
Green Committee Meeting
Green Committee Meeting - Cancelled for the month July
Green Committee Meeting - Zoom/Online
To inform others of the simple changes that can be made to decrease their carbon footprint, and to implement social action to green our community. 

Green Committee Meeting: Sun, June 4. Please note instead of our regular meeting we will be participating in the Faith In Action Fundraiser, see you there! Contact: Alison Kendall,


Green Committee Meeting - Zoom/Online
To inform others of the simple changes that can be made to decrease their carbon footprint, and to implement social action to green our community. 
 UUSM Green Living Committee members invite you to learn more about how you and your community can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, build community resilience, and improve Climate Justice.
                                                                                                                                                           Please rsvp to for the Zoom link.



Green Living Fair
Learn what you can do about Climate Change at our April 29 Earth Day Service  "Committing to Respond in a Changing Climate: Acting with Urgency, Not Despair."  Alison Kendall, Green Living Committee Chair and James Witker, Faith in Action Co-chair will lead this service which explores what you can do personally and organizationally to address the threat of climate change to future generations and all living systems.  
Following each service, we invite you to explore the Green Living Fair set up 10am-1pm  in the courtyard outside Forbes Hall.  Discover all the you can reduce your use of water, energy and resources at home, gardening, eating and getting around. 
At the Green Living Fair we'll have advice and resources on:  
At Home: Home Energy and Water Efficiency, Green Remodeling, Recycling and Reuse, GreenPoint Rating your Home
Getting Around: Sustainable Mobility Options from GoSaMo, Plug in Electric Cars and Zero Emission Vehicles
Gardening: Drought Tolerant Landscaping, Edible Organic Gardening,  Vegetable Gardening with UU Youth
Food: Local, Organic and Sustainable Food, Meatlesss Meals, Vegan and Vegetarian Delicacies
Green Living Fair

Celebrate Earth Sunday at the Green Living Fair at April 24

Join us for the April 24 Earth Sunday Service at 10:30am and then stay for the Green Living Fair in the Courtyard to learn how you can take Climate Action in your own home and community.  Learn about waterwise organic gardening, vegan and meatless recipes,  green home remodeling to save water and electricity and rediscover the joys of bicycling at our Bike Show.  We hope you can join us in person, but we'll have a roving Zoom camera person trying to capture the fun during Zoom Coffee Hour as well.

See you there!

Alison Kendall, Green Living Chair for more info 


Green Living Fair
Green Living Group

Dedicated to educating our fellow members and greater community about how to help our Earth be healthier by living greener and healthier lives.

Green Living Practice Groups - Cancelled on April 13th

NEW!! Green Living Practice Groups

Let's engage with Unitarian Universalists across the World in ​renewing our commitment to Faith in Action during Climate Justice Month from World Water Day, March 22, until Earth Day, April 22, 2016.  

We will join in a spiritual practice of learning and sharing our ways to align our daily life more closely with the needs of Mother Earth and all living things....including our future generations. Focus to include Water, Energy, Air, and Resources.

Wednesdays (Series of 4) , 8:30-9:15am, Dates are : March 23, March 30, April 6, April 13, 2016.

Contact: for more information and to RSVP,  Beth Brownlie.

Green Sanctuary
On March 17, 2017, UUSM was named a Green Sanctuary by the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.
Now in its sixth edition, the Green Sanctuary Program provides a path for congregational study, reflection, and action for today's environmental challenges - including climate change and environmental justice. Successful completion results in Green Sanctuary accreditation: a formal recognition of a congregation's service and dedication to the Earth. Congregations begin by examining their current environmental impact, then move towards developing sustainable practices grounded in Unitarian Universalism. There are four focus areas:
1. Environmental Justice acknowledges that marginalized communities are often hit first and hardest by environmental crisis.  In partnering with these communities we are able to address human and environmental needs at the same time. Environmental Justice emphasizes a shift from providing charity to working in solidarity with the communities most affected by climate change. 
2. Worship and Celebration is the heart of Unitarian Universalism.  As we work together towards a cleaner, more just and sustainable world, worship enables us to stay connected to each other and to celebrate the work we have accomplished.
3. Religious Education shapes more than just minds. It shapes attitudes and practices.
4. Sustainable Living requires us to treat the world more gently by using fewer resources and being mindful of the choices we make.
Groundhog Day: Intimations of Mortality

When working with our Coming of Age group this year, I nominated this as my most favorite film ever. When the world he lives in begins to become increasingly familiar and smaller, Bill Murray's character must go through several stages of transformation in order to find the elusive happiness he says he desires.While the film portrays the growth of an individual, I find myself thinking of how it applies to whole communities. Music: TBA

Growing Old Goes Global

UNITED NATIONS SUNDAY We live in a world in which grandparents will soon outnumber grandchildren. That reality, combined with the unavoidable fact that we are all growing older all the time, reveals aging as a global phenomenon, with social and spiritual implications We will celebrate our new members with a Welcome Ceremony at both services.