Splinters From The Board Archive
Back from maternity leave, the Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur has enjoyed attending 10 a.m. Sunday services when the usual 9-o’clock crowd mixes with the 11-o’clockers. She explained that this fall, during her third-year of fellowship with UUCCSM, a UUA-sponsored ministry feedback will be due in Boston on November 1. Rev. Rebecca’s conduct of worship, administration, and pastoral care, along with other matters, will be evaluated by the Board and the Committee on Ministry; a self-evaluation is also included in this feedback ritual. The Committee on Ministry includes Dan Patterson, a continuing Committee on Ministry member, and Gerrie Lambson and Alan Brunell, who have replaced retiring committee members Karen Canady and Barbara Gibbs.
Director of Religious Education Catherine Loya enthusiastically reported on the establishment of a UCLA campus ministry; Ric Hoyt, minister at First Church and friend of UUCCSM, was active in the foundation of a UU campus ministry at USC and can provide advice as the UCLA ministry proceeds. Among YRUU Catherine sees a “renaissance” of enthusiasm and leadership potential following several of our youth’s return from the June General Assembly. The church’s adult education is healthy and growing, and Catherine, along with the Adult Program Subcommittee, looks forward to sponsoring facilitator training for those who wish to have leadership roles in adult programs.
Church administrator Nurit Gordon explained that irrigation for courtyard and planters is guided by state-of-the-art satellite readings; “when it rains,” she says, “irrigation would automatically shut off.” Another reduction in expenditures comes from a smaller Santa Monica water and refuse resources bill; our vigilant Finance Assistant, Nancy Thompson, noted an extra refuse bin that we do not use, and she doggedly pursued an overage with the city, which finally agreed to reduce our annual bill about $2,000.
Nurit reported that the Rental Committee proceeds with brochures for weddings and other events at UUCCSM. Event planners, designers, and web sites have been consulted in order to present the church as a very inviting place.
UUCCSM members now have a time- and resources-saving option for pledges and other donations to the church: using just a few keystrokes on the new website, instead of mailing checks or using the small pew envelopes, will reduce paper consumption and save much time for office staff and for members.
Treasurer Kit Shaw’s monthly report indicated that, although non-pledge contributions were lower in July, rentals of church facilities were on target, two office employees waived health insurance, and the church has had no facilities or equipment rentals. It’s hard to tell at this point how much UUCCSM’ income and expenses reflect the plans for this fiscal year. A Finance Committee appointed by the Board will be charged with a review of the budget.
Discussion of the roof replacement, our current most urgent capital expense, continues. A special Board meeting in late July welcomed Tom Hamilton and Bryan Oakes to summarize their current work; the Board continued its own discussion during its regular meeting in mid-August. Due to rising costs for the roof project, further congregation-wide discussion becomes necessary (see President Cynthia Cottam’s newsletter column). There is much to learn and debate – about earthquake insurance, for example, and about options for raising funding. Will we proceed with a roof replacement alone, a seismic retrofit, a beam reinstallation, or a full sanctuary expansion? A Town Hall will be held at 12:30 p.m. after the second service on Sunday, October 7. (An additional Town Hall may be scheduled if more information and discussion are required.) Our UU democratic process will continue at a Congregational Meeting to be scheduled.
-- Jennifer Westbay
In her July president’s report, Cynthia Cottam expressed thanks to volunteers and ministers the Revs. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur, Erika Hewitt, and Ernie Pipes as the congregation memorialized Gaye Deal and Maggie Pipes, two women who gave such long and important service to the church.
The new UUSM web site is now usable and “beautiful,” said Cynthia, and members and friends should check it out. The site is strong as well; users who Google “UUSM” now find the new web site link at the top of results.
Church Administrator Nurit Gordon pointed out features of the new site. Now in a “trial-and-error stage,” she said, the site is moving quickly toward the “final product.” An especially useful website feature is the “Donate” button, which makes it easy for members, visitors, and other non-members to give to the church and its programs. Members can set up their own accounts and passwords in order to manage pledges, make one-time contributions, and respond to specific fundraising. People with questions about donations through the website should contact a web manager, Elizabeth Fuller or Pam Teplitz, or Nurit herself. So far, website contributions have increased 25%.
Automatic transactions by credit card now cost the church 45¢ per transaction (rather than the previous
percentage of a donation). At about $12 to $17 per month, this charge seems to be “well worth the cost,”
said Board member Vilma Ortiz. The Board discussed the possibility of generating on-line reminders rather
than paper letters when there is a noticeable hiatus in a member’s pledge payments.
