
This is a full list of sermons presented at UUCCSM since mid-1999. Links to sermon texts are included when made available by their authors. Audio recordings are also available for most sermons presented after September, 2007 by our staff ministers and others directly affiliated with our church (just click the speaker icon next to each sermon where it's available*). Audio from guest speakers is posted only when we have their permission to share it.

Hard copies of sermons by Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae are available in the church office. Contact office assistant Sibylla Nash at if you have a request.

"Leaving Room for Hope: Sermons for Uncertain Times," a book of Minister Emerita Judith Meyer's sermons, is available here.

**Please Note: Video recordings are available for sermons with a small TV icon showing at the bottom of the sermon listing. Just click the icon to watch the service.**

Faithful Fools
Monthly Theme: Emergence
Rev. Greg Ward

Holy Fools Day:

It is rare that we celebrate the faithful fools in our lives. They are the people who seem to - almost absent mindedly - dance on the precipice of danger and in the margins of life. They force us to cringe, shut our eyes and hold our breath. But these are the very people who, often, change everything in powerful and unpredictable ways. On this rare occasion when Easter falls on April Fool's Day, we celebrate the too often untold story of one of the world's faithful fools.

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The iPhone and the Pine
Monthly Theme: Balance
Jacki Weber

"Come Over the Hills and Far With Me" - Our transcendentalist forebearers rooted the holiness of nature into our Unitarian Universalist beliefs. The family of UU congregations in the southwest has a place where we can practice our faith as a community: Camp de Benneville Pines. This service will explore the transcendental experiences that happen to campers of all ages.

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A Stroke of Insight
Monthly Theme: Balance
Rev. Greg Ward
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a neuro-anatomist. She knew the brain. She studied the specific functioning of different parts of the brain and the way they work together to create our understanding of reality. She learned - the hard way - how to feel more connected, more centered and more at one with all things: just step to the right of your left brain.
Audio is unavailable for this sermon
Heart and Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service - "What Does It Mean to be a People of Balance?"
Monthly Theme: Balance
Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Karen Hsu Patterson and Joyce Holmen

Heart & Soul is a monthly contemplative worship service series that occurs on the second Sunday of each month. It is designed to be a shorter, more intimate service, with singing and instrumental music, statements, and questions, silence and sharing. Each service is developed around a monthly ministry theme. Readings, poems, quotes, and music are drawn from a variety of sources, including the UU Soul Matters Sharing Circle, our hymnals, and popular/folk music. 


Audio is unavailable for this service. 

Butterflies and Zebras and Moonbeams and Fairy Tales (Daylight Savings Time Begins)
Monthly Theme: Balance
Rev. Greg Ward
Butterflies and Zebras and moonbeams... and fairy tales.... What do you list when you write out your happily ever after? What dreams have carried you and where do you turn and how have you done in   your search for ways to make these dreams come true? This morning we will explore the real stuff of dreams and the courageous path through toil, trouble and danger that makes getting there so worthwhile.

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What Women Really Want
Monthly Theme: Balance
Rev. Greg Ward
What do Women really want?  A minister - who is a man - takes a hard look at the denomination he serves and notices that it is very quickly becoming less and less by men, with men, for men; and looks at the trajectory of vision that is coming out of our general culture - also coming to terms with how the white / male dominate perspective has some serious humble pie to swallow if it really wants to understand freedom and justice for all people.  This is a sermon about coming to terms with 'What Women Really Want.' 

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You Gotta Know When to Walk Away
Monthly Theme: Perseverence
Rev. Kikanza Nuri-Robins

When is enough ... enough?  Quitting requires courage and faith that if you do it differently next time, you might meet your goal.  How can you strategically end one endeavor and  mindfully move to another when people are screaming, "Don't Quit!"

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The King's Bride
Monthly Theme: Perseverence
Rev. Greg Ward

We are all looking for love.  But in the world today, there is a struggle between reaching out and asking for what we need and avoiding what we most fear.  But this story is as old as time.  This service is an Intergenerational Soap Opera about love, fear, drama, intrigue, paranoia, ambition and finding out what really matters.


Audio for this sermon is unavailable.

Heart and Soul: A Contemplative Worship Service - "What Does It Mean to be a Community of Perseverance?"
Monthly Theme: Perseverence
Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Karen Hsu Patterson and Joyce Holmen
Heart & Soul is a monthly contemplative worship service series that occurs on the second Sunday of each month. It is designed to be a shorter, more intimate service, with singing and instrumental music, statements and questions, silence and sharing. Each service is developed around a monthly ministry theme. Readings, poems, quotes, and music are drawn from a variety of sources, including the UU Soul Matters Sharing Circle, our hymnals, and popular/folk music.
Audio is unavailable for this service. 
What to Know about Good and Evil While Being Trumped
Monthly Theme: Perseverence
Rev. Greg Ward

Anyone who has seen the new Star Wars movie, the Last Jedi, knows that the difference between good and evil is not simple.  One can not look for Good in only the left or right of politics.  Cannot find right in only the top or bottom of class.  Evil is not just seen in the black or white of race.  Choosing Love and Courage over Hate and Fear is the religion of our times.  And such times it requires us to be able to see the multi-dimensionality of Love and Justice.  

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