Splinters From The Board Archive
The board met on September 12 with all board members, our DRE, and 11 guests in attendance. A delicious vegetarian, Indian-themed dinner was provided by Beth Brownlie. Board member Jerry Gates lit the chalice and gave tribute to the Rev. Charles Joy as the inspiration for the chalice as the UU symbol, originally meant to represent sacrifice and love.
The Right Relations Committee has been invited to attend board meetings to provide process observation at the end of the board meeting.
The consent agenda was approved with a requested update on the status of fundraising for the RE Assistant. With Sunday’s bake sale, $6,500 of the $7,500 November goal has been raised. The full text of consent agenda reports is available on uusm.org in the members-only section.
An all-day board retreat will be held on Saturday, September 30 at the home of John Sussman. Patricia Wright will provide breakfast and Kim Miller will provide lunch. The agenda for the retreat is in the planning phase and will be forthcoming.
Beth Brownlie and Norm Richey are spearheading the revival of the Membership Team. Following a first meeting, their goal is threefold: 1) attract new members, 2) engage visitors, and 3) nurture and energize existing members.
This year’s Ernie Pipes featured lecturer will be Minister Emerita Judith Meyer. A motion from the Pipes Fund requesting board funds for a reception to accompany the lecture did not pass. The Pipes Lecture Fund is self-sustaining.
The board approved two motions related to the Forbes Hall waste line repair/ regrade. The first, to approve the contract with “The Sewer Spy” in the amount of $11,380, to execute the repair; and the second, in the amount of up to $5,000, for the permit required by the City of Santa Monica and the refinishing following the repair. Both amounts will come from the Capital/Building Reserve Fund. Details of the motions and the proposed work can be found in the meeting minutes on the UUSM website members-only section. The essence of the work includes replacing parts of the sewer lines and lining the pipes that run under Forbes Hall.
Various policies that have been proposed or pending were addressed: 1) Animal Policy, 2) Letters-to-the-Board Communications Policy, 3) Musical Instrument Policy, and 4) Financial Privacy Policy. The Animal Policy is in effect as an interim policy. The Letters to the Board Communications Policy was approved. The Financial Privacy Policy is pending review with Rev. Greg. The Musical Instrument Policy is also pending. Once policies are approved, they will be added to the UUCCSM Policy Document. It was pointed out and acknowledged by the board that any actions regarding policies should include the text of the policy.
Rev. Greg, unable to attend the board meeting due to his Ministerial Fellowship Committee commitment in Boston, requested board support for the Stewardship Team, whose schedule is imminent. The board acknowledged and approved the possible themes for this year’s pledge drive: Healing and Growing Together, and Moving Forward Together. The board, as the visionary lead for Stewardship, endorsed the following possible “vision points” that Stewardship can go forward with as talking points: 1) unifying the congregation and learning the benefits of covenant, 2) exploring our history and healing our past, and 3) increasing the efficiency and transparency of our organizational design.
The board approved a target for the 2018 stewardship campaign to raise 15% more than “what we raised last year.” This was an expression of board support; details to be forthcoming.
At the request of the board, James Witker gave a brief update on resources to combat potential white supremacy action. Going forward, a working group/task force will be created to share resources and create a plan.
The board approved a motion to enter into executive session. The board approved a motion to come out of executive session. No actions resulted.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9 pm following check-out by board members.
— Patricia Wright
July 11 Board Meeting Report
The newly-installed Board of Directors reads their covenant at the annual meeting on May 21. Left to right: Jerry Gates, Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Jacki Weber, Norm Richey, Kim Miller, Patricia Wright, Beth Brownlie, Ron Crane. Not pictured: Emily Hero. Photo: Charles Haskell
The Board That Would Not Quit!
The Board of Directors began its June 13 meeting with four members in attendance, one short of a quorum; but, knowing that a member would be arriving later, we continued. Also in attendance were DRE Kathleen Hogue, Church Administrator Nurit Gordon, Right Relations committee members Beth Rendiero and Vilma Ortiz, and three guests.
Given the lack of a quorum, the president navigated the agenda starting with items that needed only discussion but no vote. Kathleen lit the Chalice.
A new member was recorded, Farideh M. Arianpour, bringing our total membership to 340 congregants. We warmly welcome her!
Kit Shaw, Co-Chair of the Stewardship Committee, described the committee’s effort to help RE raise money to hire a part-time assistant for Kathleen. A Spirit Grant of $15,000 has been awarded the Church for this position contingent on the RE committee raising a matching amount in the next six months, by Nov 1, 2017. This must be “new” money, and not money the Church already has in accounts. The $15,000 must also be in cash and not in pledges. The total of $30,000 would fund this part-time position for the next three years.