Also through the new site, a facilities calendar allows members to see which church facilities are available for use and to reserve rooms on line. But for now, on-line room reservations are not “fixed” until confirmed via telephone or in person by church office personnel.
New members Julie LaRue and Adam Walderman and returning member Louise Rothman bring our membership roster to 377, Nurit reported. After reviewing her attendance report for September 2011 to January 2012, it was suggested that persons who watch the services remotely from Forbes Hall also be counted in future attendance figures.
The June Generous Congregation contribution to Pico Youth and Family Center was $783.53. Church rental income has risen as a 12-step program group is using the Cottage.
Reviewing the church’s financial earnings and expenses for June, Treasurer Kit Shaw reminded the board that an annual financial oversight committee did not meet, as it usually does, during the first few months of 2012 in preparation for the annual meeting. As a best-practices remedy, a make-up meeting will be constituted soon, and then as usual, such a committee will meet in early 2013 as the next annual financial report is being prepared.
Campus and building news came from Nurit and from Bryan Oakes, chair of the roof committee. Irrigation will improve the sustainable garden around the tent structure north of Forbes Hall, plantings outside Forbes’ Arizona doors, and parking lot-area trees. Hardware for inner doors to Forbes conforms to city fire ordinances. At the same time, outside doors with keypad entrance codes allow security and appropriate access.
Bryan reviewed progress on the roof restoration. A general contractor was to be chosen in mid-July from among three very promising bids by three companies well known to Bryan. The process is proceeding with a Santa Monica city review of our plans, our review of the city’s response, and the city’s final decision. The city requires structural engineers’ calculations in order to select subcontractors for our project. When construction begins, impact on members should be minimal: staging areas and wall construction areas will be fenced off for safety, and contractors are experienced in temporary protection in case of rain. Once installed, said Bryan, the tile roofing will be both practical and attractive.
Reviewing the Acting Minister’s Final Report from Rev. Erika, the board noted her observation that we “are committed to living our UU values and caring for others” and discussed her encouragement to UUCCSM to deepen our work to strengthen the feeling of a caring and compassionate community within our congregation. This activity, Rev. Erika suggests, might take a number of forms: reinforcing CareNet and the “’Shrooms, Plumes, and Zooms” program described by interim minister the Rev. Stephen Furrer; establishing a Pastoral Care Associate team trained in compassionate listening; congregation-wide work on what she calls “the language around covenant.” Her report offers much for UUCCSM to think about.
Board member Rob Briner reported on the Director of Music search, which follows the established congregational
process. Committee members Denise Helton, Alice Jankowiak, Bronwen Jones, and Rob conducted a thorough search and then reviewed more than a score of applications, choosing eight for a more thorough audition and interview process. Prospective directors will learn the changes of Seth Houston’s tenure: more work with children, more activity over the summer months, and development of the repertoire (Seth was active, for example, in the selection of the supplemental “teal”-colored hymnal). The new Director should meet the choir in August and be ready for In-gathering Sunday in September. The committee and the Board see a “bright future” for the music program and music’s place in the life of our congregation.
— Jennifer Westbay
In the President's Report Bronwen Jones said thatCareNet is succeeding. She reminded the board thatJirina Kyas is continuing chemotherapy; Drew Stillcontinues to be in the convalescent hospital, and menfrom church assisted him in closing out his apartment.John Fels is having pain from his spinal fusion and willnot return to church soon.
A walker is now available for getting from the handicappedparking area into the Sanctuary. It will be leftnext to the kitchen door for Sunday services.
Bronwen thanked Karl Lisovsky, Rob Briner, KathyCook, S. J. Guidotti, and Kenn Mengert for removingthe carpet in Nurit's part of the office. She also praisedthe excellent event the Stewardship Committee presentedto launch the pledge drive for this year. And shepraised Rob Briner for organizing the celebration ofour 30-year-old organ.
In the minister's report, The Rev. Rebecca BenefielBijur thanked The Rev. Ernie Pipes for his assistancewith the many memorial services held lately. Shereported that our Generous Contribution to St Joseph'sCenter this month was $839.51.
Catherine Farmer Loya, Director of Religious Education,asked for volunteers to help the teachers in thenursery and preschool programs. We have an unusuallylarge group of young children this year, and moreon the way. Catherine also said that the first Faith inAction event of the year is a food sort at the WestsideFood Bank on October 23.
