September, 2003Our third annual issues election is Sept. 14Do you feel passionately about feeding the hungry, housing the poor, payingworkers a living wage, reining in the Patriot Act, or reinvigorating the UnitedNations? Do you want our church to become involved in prison reform? Would youlike us to work for universal access to health care? Is there some other socialjustice issue or concern that you feel we should tackle? The Faith in Action (FIA) Commission is responsible for coordinating the witnessand advocacy program of our church for issues such as these. Each SeptemberFIA holds an all-church, town hall meeting to review FIA programs and to prioritizesocial action activities for the coming year. This year’s annual issueselection will be held after church on September 14. It is the third such electionsince FIA was created in September 2000 and the first since FIA was formallyestablished by congregational vote in May 2003. The meeting will be in two parts. First, we will review current FIA activitiesrelated to peace, civil liberties, hunger, economic justice, and our newly recognizedstatus as a UU Welcoming Congregation. Members of the congregation attendingthe issues election will have an opportunity to ask questions about these programsand make recommendations about whether or not these programs should be continued. The second part of the meeting will consist of small group discussions aboutideas for new social action programs and topics. These ideas for the futurewill be pooled and prioritized by group vote. New FIA programs, if any, willbe based on this process. FIA is committed to focusing our witness and advocacy activities on thoseissues of greatest interest to the congregation. Please come to the annual issueselection on September 14 so we can determine your priorities and be responsiveto your most pressing concerns. Charles M. Haskell |
September, 2004 |
September, 2004FIA is planning for the futureOn September 26, we'll have our 4th Annual Faith in Action (FIA) issues election.This is when our congregation votes on our priorities for social action forthe coming year. This column is dedicated to a brief review of our expectedagenda for the election. First, we'll review our ongoing programs. Of particular concern is our workon economic justice, peace, and civil liberties. In addition to reviewing ouraccomplishments to date, we'll discuss how to proceed with these issues duringthe coming year. Regretfully, S.J. Guidotti has resigned as chair of the Peaceand Civil Liberties Committee, so these topics will require particular attention. Second, we'll review the proposed actions of immediate witness and the newStudy/Action Issue on Global Warming chosen at General Assembly in June of thisyear. Third, we'll consider any proposals made earlier that day by our visiting minister,the Rev. Lindi Ramsden of the California UU Legislative Ministry. She will tellus about this program and review some of their work. This may well serve asa catalyst for new social action work. Finally, we'll review and prioritize social action projects proposed by thecongregants present at the meeting. Faith in Action is dedicated to the democraticprocess and we are totally committed to pursuing those social action issuesof greatest interest to the congregation. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank S. J. Guidotti for his two-yeartenure as chair of the Peace and Civil Liberties Committee. We will miss hispassion and energy in this important leadership position. I'm excited by the prospect of reviewing our programs and recommitting ourselvesto our important work. Please place this date on your calendars. - Charles Haskell Chair, Faith in Action Commission |
September, 2006FIA Issues Election will be on September 24As the new Faith in Action (FIA) chair, I would like to thank Charles and Christine Haskell for their dedicated work during Charles’ three-year tenure as chair. I would also like to thank Judith and the members of the commission for their support. I realize that I have very big shoes to fill. |
September, 2006FIA Issues Election will be on September 24As the new Faith in Action (FIA) chair, Iwould like to thank Charles and ChristineHaskell for their dedicated work duringCharles' three-year tenure as chair. I would alsolike to thank Judith and the members of the commissionfor their support. I realize that I have verybig shoes to fill. FIA is holding the annual Issues Election onSunday, September 24, at 12:30, in the Sanctuary.I strongly urge as many of you to attend as areable. As a congregation, a community, and citizensof California, we have very importantchoices coming up in this November's election.Do we want to see affordable health care for allCalifornians, not just those able to pay? Do wewant "clean money" financing future elections?How as a congregation are we going to act onActions of Immediate Witness from this pastJune's General Assembly? Please give somethought to thesequestions and bringup your own topics.Each suggested topicwill receive a vote.The top three votecarriers will determinewhat actionsFIA will take for thiscoming churchyear. Rememberthat a churchmember or friend has to be willing to take thelead and organize a group to follow through onthe issue. The procedures will be explained at themeeting. Lunch will be sold after the service. Please contact me if you would like to suggest any topics for the Issues Election. - Cathie Gentile
