Splinters From The Board Archive
At the meeting on August 26, the board approvedPersonnel Committee recommendations presentedby Victor Paddock to adopt the employeemanual distributed in July for review. The board alsoapproved the job description for choir section leadersand the formula for staff-pension contributions.
Director of Administration Melinda Ewen reportedthat Lois D'Asaro joined her spouse as a member of thechurch, and Len Harris' membership was reinstated.Myra Wald, Marv Pulliam, and Nedra Bickel resigned.Melinda also presented the first financial report in thenew program-budget format recommended by the LongRange Planning Committee.
Treasurer Gene Balas presented a resolution statingthat the minister's discretionary fund is to be subject onlyto the restrictions that no funds are to be used for theminister's personal benefit, and that funds be distributedonly for needs or projects that are consistent with thechurch's tax-exempt status. This resolution is required bythe IRS to avoid having the funds taxed as part of the minister'sincome. The resolution was approved.
Bronwen Jones reported that her Interim MinisterCommittee of Linda van Ligten, Peter van den Beemt,Ofelia Lachtman, Judy Federick, Robin Lowney-Lankton,and Warren Mathews has organized and begun toassist Roberta in getting started at our church and inSanta Monica.
Pam Teplitz reported that the Nominating Committeeis still looking for people to serve on the Settled MinisterSearch Committee. (See article on page 1.) To applyfor a place on the nine-member committee, contactnomcom@uusm.org
A new feature of board meetings was introduced byVice President Melanie Sharp: the "1-minute roundtable,"where each board member reports for the committeeto which they for which they are liaison. Melaniereported for Stewardship that Phil Bonacich is planningto kick off pledge drive planning in September. BronwenJones reported for Music that rental contracts will bedrawn up for all building use traded for musical performances.Sue Bickford and Charles Haskell said thatFaith in Action is busy with the annual issues electionpreparation. Sandra Trutt reported that the Greens areworking on a low-carbon diet class. Ren Renshaw discussedmembership of the Personnel Committee. GeneBalas said that the Finance Committee will start regularmeetings in September.
The Bylaws and Policies Committee, chaired byKathy Cook, presented a policy and a set of guidelinesfor purchasing goods for church events. The boardapproved both.
Kathy also presented some questions and possiblesolutions for fund-raising issues within the congregation.These will be resolved at a future board meeting.
The Revs. Ernie Pipes and Judith Meyer submitted asummary of weddings performed since June 2008, thenew "summer of love."Ernie performed three same-sexweddings this summer. Judith had performed five samesexweddings as of August 31, including those of KrisLangabeer and Debbie Menzies, Ron Crane and JohnFels, and Gene Balas and Carlos Morales. The other twowere for an out-of-state UU couple and a couple thatidentified us on the internet as a gay-friendly church.
Ernie performed two same-sex weddings this summerand has another scheduled for September 4. Judithwill perform an off-site wedding for a same-sex coupleon September 28.
Director of Religious Education Catherine FarmerLoya reported that volunteer training is to be September6, and the first day of the religious education (RE) programwill be September 7. The full schedule of volunteersfor the 9 a.m. service is in place, and only volunteersfor "Toolbox of Faith" and "Neighboring Faiths"were still to be filled in late August. These are attractiveclasses and should be filled on time.
Catherine also said that the YRUU Heritage trip toBoston was a great success, and that there would be apotluck dinner for all Coming of Age and senior highstudents and their families on September 12. RE is agreat opportunity to become aware of the many youthactivities of our church.
Music Director Steve Wight reported that choir practicestarted on August 28, and that Music Committee cochairsBronwen Jones and Rima Snyder are alreadyplanning a full schedule of events including Stevenings,Louis Durra Trio concerts, and other events.
