Order of Service Archive

Gathering Hymn


'Tis a gift to be simple, 'tis a gift to be free,

'Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be,

And when we find ourselves in the place just right,

'Twill be in the valley of love and delight.

When true simplicity is gained,

To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed.

To turn, turn will be our delight,

'Till be turning, turning we come 'round right.



Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur


Prelude (9:00)


Choral Prelude (11:00)

Clair de Lune                                                        Claude Debussy

Daniel Gledhill, piano                                                             

Make Channels for the Streams of Love               Lowell Mason


Chalice Lighting

Wendi Gladstone


Opening Hymn #128

For All That Is Our Life




Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.


Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.                  ~ based on Isaac Watts


Offering for the Westside Food Bank


Time For All Ages (9:00)

Welcoming New Members (11:00)




Congregational Welcome


In thanksgiving and love, we welcome you into membership.

We promise you respect for who you are, support on your journey,

celebration in joy, and comfort in sorrow.

We are glad you are among us.


Song of Blessing

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine ...

Everywhere I go, I'm gonna let it shine ...


 A Time for Community


Pulpit Message

Beth Rendeiro (9:00) 

Our Whole Lives (OWL) , Sexuality Education Program


Offertory (9:00)


Jeux d'eau                                                                 Maurice Ravel                                                              

The Place Where We Meet                        Betsy Jo Angebranndt


Devotional Time

    Pastoral Prayer


    Hymn #18




What Wondrous Love



Music for the Morning (9:00)

Choral Anthem (11:00)

Where Can I Turn for Peace?                                 Joleen Meredit

Is It a Dream?                                                   Emma Lou Diemer



"The Meaning of Membership"       Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur


 Closing Hymn #168

One More Step




Postlude (9:00)

Choral Postlude (11:00)

Widmung                                                            Robert Schumann

One Love                                                      arr. DeReau K. Farrar


Extinguishing the Chalice




Thriller                                                                    Michael Jackson

Max Devita, organ




Mari Nunan



Chalice Lighting

Jacob Weiner



Opening Hymn #306

Sing of Living, Sing of Dying





Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.



Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.                  ~ based on Isaac Watts



Offering for the Westside Food Bank



Time For All Ages

Zombie in Love                                                     Kelly DiPucchio

read by Ava Walderman



Song of Blessing

Go now in pieces

Go now in pieces,

May the zombies in  love surround you

As you shuffle, as you shuffle

On your way.                                                                   



 A Time for Community



Zombie                                                                   The Cranberries

composed by Dolores O'Riordan




Misunderstoodedness                                     Madeleine Gordon



Collection for Youth Summer Trip   

                                                        The Money Song 

                                   composed by Trey Parker & Matt Stone, deranged by Zane Kent Michael




Disconnectedness                                               Clelia Del Piccolo




It’s the end of the world as we know it,

It’s the end of the world as we know it,

It’s the end of the world as we know it,

And I feel fine.                                                ~ R.E.M.




Living in the Now                                                      Jacob Weiner




Max Devita



Last Rites

Katy Hoffman




theme song from The Walking Dead

composed by Bear McCreary



Extinguishing the Chalice


Gathering Hymn


Gathered here in the mystery of the hour,

Gathered here in one strong body.

Gathered here, in the struggle and the power,

Spirit, draw near.


Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

Prelude (9:00)

Choral Prelude (11:00)


Here We Have Gathered                                             Steve Wight

Chalice Lighting

Beth Brownlie and Bryan Oakes

Opening Hymn #131

Love Will Guide Us



Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.

Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.                  ~ based on Isaac Watts

Offering for the Westside Food Bank

Time For All Ages (9:00)

Higgins: A Drop with a Dream                       Christopher Buice

read by Beth Brownlie and Bryan Oakes

Dedicating Ourselves to Our Children (11:00)

Nathan James Sutton Bijur

born March 26, 2012          13 months old

son of Rebecca and Jonathan Bijur

sister of Miriam Elizabeth Sutton Bijur  

Congregational Welcome


We welcome Nathan James Sutton Bijur.

We rejoice with his family in the promise he brings.

We will try to live our lives as models of pride and integrity to the young.

We take upon ourselves the privilege and responsibility of helping to

nurture the character and spirit of our children.

We pledge to him and his family the love and support of this community

as a warm and caring place for religious growth.

