Serve Meal at Step Up on 2nd |
Serve Meal at Step Up on 2nd |
Serve Meal at Step Up on 2nd |
Serve Meal at Step Up on 2nd |
Serve Meal at Step Up on 2nd |
Service is Our Prayer |
Service of Celebration (1:30 p.m.)
Join us for a special Service of Celebration for Rev. Rebecca, followed by a champagne and punch reception. The service will feature special music by our Adult Choir and a chance to mark the ending of this chapter in the life of the congregation in ritual and ceremony, just as we did when we began Rev. Rebecca's ministry with a Service of Installation on February 13, 2011.
Service of Installation - 3 p.m. A community-wide service and celebration welcoming our ninth settled minister, the Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur. The Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley, Director of Congregational Life for the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, will preach. Festive reception will follow. |
Serving Children with Special Needs Elias Lefferman is President/Chief Executive Officer of Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services. He will focus on the programs provided by Vista that serve the emotional, physical, psychological and social needs of children and will reflect on the challenges that Vista faces in fulfilling this mission. |
Serving, Scrubbing, Selling A Sojourn among the Working Poor - Halloween and Dia de los Muertos Sunday Journalist Barbara Ehrenreich recently wrote up her experiment trying to support herself on the income from unskilled, low wage jobs. She didn't make it. And neither are many other Americans, who work and are still not able to make ends meet. The situation is so dire that it has earned the attention of the religious community, and with good reason: this is one of the major human rights issues of our day. |
Sexuality and Spirituality Our sexuality and spirituality are interwoven to make us whole human persons and healthy faith communities. |
SGM - Service Project |