Splinters From The Board Archive

Feb 2015

The Board began its meeting, as always, with dinner, chalice lighting, covenant, and check in. We had a very full agenda and got quickly down to business. Jerry Moore, who has been working with our UU camp at de Benneville Pines for 25 years, described a new opportunity for some of our families to attend camp the weekend of May 8 to 10. Craig’s cabin, which sleeps about 20, will be available on this weekend when most of the other people in the camp will be doing maintenance work. Watch for upcoming publicity.

Sue Stoyanoff, representing the Committee on Ministry, presented a draft of the Acting Minister Job Description and Letter of Understanding to be used in the hiring process for the minister who will serve half time during Rev. Rebecca’s absence. The Board affirmed these documents, which may change somewhat during negotiations with a specific candidate.

We then turned to the Policy Governance process. The Board ratified our Statement of Wishes, which we had worked on previously. We then brainstormed a list of qualities, which we would like to see in any candidates for our Governance Task Force. This Task Force, once chosen, will direct the process of further investigation into Policy Governance.

Beth Brownlie discussed the current status of the Sanctuary Lighting Project. The Board approved the appointment of a task force to execute the project. The next step is to obtain electrical bids from three electrical contractors. Significant lighting problems occurred during the Christmas Eve services.

The Board then returned to the subject of the Memorial Garden proposal brought by Ray Goodman to the last meeting. The Memorial Garden Task Force will be Ray Goodman, Ernie Pipes, Joe Engleman, Alison Kendall-Bar, Helen Brown, and Church Administrator Nurit Gordon as an ex officio Task Force member. The Board charged them with researching the feasibility of establishing a memorial garden in the Arizona Garden Area of UU Santa Monica. The task includes creating a proposal for the garden’s design, funding, and implementation, to be submitted to the Board.

Church membership stands at 377, with one new member, Sarah Robson.

Nurit Gordon reported that the lighting fixture has been installed in the alcove, and work is currently proceeding on installation of the gutters — a task left over from the roof project. Also, the roof at the Arizona entrance to Forbes is being repaired to correct the pooling of water that occurs during rainstorms. The 2015 pledges total $389,000 from 287 households at present. This number will continue to fluctuate for a month or so. At present there remains a deficit of $15,000 to $18,000 in unpaid pledges for the 2014 year.

Catherine Farmer Loya reported that our intern minister, Nica Eaton-Guinn, is beginning a two month intensive engagement with the RE program. She will be visiting and then teaching in most of our classes, including Coming of Age.

The Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur reported that this is a busy administrative time. Staff reviews will be scheduled in January. She discussed lay leader involvement in pastoral care for the community and said that she and the Rev. Kikanza J. Nuri-Robins and Intern Minister Nica are working together on a proposal for a “Community Cares Ministry.” She also reported that she and Nica would be attending the UU Ministers Association Conference the first week in February at Asilomar. Rebecca will attend a training in the Circles of Trust model of Parker Palmer, which supports spiritual reflection and deep listening. Nica will attend a training on preaching and also on entrepreneurial ministry — spreading our faith to a wider group of people.

Kit Shaw presented the treasurer’s report. Total income and expenses remain in line with the budget. The decrease in pledge funds is offset by the increase in rental income, and there have been no unusual expenses this month. The budget process for the coming year is beginning.

Patricia Wright, our president, has been in conversation with Mary Mackenzie, a trained facilitator in compassionate communication, about conflict within our congregation. The Board voted to allocate $450 from unrestricted funds to bring her to our church for a consultation.

The Board will host the February 8 Second Sunday Supper, which will have a Valentine's Day theme.