Bronwen Jones presented as new business the resolution"Whereas Unitarian Universalists believe that allpeople have a right to marry, be it resolved, the UnitarianUniversalist Community Church of Santa Monicaopposes Proposition 8, also known as the 'EliminateRight of Same-Sex Couples to Marry Initiative ConstitutionalAmendment.'" The resolution was approved.
- Geralyn Lambson
The board welcomed Marsha Smith to the board.She replaces Sanjeev Jain, who was transferred to ajob out of the country. Marsha is the retiring cochairof the Membership and Leadership Counciland has made great contributions in creating aframework for the group.
Pat Parkerton and Tom Hamilton reported on thelandscape construction underway in creating thenew courtyard and parking area around and behindthe cottage. See the report of the New Building Committeeon page 8.
The Personnel Committee submitted its revisionof the Employee Manual intended to replace the2002 version. It was distributed to the board forreview. The Board has 30 days to read and considerthe policy before adopting it at the next boardmeeting.
Marsha Smith delivered the report summarizingthe work of the Membership and Leadership Councilover the past year. Their recommendations includefunding a Congregational Life Coordinator positionand providing for the committee in the bylaws. TheBylaws and Policy Committee will study the request.
As part of the integration of the new board, theinterim minister, and groups within the church,Melanie Sharp brought forth an Executive Committeerequest that each board member serve as liaisonfor a major church committee. See Melanie's reporton page 9.
Melinda Ewen, director of administration,reported that Kim O'Brien resigned, but with newmembers Cherene and Norman Unrau, membershipnow stands at 416. She also gave the fiscal-year-endfinancial report, indicating we closed the year with asmall surplus that was added to savings.
Melinda distributed the annual report, whichhighlights the exceptional work of our leadershipand committees. It is available to members uponrequest from the office and at archive.uusm.org.
Kathy Cook, chair of the Bylaws and PoliciesCommittee, presented a proposed policy on supplyprocurement that is sensitive to environmental concerns.The board will review their recommendationas well as the Green Committee's "EnvironmentallySensitive Procurement Policy" document before consideringthis topic at their August meeting.
Bronwen Jones reported that an Interim MinisterCommittee is being formed, and is working to supportthe Rev. Roberta Haskin in moving into her roleas minister to the church and member of a new community.Bronwen asked for volunteers to support the marriageequality mobilization to fight the Novemberballot measure outlawing same-sex marriage.
Rev. Judith Meyer, retiring minister, reported thatshe will perform two out-of-state weddings asrequested as well as three weddings for members ofour church this summer. She plans to vacate heroffice by the end of July. She is in communicationwith Rev. Roberta Haskin to assist her transition.
Catherine Farmer Loya, DRE, reported unprecedentedsuccess in recruiting volunteers for the fallReligious Education (RE) program. The nursery hashappily moved from the office to the southwest roomin the cottage.Melinda welcomed the Society for HumanisticJudaism, a small congregation of about 30 members,as renters in the cottage. They plan to have monthlymeetings, on Saturday or midweek depending on theholiday schedule. Members of our church are invitedto attend.
SteveWight, music director, reported that therewill be a variety of classical, pop, and jazz soloists,both instrumental and vocal, for summer services.
- Geralyn Lambson
At the board meeting on June 10, Susy Holyhead ofSustainable Works presented President Ron Craneand Green Sanctuary Committee Co-Chair SandraTrutt with a certificate recognizing the church's commitmentto solving environmental problems. The list ofaccomplishments included reducing the solid waste ofthe church by 27% and switching all cleaning productsto "green" approved ones.
Leon Henderson presented the Adult ReligiousExploration Committee's proposal to coordinate theactivities and classes of all church committees, offeringsupport and publicity for courses.
Architect Ralph Mechur introduced Philip Castiglia ofTerra Form Inc., the landscaping company that will bedoing the work on the next phase of the building program.After the board examined the terms of the contract,the president signed it. Work was scheduled to begin June16, with expected completion in September or October.
