Featured Articles - April, 2008 Iran Today: The Iranian Points of ViewThe Speaker Series sponsored by the Peace & Civil Liberties and the Faith in Action Committees has enlisted Said D. Jabbari, senior analyst and spokesperson for the Center for Promotion of Democracy and Human Rights in Iran (CFPD), to speak to the subject of "Iran Today: The Iranian Points of View" on Friday evening, April 4, at 7:15 p.m. in the sanctuary. |
Featured Articles - April, 2011 Should the size of our Board of Directors be smaller?The idea to reduce the size of the board has developed from discussions about ways to focus board work on church program needs and to create board meetings that are more efficient and more rewarding for participants and that focus more energy on the broader goals of the church. Much of this thinking was prompted at the urging of three ministers who know us: Stephen Furrer, Roberta Haskin, and Ken Brown. |
Featured Articles - August, 2003Stefanie S. Etzbach-Dale is Our New Intern Minister
Featured Articles - August, 2004Church Work Parties Begin August 21Opportunities abound for each of us to contribute love and labor to enhance and maintain our church campus and facilities. Please help as we begin our monthly church work parties from 8 a.m. until 12 noon on Saturday, August 21. You’ll be able to select a job that matches your skills and interests. |
Featured Articles - August, 2005This Month, We're All Invited to Sunday Lemonade PartiesOur church’s Capital Campaign had, by mid-July, raised over $700,000 toward the goal of $1 million to build two religious exploration classrooms to the north of Forbes Hall, convert the house next door to offices, and expand our historic sanctuary. |
Featured Articles - August, 2006New Greeter Co-Chairs Boost Church Welcoming SystemThe Membership and Leadership (M&L) Committee would like to welcome and thank Judy Federick and Grace Phillips, who have volunteered as co-chairs for the Greeter and Membership Center programs. They take over from Arvid Knudsen and Richard Boothe, each of whom contributed enormously to sustaining these two important programs. Judy and Grace are now tasked with implementing many of the ideas that have come through interviews and focus session with our community. |
Featured Articles - August, 2008 "Garbo Speaks*"
Featured Articles - December, 2003 |
Featured Articles - December, 2004Want to Know More About Covenant Groups?Two covenant groups, part of the Small Group Ministry program, were launched this fall. Meetings are twice a month on Monday evenings and Sunday afternoons with an end date of April 2005. The groups have chosen their behavioral covenant (their way of being together). Next they will choose themes. |
Featured Articles - December, 2005Search Committee Town Hall Scheduled for December 4The Board of Directors has charged a search committee consisting of John Fels, Charles Haskell, Marv Pulliam, and Melanie Sharp to identify potential candidates to replace Marie Kashmer-Stiebing as our congregational administrator. The committee has been specifically charged to: |
Featured Articles - December, 2006Congregational Conversation on Youth Ministry December 10A congregation-wide, intergenerational conversation on youth ministry will be held on Sunday, December 10, 1 to 3:30 p.m. in Forbes Hall, facilitated by church members Jordan Paddock and Karen Patch. |
Featured Articles - December, 2007 UUCCSM Members and Friends Join March Against the Iraq War