September, 2008
Please planto attendthe AnnualFaith in ActionIssues Electionon Sunday, September21 at12:45 p.m., in thesanctuary. There will be reports from the currentcommittees and guest speakers. We are interested inhearing from members of the congregation regardingany new issues for action this coming church year.A light lunch will be served before the meeting.
— Cathie Gentile
Volunteer Opportunities for the Westside Winter Shelter
1.Prepare, deliver and serve a hot meal for 150 people at the Culver City Armory.
o 1 time o 1 time a month o 2 times a month
Dates needed: Saturdays & Sundays December 1 to March 15, Christmas Day, NewYears Eve, New Years Day,Valentine's Day
2. All other food donations can be scheduled for anytime of the week.
Prepare, pack and deliver a sack lunch for 150 people at the Culver City Armory.
o 1 time o 1 time a month o 2 times a month o 1 time a week
3.Bake/purchase and deliver dessert for 150 people at the Culver City Armory.
o 1 time o 1 time a month o 2 times a month o 1 time a week
4. Donate and deliver fresh fruit for 150 people at the Culver City Armory.
o 1 time o 1 time a month o 2 times a month o 1 time a week
1.Collect and donate toiletry supplies including; shampoo, lotion, deodorant,toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, feminine hygiene products, hairbrushes, etc.Items can be donated in bulk or assembled in bags with all of the above items.
2.Collect and donate socks for men and women.
3.Collect and donate underwear for men and women.
4.Collect and donate blankets.
o We can commit to providing ____number of ___________________________.
Financial Support
Adopt a family