
Giving Back

(Thanksgiving Sunday) Our Thanksgiving service will celebrate the act of giving back as a way of giving thanks. The choir will sing at both services.

Giving Ourselves Away (Special Online Only Service)

Generosity of heart, spirit, and resources is fundamental to the spiritual path. This is taught by all of the great religions of the world. This Sunday, we celebrate the formal launch of  our annual stewardship campaign and explore the meaning of giving to our lives, our beloved community, and the world. We will get to hear the many transformative stories of why so many support this congregation with our first congregational video.

Please note that this was an ONLINE ONLY service. See video link below to watch (or watch again).

Giving Ourselves Away (Special Online Only Service) - Sunday, March 22, 2020

Generosity of heart, spirit, and resources is fundamental to the spiritual path. This is taught by all of the great religions of the world. This Sunday, we celebrate the formal launch of our annual stewardship campaign and explore the meaning of giving to our lives, our beloved community, and the world. We will get to hear the many transformative stories of why so many support this congregation with our first congregational video.

Giving Thanks
Giving Up 'Them'

Caprice Young writes, "I woke up on July 8, 1999, and I had become 'them.' After 33 years of being a relative outsider, I got my chance to lead. No more complaining about the people in charge. No more 'if only I were making the decisions . . . .' What happens when we realize there is only us, that we're all in it together, and that we're all playing for keeps? What happens when you get the chance to really sacrifice for what you believein? What's a good UU to Do?" In July of 1999 Caprice Young was sworn into office as one of three new members of the Los Angeles School Board. She also serves as Managing Director of PeopleLink, a technology company that builds and hosts online communities. As a youth, she was a leader in the continental UU youth movement, and has served more recently as a member of the UU Fund for a Just Society Grants Panel. Music Jonathan Davis, oboe

GLIDE A Dialogue About Homophobia

Michael Eselun, church member and a popular guest speaker here, is a co-founder of GLIDE, Gays and Lesbians Initiating Dialogue for Equality. GLIDE is the preeminent speakers bureau in L.A. combating homophobia in the community at large. In this critical time, Michael will share some of his experiences with GLIDE and engage the congregation in a dialogue about homophobia.

Global Climate Strike

Our UU principles call us to honor the interconnected web of all life, and to save the natural world upon which our human civilization depends. At this year’s UUA General Assembly, delegates voted overwhelmingly to help Build the Movement for a Green New Deal. And this month, we will support the youth-led Global Climate Strike!

On Friday, September 20, join FIA Peace & Social Justice Committee and Green Committee as we travel to Downtown LA to take part in the afternoon of action. We will gather at 17th/SMC Expo Station (17th and Colorado) to take the 10:50 am train to 7th and Figueroa, then walk along 7th Street to the 12 pm gathering point at Grand on 7th (in front of Bottega Louie). If you prefer, you can meet us at 7th & Grand. Once assembled, and no later than 12:30, we will walk to Pershing Square and then march to LA City Hall.

Bring water, sunscreen, signs, and TAP cards for Metro. The event is from 12:00 to 3:00 pm.

Contact or with questions or to RSVP.



The choir will perform Antonio Vivaldi's "Gloria" in its entirety at both services. Composed nearly three centuries ago, the "Gloria" is one of the great masterpieces of religious art of the eighteenth century, and speaks powerfully to us today. Though many know Vivaldi as the composer of "The Four Seasons" and hundreds of instrumental concerti, he was also a master composer of opera, song, and choral music. The "Gloria" represents his highest achievement in this field.

A string ensemble and Louis Durra on harpsichord will join the choir. Soprano Angela Meade is the featured soloist.

God is Not One

In his 2010 book, “God Is Not One,” religion scholar Stephen Prothero argues that religious traditions point to profoundly different realities, and thus each tradition explores a problem and poses a solution to that problem. This morning Rev. Erika will explore his premise, challenging the long-standing but often unexamined notion that all religions are “different paths up the same mountain.”

God of Our (Mis)Understanding
Millions of people through history have tried to understand God. That search continues.  While the search could be understood as a way to unify all things – it’s hard to ighore how divisive it has been.  How might such a search help us move beyond 'us' and 'them' to connect us with something unifying and larger than our need to be right?  
In four months, Rev. Greg will begin as our Developmental Minister.
A video recording of this sermon is available on our UUSM YouTube channel at


God's Politics

Greg Germann, story for all ages According to Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners and author of the book "God's Politics Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It," religious liberals must bring our values and morals into the public square. This Sunday is also Choir Appreciation Sunday. Please join us to thank our dedicated choir for their contribution to the Sunday music program.

Golden Age Movement