Song of Blessing #409

Sleep, My Child

Devotional Time

    Pastoral Prayer


    Hymn #123 




Spirit of Life


 A Time for Community

Community Speaker

Lisa Cahill, TreePeople

Offertory (9:00)



Abschied vom Walde                                               Mendelssohn

Responsive Reading #550

We Belong to the Earth                                    Chief Noah Sealth

Music for the Morning (9:00)

Choral Anthem (11:00)

The Color Purple                                                    Brenda Russell


"Earth Sunday"                                                              Jessica Clay

Closing Hymn#1064

Blue Boat Home




Dome epais, from Lakme                                          Leo Delibes

VanNessa Hulme & Gabriel Paredes

Extinguishing the Chalice


Gathering Hymn


Oh, we give thanks for this precious day,

For all gathered here, and those far away;

For this time we share with love and care,

Oh, we give thanks for this precious day.

Call To Worship

Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

Prelude (9:00)

Choral Prelude (11:00)

Bruyeres                                                                 Claude Debussy

Here We Have Gathered                                             Steve Wight

Chalice Lighting

Jessica Clay (9:00)

Rima Snyder (11:00)

 Opening Hymn #163

For the Earth Forever Turning



Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.

Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.                  ~ based on Isaac Watts

Offering for the Westside Food Bank

Time For All Ages

The Brave Little Parrot                                                Martin Rafe

Catherine Farmer Loya, Director of Religious Education

Song of Blessing

Go now in peace,

Go now in peace,

May the spirit of love surround you

As you go, as you go

On your way.                                                                   ~ Natalie Sleeth

 A Time for Community

Offertory (9:00)


Prelude                                                              Alexander Scriabin

I Am Changing (from Dreamgirls)                       Henry Krieger

Jyvonne Haskin, alto

Devotional Time

    Pastoral Prayer






Come and find the quiet center in the crowded life we lead.

Find the room for hope to enter, find the frame where we are freed;

Clear the chaos and the clutter, clear our eyes that we can see

All the things that really matter, be at peace and simply be.

             ~ words: Shirley Murray, music: B.F. White and Ronald Nelson



Responsive Reading #555

Some Things Will Never Change                          Thomas Wolfe

Music for the Morning

these children singing in stone                                Rima Snyder 

VanNessa Hulme, Gabriel Paredes, Babatunde Akinboboye

Bronwen Jones, clarinet                                           


"Hungry for Transformation"          Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

Closing Hymn

We’re Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table


Postlude (9:00)


Choral Postlude (11:00)

I Am Changing (from Dreamgirls)                       Henry Krieger

Jyvonne Haskin, alto

Every Night and Every Morn                                    Mark Hayes

Extinguishing the Chalice


Gathering Hymn


Sing to the power of the faith within,

Sing to the power of the faith within,

Lift up your voice, be not afraid,

Sing to the power of the faith within.


Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

Prelude (9:00)

Choral Prelude (11:00)

Ave Verum Corpus                                                               Mozart

Here We Have Gathered                                             Steve Wight

Chalice Lighting

Amelia & Geno Monteiro (11:00)

Opening Hymn #19

The Sun That Shines



Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.

Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.                  ~ based on Isaac Watts

Offering for the Westside Food Bank

Story For All Ages

A Scoop of Rice                                                     Rev. Vail Weller

Song of Blessing

Go now in peace,

Go now in peace,

May the spirit of love surround you

As you go, as you go

On your way.                                                                   ~ Natalie Sleeth

 A Time for Community


(9:00) Morning Praise                                           arr. Jan Sanborn

(11:00) Green Tea Farm                                                       Hiromi

Devotional Time

    Pastoral Prayer


    Sung Meditation #402




From You I Receive

Music for the Morning (9:00)

Choral Anthem (11:00)

Green Tea Farm                                                                   Hiromi                                             

The Road Not Taken                                           Douglas Wagner


"Learning to Ride a Bicycle"                                Rev. Vail Weller

Closing Hymn #151

I Wish I Knew How


Postlude (9:00)

Choral Postlude (11:00)                        

The Lost Chord                                                Sir Arthur Sullivan

Fondly (from 7 Japanese Tanka)                        Gordon Johnson

Extinguishing the Chalice


Gathering Hymn


Sing to the power of the faith within,

Sing to the power of the faith within,

Lift up your voice, be not afraid,

Sing to the power of the faith within.

