Second Sunday Cinema: "The Great White Hoax: Donald Trump & the Politics of Race & Class in America" - Sponsored by the Peace & Social Justice Committee Join us after the Second Sunday Supper for this documentary featuring Tim Wise, a prominent white antiracist author and educator. It explores the rise of Donald Trump and the way Trumpism reflects longstanding white racial resentment in America. |
Second Sunday Cinema: Journey of the Universe - Encore PresentationJourney of the Universe: An Earth Sunday Screening![]()
Join us on Sunday, May 12 at 7:30pm for an encore viewing of "Journey of the Universe", a unique odyssey of cosmic, biological, and cultural evolution that offers insight and inspiration for our present ecological challenges. In a single 60-minute narrative, writer and host Brian Swimme guides us through a scientific and spiritual Great Story, from the birth of the universe to the emergence of complex structures, from the dawn of life as we know it to the conscious present moment. The whole experience is framed by a single day on the Greek island of Samos, a crossroads of history and discovery.
Different from purely scientific approaches, Journey is the first film to integrate arts and humanities into the cosmic big picture. Drawing on the work of the late Fr. Thomas Berry, a cosmologist, historian, and eco-theologian, Journey won an Emmy Award for Best Documentary in 2012 and has birthed an online video series and podcast, as well as a sequence of online courses through the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology.
Learn more and see the trailer at the official website:
(This event is sponsored by AAHS.)
More information from the filmmakers:
Journey of the Universe narrates the 14 billion−year story of the universe’s development, from the great flaring forth at the universe’s inception to the emergence of simple molecules and atoms to the evolution of galaxies, stars, solar systems, and planetary life of greater complexity and consciousness. This is a story that inspires wonder as we begin to understand such complexity through science and appreciate such beauty through poetry, art, history, philosophy, and religion. It also awakens us to the dynamic processes of evolution that are chaotic and destructive, as well as creative and life-generating.
Journey of the Universe is a cosmology, although not just in the scientific sense of the study of the early universe. Rather, it is a cosmology in the sense of being an integrated story that explains where both humans and life forms have come from. All cultures have had such stories. We now have the capacity to tell a comprehensive story drawing on astronomy and physics to explain the emergence of galaxies and stars, geology and chemistry to understand the formation of Earth, biology and botany to envision life’s evolution, and anthropology and the humanities to trace the rise of humans. Journey draws on all these disciplines to narrate a story of universe, Earth, and human evolution that is widely accessible.
Journey weaves science and humanities in a new way that allows for a comprehensive sense of mystery and awe to arise. Such an approach expands the human perspective beyond an anthropocentric worldview to one that values life’s complexity and sees the role of humans as critical to the further flourishing of the Earth community.
Second Sunday Concert - Leslie Beauvais (Music Program Fundraiser)
Immediately following Second Sunday Supper in the Sanctuary is a special concert by fantastic and talented singer/songwriter Leslie Beauvais. All donations to this event will go to the UUSM music fund, which relies on events such as this to help raise funds for our musicians, printed music and other expenses related to music ministry. Please join us! Contact Kim Miller for more information.
Second Sunday Spotlight An open mike featuring the usual suspects of performers, folk singers and poets. Hosted by Greg Wood ( Not that other guy) and his guitar. For more info please email |
Second Sunday Spotlight An open mike featuring the usual suspects of performers, folk singers and poets. Hosted by Greg Wood ( Not that other guy) and his guitar. For more info please email |
Second Sunday Spotlight - Open Mic for All Ages
Sunday Spotlight Immediately following the Second Sunday Supper in the Sanctuary.
Share your talents or just come and enjoy the show!
Open Microphone for All Ages!
Sign up during Coffee Hour on the day of the event or the Sunday before.
Second Sunday Spotlight - Open Mic for All Ages |
Second Sunday Spotlight - Open Mic for All Ages Open mic for all ages. Join us after Second Sunday Supper to show off your talent! We welcome: Singers, performers, musicians, poets, jugglers and any other talent that would delight a crowd! Sign up during coffee hour after services, even the day of the event! Contact: Greg Wood,
Second Sunday Supper Second Sunday Suppers are informal social events for all ages held in Forbes Hall on the second Sunday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Initial set up time is followed by communal meal. Attendees should bring a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share. Please join us! The Lifespan Religious Education Committee is sponsoring a pre-Second Sunday Supper-event for children, youth, families and the young at heart of all ages: Sunday, December 9th from 4-6 PM. Come at 4 PM for dreidel games and crafts; such as, designing your own wrapping paper. Stay at 6 PM for Second Sunday Supper, also sponsored by the LRE Committee. We will provide meat, vegetarian and vegan lasagnas. You: please bring a main or side dish, desserts and/or beverages, as you’re able. You may also want to bring your menorah, dreidels and pennies if you have them. Come for fun, stay for community; join us!
Second Sunday Supper
Eating Simply So that We May Simply Survive.
By reducing or eliminating our consumption of Beef, Pork, Poultry, Seafood and Dairy Products, our planet can produce more food for more people with less water, fewer greenhouse gases, and less environmental destruction. Join Faith In Action's Peace and Social Justice Group and the Green Living Committee, Hunger Taskforce, and Disability Support Group at Second Sunday Supper on March 10, 2019, at 6 pm to find out how we can reduce our environmental and social impact while improving our own health and that of our planet. Bring a vegetarian, vegan, local or organic side dish, salad or dessert to share. Faith In Action will provide the Main Dishes. Be sure to stay afterward for Sunday Cinema's "Cowspiracy" at 7pm in the Sanctuary.
Second Sunday Suppers are informal social events for all ages held in Forbes Hall on the second Sunday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Initial set up time is followed by communal meal. Attendees should bring a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share. Please join us! Children are absolutely welcome! To save on waste and promote green living, we kindly ask that you bring your own plates, cups, utensils, and cloth napkins. We will have extra dishes if you cannot bring your own.
Happy hour begins at 5:45 pm.
You can also help by joining our Kitchen Cabinet and help with cooking (the day before), setup, or cleanup. You know that the most fun at any party is in the kitchen! Sign up at
Second Sunday Supper Second Sunday Suppers are informal social events for all ages held in Forbes Hall on the second Sunday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Initial set up time is followed by communal meal. Attendees should bring a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share. Please join us! Children are absolutely welcome! To save on waste and promote green living, we kindly ask that you bring your own plates, cups, utensils, and cloth napkins. We will have extra dishes if you cannot bring your own. Happy hour begins at 5:45 pm.
You can also help by joining our Kitchen Cabinet and help with cooking (the day before), setup, or cleanup. You know that the most fun at any party is in the kitchen! Sign up at
Announcement: This Sunday's Second Sunday Supper is co-hosted by the Non-Fiction Reading Group and the Young Adults. Join them and all of us for a potluck gathering beginning at 6 in Forbes Hall. Bring food and drink if you are able. Entrees, salads, vegetarian dishes and desserts all welcome, but especially YOU! Following the SSS is a Spotlight event beginning at 7:30, welcoming performing artists to an open mic evening. Join us for cuisine and comraderie.
OOS: TODAY - Second Sunday Supper, 6 - 7:30pm, Forbes Hall. Co-hosted by Non-Fiction Reading Group and Young Adults. It's a potluck so if you are able please bring something to share like an entree, salad, veggie dish, dessert or drinks. All are welcome. Questions: |
Second Sunday Supper
Happy hour begins at 5:45 pm.
You can also help by joining our Kitchen Cabinet and help with cooking (the day before), setup, or cleanup. You know that the most fun at any party is in the kitchen! Sign up at