
This is a full list of sermons presented at UUCCSM since mid-1999. Links to sermon texts are included when made available by their authors. Audio recordings are also available for most sermons presented after September, 2007 by our staff ministers and others directly affiliated with our church (just click the speaker icon next to each sermon where it's available*). Audio from guest speakers is posted only when we have their permission to share it.

Hard copies of sermons by Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae are available in the church office. Contact office assistant Sibylla Nash at if you have a request.

"Leaving Room for Hope: Sermons for Uncertain Times," a book of Minister Emerita Judith Meyer's sermons, is available here.

**Please Note: Video recordings are available for sermons with a small TV icon showing at the bottom of the sermon listing. Just click the icon to watch the service.**

Here if You Need Me
Monthly Theme: Perseverence
Rev. Greg Ward

The Rev. Kate Braestrup's path to ministry came to her by calling her toward and through pain.  When faced with one of the most painful moments of her life, she had to decide if she was going to turn around at the sight of her worst fears, or call forth what she needed to face them.  Calling forth our courage requires both something within us and something around us.  This is a service on how we call for and share courage between us.

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Soul Keeping
Monthly Theme: Intention
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins

If we are spiritual beings having a human experience, how do we take care of the part of ourselves that connects us to one another and serves as a vessel for the spark of Life? Consider a few practices for the care and nurture of your soul. Do you have any? Do you need any? What might you do to take you closer to the core of who you are and who you want to become? A few spiritual practices for a busy life.

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Bird by Bird, Stone by Stone, Hand in Hand
Monthly Theme: Intention
Rev. Greg Ward

This country was built within a cultural paradigm of grit and determination and a will to survive. It is a very useful motif in a frontier wilderness environment. But what happens when the plains you settled no longer have wild animals but present challenges of skyscrapers, traffic jams, housing and food distribution issues? How do we change our motif from “dog eat dog” to communal cooperation? We encourage you to bring a friend to worship as we observe Membership Sunday.

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Testing Our Tolerance for Diversity
Monthly Theme: Intention
Rev. Greg Ward

Diversity is coming.  Indeed, it's already here.  But are we ready?  Because of technology we can now be instantly aware of new cultures, exposed to them and be immersed in them in ways that were impossible only 30 years ago.  How do we know we're ready?  Are we prepared to consider diversity as a burden instead of a threat?  This sermon will test our readiness.

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Torda 451 – A Heretical Account
Monthly Theme: Intention
Rev. Greg Ward

This year is historical on several religious accounts. We are celebrating the birth of Protestantism, which is the official story of our stepping into religious history. But only slightly behind Martin Luther’s momentous declaration at Wittenburg was an even more defining point for our character and values – and a revealing moment for religion and culture. We will also recognize our inaugural group of Worship Associates during each of the services.

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All These Words mean Happy Kwanzaa (one service at 11 a.m.)
Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd, UU Aspirant
Kwanzaa was created in 1966 to offer Black Americans an alternative to the consumerism (and lack of capital returning to Black communities) found at Christmas. Research for the holiday was partially provided by our Unitarian Universalist Association through a fund created to support Black Empowerment. Join Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd for a lively musical dialogue on the meaning of Kwanzaa in Unitarian Universalism and its significance to Black Unitarian Universalists.

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Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (6 & 8 p.m.)
Rev. Greg Ward
UUSM welcomes all as we gather for candlelight services on Christmas Eve. At 6:00 pm, Music Director Dr. Zanaida Robles will conduct the adult choir.
Minister Greg Ward will deliver a message evoking the spirit of the season at these moving services of candlelight and song. 
Our traditional candlelight services will be led by our minister, Rev. Greg Ward, and the adult choir is led by Music Director Dr. Zanaida Robles. There will be stories, carols and music to draw us deeper into the truest meaning behind the original journey to Bethlehem. This moving service culminates in a candlelit singing of “Silent Night.”
Parking is provided at the UCLA structure for this special evening.
Christmas Pageant (4 p.m.)
Rev. Greg Ward

.Our Holiday pageant “Would You Like to Hold the Baby?” will take place at our 4pm Christmas Eve service this year. 

The pageant will showcase all the characters you know and love including the Friendly Beasts! 
Join us for a Christmas Nativity pageant in word and song by Joyce Poley and Frank Henning. 
This is the timeless story of Mary and Joseph, the Kings and the Shepherds, with the addition of a new character - a young stable girl. As Mary invites the girl to hold her Baby, so we are invited to embrace the deepest meaning Christmas holds for each one of us. 
Parking is provided at the UCLA structure for this special family friendly event!
Director of Religious Education Kathleen Hogue invites families to this informal and fun afternoon service.  Children will rejoice with beautiful holiday music, including a sing-along of old favorites.
The Straight Skinny on the Fat Man in Red (two services at 9 & 11 a.m.)
Rev. Greg Ward
“You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why…” Sometimes when we review all the things we know about Santa – and even about Christmas in general – which have slipped into the annual traditional Christmas package, we might do well to wonder where these stories came from? The person we celebrate as ‘Santa’ draws upon a historic figure. But how much of what we celebrate is fact? And does something need to be fact to be true?

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Winter Solstice Service (7:00 p.m.)
Rima Snyder
Join church members and friends for a contemplative gathering to celebrate the longest night of the year. Readings, meditation, music, and candle lighting will help us honor the dark, welcome the return of light and prepare us for the year to come.
UUSM welcomes the public to delight in the spirit of the season, offering seven Winter Holiday Services celebrated in our historic sanctuary at 18th and Arizona. FREE and open to the public. 
Please note: parking is available at the UCLA strcuture for this event.
Also: this event is a potluck! We kindly ask those of you ringin food to arrive by 6:45pm, thanks so much.