Cynthia Cottam


Jan 2015
Following dinner, check-in, chalice lighting and covenant, our president, Patricia Wright, reported the good news that 100% of Board members have pledged, contributing $33,000 towards the support of our church.
Ray Goodman and Joe Engleman, attending as guests, presented a proposal to the Board regarding the establishment on church grounds of a space called “The Garden of Eternity.” The purpose of the garden would be to honor a deceased member of our church and also to enhance the financial status of the church. The Board agreed to get back to them by the next Board meeting to begin creating a task force to consider the details of this proposal, develop it, and ultimately help in bringing it before the congregation for a vote.
Sue Stoyanoff attended as a representative of the Committee on Ministry and discussed their recent activities. The Board passed a motion formally charging the Committee on Ministry with recruiting and making an offer to an Acting Minister(s) for a planned maternity leave and sabbatical leave for Rev. Rebecca.
The Board did further work on its investigation of Policy Governance by discussing a statement of wishes or aspirations. This statement will reflect what we would hope to gain by any governance changes that are made.
We have four new members: Barbara Powers, Clayton Fossett, Wendell Pascual, and Carolina San Juan. Total membership stands at 378.
Church Administrator Nurit Gordon reported that 75 reminders were mailed to people who have not yet fulfilled their 2014 pledge commitments. She reported that the AAA (Agnostics and Atheists AA) held a convention at our church the weekend of November 7. This is the biggest event we have had so far, utilizing almost every area of the church campus. The group was happy with the facilities and would like to rent again next year. Our income totaled $4,300.
Nurit helped us review the update on the 2015/2016 pledge drive prepared by Teri Bond for the Fundraising Committee. So far, we have raised $205,830; we still need $244,000 to reach our goal of $450,000. We have raised 46% of our budget from 36% of our pledging units. In January, as prescribed in our Bylaws, we will automatically roll over all pledges from 2014 to 2015 for all members who have not contacted the office by that time.
Catherine Farmer Loya reported on community building activities within RE. The YRUU high school group will perform a chalice lighting once a month for Sunday services and are exploring additional opportunities for developing their leadership in the congregation. Catherine also reported that this year the Friendly Beasts pageant rehearsal will include a pancake breakfast.
Rev. Rebecca spoke about our many and diverse winter holiday services. She informed us that the Small Group Ministry groups would have their last meetings in December. They will start up again in February and will be called “Heart to Heart” to emphasize the heartcentered practices of reflection and deep listening. She informed the Board that she and Patricia Wright have been accepted to participate in the Alchemy Leadership Seminar. Alchemy is a program of the Annenberg Foundation, which seeks to help leaders of nonprofits become highly effective leaders in their communities. The seminar takes place for two days in January and one day in April.
Kit Shaw, treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report. Total pledge receipts are on budget for the year to date. Rental income is above budget. Facilities expenses are over budget, largely due to the payment of our insurance premium in November ($13,000). Net income is slightly lower than budgeted, with a current deficit of $54,286 compared to a budgeted deficit of $53,819. 
Alison Kendall attended as a representative of the Green Committee. She discussed the issues involved in the pathways and plantings for the Arizona Garden Area and reported on the town hall meeting on this topic. The focus of the Green Committee is currently on educating the congregation about water use and using the garden as a demonstration area for good practices. The area is also meant to serve as a memorial. She pointed out that a city-approved plan exists, which dictates the general appearance of the area from the street. She also discussed the issues involved in making the area accessible to people with wheelchairs and walkers. The area will require grading and replacement of tiles in the Anderson Courtyard, and this work will need to be done by
The Board will host the Second Sunday Supper in February. The Board set the date of the Annual Meeting as May 17, 2015.
-- Cynthia Cottam
Dec 2014

Meeting of November 11

The Board convened 30 minutes early to ensure adequate time for discussion and decision-making about our policy governance process. Our president, Patricia Wright, commented briefly on board members’ attendance at a special Turning Point dinner and on her attendance at the “Celebrating Success” breakfast of the Westside Shelter and Hunger Coalition. She was very moved by the presentations given by people who have received services from these organizations, which allowed them to change their lives in meaningful ways, and is reflecting on our volunteer efforts as a community.
The policy governance discussion took place at the beginning of the meeting, so that we could consider it with energy and fresh minds. Each member shared responses to questions that had been assigned at the previous meeting.  Following an hour of consideration, the Board voted to approve that we move forward with a full governance change process. This does not mean that the Board has approved a change to policy governance. It means that we have decided to go ahead with a thorough investigation as to the meaning, desired outcomes, and potential structure of a governance change for our congregation. This will be a lengthy process, with ample opportunity for sharing and expression of opinions.
The Board voted to approve the request of the members of AAHS (Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists and Secularists) that a banner representing Humanism be added to the sanctuary wall.
The Board adopted a new policy regarding Requests for Congregational Sponsorship of Individuals Preparing for Fellowship as UU Ministers. A congregation must sponsor every ministerial candidate. Sponsorship is granted by the Board and indicates that the congregation has confidence in the candidate’s potential and suitability for UU ministry. It does not indicate that the candidate iscurrently ready for ministry. Jessica Clay, who is currently studying at Starr King, was a very active member of our congregation. She has requested sponsorship, and the Board approved her request at the meeting.
Catherine Farmer Loya reported on the success of a new program of monthly group chats with our RE teachers.
Rev. Rebecca reported that she is focusing energy on the pledge drive this month, and that she is working with an active and energetic team. She also spoke about the Committee on Ministry, which is conducting a survey and initiating conversations about community building.
Our treasurer, Kit Shaw, reported that pledge receipts are down about $9,000 for the month of October. Year-to-date receipts are about $13,000 below the budget estimate. Most annual pledges are paid in December and January. Our rental income continues to be larger than budgeted, improving our bottom line. Year-to-date net income is $3,800 below budget.
Beth Brownlie and Emily Hero reported on the Town Hall meeting to discuss the garden adjacent to the pergola wall. More discussion and informal input will occur in the near future.
Board members agreed to extend a personal invitation to the Thanksgiving Feast to all new members of the past year.
Cynthia Cottam
Nov 2014

