
General Congregational Meeting on Developmental Ministry - PLEASE RSVP
On Sunday, March 5th all members of UUSM are asked to attend a congregational meeting to affirm the pursuit of a Developmental Minister to work with us for the next 3+ years.
There is a TON of information at and also in the email below. 
We need you on March 5th:
We want as many people as possible to actively participate and to get educated beforehand if possible. We also must have a quorum of at least 55-ish people onsite that day for the vote to proceed.
If you have questions, we need to hear them so we can understand where there is lack of clarity or even disagreement.
About Developmental Ministry (DM): DM is a type of transitional ministry that occurs between two long-term called/settled ministries over a period of 3 or more years. It’s ideal for a congregation that has specific goals it wants to work on before calling its next long-term minister.
It is called “developmental” ministry, because the work that a Developmental Minister will engage in with the congregation is developmental in nature: think (re)learning to walk before running, or (re)learning to do yoga poses with a “professional” instead of a “friend who’s done it for years”.
What we see as our work to be done: Your board of directors feels we have some congregational goals to pursue that are optimal for Developmental Ministry. Here they are in super simplistic form in no particular order:
1. Let’s get better at working and playing better together – respecting difference while recognizing our common goals of making this life of ours the best it can be (as individuals and in community);
2. Let’s reconnect with and recommit to our shared mission and vision;
3. Let’s revitalize membership and leadership and leadership development so that our UU congregation becomes a better instrument for personal and community development;
4. Let’s invest in strengthening programs that help us learn more about where we come from, get better about connecting with each other and create a culture of caring for strangers and friends alike
5. Let’s develop stronger stewardship of the programs and resources that fuel our mission and vision – that means fundraising but it’s more than that; and
6. Let’s address structural issues in our church governance that may make our congregational work harder than it needs to be.
We would surely benefit by bringing in a minister for 3 or more years to work with us specifically on these issues.
It’s like bringing in a personal trainer when you’re stuck on losing those extra pounds.
In service,
Developmental Ministry Task Force Co-Chairs Kim Miller ( / 310-471-1625) and Jacki Weber ( / 310-849-5835).


General Resolution on Ending the U.S. Occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan

Approved by Faith in Action at a Town Hall Meeting, January 31, 2010

The congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica proposes that the Unitarian UniversalistAssociation, at its June, 2010 GeneralAssembly, adopt the following General Resolution on ending the U.S. occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan:

2010 General Resolution

BE IT RESOLVED that the 2010 GeneralAssembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association

General Resolution on Ending the U.S. Occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan

Approved by Faith in Action at a Town Hall Meeting, January 31, 2010 

The congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Santa Monica proposes that the Unitarian UniversalistAssociation, at its June, 2010 GeneralAssembly, adopt the following General Resolution on ending the U.S. occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan:

2010 General Resolution

BE IT RESOLVED that the 2010 GeneralAssembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association

l. Urges the government of the United States to immediately cease combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, to withdraw all troops and civilian support personnel from Iraq and Afghanistan as rapidly as logistically possible, and in the meantime withdraw them to secure bases within those countries.

2. Reaffirms resolutions, including those of 2006 and 2007, urging "all Unitarian Universalist leaders at the international, national, district, and congregational levels to support individual and congregational participation in interfaith campaigns to end U.S. military involvement in Iraq."

3. Urges all Unitarian Universalist leaders to do the same to end U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan as well.

In his pastoral letter of March 14, 2008, t,hen UUA President Rev. William G. Sinkford said, "We know the invasion of Iraq and the occupation were based on lies.

. . . We know that if there had been no oil beneath those sands, and no oil in the region, this war would never have taken place."

The ObamaAdministration's plan to end U.S. combat missions in Iraq byAugust 31, 2010, and to remove all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2011 (see, even if it were to happen on schedule, and even if it were to include civilian support personnel, prolongs rather than ends the damage. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have already died in this war, as have over 4,300 U.S. troops and over 300 troops from other coalition members. Far more have been seriously wounded, physically and/or mentally. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been wasted. The time to end this carnage is not in future years and months, but now.

One reason given for reducing the U.S. military commitment to Iraq is to increase the troops, material, and funds available to prosecute the war in Afghanistan. But this war, too, is based on lies. From 1979 to 1989 the U.S. supported the Taliban and other Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan with funds and arms. Then the U.S. tried to make a deal with the Taliban to build a pipeline across Afghanistan to provide an outlet for Turkmenistan oil and gas which would replace the route through Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Russia, and which would skirt to the east of Iran.