Support for Daybreak WantedLong-time Social Action Committee member Dagmar Schnauss,has been coordinating delivery of food items to Daybreak Day Center and Shelter,which works exclusively with mentally ill homeless women in Santa Monica. Dagmarand a group of committed volunteers have been providing casseroles once a monthfor approximately the last 10 years. Dagmar is no longer able to continue thiseffort. If you would like to take up this worthy cause please contact CathieGentile. Any current or former members of the Social Action Committeeare cordially invited to attend the Faith in Action Commission meetings. Thenext meeting is Sunday, September 10, 12:30 to 2 p.m., in Room 4. — Cathie Gentile |
September, 2007Faith in Action Issues Election Meeting Minutes - September 23, 2007The current UUA 2007 Actions of Immediate Witness approved at General Assembly in June 2007 were handed out for discussion: |
September, 2007Faith in Action Issues Election Meeting Minutes - September 23, 2007The current UUA 2007 Actions of Immediate Witness approved at General Assembly in June 2007 were handed out for discussion:
Committee Reports:Green Sanctuary: Leslie Reuter presented the Action Plan that lists the 12 actions our congregation must take to become a certified Green Sanctuary church. The plan includes actions on Environmental Justice, Sustainable Living, Worship celebrations and Religious Education. The Action Plan was unanimously approved. Leslie also demonstrated an LED lamp that the Green Sanctuary Group would like to sell at church. Hunger Task Force: Members of the congregation present at the Issues Election affirmed continuing our volunteer relationship with Step Up On Second coordinated by Janet Goodwin and Daybreak Shelter coordinated by Denise Helton. FIA chair presented the challenges of securing funding for these activities on a monthly basis. A request has been made to the Long Range Planning Committee to allocate funds to support this work in the future. We need a new volunteer coordinator for Turning Point Transitional Housing. The chair would like to thank the many congregation members who have donated so generously in the past. The suggestion was made to add the film “Sicko” to our list of programs. This request will be directed to the Peace & Civil Liberties Committee. The Multi-Racial Development Group presented their plans to focus on immigration as they relate to labor struggles:
MRDC will provide a liaison, Nora Hamilton, to the FIAC meetings and the FIAC chair will participate in the MRDC meetings to foster a close working relationship. UU Legislative Ministry items: - Carol Agate, Kris Langabeer, and Jacki Paddock all agreed to participate and report on the UULM’s Marriage Equality work group 25,000 Petition for PeacePhyllis Gabriel and Joan Verdon circulated the Rev. William Sinkford’s petition that calls for an end to the Iraq war. Rev. Sinkford will take the petitions to Capitol Hill on October 10. Minutes taken by Judy Federick and transcribed by Cathie Gentile
UUA 2007 Actions of Immediate Witness approved at General Assembly in June 2007• Social Support for the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women Actions of Immediate Witness are adopted to address pressing policy concerns in a timely manner. Individual Unitarian Universalists, congregations, districts, and departments of the UUA and UU affiliate organizations are urged to act on it also. |
September, 2008 Please plan to attend the Annual Faith in Action Issues Election on Sunday, September 21 at 12:45 p.m., in the sanctuary. There will be reports from the current committees and guest speakers. We are interested in hearing from members of the congregation regarding any new issues for action this coming church year. A light lunch will be served before the meeting. — Cathie Gentile Volunteer Opportunities for the Westside Winter ShelterMeals |
September, 2008 Please planto attendthe AnnualFaith in ActionIssues Electionon Sunday, September21 at12:45 p.m., in thesanctuary. There will be reports from the currentcommittees and guest speakers. We are interested inhearing from members of the congregation regardingany new issues for action this coming church year.A light lunch will be served before the meeting. — Cathie Gentile
Volunteer Opportunities for the Westside Winter ShelterMeals 1.Prepare, deliver and serve a hot meal for 150 people at the Culver City Armory. 2. All other food donations can be scheduled for anytime of the week. 3.Bake/purchase and deliver dessert for 150 people at the Culver City Armory. 4. Donate and deliver fresh fruit for 150 people at the Culver City Armory. Supplies 1.Collect and donate toiletry supplies including; shampoo, lotion, deodorant,toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, feminine hygiene products, hairbrushes, etc.Items can be donated in bulk or assembled in bags with all of the above items. 2.Collect and donate socks for men and women. 3.Collect and donate underwear for men and women. 4.Collect and donate blankets. Financial Support Adopt a family |
Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society (a.k.a. "The Onion") (North Hills) Rev. Bonnie Tarwater |
Sermons |
Serve Meal at Step Up on 2nd |