Splinters From The Board Archive
Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur lit the chalice and initiated the check-in inviting us to share where we would want to travel if we could go anywhere we wanted. Here is what came to light: Cuba, Galapagos, France, Spain, Berlin, Krakow, Montreal, Peru, South Korea and a multi-week trip to Tahiti by freighter. President Cynthia Cottam announced that she will indeed be going to the Galapagos from June 1 until 16, a trip that has been in the works for a very long time!
As of this month’s meeting the church had 370 members. The Generous Congregation Contribution in March was $932 to Homeboy Industries and $150 to the UU Legislative Ministry.
Rev. Rebecca lit the chalice and initiated the check-in inviting us to include a response to the question “Tell me
Through Generous Congregation Contributions UUCCSM has donated $686 to the UU Service Committee. Every year at this time the church checks with members of record who have not paid a pledge to see if they would like to renew their pledge. It is customary for the church to lose about a dozen or so members at this time. The church now has 361 members.
The Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur reported that the Small Group Ministry program has been launched. The program has 97 participants including 10 facilitators and four members of the Board of Directors. In addition, in order to create a Worship Associates group who would take a more active role in supporting meaningful, excellent worship at our church, Rev. Rebecca led a retreat, “Awe and Wonder,” in conjunction with her colleagues from the UU Ministers’ L.A. Metro Cluster. She invited church members Vilma Ortiz, Jessica Clay, and Amelia Monteiro to participate.
Catherine Farmer Loya reported that the UCLA Campus Ministry has been launched and as of this writing has six members. Elementary RE worked with Faith in Action to put together 55 lunches and delivered them to the Turning Point housing shelter.
Director of Music DeReau Farrar reported that the MLK Choir Festival of Greater Los Angeles Area UU church choirs was a great success. He also announced two Dining for Dollars events: “America Singing: Patriotism
vs. Pride,” a choral concert, and “The Old Maid and the Thief,” a performance of Menotti’s chamber opera classic in 1950s radio opera style.
The board unanimously accepted Robert Kory’s generous offer to represent the church in the handling of Judy Federick’s property bequest. Church member Judy, who died last year, had arranged for some of her assets to be given to the church.
The board spent considerable time reviewing a revision of the Employee Manual.
The board will meet next on March 26.
— Bronwen Jones
Through Generous Congregation Contributions UUCCSM has donated $686 to the UU Service Committee. Every year at this time the church checks with members of record who have not paid a pledge to see if they would like to renew their pledge. It is customary for the church to lose about a dozen or so members at this time. The church now has 361 members.
The Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur reported that the Small Group Ministry program has been launched. The program has 97 participants including 10 facilitators and four members of the Board of Directors. In addition, in order to create a Worship Associates group who would take a more active role in supporting meaningful, excellent worship at our church, Rev. Rebecca led a retreat, “Awe and Wonder,” in conjunction with her colleagues from the UU Ministers’ L.A. Metro Cluster. She invited church members Vilma Ortiz, Jessica Clay, and Amelia Monteiro to participate.
Catherine Farmer Loya reported that the UCLA Campus Ministry has been launched and as of this writing has six members. Elementary RE worked with Faith in Action to put together 55 lunches and delivered them to the Turning Point housing shelter.
Director of Music DeReau Farrar reported that the MLK Choir Festival of Greater Los Angeles Area UU church choirs was a great success. He also announced two Dining for Dollars events: “America Singing: Patriotism
vs. Pride,” a choral concert, and “The Old Maid and the Thief,” a performance of Menotti’s chamber opera classic in 1950s radio opera style.
The board unanimously accepted Robert Kory’s generous offer to represent the church in the handling of Judy Federick’s property bequest. Church member Judy, who died last year, had arranged for some of her assets to be given to the church.
The board spent considerable time reviewing a revision of the Employee Manual.
The board will meet next on March 26.
— Bronwen Jones
Through Generous Congregation Contributions UUCCSM has donated $686 to the UU Service Committee. Every year at this time the church checks with members of record who have not paid a pledge to see if they would like to renew their pledge. It is customary for the church to lose about a dozen or so members at this time. The church now has 361 members.
The Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur reported that the Small Group Ministry program has been launched. The program has 97 participants including 10 facilitators and four members of the Board of Directors. In addition, in order to create a Worship Associates group who would take a more active role in supporting meaningful, excellent worship at our church, Rev. Rebecca led a retreat, “Awe and Wonder,” in conjunction with her colleagues from the UU Ministers’ L.A. Metro Cluster. She invited church members Vilma Ortiz, Jessica Clay, and Amelia Monteiro to participate.
Catherine Farmer Loya reported that the UCLA Campus Ministry has been launched and as of this writing has six members. Elementary RE worked with Faith in Action to put together 55 lunches and delivered them to the Turning Point housing shelter.
Director of Music DeReau Farrar reported that the MLK Choir Festival of Greater Los Angeles Area UU church choirs was a great success. He also announced two Dining for Dollars events: “America Singing: Patriotism
vs. Pride,” a choral concert, and “The Old Maid and the Thief,” a performance of Menotti’s chamber opera classic in 1950s radio opera style.
The board unanimously accepted Robert Kory’s generous offer to represent the church in the handling of Judy Federick’s property bequest. Church member Judy, who died last year, had arranged for some of her assets to be given to the church.