Kit outlined plans to raise money to meet the $15,000 matching grant, which include direct solicitation of congregation members via letter, three Friday movie night fundraising events, and Sarah Robson’s generous offer to provide SAT tutoring in math, with fees going to the match. The Stewardship and RE Committees will continue to explore other fund-raising events.
There was discussion of the Communications Team, which is working on updating its plan to enhance information-sharing within the congregation, including electronic communications, and will be asked to present a report at the July board meeting.
A quorum was achieved at 7:23 with the arrival of Board member Jerry Gates at which time the Consent agenda was passed.
President Ron Crane, with organizing help from Kim Miller, is pulling together a group of experienced members to be a Pastoral Care Group during the summer months. Linda van Ligten is also organizing a group of members to provide Care Net services such as rides, bringing food, etc.
There was extensive discussion regarding Second Sunday Supper (SSS), with unanimous support that SSS not cease during July and August. Norm Richey volunteered (thank you Beth Rendeiro) to ask the Heart to Heart Group to take this on for July, and Ron will find a sponsor for August. The suppers for September and October are already scheduled. The goal for the next few months is to re-establish the SSS committee to plan and arrange the schedule.
Norm reported that Rev. Rebecca wrote a White Paper on the history and progression of the Heart to Heart program from the time of her arrival, when the program had become inactive, to the present. Norm will make this paper available to board members and encourages all to read it. It will also be available in the office for those who wish to have a copy. Heart to Heart is a very active and important program offered to congregants. About 60 to 70 people participate each year with participants self-reporting changes in how they are able to listen with more depth and awareness, and thus feel more connected and accepting of other congregants.
Before this meeting, the board approved via email two urgent requests from the Facilities Committee. The board unanimously approved the use of up to $2,000 from the Facility Reserve Fund to repair a leak in the plumbing system, and to remove asphalt/concrete at the alley. On an 8 to 1 vote, the board approved the use of $550 from the Facility Reserve Fund to upgrade the sun shade in the children’s area.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
— Norm Richey
Developmental Minister, Budget, RE Assistant, Plumbing, and More
Application for Developmental Minister Submitted to UUA
Congregational Business Meeting Called for March 5 to Discuss and Vote on Hiring a Developmental Minister
The board met January 10 with seven board members, our DRE, our minister, and 11 guests in attendance. Consultant Nancy Edmundson participated via the Internet. VP Jacki Weber presided. Jacki lit the chalice with a loving kindness meditation and kind thoughts to President Ron Crane in his time of mourning. Rev. Rebecca is working with Ron on planning the January 28 memorial for John Fels.
Nancy introduced her intent to conduct observation of the board’s process partly for RRTF (Right Relations Task Force) guests to observe. Past board meetings have included process observation led by Beth Brownlie. Process observation marks how we are doing together by looking at aspects of the meeting. Is there shared participation? How is the energy level? Are different ideas acknowledged and ideas built upon? Is there consensus? Is the time well spent? Is there shared leadership? Do people feel included and valued? Are we getting the best out of our group?
The consent agenda was approved.
The first item on the agenda was a review of Rev. Rebecca’s draft transition plan for 13 projects that will be ongoing during her remaining time, 8 projects to finish (some of which are completed by now), 11 projects to hand off, and 5 projects to set aside. The details can be found in her report on ministry on the members-only website. Each item was addressed at the board meeting. Of note is the “gray zone” of leadership regarding membership. Rick Rhoads is stepping down from leading the membership committee due to health reasons.
Jacki is the lead person for the board’s goal of compassionate leavetaking. Any consideration of a gap between Rebecca’s planned departure and the next step in ministry will be addressed at the February or March board meetings.
The second (and last item on the agenda due to time constraints) was a discussion of the developmental ministry process, particularly in consideration of our bylaws for hiring ministers. Developmental ministry is a UUA program that matches congregations with ministers to solve specific institutional problems. At the November 29 board meeting, the board voted to hire a developmental minister per the UUA guidelines and that doing so was the responsibility of the board. The next step in the process was to fill out an extensive application centering on the specific goals of our congregation. Jacki has spearheaded workshops to communicate developmental ministry to the congregation. However our bylaws are detailed and specific regarding hiring a minister and nonspecific as to whether the minister is a settled minister or an interim minister. Typically interim ministers have been selected by the board but the potential 5- to 7-year commitment of a developmental minister required further thought about the role of the bylaws. After lengthy discussion including input from board guests as a representation of the congregation, the following consensus was achieved: It is important that the congregation take ownership of our path forward. The board will hold a business meeting March 5 to discuss and vote on a motion to hire a developmental minister and support the board with moving forward with the process. In the meantime there will be many informational opportunities to answer questions about developmental ministry and how it might benefit our congregation.
