Second Sunday Supper
Second Sunday Suppers are informal social events for all ages held in Forbes Hall on the second Sunday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Initial set up time is followed by communal meal. Attendees should bring a main dish, side dish, salad or dessert to share. Please join us!
The Lifespan Religious Education Committee is sponsoring a pre-Second Sunday Supper-event for children, youth, families and the young at heart of all ages: Sunday, December 9th from 4-6 PM. Come at 4 PM for dreidel games and crafts; such as, designing your own wrapping paper. Stay at 6 PM for Second Sunday Supper, also sponsored by the LRE Committee. We will provide meat, vegetarian and vegan lasagnas. You: please bring a main or side dish, desserts and/or beverages, as you’re able. You may also want to bring your menorah, dreidels and pennies if you have them. Come for fun, stay for community; join us!