minister who will serve half time during Rev. Rebecca’s absence. The Board affirmed these documents, which may change somewhat during negotiations with a specific candidate.
We then turned to the Policy Governance process. The Board ratified our Statement of Wishes, which we had worked on previously. We then brainstormed a list of qualities, which we would like to see in any candidates for our Governance Task Force. This Task Force, once chosen, will direct the process of further investigation into Policy Governance.
Beth Brownlie discussed the current status of the Sanctuary Lighting Project. The Board approved the appointment of a task force to execute the project. The next step is to obtain electrical bids from three electrical contractors. Significant lighting problems occurred during the Christmas Eve services.
The Board then returned to the subject of the Memorial Garden proposal brought by Ray Goodman to the last meeting. The Memorial Garden Task Force will be Ray Goodman, Ernie Pipes, Joe Engleman, Alison Kendall-Bar, Helen Brown, and Church Administrator Nurit Gordon as an ex officio Task Force member. The Board charged them with researching the feasibility of establishing a memorial garden in the Arizona Garden Area of UU Santa Monica. The task includes creating a proposal for the garden’s design, funding, and implementation, to be submitted to the Board.
Church membership stands at 377, with one new member, Sarah Robson.
Nurit Gordon reported that the lighting fixture has been installed in the alcove, and work is currently proceeding on installation of the gutters — a task left over from the roof project. Also, the roof at the Arizona entrance to Forbes is being repaired to correct the pooling of water that occurs during rainstorms. The 2015 pledges total $389,000 from 287 households at present. This number will continue to fluctuate for a month or so. At present there remains a deficit of $15,000 to $18,000 in unpaid pledges for the 2014 year.
Catherine Farmer Loya reported that our intern minister, Nica Eaton-Guinn, is beginning a two month intensive engagement with the RE program. She will be visiting and then teaching in most of our classes, including Coming of Age.
The Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur reported that this is a busy administrative time. Staff reviews will be scheduled in January. She discussed lay leader involvement in pastoral care for the community and said that she and the Rev. Kikanza J. Nuri-Robins and Intern Minister Nica are working together on a proposal for a “Community Cares Ministry.” She also reported that she and Nica would be attending the UU Ministers Association Conference the first week in February at Asilomar. Rebecca will attend a training in the Circles of Trust model of Parker Palmer, which supports spiritual reflection and deep listening. Nica will attend a training on preaching and also on entrepreneurial ministry — spreading our faith to a wider group of people.
Kit Shaw presented the treasurer’s report. Total income and expenses remain in line with the budget. The decrease in pledge funds is offset by the increase in rental income, and there have been no unusual expenses this month. The budget process for the coming year is beginning.
Patricia Wright, our president, has been in conversation with Mary Mackenzie, a trained facilitator in compassionate communication, about conflict within our congregation. The Board voted to allocate $450 from unrestricted funds to bring her to our church for a consultation.
The Board will host the February 8 Second Sunday Supper, which will have a Valentine's Day theme.
— Cynthia Cottam