
Greater LA UU Justice Group at Neighborhood in Pasadena
Green Committee
Green Committee

Green Living Group Tour of the Water Conserving features of our church campus, which include permeable pavers, stormwater detention cisterns, rainbarrels, drought tolerant plants and drip irrigation with smart controllers.  . Meet right after the service, under the trees and next to the Sanctuary doors.  


Green Committee - Net Zero Energy Home Design
Architect Alison Kendall will present Net Zero Energy Green Homes she designed in Culver City and discuss California codes which will require solar PV panels on new homes and increases in energy and water efficiency.  She will discuss the role of building codes, green rating systems, and client support for green homes as they help to reduce the contributions of homes to meeting California's commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 
Please join us at this Green Living Committee event to learn more about Green Home Design. 
Future events will ideas for Green Home Upgrades for existing homes.
For more information, contact Alison Kendall, 
Green Committee - Town Hall Meeting

Green Committee will review the "Garden of Eternity" design and fundraising concept.

Green Committee Meeting
To inform others of the simple changes that can be made to decrease their carbon footprint, and to implement social action to green our community. 
 UUSM Green Living Committee members invite you to learn more about how you and your community can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, build community resilience, and improve Climate Justice.
                                                                                                                                                           Please rsvp to for the Zoom link.



Green Committee Meeting
Green Committee Meeting
Green Committee Meeting
Green Committee Meeting
Green Committee Meeting
To inform others of the simple changes that can be made to decrease their carbon footprint, and to implement social action to green our community. 
 UUSM Green Living Committee members invite you to learn more about how you and your community can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, build community resilience, and improve Climate Justice. Please RSVP to for Zoom link. We encourage you to sign up for the UU Drawdown 2021 Team and select the action you will take to protect our shared future. Use this link for the UU DD 2021 Team and join UUs across North America in committing to take Climate Action. The results will be reported at General Assembly in June. 
                                                                                                                                                           Please rsvp to for Zoom link.



Green Committee Meeting