Tom Hamilton and Pat Parkerton, co-chairs of theNew Building Committee, presented a list of items thatrequire consideration in planning for the next buildingphase, remodeling for Forbes Hall. It was agreed that theboard will examine the items, and meetings of the congregationwill have to be scheduled to present alternativesolutions so that informed decisions can be made.
Melinda Ewen, Director of Administation, reportedthat we have a new member, Gary Hill, which brings ourmembership to 415. She also reported that income andexpenditures are expected to be close to equal at the endof the fiscal year on June 30.
Rob Briner, a member of the Nominating Committee,said they expect to have a replacement soon for theboard position vacated by Sanjeev Jain, who resignedbecause he had a job transfer overseas. The committeeis also working toward creating a nine-member MinisterialSearch Committee, as required by our bylaws.
The board recognized the appointment of new committeechairs Pat Gomez (for the Membership and LeadershipCommittee), and Melanie Sharp (for the Diningfor Dollars Committee).
The board planned the usual August board meeting.A retreat will be scheduled in September, as requestedby Interim Minister Roberta Haskin.
The board accepted the resignation of Kim Miller aschair of the Personnel Committee with appreciation forher effort and expertise.
Rev. Judith Meyer thanked Rebecca Crawford and GayeDeal for crafting the resolution and the board for recommendingthat she be appointed Minister Emerita. Sheappreciates the congregational affirmation of her ministry.
Catherine Farmer, Director of Religious Education,reported that almost all of the volunteer teaching positionshave been filled. She is happy with the level ofparental involvement in the RE program. She encouragedeveryone to participate in the spaghetti supper tofund the YRUU heritage trip to Boston.
Steven Wight, Music Director, extended thanks for thevolunteer efforts of the Solstice Singers, a group ofwomen from the choir; to Bronwen Jones; and to MichelleMcWilliams and Tiffany Carmel, who have appeared asguest soloists without pay. These contributions havemade it possible for the budget to be met for the year andfor us to enjoy exceptional music in our services.
- Geralyn Lambson
Director of Administration Melinda Ewen providedthe monthly membership report whichshowed that Donald and June Jameson resigned,Helen Burns passed away, Hans and Nancy Millerwere reinstated, and that Liz Peterson and JuliePelino joined us, bringing total membership to 414.
Treasurer Rebecca Crawford reported that incomeand expenditures are relatively stable and it isexpected that there will be about a $2000 to $3000surplus at the end of the fiscal year on June 30, 2008.
Rebecca also presented the Finance Committeereport, which was approved for presentation to thecongregation at the Annual Meeting.
The board reviewed the agenda for the annualmeeting. It was approved with minor modifications.
The board reviewed and approved the structureand duties of the New Building Committee, with PatParkerton and Tom Hamilton as co-chairs. Continuingas consultant to the committee will be CarolKerr, legal services; Rod Lane, construction consultant;and Gene Balas, financial oversight.
RalphMechur will continue as architect and oversee construction.The newly constituted committee willcomplete plans and recommend construction of theopen areas and Forbes Hall. Pat and Tom will presentto the board regularly and encourage congregationalcommunication.Ralph Mechur presented four bids for constructionto be analyzed in selecting a landscape contractorafter congregational approval.
Chair of the Bylaws and Policies Committee,Kathy Cook, presented a board policy for managingthe procedures for engagement and supervision ofindependent contractors. The board adopted thepolicy.
Bronwen Jones reported that the Interim MinisterTask Force had agreed upon a candidate for the position.There was a general agreement that RobertaHaskin was right for our church. The board voted tohire her.
The Rev. Judith Meyer, retiring minister, reportedthat her last day in the pulpit will be June 29. She willbe available for pastoral support through the monthof August. Guest speakers will fill the pulpit throughAugust.
