Giving Up 'Them'

Sunday, July 15, 2001 - 5:00pm
Caprice Young, guest speaker
Worship Associate: 
The Rev. Judith Meyer, pulpit host

Caprice Young writes, "I woke up on July 8, 1999, and I had become 'them.' After 33 years of being a relative outsider, I got my chance to lead. No more complaining about the people in charge. No more 'if only I were making the decisions . . . .' What happens when we realize there is only us, that we're all in it together, and that we're all playing for keeps? What happens when you get the chance to really sacrifice for what you believein? What's a good UU to Do?" In July of 1999 Caprice Young was sworn into office as one of three new members of the Los Angeles School Board. She also serves as Managing Director of PeopleLink, a technology company that builds and hosts online communities. As a youth, she was a leader in the continental UU youth movement, and has served more recently as a member of the UU Fund for a Just Society Grants Panel. Music Jonathan Davis, oboe