The board spent considerable time reviewing a revision of the Employee Manual.
The board will meet next on March 26.
— Bronwen Jones
As Rev. Rebecca was on vacation with her family on the East Coast, First Vice President Barbara Gibbs lit the
- I will be true to myself, listen and contribute.
- I will relate to others with respect, trust, compassion, and support.
- I will remember that I am representing the community I serve.
- When I am relating to congregants who are not board members, I will serve as a two-way conduit between the board and the congregation as a whole.
- I will identify myself and the office I hold.
- I will be approachable.
- I will model commitment to the community.
- I will be an available and encouraging agent of communication.
Reverend Rebecca lit the chalice and asked the meeting attendees to share their various and wide-ranging Christmas holiday rituals.
As of this month’s meeting the church has 374 members. Through the Generous Congregation Contributions the UUCCSM donated $904 to the St. Joseph Center during the month of November.
Rev. Rebecca is excited about the rekindling of the Small Group Ministry that she believes will greatly assist our congregation in providing a “ministry of presence.”
DRE Catherine Farmer Loya said that she is working closely with the RE Committee to make a smooth transition for the time she will be on family leave.
Music Director DeReau Farrar reported that the organ has been tuned and repaired.
Church Administrator Nurit Gordon was pleased to announce that there has been an increase in group rentals. We currently rent to 23 groups, which is an increase from 17 last year.
Treasurer Kit Shaw presented the Finance Committee’s tentative budget for 2012-2013. The board made it through about 25% of the line items and will continue at January’s board meeting.
Two amendments to the existing financial policies were passed unanimously by the board. #1) Checking and Investment Accounts — Establishment and Signatories: The Church Administrator no longer has the authority to
establish or be a signatory on church accounts. #2) Annual Financial Review Policy C4.10 — the review process will begin six months after the end of the fiscal year (as opposed to 2 to 3 months).
Bryan Oakes updated the board on the roof replacement. The board supports his approach to get the work done and expects there will be a contract to be approved by the board shortly.
President Cynthia Cottam checked in regarding the board’s first two goals that were established at the annual retreat back in September. To support the process of developing a Covenant of Good Relations she asked board members to read the iChurch article in the current UU World. This can be located at http://
www.uuworld.org/ideas/articles/279318.shtml. To address the second goal, Leadership Development, Cynthia suggests that we help committees have co-chairs in order to share the load.
— Bronwen Jones,
Board Recording Secretary
Thank you to Jennifer Westbay for stepping in for a few months as “Splinters from the Board” correspondent. Charles Haskell has suggested that I write the column this month and see how it goes. So, let me know how it went, please!
A part of October’s board meeting was to complete a ministerial evaluation for the UUA.This confidential process conducted by the board and the Committee on Ministry is a step toward the UUA approving Rebecca for Final Fellowship.
The president reported that the Town Hall went very well. Although there is a strong preference for an historical roof, we will be going forward with a combination tile and asphalt roof due to the expensive ramifications of an all-tile roof.
After much struggle, we now have a Stewardship Committee, chaired by Abby Arnold. Thank you, Abby! We are also very grateful to additional committee members Natalie Kahn, Amy Lacombe, and recently returned church member Lucy Hahn. The board has been asked to actively support the Stewardship Committee by making calls and helping at their special events.
The board decided to accept the directed donations graciously given by Patrick Meighan for the Stewardship Committee ($5,000) and by Gaye Deal for the music program ($5,000). The board recommends that directed donations be addressed case by case.
The music program has been energized by our new Music Director, DeReau Farrar. Board members shared very positive responses to his work so far. DeReau has been given the blessing to move forward and run the program as he outlined in a letter to the board this month. Don’t be surprised if you start to hear section leaders again and music from more of the talent within our community.
— Bronwen Jones
President Cynthia Cottam spoke of the success of the Second Sunday Supper hosted by the Membership Committee, especially acknowledging the committee’s effort to welcome new members to attend. Church administrator Nurit Gordon announced that new members Mahin Rahimzadeh and Jasmine Chazelle bring our total membership to 375. A Newcomer Orientation was held on September 18.
Though there is no real progress in the search for a new church organist, Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur declared that she “loves working with” new Director of Music, DeReau Farrar.
Our treasurer, Kit Shaw, reported that some money from UUCCSM’s Merrill Lynch Money Market account of
$500,275 will be returned to CDs. Nurit has been working with the Finance Committee to identify budget items that should be included in next year’s budget. Karen Patch, Wendi Gladstone, and Melanie Sharp are appointed to the Financial Review Committee in accordance with church Financial Policy C4.10.
The board will actively seek members to join the church’s Stewardship Committee. Cynthia also reported a
productive meeting with Patricia Wright of the Long Range Planning Committee.
Continuing their ongoing discussion of roof replacement options, most board members expressed an aesthetic
preference for an historically accurate tile roof; still, consensus was that expensive tile roofing and auxiliary
expenses are not where UUCCSM funds and energy need to go at this time. There is $23,688 in the roof fund.
The board will seek a qualified engineer’s opinion regarding seismic safety. At a Town Hall meeting on Sunday,
October 7, all members will discuss this important decision of aesthetics, safety, and finances.
— Jennifer Westbay