This is a full list of sermons presented at UUCCSM since mid-1999. Links to sermon texts are included when made available by their authors. Audio recordings are also available for most sermons presented after September, 2007 by our staff ministers and others directly affiliated with our church (just click the speaker icon next to each sermon where it's available*). Audio from guest speakers is posted only when we have their permission to share it.
Hard copies of sermons by Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae are available in the church office. Contact office assistant Sibylla Nash at if you have a request.
"Leaving Room for Hope: Sermons for Uncertain Times," a book of Minister Emerita Judith Meyer's sermons, is available here.
**Please Note: Video recordings are available for sermons with a small TV icon showing at the bottom of the sermon listing. Just click the icon to watch the service.**
Unitarian Universalist Minister and author, Robert Fulgum, once wrote that "Everything I Know I Learned in Kindergarten". Maybe it's something all ministers eventually recognize, but I now concede that many of the most profound lessons I learned stem from experiences I had when I was a boy. And most everything I learned about how to be a minister, and what a good church is, came from time I spent teaching RE.
“Why do people suffer?” has been a question that humans have sked for hundreds of years across all religions. On Labor Day, we will talk about the power that comes when we unite our suffering and struggle. The Rev. Rae Huang is a faith-rooted organizer with Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) and is an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church.
What were you born to do? Who have you come here to be? And have you gone through that becoming? Because some people haven't. Some people never wind up as the person they were meant to be... even if they spend a lifetime wanting that becoming to take hold of them. Some people remain too focused on what it's like to be the prey rather than what it's like to be the prayer. This is a service for those who feel called to something great and who go after it, despite the danger.
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