Director of Religious Education Catherine Farmerreported that the last day of the regular RE programwill be June 8. June 15 will be a fun day for all thosenot at Camp de Benneville. The summer programwill begin on June 22. The preschool group will befollowing the Summer of Seuss program, last offeredin 2006. Elementary levels and up will use "Wonder-Full World." Each week the young people will explorea different topic, from nature to what it means to begreen, to reducing energy consumption or pollution.As in the past, church members will be asked toassist one Sunday during the summer.
Music Director Steven Wight reported thatMichael Lamb was an important part of the choirconcert and will return as tenor section leader whenhe relocates back to this area in the fall.
At the meeting on April 8, Pat Parkerton of theCongregational Concerns subcommittee of theNew Building Committee reviewed the results ofthe Town Hall Meetings on March 31 and April 6. Resultswere a mixture of compromise and consensus. Planswere approved for the landscaping of the parkway andthe courtyard. The understanding was that plans wouldmove forward for remodeling of Forbes Hall, but nocommitment could be made until it is known howmuch money will be available for that phase of the project.The current goal is for front landscaping to be completedthis summer, side courtyard and alley parking tobe paved this fall, and Forbes remodeling to be plannedthis summer with work to begin after the first of January.
Melinda Ewen, Director of Administration, reportedthat with the resignation of Sherman Neusom and additionof new members Ian McAllister and Stephan Garboski,church membership is now 413.
S.J. Guidotti, chair of the Nominating Committee,presented the slate of candidates for the Board of Directorsand for the Nominating Committee for calendaryear 2008 to 2009. The Nominating Committee, withsuggestions from the congregation and approval of theboard, will create a Search Committee for the SettledMinister.
The board reviewed and amended the agenda forthe Annual Meeting scheduled for May 18.
Melinda reported that the collection of pledges isup and expenses are down, so the operating accountsare close to the budget, though overall, both incomeand expenses are below expectations.
Rebecca Crawford, Finance Committee chair, presentedthe budget to be proposed to the congregation atthe May 18 Annual Meeting for July 2008 to June 2009.The board accepted the budget with one vote abstentionand recommended approval by the congregation.
The board approved a motion to appoint BronwenJones to chair the Interim Minister Task Force. The taskforce includes Beverly Alison, Kathy Cook, Rob Briner,and Beth Rendeiro. The board also approved a motionto allocate $3,000 to the committee to conduct thesearch.
Marsha Smith and Laurel Bleak are coming to theend of their term as co-chairs of the Membership andLeadership (M&L) Committee. The board approved arequest for the Nominating Committee to recruit newco-chairs as well as four new members. The board alsoapproved the Nominating Committee to recruit a volunteer Congregational Life Coordinator to work closelywith the M&L Committee.
The Rev. Judith Meyer announced that her last Sundayin the pulpit will be June 29, though she will be hereintermittently in July and August to attend to pastoralneeds and to clear the minister's office.
Catherine Farmer, DRE, was not at the meetingbecause she was attending a family funeral out of town.She left a report that Kindergarten/First Grade OWLbegan on April 13, following the parent orientation onApril 6. She also left a document entitled "Guidelines forRequesting Childcare at UUCCSM" (see page 3).
Music Director Steve Wight reported that preparationscontinue for the choir concert on May 10. Goodnews is that Michael Lamb, former tenor section leader,will be returning for the performance and will be movingback to this area in the fall.
- Gerrie Lambson
At the meeting on March11, Melinda Ewen, Administrator,reported that with thedeath of Wally Giffen, theresignation of Linda Marten, and JenniferKlein's move, and with welcome new membersRonald Francis, Joann Berryman, Elizabeth Salisbury,and Janine Venable-deZarn, our churchmembership is now 411.
Melinda also presented the Personnel Committeereport. The board approved the jobdescription for manager of construction.
The board approved appointment of DanNannini to the Personnel Committee.
Melinda showed that our financial position isholding steady, though expenses exceed incomeby approximately $4000.
