September, 2004
FIA is planning for the future
On September 26, we'll have our 4th Annual Faith in Action (FIA) issues election.This is when our congregation votes on our priorities for social action forthe coming year. This column is dedicated to a brief review of our expectedagenda for the election.
First, we'll review our ongoing programs. Of particular concern is our workon economic justice, peace, and civil liberties. In addition to reviewing ouraccomplishments to date, we'll discuss how to proceed with these issues duringthe coming year. Regretfully, S.J. Guidotti has resigned as chair of the Peaceand Civil Liberties Committee, so these topics will require particular attention.
Second, we'll review the proposed actions of immediate witness and the newStudy/Action Issue on Global Warming chosen at General Assembly in June of thisyear.
Third, we'll consider any proposals made earlier that day by our visiting minister,the Rev. Lindi Ramsden of the California UU Legislative Ministry. She will tellus about this program and review some of their work. This may well serve asa catalyst for new social action work.
Finally, we'll review and prioritize social action projects proposed by thecongregants present at the meeting. Faith in Action is dedicated to the democraticprocess and we are totally committed to pursuing those social action issuesof greatest interest to the congregation.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank S. J. Guidotti for his two-yeartenure as chair of the Peace and Civil Liberties Committee. We will miss hispassion and energy in this important leadership position.
I'm excited by the prospect of reviewing our programs and recommitting ourselvesto our important work. Please place this date on your calendars.
- Charles Haskell Chair, Faith in Action Commission