Splinters From The Board Archive
From Our DRE: Sanctuary and the Klondike Bar
Board of Directors Report: Board Joins with Neighboring Congregations; Announces New Hires
Board Tackles Staff Turnover; Approves Committee Charters
Shifting the Stewardship Conversation toward Genrosity
Board Discusses Budget, Future Leadership
Sustainability Fund Established to Encourage Financial Support
Board Tackles Budget Challenges
The board met in Forbes Hall on February 13 with nine board members, Rev. Greg, and nine guests in attendance. Jerry Gates lit the chalice with the thought that although we are different, our efforts are united.
There were no new members this month. The current membership is 314, with 17 members lapsed since the January board meeting.
Rev. Greg spoke of working hard and feeling tired but not giving up. A majority of the targets he has set (Worship, Pastoral Care, Staffing, Leadership Development, etc.) are on track or ahead of schedule; and Membership and Adult RE are making progress. But tiredness is likely to continue until there is a way to address (with the understanding and commitment of the whole congregation) the magnitude of needs that require the work of more than staff and, historically, just 15% of the congregation, to meet.
A lengthy discussion of the budget process and the projected minimum deficit of ~$60,000 for FY ’18-19 followed. Treasurer Kim Miller provided a comprehensive report on the deficit and possible scenarios to address it. Patricia Wright provided the status of the Committee on Money Reserves since its inception. A Town Hall meeting on the budget will be held on Sunday, March 18.
A lengthy discussion on the role of stewardship in addressing the deficit, culminated in a motion and the commitment of the board to have courageous conversations with the congregation and to make a three-year plan to develop a culture of high expectations and commitment.
UUSM board meetings are held on each second Tuesday and are open to all members. For more details, contact one of the board members or read the minutes and materials of each meeting, which are posted on the website in the “For Members” section.
— Patricia Wright
Board Studies Leadership, Discusses Pledge Results
The board met in Forbes Hall on January 9 with nine board members, Rev. Greg, and 13 guests in attendance. Rev. Greg opened with a reading of the poem “For a New Beginning” by John O’Donohue.
Secretary Beth Brownlie read the names of new members Craig Charles, Alicia MacLennan, Dan Wunsch, and Erika Scremin, for a total membership of 343.
There were two main discussion topics that occupied the meeting. They were a discussion of the common read of the first four chapters of “Never Call Them Jerks” by Arthur Paul Boers, and a discussion of stewardship and the Board’s role as fiscal steward.
“Never Call Them Jerks” addresses difficult behavior by church members. Key aspects of “jerks” include blaming and shaming, labeling situations, triangulations, and bullying, amongst others. The first four chapters explore that behavior and ways of addressing it that do not work, and acknowledge that it exists in all of us. We bring our past into our present, and it affects how we react to present situations. Rev. Greg is asking the board to identify areas of leadership – and areas of self-awareness, self-differentiation, and self-acceptance – in order to become better versions of ourselves and to learn to tackle problems in a collaborative and cooperative way. Along the way it helps to notice what triggers us and what underlying needs govern our behavior.
The board welcomed stewardship co-chairs Kit Shaw and Gretchen Goetz who reported on the status of the 2018 pledge campaign. 50% of the pledging units have pledged. 50% of the pledging units are rolled over. The dollar amount pledged to date is $368,706. 48 pledges are the same as last year, 66 have increased, 13 have decreased or terminated, 13 are new pledges.
As agent to the board as fiscal steward, stewardship has done its job for this year’s pledge campaign! Stewardship created a process in carrying out the wishes of the board. It is clear that there will be a deficit, so what do we do now? We raise the level of conversation with the congregation further through stewardship, pastoral care, membership, and a good slice of education.
UUSM board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month and are open to all members. More details can be found in the minutes of each meeting, which are posted on the UUSM.org website in the “members only” section or by talking directly to board members.