Nurit Gordon, Church Administrator, reported thatafter carpet is removed from the front office, bids willbe taken to refinish the floors. Trees in the front andside patios were trimmed on September 19. The lightsin the Sanctuary and the security lights in the sideyardwere repaired or replaced.
Director of Music Seth Houston reported that he isseeking a replacement for Rima Snyder as chair of themusic committee because she would like to retire fromthe position. Seth is glad that there are two new membersin the choir, and appreciates the strong performancesso far. He has scheduled guest musicians formost of the 9 a.m. services this fall. He has workedwith the children during the 9 a.m. service in preparationfor the Day of the Dead service.
Nurit reported that the Personnel Committee hasapproved forms that formalize the procedures for hiringnew staff. They have also begun reviewing or revisingjob descriptions, some of which are very old.
The membership report lists Howard Westley, JohnRaiford, and Libbie Barach as deceased. Membershipis now 360.
Treasurer Alan Brunell reported that attempts toopen an account at Pacific Community Bank were metwith poor response and were abandoned. A motionpassed to overturn the previous motion to invest withthem. The money was reinvested at Merrill Lynch. Inthe statement of the monthly status for September,Alan reported that there was an increase in fundingfrom activities on the Art Wall. Otherwise there wasonly the expected.
In reviewing the Statement of Financial PositionBeth Rendeiro pointed out that we have only collected$5,287 toward meeting the Challenge Grant to pay forProject Dazzle. More donations are invited.
In the Nominating Committee Report the motion toapprove Kit Shaw as a member of the Finance Committeewas passed.
In New Business a motion was approved allowinglocal Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to conduct sales atchurch as long as all Scouts in the congregation areincluded.
Project Dazzle Team members Elizabeth Fuller, PamTeplitz, and Bob Dietz presented the completed firstdraft of the online resource. It is continually beingdebugged. It went online and will be presented to thecongregation on October 23. One of the advantages ofthe new system is that committees will be able toupload updates to the information themselves. Trainingfor committee chairs is planned for November.
- Geralyn Lambson
In Gratitude
This is Gerrie's last "SplintersFrom The Board" column.After many yearsattending board meetingsand summarizing theirdiscussions, she is retiringfrom this task. All of us on the newsletter are gratefulfor her hard work, diligence, and professionalismin reporting on the board meetings. She will bemissed in this capacity, but we're pleased to reportthat she will continue as a member of our newsletter editorialteam. Thank you, Gerrie.
- Charles Haskell
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur reported that she isworking toward incorporating three vesper services intothe worship schedule this spring. She is also looking forways to expand the Generous Congregation program.
Steve Wight reported for the music program that thechoir is preparing a Beatles-themed program for theDining for Dollars concert.
DRE Catherine Farmer Loya reported that the REprogram and the Adult Programs committees are merging to create a true Lifespan RE program next year. Oneof the goals is to share themes across all age groups.
Acting Administrator Kate Schlesinger reported thatdetails are being addressed in working with BLI PayrollSolutions. A major activity has been working with theFinance Committee in preparing the 2011-2012 Budget.
Secretary Geralyn Lambson reported that Olivia andVala Legan reinstated their memberships, so membership now stands at 368.
Treasurer Alan Brunell reported that with seasonalvariations in income and expenditures, we are likely tohave a $30,000 deficit at the end of the fiscal year.
Kathy Cook presented changes to the bylaws for boththe Personnel Committee and the Finance Committee.The change removes the requirement for the ChurchAdministrator to attend all Personnel and Finance Committee meetings, replacing it with attendance at the invitation of the committee. The motion passed.
Kathy also presented a draft policy on Conflict of Interest that would forbid intimate contacts of board membersfrom serving on the Nominating Committee, PersonnelCommittee, or Finance Committee. Issue was tabled.
Bronwen Jones and Kathy Cook presented a document outlining the reason for addressing the issue ofdownsizing the board, the possible structures of the newboard, and the timeline for completion before theAnnual Meeting in May. The motion to proceed as outlined was approved.
The board approved "Pennies for Peace" fund raisingin RE classes to demonstrate the importance of giving.
Sue Bickford reminded us of the bomb scare at theStudio City church, and reminded the board of the need todevelop an evacuation plan for the sanctuary as well as theneed to be aware of visitors who may be in need of help.