Meeting of October 14, 2014

The Board shared food, a chalice lighting, and check-in, and we recited our church covenant together.
Our President reminded us that our pledge drive will begin October 26 and gave us the assignment of reflecting on the following: “What does the church mean to you and why do you attend church? Are you giving at a level that is significant for you?”
The minutes of the September 9 meeting required some corrections, so they will be brought back for approval at the November meeting.
There are no new members, and three members resigned, leaving the total at 377.
Past President Cynthia Cottam gave the Facilities Development Committee Report, because Bryan Oakes and Beth Brownlie were out of town attending the memorial service for Bryan’s father. She reported that Final Inspection of the building project was successfully completed. Planning has already begun for the landscaping of the area inside the pergola wall. There will be a Town Hall Meeting on November 9 at 1 p.m., facilitated by the Green Committee, to gather congregational ideas on this topic.
Church Administrator Nurit Gordon reported that we have purchased a new office computer and monitor.
Director of Religious Education Catherine Farmer Loya reported with excitement on a great start to the RE program year and on the especially large and engaged group of high school youth.
A written report from Music Director DeReau Farrar informed us that we have a new soprano section leader, Colleen Keene.
Our treasurer, Kit Shaw, reviewed the monthly Finance reports, which showed income and expenses basically on target.
Representing Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists, and Secularists (AAHS), Ian Dodd, Margot Page, Len Harris, and Mark Warkentin made a presentation requesting that an additional banner representing Humanism be hung in the Sanctuary. The Board will take this request into consideration and report back at the next meeting.
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur reported that the Committee on Ministry is currently investigating our needs for ministry coverage during her sabbatical and the costs that will be associated with that coverage. The current sabbatical fund has a $22,500 balance.
She also reported that she has been partnering with Teri Bond, our pledge chair, on a fundraising strategy for the fall pledge campaign. Rev. Rebecca presented the Board with a detailed plan for the campaign. She noted that to ensure that we meet our goal of collecting $410,000, we must secure $450,000 in pledge commitments, which is a significant increase. She attended the Fall Retreat for UU ministers in the Pacific Southwest District.
The members of the Committee on Money have been chosen. They are Ken Alexander, Ron Crane, Vicky Foxworth, David Olson, and Leslie Reuter. They will begin meeting soon to develop proposals for the long-term management of our money.
The Board continued its discussion of Policy Governance by reviewing Chapter 8 of the book “Governance and Ministry,” by Dan Hotchkiss. Members agreed to schedule a dedicated meeting to come to consensus on next steps.
Cynthia Cottam
Oct 2014
Meeting of September 9, 2014:
The Board had just attended its annual retreat three days prior to the meeting, so we were well prepared for constructive discussions with each other regarding the church’s mission, ministry, and modes of communication. Following check-in and approval of the previous month’s minutes, the Board reviewed a report from the Committee on Ministry. The Board appointed Sue Stoyanoff and Tom Peters to be new members of the Committee. The Committee is charged with evaluating the church’s ministry as a whole, and is developing a plan for engaging the congregation in ongoing conversations about the church’s ministry. For this coming year, the topic will be “community building within the congregation.” Look for further communications in the months ahead.
We have one new member, Boyd Adams, and total membership remains at 380. Church administrator Nurit Gordon reported that the end-of-year finance reports are available on the website in the membersonly section. Monthly reports will be available after the Finance Committee reviews them. Director of Religious Education Catherine Farmer Loya informed the Board of the comprehensive Safety Policies and Procedures that are
followed by the RE programs.
The Rev. Rebecca Bijur reported on her many activities of the past month. She is meeting weekly with our intern minister Nica Eaton-Guinn (who attended the Board meeting). She is joining with Pledge Committee Chair Teri Bond to recruit new committee members. She and President Patricia Wright reported on a fundraising workshop led by Kim Klein. They discussed plans for greater involvement of the Board and the Finance Committee in
fundraising. Rev. Rebecca also presented a proposal for her sabbatical leave. She is eligible to take a sabbatical following completion of five years of service, which will happen on August 15, 2015. The leave accrues at a rate of 1 month per year of service. The Board must approve the dates of the sabbatical leave at least one year in advance. The proposed dates are September 21, 2015, to January 5, 2016 (three and a half months). The Board approved these dates. The Board also approved that Rev. Rebecca work with the Committee on Ministry to prepare a plan for hiring a sabbatical minister.
Treasurer Kit Shaw reported that year-to-date pledge receipts are $7,000 lower than the projected budget. August
is historically a low-income month for pledges. It is time for the yearly financial audit, and the Board approved Joyce Holmen, Rhonda Peacock and Carol Ring to conduct this audit. They are experienced in this process.
Patricia Wright led the Board in further discussion of the policy governance model and the book “Governance and
Ministry” by Dan Hotchkiss. The Board adopted a seven word mission statement in response to the modern idea that it is desirable to have a mission statement that everyone knows and can remember. It is based on our covenant: “Love generously; Seek truth; Serve the world.” The Board will read the last chapters of the Hotchkiss book, which describe a recommended process for implementation of the policy governance model. We will also read a 37-page document on leadership from the UUA website.
Cynthia Cottam
Sep 2014