– Patricia Wright
Intern Minister Chosen; Discretionary Fund Approved
The board met in Forbes Hall on December 12 with nine board members, Rev. Greg, and six guests in attendance. Rev. Greg lit the chalice with “A Blessing for One Who Holds Power” by John O’Donohue … “May the gift of leadership awaken in you as a vocation …”.
Secretary Beth Brownlie read the name of new member Jennifer Styzens, for a total membership of 339.
The Board approved the Covenant of Right Relations and recommended that the congregation adopt the covenant. The Board has the responsibility for and is considering a date for a congregational meeting to vote for the adoption of the covenant, perhaps preceded by a town hall meeting. How to integrate the covenant into the life of the congregation will be the work of Right Relations and may involve workshops and practice sessions on each of the main aspects of the covenant. The covenant is aspirational and broad. Right Relations is working on processes and procedures to address application of the covenant.
Rev. Greg’s report to the board started by talking about the binary thinking that he has observed in our congregation. Binary thinking is either/or, left/right;, up/down, right/wrong, good/bad, and is a barrier to a more reverent, nuanced, curious relationship, one that requires more courage, more self awareness, and energy. Though moving out of binary thinking requires more energy, it carries the promise of being more energizing as well. Focusing on process over task and getting better at process can provide the board and the congregation with a path to productivity, health, and happiness.
The board authorized the hiring of Robin Stillwater, a seminarian at Union Theological Seminary, as Intern Minister for ten months, beginning in September 2018.
A board retreat to address ways in which the board can be more effective is in the planning stage and is in search of a consultant for the retreat.
The board adopted an interim policy for a Ministerial Discretionary Fund for the purpose of providing financial support to those in financial need and is tax-deductible to the donors.
At the request of the finance committee, the board approved sending a request to the congregation to make an extra end-of-the year donation to the church.
UUSM board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, and are open to all members. More details can be found in the minutes of each meeting, which are posted on the UUSM.org website in the “members only” section.
– Patricia Wright
Church Receives Bequest; Rev. Greg Describes Church Models
Board Establishes Priorities for the Upcoming Year
The board met in the Sanctuary on October 10 because of plumbing repairs in Forbes Hall. All board members, Administrator Nurit Gordon, Rev. Greg, and eight guests were in attendance in the pews. Rev. Greg lit the chalice, with a reading from the “Book of Qualities” on the notion that trust is the mother of love.
Rev. Greg explained his role at board meetings in the context of developmental ministry. His intention is to focus on vision, and to cultivate a sense of process that leads to people who are eager to be with each other. He explained that a single minister, focused on developmental goals, cannot at the same time perform all the broad ministerial responsibilities that are expected in a church of our size. There will be an evaluation of the ministry in January 2018. The board approved an addition of $20,000 to the 2018-2019 budget to hire a ministerial intern to assist in developing a Pastoral Associates program, so that the congregation can meet the needs for pastoral care with the help of well-trained and organized volunteers.
Jacki Weber reported on the follow-up to the 2017 board retreat, which included a review of action items and recommended follow-up. The board established priorities for the coming year: (1) clarify roles and responsibilities, (2) develop and adopt a comprehensive safety policy, (3) develop and adopt a covenant of right relations, (4) develop a pastoral associates program, (5) develop a worship associates program, (6) develop a membership program, (7) examination of UUSM history, and (8) optimize the stewardship program.
The board approved a job description for the new Religious Education Assistant position, based on the template of the Liberal Religious Educators Association.
Patricia Wright reported on the status of this year’s pledge drive to support the core operations of our church. The Stewardship Committee has scheduled six house parties, Rev. Greg is training facilitators, and the board is encouraged to attend. The board agreed to covenant to optimize the stewardship program.
Beth Brownlie reported that the Forbes Hall plumbing repair project is moving along, and the board thanked Nurit for overseeing the logistics involved.
The board recognized and affirmed the revised charter of the Communications Team. UUSM board meetings are open to all members, and are held on the second Tuesday of each month. Minutes of each meeting are posted on the UUSM website, in the “For Members” section.
— Patricia Wright