- Geralyn Lambson
Our board is beginning to look into decreasing its size. This hasbeen a strong recommendation from three ministers whoknow us well and whose job was to tell us how it is - RobertaHaskin, Ken Brown and Stephen Furrer. They believe that our churchis simply too large for our governance structure. They suggested thatwe decentralize decision-making to the committees. The board couldthen focus on more long term vision and less on day-to-day management of the church. If our volunteers spent less time in board meetings they would be more available to take care of our community life.Look for a detailed discussion in our April newsletter and in themeantime I invite you to check out the online articler at http://www.sizetransitions.org/ (Changing Size: Chapter One Excerpt) for a discussion of the experiences of other churches our size.
- Sue Bickford
Victor Paddock introduced the board to KateSchlesinger, who has accepted the position of ActingDirector of Administration. Kate has an MBA in nonprofit management and has broad experience in bothnon-profit organizations and commercial business. Theboard approved hiring her. Kate began full time on January 24. The Rev. Rebecca Bijur and Kate are working outher schedule.
Beth Brownlie and Brian Oakes of the FacilitiesDevelopment Committee presented the board with asummary of items of major concern and a spreadsheetof ongoing items and the status of each. The big item isthe roof on the sanctuary for which decisions will haveto be made concerning financing.
Peggy Rhoads of the Faith in Action committee presented the background and plans for Peace Sunday andasked for approval for the fundraising as the bylawsrequire. Action about Peace Sunday funding wasdeferred.
In staff reports, Catherine Farmer Loya, Director ofReligious Education (DRE), announced that she will bemoving her office to the cottage in February. Beth Rendeiro of the RE committee reported that rather than theexpected eight or nine participants in the Our WholeLives (OWL) program foreighth- and ninth-gradeyouth, 18 have enrolled,some of whom are notmembers of the church.
As part of learningabout our church, The Rev.Rebecca Bijur sat in on theparent orientation for theOWL program and enjoyedthe capable presentation.Rebecca also reportedthat Steve Wight hasresigned as Director ofMusic effective in June. Itwill be a challenge toreplace him.
Steve Wight reportedon plans to continue theexcellent music we enjoy,including working with themusic director of the LongBeach UU church choirthat will join us forRebecca's installation.
Melinda Ewen, Director of Administration, reportedthat Christine Agnew moved to Atlanta; Felicity Nussbaum, Anne Gallagher, and Lindsay Pinkham resigned.Kim and Nalani Santiago-Lalmanson, Bettye Barclay,and Valeo Schultz and Hayley Dawkins are new members. Membership now stands at 386.
Alan Brunell, Treasurer, reported that there areincreases in expenditures in some areas, and decreasesin other areas. It is still expected that the deficit will beabout $32,000 at the end of the fiscal year.
Beth Rendeiro reported for the Stewardship Committee that the canvas for pledges is almost completeand totals are only slightly higher than last year, butaverage pledges are greater.
Sanna Egan reported for the Membership and Leadership Committee that the UU101 class has beenchanged from two classes on successive weeks to oneslightly longer class.
In new business Past President Ron Crane reportedthat church member John Zinner has received wordfrom the Santa Monica Conservancy that UUCCSM willreceive an award for adaptive re-use of the cottage.
- Geralyn Lambson
YRUU member Elizabeth Saldo updated the boardon plans for our teens' trip to San Francisco to participatein the Faithful Fools Street Ministry Retreat.This group, founded by two ministers - one a Unitarian- says in its mission statement, "It becomespossible to discover on the streets our commonhumanity. Myths are shattered and visitors begin tosee the light, courage, strength, and creativity in thepeople they encounter." To finance the trip, theYRUU group will be selling bagels and lunches afterservices on Sundays.
Stella Saldo described YRUU plans to develop avegetable garden in the area behind the cottage. Plansare to plant in the spring and to involve younger REstudents once a month. They have spoken with ourlandscape designer, Steve Ludowitz. The boardapproved the plan and Steve's guidance role. On thesame principle they are exploring developing a compostingprogram.
Personnel Committee member Barbara Kernochandiscussed a job description for the Acting ChurchAdministrator position. Given the short amount oftime available the board recommended sending outMelinda's current job description with minor revisions,as some items have changed since the descriptionwas written. The revision was to be discussed atthe personnel meeting the next day. The form to beissued is to be approved by e-mail vote.
In staff reports, Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijurreported that Tom Ahern's new responsibilities in theoffice include managing cleaning supplies andrentals.