Meeting of August 12, 2014

After lasagna and check-in, we welcomed our intern minister, Nica Eaton-Guinn, to her first Board meeting with us. Business began with Bryan Oakes’ report from the Facilities Development Committee. Final inspection for the office/pergola project was delayed due to another form to be filled out, but should be accomplished within the next couple of weeks. At that point we will discover if the city needs us to address any further issues. It is time to install the gutters along the lower edge of the roof. They are actually part of the roof project, but could not be installed until the work on the south wall was complete. The Board approved the expenditure of $980 for this work. The second project that needs attention while the roofers are here is the roof over the Arizona entry to Forbes Hall. This roof unfortunately drains toward the building, causing water to pool and potentially damage interior walls. This condition will be repaired and the roof sealed. The Board approved up to $4,000 to complete this work. The new garden for the space inside our Pergola Wall will begin its imagination phase under the supervision of Lisa Cahill, Alison Kendall and the Green Committee. We are grateful to them for taking on this project and look forward to future reports.
The Board heard reports from the staff. We have three new members, Christie and David Ferraria and Kikanza Nuri-Robin. Total membership stands at 380. The generous congregation donation for July totaled $586, given to CLUE LA and to Step Up on Second. Kit Shaw gave the treasurer’s report. Income for July is $5300 more than budgeted due to increase in rental income. The Finance Committee met in July and will meet again in September. The treasurer plans to write a quarterly report for the newsletter to update the congregation on the church’s finances.
Karl Lisovsky reported on the Audio/Visual project. Work continues on installing speakers in the sanctuary and Forbes. The screen and projector will have to wait until the electrical work is done in the sanctuary.
The Board reviewed plans for its retreat on September 6.
The Board had read 80 pages of “Governance and Ministry” for this meeting. We discussed the way our church appears to be organized, including the relationship of the Board to committees and staff. We will try to finish the book by our next meeting. 
Cynthia Cottam
Aug 2014
Our Board president Patricia Wright again “filled our bowls”, this time with modified coq au vin. Delicious.
Rev. Rebecca Bijur and Catherine Farmer Loya were away on summer leave.
Our first item of business was to approve the updated Personnel Policy Manual. The Personnel Committee had thoroughly reviewed and revised the manual, following consultation with an employment law attorney. Denise Helton, chair of the Personnel Committee, had presented the manual at the June 10 Board meeting, and she returned this month to respond to any further questions. The manual was approved unanimously.
Beth Brownlie reported on the sanctuary lighting project. The new California electrical code, which went into effect July 1, 2014, has created difficulties for contractors and municipalities. Currently it is not possible to get permits to do our electrical work, so it appears that we will be unable to do the work this summer.
No new members joined in the past month, and the membership stands at 378. Membership in June 2013 
was 374.
Nurit Gordon, our Church Administrator, reported that there are nine new twelve step groups renting space in the early mornings. We now have 34 rentals per week.
Jacqueline Schwab, the new Communications and Volunteer Coordinator, is quickly learning her job and is 
already a great addition to the office staff.
The books on the 2013-2014 fiscal year, ended June 30, are now closed. This year-end task entails a great deal of work.
Kit Shaw, our Treasurer, reviewed the End of Year Finance Report with us. The projected deficit in the 2013-2014 budget was $25,407. The actual deficit was $18, 606, which is $5,584 less than projected. The $18,606 
will be transferred from unrestricted savings. Pledge money collected was $20,425 less than budgeted. Pledge 
receipts are always somewhat fluid, but the church is very dependent on pledge receipts to meet its budget, so this large a deficit is concerning. In the past year the pledge deficit was offset by increased rental income of about $10,000, a slight increase in non-pledge contributions and fundraising, and decreased infrastructure expenses, which were about $5,000 less than anticipated. The generous congregation donation for the fiscal year totaled $13,379.