Please stand in body or spirit


Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur


The Crucifixion                                                         Samuel Barber

Lynn Angebranndt, cello

Chalice Lighting

 Janet Goodwin

Opening Hymn #344

A Promise Through the Ages Rings



Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.

 Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.                  ~ based on Isaac Watts

Offering for the Westside Food Bank

Part I: Jesus the Teacher

Catherine Farmer Loya, Director of Religious Education

Choral Response

Teach Me the Tender Art                                         Royal Stanton

 A Time for Community



Variations on Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

                                             John Wyeth, arr. Lynn Angebranndt


Part II: The Death of Jesus


Choral Response

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (Part I)                  Paul Sjolund

Devotional Time

    Easter Prayer







                                                                    Walter Brueggemann

Spirit of Life, come unto me.

Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion.

Blow in the wind, rise in the sea;

Move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice.

Roots hold me close; wings set me free;

Spirit of Life, come to me, come to me.


Kirk Attebury                                             

Part III: Jesus' Message Lives On

Choral Response

Easter Chorale                                                          Samuel Barber

Easter Message

                                                              Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

Seed Ritual

Choral Anthem

Montaña                                   Nic Gonzales, arr. DeReau Farrar

"If you have faith like a mustard seed," thus says the Lord, "you will say to the mountain, 'Move,' and that mountain will move.” Matthew 17:20

Closing Hymn #203

All Creatures of the Earth and Sky



Easter Parade                                                               Irving Berlin

Extinguishing the Chalice


 Gathering Hymn


Sing to the power of the faith within,

Sing to the power of the faith within,

Lift up your voice, be not afraid,

Sing to the power of the faith within.



Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

Prelude (9:00)

Choral Prelude (11:00)

Deep into the Night                                                              Hiromi                                                        

May Nothing Evil Cross This Door                   Robert N. Quaile

Chalice Lighting

 Jila Tayefehnowrooz (9:00)

 Brigham Johnson (11:00)

 Opening Hymn #209

O Come, You Longing Thirsty Souls



Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.

Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.                  ~ based on Isaac Watts

Offering for the Westside Food Bank

Time for All Ages

Persian New Year and the Hafsin Table

Sherri Nader, speaker

Song of Blessing

Go now in peace, go now in peace,

May the spirit of love surround you

As you go, as you go

On your way.                                                                   ~ Natalie Sleeth

 A Time for Community



Every Season                                                      Nicole Nordeman

Laura Matthews, soloist                                                                          

Devotional Time

    Pastoral Prayer










Fuente de_Amor, ven hacia mí.

Y_al corazón, cántale tu compasión.

Sopla_al volar, sube_en la mar,

Hasta moldear la justicia de la vida.

Arráigame, libérame,

Fuente de_Amor, ven a mi, ven a mi.


Responsive Reading #648

Beginners                                                               Denise Levertov                                                                      

Music for the Morning (9:00)


Choral Anthem (11:00)

Sonata for flute and piano, first movement         Mélanie Bonis 

Kenneth Alexander, flute                        

Oseh Shalom (world premiere)                              Richard Scher                                        


"Between Paradise and Hell"           Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur

Closing Hymn #1040

Hush (Somebody’s Callin’ My Name)


Postlude                          (9:00)


Nocturne                                           Sophie Eckhardt-Grammaté

Sonata for flute and piano, first movement         Mélanie Bonis 

Kenneth Alexander, flute                       

Extinguishing the Chalice



Gathering Hymn


Come, come, whoever you are.

Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving.

Ours is no caravan of despair.

Come, yet again come.



Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur


Prelude (9:00)

Choral Prelude (11:00)

Shenandoah                                                          arr. Kevin Riehle

May Nothing Evil Cross This Door                   Robert N. Quaile


Chalice Lighting

Abby Arnold (9:00)

Cathy Gentile (11:00)


Opening Hymn #121

We’ll Build a Land





Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.


Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.                  ~ based on Isaac Watts



Offering for the Westside Food Bank



Story for All Ages

Lifting the Sky: a Skagit story from Peace Tales                                                                                            

told by Rev. Lindi Ramsden



Song of Blessing

Go now in peace, go now in peace,

May the spirit of love surround you

As you go, as you go

On your way.                                                                   ~ Natalie Sleeth



 A Time for Community



Offertory                         (9:00)


Somewhere                                                                            Hiromi

Speak of Peace                                                Allan Robert Petker



Devotional Time

    Pastoral Prayer


    Sung Meditation




#391 Voice Still and Small




                                                                       Rev. Theodore Parker



Music for the Morning

“Journey On” from Ragtime                               Stephen Flaherty                             

VanNessa Hulme, Gabriel Paredes & Babatunde Akinboboye




"Deepening Faith, Growing Leaders, Building Justice"    

                                                                          Rev. Lindi Ramsden                                  



Closing Hymn #1028

The Fire of Commitment





Please be seated for the postlude.



Postlude (9:00)

Choral Postlude (11:00)

The Lady of the Harbor                                                Lee Hoiby 

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor                               Irving Berlin



Extinguishing the Chalice


Gathering Hymn


Oh, we give thanks for this precious day,

For all gathered here and those far away;

For this time we share with love and care,

Oh, we give thanks for this precious day.

Call To Worship

                                                              Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur                                                     

Prelude (9:00)

Choral Prelude (11:00)

Sonata in C# minor, op. 27 no. 2                                        Beethoven

May Nothing Evil Cross This Door

Chalice Lighting


Opening Hymn #1


May Nothing Evil Cross This Door (9:00)

Bright Morning Stars (11:00)                                                  



Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.

Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.                ~ based on Isaac Watts

Offering for the Westside Food Bank

Time for All Ages


Song of Blessing

Go now in peace, go now in peace,

May the spirit of love surround you,

As you go, as you go, on your way.                            ~ Natalie Sleeth

A Time for Community


Pulpit Message

Kris Langabeer,  Committee on Ministry                                                 

Offertory                         (9:00)


Prelude, op. 11 #10                                                             Scriabin

Poor Man Lazrus                                                    Jester Hairston

Devotional Time

    Pastoral Prayer

    Hymn #394




Hava Nashirah

Music for the Morning (9:00)

Choral Anthem (11:00)

Nocturne in C# minor                                                          Chopin                                                                

The Promise of Living (from The Tender Land)           Copland


"Undoing Evil"                                   Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur                                                    

Closing Hymn #318

We Would Be One




La fille aux cheveux de lin                                                Debussy                                                 

Extinguishing the Chalice


Gathering Hymn


For all that is our life, we sing our thanks and praise;

For all life is a gift that we are called to use

To build the common good, and make our own days glad.


                                                             Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur                                                    

Prelude (9:00)

Choral Prelude (11:00)

Sonata in F Major, second movement                    W.A. Mozart  

May Nothing Evil Cross This Door                         Robert Quail                                                                                                             

Chalice Lighting

Liza Cranis (9:00)

The Slater-Restum family (11:00)

Opening Hymn #1000

Morning Has Come



Love is the doctrine of this church.     

The quest of truth is its sacrament,

And service is its prayer.

To dwell together in peace;

To seek knowledge in freedom;

To serve humankind in fellowship;

Thus do we covenant with each other.

Hymn of Praise


From all that dwell below the skies

Let songs of hope and faith arise

Let peace, good will on earth be sung

Through every land, by every tongue.          ~ based on Isaac Watts

Offering for the Westside Food Bank

Time for All Ages


Song of Blessing

Go now in peace, go now in peace,

May the spirit of love surround you,

As you go, as you go,

On your way.                                                                ~ Natalie Sleeth

A Time for Community


Pulpit Message

Rob Briner, Ernest D. Pipes Distinguished Lecture Committee


O Salutaris Hostia                                        Alexandre Guilmant                                                           

Devotional Time

  Pastoral Prayer

  Hymn #396




I Know This Rose Will Open

Music for the Morning (9:00)

Choral Anthem (11:00)

Sinfonia from Partita No. 2                                              J.S. Bach

Lamentations of Jeremiah                                J. Randall Stroope


                                                                       Father Gregory Boyle

Closing Song

There Is More Love


Postlude (9:00)

Choral Postlude (11:00)

Variations on "Land of the Silver Birch"               Pierre Gallant

Ecce quomodo moritur                                              Jacob Handl

Extinguishing the Chalice