Rebecca Crawford reported that the FinanceCommittee expects to have a draft of the budgetfor next year e-mailed to Board members forreview in advance of discussion at the Aprilmeeting. There is an expected decrease inincome of around 10%, which will require areduction in expenditures.
Rod Lane reported for the New BuildingCommittee. After two meetings with membersof the congregation, it became clear that theconsensus was that the two-classroom buildingwas not essential, and that completion of thelandscaping needs to proceed as soon as possible.With this in mind, Rod sought preliminarybids from two contractors for remodelingForbes Hall and landscaping only. The low bidof $1.2 million is within our finan cial reach.
Preparation of explanatory materials aboutthe proposed remodeling for the congregationmade it necessary for the board to schedule asecond board meeting to again consider thisissue on March 18.
Catherine Farmer, Director of Religious Education,reported on hiring Wendy Wegner as thepreschool RE teacher and Liz Greenfield as thenursery supervisor. The fifth and sixth gradeOWL classes were completed and parent orientationfor the kindergarten and first grade OWLclasses will occur on April 6.
The board was sad tohear Judith Meyerannounce that she isretiring as our minister,effective August 31. Ron Crane distributed apacket of documents from UUA covering thesteps needed to recruit an interim minister andto initiate a search for a new minister. Theboard will review the documents and keep thecongregation informed as plans take shape.
At the March 18 special board meeting theboard requested our architect, Ralph Mechur, topull a Building Permit to cover the entry andlandscaping around the cottage approved bythe congregation at the February 10 meeting.
The board also appropriated $7,000 to RalphMechur to prepare Master Plan drawings for thecity planning office.The board confirmed a Town Hall meeting onMarch 30 to plan landscaping of the parkway -that is the land between the sidewalk and thestreet. Keith Ludowitz presented a plan usingsub-surface irrigation and low-water sod for theparkway at the February 10 Town Hall. GracePhillips will propose a plan using drought-tolerantground cover and pavers for crossing onMarch 30.
The board scheduled a second Town Hallmeeting for April 6 to present and discuss anexterior landscaping plan for our property. Theintention is to limit the Forbes Hall remodelingto available capital funds. The additional REbuilding and sanctuary expansion will need tobe deferred to a later date when we have additionalcapital.
Approval of the revised Maaster Plan isscheduled for the Annual Congregational Meetingon May 18. The congregation may choose toapprove the remaining landscaping and theForbes Hall renovation at that time, and to postponesanctuary expansion and building of thefree-standing classroom until additional fundsare available.
- Geralyn Lambson
At the board meeting on February 12, Jacki Weberreported for the Stewardship Drive thatalthough there was the greatest participation inthe pledge drive in years, the dollar amount was notwhat was desired. Factors influencing that were thatthe economy has tightened, people feel tapped out bythe building project, and family instability may lead toreduced pledges. These factors might produce reducedfinancial expectations for next year, especially becausemembership is flat to down, and the economic outlookis not optimistic.
Marsha Smith and Laurel Bleak reported for theMembership and Leadership Committee that muchhas been accomplished to make it possible to follow upwith visitors and to track the follow-up within the computersystem. Documents describing our church andour activities were exhibited including a new "Welcome"document and updated "Getting Involved"booklets. Laurel and Marsha requested that their committeehave official bylaws status. The board referredthe request to the Bylaws and Policies Committee.
Melinda Ewen, Director of Administration,reported a decline in membership since the death ofJames McEmell; the relocation of Alice LeFebvre, JamesFrohna, Diana Kunce, Kyle Ludowitz, and KristenHolmquist; the resignation of Emmy Podunovich andShaee Katapoush; and the lapse of 24 membershipsbecause they made no financial contribution of recordduring 2007. Current membership now stands at 410.
Melinda also presented a new job description for apart-time Administrative Assistant prepared by the PersonnelCommittee. Should the building program moveforward, there will be additional work for the OfficeAssistant, which this provides. The board approved.