Board President Patricia Wright asked the Board to read the book “Governance and Ministry” by Dan Hotchkiss as a beginning to our long educational process about policy governance.
The meeting ended a little earlier than usual, and everyone felt grateful for the “summer lull” giving us a little space to begin our work together.
Cynthia Cottam
Jul 2014
The first board meeting of the new church year was held on June 10. It began warmly with a pot full of vegetarian chili provided by our new Board president Patricia Wright with the instruction to fill our bowls. The board members received a welcoming packet, which consisted of a binder with bylaws, policies, the budget, the directory, the personnel policy manual, the visioning report and the board minutes from last year — a useful present indeed.
The church has four new members: Manny Trujillo, Manuel Fonseca, George Herb Stahl, and Susan Stahl, bringing our total membership to 380. The generous congregation donation in May was $729, given to support Unitarian Universalism in a wider context — the UU Ministry for Earth, the UUA, the UU PSWD, and the UU Musician’s Network.
Our Church Administrator, Nurit Gordon, had just returned from her vacation in Israel, where she was able to spend wonderful time with her extended family. Our DRE, Catherine Farmer Loya, reported that the youth service trip to Mexico is fully funded and the 12 youth and 5 advisors are ready to go. They will report to the congregation on August 17. The young people who have just completed the Coming of Age program will be recruited for membership in the church, since they are now eligible. She spoke of her desire to encourage many more of the RE young people to take advantage of the wonderful opportunity to attend youth camps at de Benneville Pines. To that end, we are offering more scholarships this year. Catherine will be gone during the month of July for professional development and vacation.
Our minister will be attending General Assembly this year along with Patricia Wright, Rick and Peggy Rhoads, and possibly others. Rev. Rebecca expressed appreciation for the congregation’s willingness to experiment with changing worship times to accommodate Coming of Age and the LA Pride Parade. She notified the board of her four weeks of study leave and two weeks of vacation, which will take place between June 23 and August 5. She also reported that DeReau Farrar would be at the UU Musician’s Network Conference in San Diego July 16 to 20 and on vacation July 21 to August 10. Our intern minister will start in August.
The bequest of Judy Federick left the church a 17% interest in a Santa Monica apartment building. The sale agreement of the church’s interest in the property was finalized during the past month. The Board passed a motion ratifying the signatures on that agreement and expressed the Board’s support of the agreement. The members of the previous Board had read the agreement and expressed oral support prior to the signing. The church has already received a check for $125,000 resulting from the sale. There will be a small amount of money coming in the future after everything in the estate is taken care of.
Bryan Oakes reported on the status of the lighting projects. The committee is still collecting information, and will need to do mockups and obtain firm bids before any actual work can be done. Beth Brownlie reported that sconces must be installed on the pergola columns before final inspection. She found some on deep discount, and the Board passed a motion approving this cheaper lighting option.
Denise Helton, chair of the Personnel Committee, presented the revision of the personnel policy manual that has been completed by the committee and was prompted by our discussions with an employment attorney. The Board will contact her with any questions or comments, and the Personnel Committee will respond. The Manual will be reviewed again at the July meeting. The Board approved two job descriptions that had previously been approved by the committee.
Cynthia Cottam
Jun 2014
Cynthia Cottam provided wonderful food for the board that she had prepared in her own kitchen. Then she
lit the chalice to begin business and invited us all to share what is in our hearts. Attendees shared stories of the joy of retirement, Sunday Supper, gardens with blackberries, children moving to Ecuador, sick family members, knee injuries, and a happy surprise of attending a baseball game. Rev. Rebecca was unable to attend as she was graduating from the People’s Academy at the Santa Monica City Council Meeting and DRE Catherine Farmer Loya was unable to attend because she was hosting a one-year-old’s birthday party — her son’s!