Remaining items on the agenda were tabled until the February board meeting. Nancy reported on her process observation. By and large it was a good process and a good space for members and their comments. Some board members are quieter than others but in general Jacki was supported in her leadership role. Information was clearly presented, and the board looked for solutions together and by consensus. In particular, Rebecca’s draft transition plan was well laid out.
The meeting adjourned at 9 pm following Nancy’s report on process and check-out by individual board members.
— Patricia Wright
Board Will Hire a Developmental Minister for 5 to 7 Years
Board Business Includes Membership, Grant Funding, Leadership Development Discussions at May 9 Meeting
The board met with nine guests in attendance for a celebratory meeting as it was Rev. Rebecca’s and Joe Engleman’s last board meeting. A delicious dinner from Baja Fresh was provided by Kim Miller. Cards and gifts were exchanged. Rev. Rebecca lit the chalice.
Five members were reinstated: Manuel Trujillo, Manuel Fonseca, Jeffrey Ellis, Joan Verdon, and Robert Schalenkamp. UU Santa Monica’s total membership is 339.
The consent agenda was adopted.
The board approved the Nominating Committee’s recommendation of Phil Bonacich to the Personnel Committee. Phil brings a wealth of experience from his involvement in UCLA’s sociology department.
The May 5 to 7 introductory meeting with the Rev. Greg Ward went very well both from his perspective and the perspective of the congregation and the staff. He was particularly impressed with the involvement of RE at both services. Between now and when he joins us in September, he welcomes communications from the congregation. His first Sunday in the pulpit will be September 10, which is ingathering Sunday when we return to two services. September 24 will be the start of the “liturgical” year, which is the fully planned year with all programs activated. Between September10 and September 24 there is the Camp de Benneville Pines All-Church Weekend, which is a “fallow” weekend in terms of the church calendar. Note the introduction of new terminology.
The board approved a transfer of up to $1,200 from contingency reserves for reimbursement of costs related to Rev. Greg’s visit to UUCCSM.
Rev. Greg has recommended summer reading for the board: A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix by Edwin H. Friedman.
The theme of Rev. Greg’s arrival in September will be “onboarding,” namely meetings with leaders, staff, and board to help him acclimate to our congregation. The Annual Report on Programs will be a resource for onboarding. There will be a board retreat in September followed by a “deeper dive” retreat later in the spring.
UUSM received a Spirit Level Foundation grant for a Lifespan RE Administrative Assistant. Three years of funding will cost $30,000. The grant provides $15,000 and it is the task of our church to match $15,000. The board approved fundraising activities to meet the matching grant.
There was a discussion about using a RACI chart to articulate the roles and responsibilities of the potential new position. RACI (an acronym for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed) is a matrix that clearly lays out roles and responsibilities for any activity or group of activities. DRE Kathleen Hogue will meet with adult and children’s RE to begin the process of creating a RACI chart for the new position.
Pastoral care, a revived Care Net, and worship during the gap between Rev. Rebecca’s departure and Rev. Greg’s arrival are in place thanks to experienced members on call and organized by Ron Crane, Linda van Ligten, and Vilma Ortiz.
Our church has a responsibility and commitment to its volunteers. The subject of acknowledging volunteers in various forms was discussed. Membership will undertake this important task starting in the fall. Beth Brownlie has stepped forward to lead membership development issues and would like a co-chair.
The board will celebrate the end of the church year and Rev. Rebecca’s last Sunday at UUSM with a board-sponsored bagel brunch.
Recognizing that it is beneficial for all of us to re-orient ourselves and to welcome our new board member into the fold outside of a board meeting environment, the executive committee talked about holding a board orientation on May 30 on the heels of the May 21 election. Five of the nine board members will already be onsite, and new board member Norm Richey would be available. The board was not able to affirm this date at because the entire board was not aware of the discussion in the executive committee. The executive committee will revisit the topic at its next meeting, and make a clear recommendation to the board.
Board members will again support the monthly first Sunday orientation for newcomers with one board member in attendance at each meeting. A schedule through October 2017 was established.
The meeting adjourned at an early 8:30 pm.
– Patricia Wright