September, 2006
FIA Issues Election will be on September 24
As the new Faith in Action (FIA) chair, Iwould like to thank Charles and ChristineHaskell for their dedicated work duringCharles' three-year tenure as chair. I would alsolike to thank Judith and the members of the commissionfor their support. I realize that I have verybig shoes to fill.
FIA is holding the annual Issues Election onSunday, September 24, at 12:30, in the Sanctuary.I strongly urge as many of you to attend as areable. As a congregation, a community, and citizensof California, we have very importantchoices coming up in this November's election.Do we want to see affordable health care for allCalifornians, not just those able to pay? Do wewant "clean money" financing future elections?How as a congregation are we going to act onActions of Immediate Witness from this pastJune's General Assembly?
Please give somethought to thesequestions and bringup your own topics.Each suggested topicwill receive a vote.The top three votecarriers will determinewhat actionsFIA will take for thiscoming churchyear. Rememberthat a churchmember or friend has to be willing to take thelead and organize a group to follow through onthe issue. The procedures will be explained at themeeting.
Lunch will be sold after the service.
Please contact me if you would like to suggest any topics for the Issues Election.
- Cathie Gentile
Support for Daybreak Wanted
Long-time Social Action Committee member Dagmar Schnauss,has been coordinating delivery of food items to Daybreak Day Center and Shelter,which works exclusively with mentally ill homeless women in Santa Monica. Dagmarand a group of committed volunteers have been providing casseroles once a monthfor approximately the last 10 years. Dagmar is no longer able to continue thiseffort. If you would like to take up this worthy cause please contact CathieGentile. Any current or former members of the Social Action Committeeare cordially invited to attend the Faith in Action Commission meetings. Thenext meeting is Sunday, September 10, 12:30 to 2 p.m., in Room 4.
— Cathie Gentile