The board then read the covenant together.
As of this May’s meeting the church has 377 members. Lois and Brad Hutchinson, Joanne Brownlie, and Eric Huang have joined us. During the month of April the UU Santa Monica Generous Congregation Contribution gave $1,227 to A New Way of Life Reentry.
Rev. Rebecca had submitted to the board her monthly report. She summarized her Annual Report on Ministry that is available now online and will be available at the Annual Congregational meeting. Definitely the highlight for our minister has been the Small Group Ministry. She also outlined her summer schedule. It includes attending General Assembly in Providence, RI.
DRE Catherine had submitted to the board her monthly report. She shared her enthusiasm for the Coming of Age service on May 18 and RE Sunday on June 1. The YRUU group has raised 50% of the money they needed for the Youth Service Trip to Mexico. Administrator Nurit Gordon reported that the staff has happily moved into their new and beautiful offices. We have raised $26,850 at the Dining for Dollars fundraising event this year.
We have two new covers for the shade structures in the courtyard. Bryan Oakes updated the board about current
building projects. He said that everything is being wrapped up and is now just a matter of sign-offs. Brad Hutchinson described the plans for upgrading the wiring, lighting, and audiovisual components in the sanctuary.
Acting Treasurer Alan Brunell led a discussion regarding the budget to be presented at the Annual  Congregational Meeting on May 18.
The next board meeting will be on June 10. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
This will be my last writing for “Splinters from the Board” as I will no longer be a board member and will not be attending future meetings. Thank you for the privilege to serve this community.
Bronwen Jones
May 2014
As of this April’s meeting the church has 373 members. Jenny Jay was re-instated, and Anne Escaron and Doug Worsham have joined us. During the month of March the UU Santa Monica Generous Congregation Contribution gave $652 to Homeboy Industries, $90 to LA GOAL, and $218 to the Chalice Oak Foundation.
The Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur reported that on the invitation of Len and Elizabeth Adler she will be convening a small group for folks in their 80s and 90s, meeting for the first time this month. Also, through her partnership with CLUE, Rev. Rebecca joined a Community and Worker Foot Washing for Maundy Thursday at St. Augustine’s-by-the-Sea.
DRE Catherine Farmer Loya brought to the board that this year’s participants in the Coming of Age program would like to have only one service this year, at 9 a.m. As this opened up the possibility of moving our usual start time for the Annual Congregational Meeting, the board voted to start the annual congregational meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 18.
Church Administrator Nurit Gordon reported that the Empty Bowls Fundraising was a great success, collecting more than $2,395 to be sent to the West Side Food Bank. While the Hunger Fund contributions keep coming in, $4,200 per year is needed to keep up Lunches for Bunches and Step Up on Second.
Music Director DeReau Farrar announced that due to scheduling conflicts VanNessa Hulme will no longer be our Soprano Section Leader. DeReau also attended the “Finding Our Way Home” retreat for UU church professionals of color in Boston, MA. He said it was “an incredibly encouraging and enriching experience and he was grateful for the opportunity to widen his personal and professional community.”
Jerry Gates and Steve Young presented the Nomination slate for the 2014/2015 board. The Board was appreciative of their hard work and efforts.
Karl Lisovsky, Bob Dietz, and Bryan Oakes presented their proposal for audio visual equipment and access in the sanctuary, which the board approved. Again, the board appreciated their detailed proposals and hard work.
Beth Brownlie and Bryan Oakes updated the board on the building projects. The board approved the last of the change orders and were given a summary of the overall costs of the project. Everyone is delighted by the lovely new office space for our staff.
Acting Treasurer Alan Brunell led the discussion regarding the budget to be presented at the Annual Congregational Meeting on May 18. Although some were concerned over the amount of deficit built into the budget, the board approved it.
The next board meeting will be on May 13, 2014. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.