Catherine Farmer Loya reported that the RECovenant Process workshop was successful and therewas commitment to a Lifetime Religious Explorationprogram broader in scope than the past program.
Director of Administration Melinda Ewen reportedthat it is necessary to recruit volunteers to countmoney each week. New volunteers are needed byJanuary 1.
Music Director Steve Wight reported ongoingmusic events. Louis Durra is once again integratingthe organ into Sunday services after maintenance bythe usual technician.
Melinda reported that Louise Rothman and FrankGannon resigned from membership, Teresa Castellireinstated her membership, and Chuck and Wendy Garrett and Lucy Hahn joined. Membership nowstands at 385. Attendance at Sunday services hasbeen 95% compared to last year.
Treasurer Alan Brunell reported the pledge paymentsare ahead of schedule, a seasonal variation,and expenses are as expected. The expected deficitremains about $32,000.
Bryan Cahill, speaking for the Nominating Committee,announced the appointment of BrunoLacombe to fill the board position vacated by VictorPaddock. He presented the names of people to serveon the Financial Review Committee.
Speaking for the Finance Committee, Alan Brunellpresented motions to:
At the December 9 board meeting MarshaSmith, Membership & Leadership liaison,reported that with the death of MarionHolman, the resignation of Louise Rothman andLida Bogert, and the move of Liz Peterson and ErinTemple, church membership was reduced from 416to 411. However, with the reinstatement of KimO'Brien and John and Sharon Hart, as well as theaddition of new members Tom Early and BarbaraGibbs, church membership was at 415.
Treasurer Gene Balas reported that church expensesare exceeding income so far this year. He cautionedthat we may continue in deficit through the end ofthe fiscal year.
Marsha Smith also reviewed the procedure throughwhich newcomers to our church progress in thesteps toward membership. The committee is hostingthe "Stars" program, presented by Dennis Haskin, toimprove contact and welcome to newcomers. Theywill have a newcomer reception on January 10. Anew UU 101 class, facilitated by members of thecongregation and our minister, is being planned. Adraft of the proposed content of the courses was distributedfor review. The UU 101 course may be presentedseveral times a year.
Melinda Ewen, Director of Administration, reportedthat the Stewardship canvas is continuing to receivepledges, but that the amount pledged to date isabout $50,000 less than we expect to need for nextyear's budget.
Victor Paddock, Chair of the Personnel Committee,presented job descriptions for Choir Section Leaderand Office-RE Assistant. These were approved by theboard.
Tom Hamilton, Co-Chair of the New Building Committee,reviewed the status of the landscaping project,which is expected to be completed by the end ofthe first week in January. Planning for Forbes Hallrenovation will begin after the landscaping is finished.
Beth Rendeiro reported that a new ad hoc group willways to expand the electronic presence of thechurch via our website.
Committee Liaison Reports:
Kathy Cook, chair of the Bylaws and Policies Committee,asked that new members be appointed totheir committee.
Sandra Trutt reported that the Green Committee hastwo new environmental projects: providing solarcookers to a community in Africa, and providingCFLs (compact flourescent lightbulbs) to needy familiesin our community.
Beth Rendeiro reported for the RE Council that JackiWeber is a new member of their committee. Theyare working on a new visioning process that will bepresented in early 2009.
An item of new business was the decision that TownHall Meetings must be approved by the board atleast one month before the date of the meeting.Agendas for proposed Town Halls should be sent tomelinda@uusm.org.
The Rev. Roberta Haskin reported that she has beenmeeting with the transition team and other groupswithin the church to help the congregation recognizeits unique identity and its strengths, needs, andchallenges.
Catherine Farmer Loya, Director of Religious Education,expressed gratitude to all who had assisted ouryoung people in collecting warm clothes, blankets,and toiletries for the homeless teen program atCommon Ground.
Melinda reported that the New Building Projectreceived two $20,000 grant payments: one from theCity of Santa Monica and one from the UU SpiritLevel Foundation in San Diego.While these fundswere anticipated in our financial projections, it isnice to have them in hand.
- Geralyn Lambson
At the board meeting on October 11 Patricia Wrightreported for the Long Range Planning Committee.She provided the mission statement for thecommittee and shared a draft of a questionnaire to bedistributed to committee chairs and other congregationalleaders to assess the needs of various groups andtheir desire to assist in long range planning.
Phil Bonacich reported for the Stewardship Committeeon final plans for Commitment Sunday.
Victor Paddock, Chair of the Personnel Committee,distributed a revised job description for choir sectionleaders. Action was tabled to the next meeting.