The board discussed ways to keep the congregationinformed about the building program. Charles Haskellfollowed up his comments at the February 10 meetingwith a plan to eliminate the classroom building behindthe cottage and expansion of the sanctuary. Opportunitiesfor sharing information with the congregationbefore the Congregational Meeting on March 30 areplanned.
Melinda reported a deficit of about $11,000 in theoperating budget at the end of January. This is only 2%of the total budget.
Rebecca Crawford, chair of the Finance Committee,reported on the internal financial review conductedby Karen Patch, Melanie Sharp, and herself. Thecommittee worked with Melinda to review proceduresin financial management. No irregularities were found,but there is a need for additional volunteer help toassist with counting the money we receive, to createappropriate separation of duties, and to ensure allincome is accounted for.
Ren Renshaw reported for the ad hoc NameChange Committee. There was extensive discussion inthe newsletter and 80 people attended the Town Hall todiscuss the issue. The bylaws require a two-thirds voteto change the name of the church. At the end of themeeting it was evident that such a majority does notexist, so the committee recommends that the issue betabled.
The Rev. Judith Meyer reported that she is taking a21-hour Grief Certificate Training Program on February27 through 29.
Catherine Farmer, Director of Religious Education,announced that we have hired Wendy Wegner as thepre-school teacher for six hours each week.
- Geralyn Lambson
At the board meeting on January 8, the boardapproved payment of the invoice submitted byAlison Kendall for services related to renovations ofthe cottage.
The board also considered recommendations from thepersonnel committee, presented by Kim Miller and VictorPaddock, regarding the creation and duties of thecommittees needed to advance the building program.After some discussion of the scope of the responsibilitiesof the committee, the board approved a motion that thepersonnel committee proceed with preparing the jobdescriptions for planning coordinator and constructioncoordinator for the building project.
Rod Lane, Co-Chair of the Design and ConstructionCommittee, pointed out that the conditional use permitexpires in June. In response, the board approved up to$25,000 of the building fund be spent on design and costassessment and up to $3,000 be used for landscapeimprovements between Forbes Hall and the cottage.
Our architect, Ralph Mechur, and Alison Kendallpresented the revised design for Phases II and III of thebuilding program. The design will be presented to thecongregation at a meeting on February 10.
Melinda Ewen, Director of Administration, reportedthat Teri Bond, and Stephon and Wakana Litwinczukbecame members of the church. David Hedin, Janine Sweet, Paula Bernstein, Nancy Lyon, and Melvin Lyonresigned. Church membership now stands at 440.
Melinda also gave the finance report showing bothpledges and expenses running behind budget. Althoughdiscrepancies between monies expected and received isnot unusual, the writer's strike and the tanking economymay cause long-term issues.
The Rev. Judith Meyer reported that she received anacknowledgment letter from the UUA, thanking us for ourparticipation in the first annual Association Sunday. Weraised $1,892.35. UUA will use this money for marketinginitiatives, PSWD local projects, and financial support forUU ministers of color along with the congregations thatcall them.
Catherine Farmer, Director of Religious Education,reported that the transition of the preschool through 5thgrade classes to the cottage was successful. Sheemphasized the need for prompt installation of a walkwayfrom the sliding glass doors in Forbes Hall to the cottage.Walking small children around the corner to the frontentrance, so close to traffic, is undesirable. Beth Rendeiroreported that there are 15 enthusiastic members of theOWL (Our Whole Lives) class and their parents.
Kathy Cook has accepted the chairmanship of theBylaws and Policies Committee. She said that currentprojects of the committee included considering the needfor additional committees to be included in the bylaws,methods of selection of members for the nominatingcommittee, and setting guidelines for term limits of nonbylaws committees.
- Geralyn Lambson
Much discussion at theboard meeting on December11 surrounded the report byCarol Kerr and Alison Kendallon the next steps in the New Building Program.As Ron Crane's President's column indicatedlast month, modification in design will berequired to match the funds we have available.