The U.S. still hopes to build this pipeline. To make this possible by "securing Afghanistan," the U.S.collaborates with Hamid Karzu and other warlords, in the name of "democracy" and "rights for women." These corrupt leaders have no regard for democracy or rights for women. According to Human Rights Watch, August 13, 2009, "'Karzaihas made an unthinkable deal to sell Afghan women out in return for the support of fundamentalists in the August 20 election,' said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. 'The law gives a husband the right to withdraw basic maintenance from his wife, including food, if she refuses to obey his sexual demands. It grants guardianship of children exclusively to their fathers and grandfathers. It requires women to get permission from their husbands to work. It also effectively allows a rapist to avoid prosecution by paylng "blood money" to a girl who was injured when he raped her."' (If the U.S. government were truly concerned with women's rights, perhaps it would invade Saudi Arabia.)

The wars in and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan are part of the ongoing worldwide competition among the major capitalist powers (including the U.S., China, Russia, Iapan, and the European Union) for resources, markets, and investment opportunities. Every drop ofblood shed for such a cause is an unspeakable tragedy we must do everything in our power to end.

-- Peace & Ciuil Liberties Committee

Gentle Yoga

Andie Miller will be offering weekly yoga classes beginning Monday, August and continuing through Monday, September 9th, 6:00 pm to 7 pm, in Forbes Hall, except Labor Day.

We will explore traditional yoga poses in a safe, compassionate, non-competitive environment that is welcoming to all who can get up and down from a yoga mat.

We will be working on traditional yoga poses with a focus on creating a safe, productive, compassionate, non-competitive environment that is welcoming to all. We will work on strength, flexibility, restorative poses, and deep relaxation.

We recommend the following props for the best experience:

Yoga Mat (required)
-Two yoga blankets or beach towels (required)
-Two yoga blocks (suggested - available on Amazon)
-Yoga strap or any belt (required - available on Amazon)
-Yoga bolster (recommended - available on Amazon)

Andie Miller has a 500-hour certificate as a yoga teacher.

For more information or to register, drop by the Adult RE table on Sunday or email Andie Miller at

Gerald Saldo (July)...and Church Artists (August)

July - Gerald Saldo:

Our own Gerald Saldo will host the Opening Reception for his photography show, Capturing Humanity, on Sunday, July 9 from 11 am to 12:30 pm. This exhibit will run through July 30 and is open on Sundays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and on weekdays by appointment through the office. Additional prints will be available at the reception. After spending 40 years behind movie cameras, he has returned to his first love — still photography, but with a twist. For this show Saldo has selected works from his “Pixelism” series, these photos come directly from his camera. All the works in the show were done without filters and or compositing; Saldo refers to them as “Digital Originals.” Sharpness and focus rarely come into play, it’s all about color, shape, and form. In order to achieve a Compressed Watercolor feel, Saldo uses Low Resolution combined with high digital zoom — this helps smear the colors. Many of the images were captured from three miles away. Saldo often discovered interesting compositions with binoculars; he then lined up his camera with a fluid head tripod. He says, “With a fluid head, I am able to move smoothly, constantly composing, rapidly releasing the shutter, feeling the passion, hoping for that magic moment when I know I have captured humanity. Contact our Art Director, Beverly Alison for further info about this show or about exhibiting on our Art Wall.

August - Church Artists:

A group show of art works by church artists will be held this August. The show always proves to be a wonderful exhibit of our church talent. The reception will be on Sunday, August 6, 11:30am -12:30pm. If you are a church member and wish to exhibit, contact Diana Spears.

Get Out The Vote

UU The Vote Kickoff - Shmear and Scheming for the Midterms,  Sunday, May 22, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m, Courtyard Shade Structure. No RSVP necessary but reserve your spot (and bagel) here! When we organize, we build power in our communities for justice, accountability, and healing. There is so much at stake in the 2022 midterm elections. Together, our communities can address the current threats to our democracy and human dignity. Can't come but want to join the effort? Join the Santa Monica UU the Vote Team today and we'll keep you posted!                                               

Email for more info.

Getting Involved
Getting Ready For Lent
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
This is a sermon about the place where many of us long to be, that is found in the heart of community. It is a place where we are known; where we unquestionably belong. A place that provides us a role and a little responsibility – not so much to be a burden, but enough to offer unquestionable purpose. A place that comes with the respect and appreciation of good people. And, usually, with a little creativity, just enough of whatever’s needed to be successful
Gifts from the Heart - Winter Holiday Pageant

Audience participation makes this rollicking service so different – bringing the stories of our collective tradition to life before our eyes. At the conclusion of the Christmas story, we celebrate the annual arrival of the Friendly Beasts, a beloved Christmastime tradition of UU Santa Monica children. On-the-spot volunteers from the audience, young and old, will “improvise” key roles and, of course, raise the star on high.

Gifts of Imperfection Study Group Final Session
Giving and Receiving

Our intergenerational Thanksgiving service.