Tom Hamilton, Co-Chair of the New Building Committee,reported on work completed and scheduled forthe landscaping project. Except for the area that must beleft open for the Forbes remodeling and the specificationsfor trees to be along the wall next to the parkingspaces, work should be completed in two to three weeks.The trees cannot be ordered because the city mustapprove the selection.
Tom pointed out that the Forbes Hall projectrequires congregational input. In order to present realisticoptions for consideration, it will be six to eight weeksbefore the committee can hold a town hall meeting toseek opinions for setting priorities.
The board appointed an ad hoc committee to overseenaming, donations, and gifts. The committee willconsist of Warren Mathews, Ofelia Lachtman, Beth Rendeiro,and Alan Brunell.
The board agreed to nominate both candidates,Peter Morales and Laurel Hallman, as president of theUnitarian Universalist Association.
Beth Rendeiro reported that she is getting responsesto her request for volunteers to assist with websitedevelopment.
Treasurer Gene Balas reported that pledge receiptsare $17,000 below budget and that non-pledge contributionsare also down. While expenditures are also slightlydown because of reductions in spending on administrationand facilities, we are still drawing on unrestrictedsavings to meet expenses.
As part of getting to know our church, Interim MinisterRoberta Haskin has been attending most committeemeetings. A general observation was that the boardis, perhaps of necessity, over-involved with administrativedetail. Hopefully, as the building program windsdown, there will be more time for exploring implementationof broader goals.
Director of Religious Education (DRE) CatherineFarmer Loya reminded us of the importance of theNovember 30 social justice program to support progressin meeting the needs of Common Ground, the onlyorganization to serve the needs of gay, lesbian, andbisexual teens in our community. She reminded us thatcollection is available weekly for toiletries, clothing,books, and art supplies.
Music Director Steve Wight reported that membersof the choir, along with section leaders, participated in aconcert of social justice music presented at Cal StateL.A. by the American Communities Association. Studentsand faculty members participated, and the eventwas well received.
Director of Administration Melinda Ewen reportedthat a gift of $10,571 was received from the estate ofJames McElmell. The funds were placed in unrestrictedreserves as policy requires.
- Geralyn Lambson
At the board retreat on September13, the board approveda motion recommended byDirector of AdministrationMelinda Ewen to update signatories to financial documents.Also approved were motions recommendedby Tom Hamilton of the New Building Committee tofund the children's play area, to build a retaining wallbetween the sanctuary and Forbes Hall for the widesteps to accommodate the change in elevation, andto install a doorway between the sanctuary and thecourtyard.
At the board meeting on October 15 Melindareported that church membership decreasedbecause of the death of Frances Smotherman, butwas increased by the reinstatement of Susanne Griffinand addition of Adam Galley. Membership nowstands at 416.
Melinda also reported that at the end of the firstquarter the pledge income was down $21,000 fromthe amount pledged. In the Financial Committeereport that followed, Treasurer Gene Balas said thatthe gap is being filled by funds from unrestrictedsavings. Gene pointed out that if the 28% deficit continuesover the next few months, unrestricted savingswill be exhausted.
Phil Bonacich reported for the Stewardship Committeeon plans for the upcoming pledge drive andfor Commitment Sunday.
The board approved a motion presented byWarren Mathews to specify the handling of an IRSrequired statement of proceduresfor payment of theminister's housingallowance. This does notaffect the church budget; it is simply a statement ofprocedure.
Tom reported on progress in building the children'splay area. The board voted to table a decisionon what to do with the funds for a recognition ofJudith Meyer's tenure as minister.
Melanie Sharp reported for the Dining for DollarsCommittee that plans for recruiting people to hostevents are in place and committee members willbegin making telephone and e-mail requests.
The board approved creation of an ad hoc committeeto create principles and policies for namingdonations and gifts.
Melinda reported that Sexton Michael Gober hasbeen hired as an employee, rather than as a temp,and that Annie Bates has been hired as part-timeOffice/RE Assistant.
Director of Religious Education Catherine FarmerLoya reported that the Religious Exploration programis fully staffed with volunteers, and that attendanceon Sunday averages 71 children, of 117 registered.
The board approved that 100% of non-pledgecollections on the October 19 Association Sundayservice go to the UUA. Bonnie Brae was appointedAssociation District Representative for the PacificSouthwest District of the UUA to replace Carol Agate.
- Geralyn Lambson