The board approved a motion made byCharles Haskell that whatever changes aremade in the building plans, they be such thatno parking variance from the city be required.The board approved the appointment of anew Building Committee with Carol Kerr asGeneral Chair; David Denton and Rod Lane asCo-Chairs, Design and Construction; GeneBalas as Finance Chair; and Pat Parkerton, CongregationalConcerns Chair. Ralph Mechur, ourarchitect, and committee members will presenta revised building plan to the board at their Januarymeeting with a possible congregationalmeeting to be called in February toreview/approve the plan.
S.J. Guidotti reported for the Building andGrounds Committee that the clay soil and gradingaround the Cottage caused rain water to runinto the crawl space. The drainage planrequired by the city for Phase 2 of our buildingplans, included as part of the landscapingwhich will probably be the next step of theplans to be implemented, will eventuallyresolve the problem.
Melinda Ewen, Director of Administration,reported that Norman Vreeland, Otto Cahn, andDiedre Beckett resigned, making church membership 442.Melinda also reportedthat pledge income hasbeen a little behind budget,and that expenses are lower than expectedbecause of unfilled staff positions.
Treasurer Rebecca Crawford reported onFinance Committee activities. An internalFinancial Review (previously incorrectly termedan "audit"), which will review procedures forincome and expenditure confirmations, isexpected to occur in January.
Reverend Judith Meyer reported that she andCatherine Farmer are planning a "heritage" tripto Boston with our high school students in July.Along with visits to the UUA, the trip willinclude a walk on the Freedom Trail, a tour ofCambridge, a Red Sox game, and a Sunday serviceat one of the historic churches.
Catherine Farmer, Director of Religious Education,reported that the Preschool Teachersearch has identified a candidate, to whom theyintend to offer the position. Catherine hasmoved her office to the Cottage. Preparationscontinue to move the preschool and elementaryclasses to the Cottage in January. NeighboringFaiths and Coming of Age groups will continueto meet in the rooms above Forbes Hall.
Steven Wight, Music Director, reported thatthe search for tenor and bass Section Leaderscontinues. The first Saturday Spotlight of theyear was a success. The choir is preparing musicfor Christmas and for the Dining for Dollarsevent.
- Geralyn Lambson
Joyce Holmen and Melissa Weaver presented thenew banners to the board, along with the plan forhanging them. The board was delighted with the resultsof the Committee on Religious Symbolism and madeplans for hanging the new banners and presentingthem to the congregation.
Melinda Ewen reported that Richard Boothe andRuth Robinson-Deen have moved, and Joshua Foutsresigned. Erin Temple, Jenniffer Glover, P. Susan Dillon,and S. Jade Bailey have joined our congregation, givingus a total membership of 445.
Melinda also reported that we are solidly in theblack at this time, largely because of advance paymentof pledges, increases in rental and savings income, andsavings on positions yet to be filled.
Rebecca Crawford reported for the Finance Committeethat plans for the annual audit are progressing,and they are investigating the possibility of taking out aloan to complete the next step in the building plans.
Carol Kerr reported that final inspection of the cottageis proceeding and the Certificate of Occupancy isexpected any day. Plans for Phases II-III are to be formalized.Ron Crane agreed to present the status to thecongregation in the newsletter.
The board approved the job description for the preschoolteacher position.
S.J. Guidotti presented a proposal for restructuringthe Building Committee with four subcommittees forDesign, Construction, Finance, and CongregationalConcerns. The Nominating Committee is to identifyindividuals with skills and interest on these areas, andthe board will approve appointments. The CongregationalConcerns Committee will address issues of leavingas small a carbon footprint as possible, limitingwater usage, and ensuring accessibility to facilities andprograms. Unlike the other committees, this subcommitteewill be open to any member of the congregation.The board approved this proposal.
- Geralyn Lambson