
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group

Session 4: Faith Development for Children & Youth Young Adult Group

Faith Forward - Inquirers Group - cancelled

Session 6: Social Action and Community Service

Faith Forward - Inquirers Series:
Many folks come to UUSM with a host of questions ranging from “What is Unitarian Universalism“, What do UUs believe?” What programs do you have at this church? Our Inquirers Series, developed by the First UU Church of Dallas, is designed to help answer these questions and many others.
A total of nine sessions will be presented from February 9 th , through May 3rd. You may attend any class at any time; it is not necessary to attend them in sequence nor is it necessary to attend them all, although we hope you do so.
The following is the scheduled list of Sessions:
 02/09/20 Session 1: UU Principles, Sources and Historical Overview
 02/16/20 Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History
 02/23/20 Session 3: Worship and the Liturgical Year
 03/01/20 Session 4: Q & A with the Minister, Rev Jeremiah Kalendae
 Two week Break
 03/22/20 Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Youth; Programs for
Families;..0 Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program
 One week Break
 04/05/20 Session 6: Social Action and Community Service
 One week Break
 04/19/20 Session 7: Adult Programs & Opportunities for Personal & Spiritual
Growth, Heart to Heart Groups.
 04/26/20 Session 8: Pastoral Care, Care-Ring
 05/03/20 Session 9: Membership 101
You may attend any or all of these sessions, whether you are a visitor, a new member or a long-time member of the congregation. For first time visitors to UUSM, we offer a brief Visitor Meet-Up after each Sunday Service. At the conclusion of Visitor Meet-Up you will be invited to join the Inquirers Series the following Sunday.
Inquirers Classes will be held weekly from 11:30 – 12:30, in room 1, second floor of Forbes after Service beginning Sunday, February 9 th.
Registration will be held at the Adult RE table in Forbes during Fellowship after each Sunday Service, or in Room 1 prior to the session.
Please come…the sessions are interesting, educational and informative!
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group - cancelled

Session 7: Adult Programs & Opportunities for Personal & Spiritual Growth; Heart to Heart Groups

Faith Forward - Inquirers Series:
Many folks come to UUSM with a host of questions ranging from “What is Unitarian Universalism“, What do UUs believe?” What programs do you have at this church? Our Inquirers Series, developed by the First UU Church of Dallas, is designed to help answer these questions and many others.
A total of nine sessions will be presented from February 9 th , through May 3rd. You may attend any class at any time; it is not necessary to attend them in sequence nor is it necessary to attend them all, although we hope you do so.
The following is the scheduled list of Sessions:
 02/09/20 Session 1: UU Principles, Sources and Historical Overview
 02/16/20 Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History
 02/23/20 Session 3: Worship and the Liturgical Year
 03/01/20 Session 4: Q & A with the Minister, Rev Jeremiah Kalendae
 Two week Break
 03/22/20 Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Youth; Programs for
Families;..0 Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program
 One week Break
 04/05/20 Session 6: Social Action and Community Service
 One week Break
 04/19/20 Session 7: Adult Programs & Opportunities for Personal & Spiritual
Growth, Heart to Heart Groups.
 04/26/20 Session 8: Pastoral Care, Care-Ring
 05/03/20 Session 9: Membership 101
You may attend any or all of these sessions, whether you are a visitor, a new member or a long-time member of the congregation. For first time visitors to UUSM, we offer a brief Visitor Meet-Up after each Sunday Service. At the conclusion of Visitor Meet-Up you will be invited to join the Inquirers Series the following Sunday.
Inquirers Classes will be held weekly from 11:30 – 12:30, in room 1, second floor of Forbes after Service beginning Sunday, February 9 th.
Registration will be held at the Adult RE table in Forbes during Fellowship after each Sunday Service, or in Room 1 prior to the session.
Please come…the sessions are interesting, educational and informative!
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group - cancelled

Session 8: Pastoral Care, Care-Ring

Faith Forward - Inquirers Series:
Many folks come to UUSM with a host of questions ranging from “What is Unitarian Universalism“, What do UUs believe?” What programs do you have at this church? Our Inquirers Series, developed by the First UU Church of Dallas, is designed to help answer these questions and many others.
A total of nine sessions will be presented from February 9 th , through May 3rd. You may attend any class at any time; it is not necessary to attend them in sequence nor is it necessary to attend them all, although we hope you do so.
The following is the scheduled list of Sessions:
 02/09/20 Session 1: UU Principles, Sources and Historical Overview
 02/16/20 Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History
 02/23/20 Session 3: Worship and the Liturgical Year
 03/01/20 Session 4: Q & A with the Minister, Rev Jeremiah Kalendae
 Two week Break
 03/22/20 Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Youth; Programs for
Families;..0 Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program
 One week Break
 04/05/20 Session 6: Social Action and Community Service
 One week Break
 04/19/20 Session 7: Adult Programs & Opportunities for Personal & Spiritual
Growth, Heart to Heart Groups.
 04/26/20 Session 8: Pastoral Care, Care-Ring
 05/03/20 Session 9: Membership 101
You may attend any or all of these sessions, whether you are a visitor, a new member or a long-time member of the congregation. For first time visitors to UUSM, we offer a brief Visitor Meet-Up after each Sunday Service. At the conclusion of Visitor Meet-Up you will be invited to join the Inquirers Series the following Sunday.
Inquirers Classes will be held weekly from 11:30 – 12:30, in room 1, second floor of Forbes after Service beginning Sunday, February 9 th.
Registration will be held at the Adult RE table in Forbes during Fellowship after each Sunday Service, or in Room 1 prior to the session.
Please come…the sessions are interesting, educational and informative!
Faith Forward - Inquirers Group - cancelled

Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Youth: Programs for Families; Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program.

Faith Forward - Inquirers Series:
Many folks come to UUSM with a host of questions ranging from “What is Unitarian Universalism“, What do UUs believe?” What programs do you have at this church? Our Inquirers Series, developed by the First UU Church of Dallas, is designed to help answer these questions and many others.
A total of nine sessions will be presented from February 9 th , through May 3rd. You may attend any class at any time; it is not necessary to attend them in sequence nor is it necessary to attend them all, although we hope you do so.
The following is the scheduled list of Sessions:
 02/09/20 Session 1: UU Principles, Sources and Historical Overview
 02/16/20 Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History
 02/23/20 Session 3: Worship and the Liturgical Year
 03/01/20 Session 4: Q & A with the Minister, Rev Jeremiah Kalendae
 Two week Break
 03/22/20 Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Youth; Programs for
Families;..0 Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program
 One week Break
 04/05/20 Session 6: Social Action and Community Service
 One week Break
 04/19/20 Session 7: Adult Programs & Opportunities for Personal & Spiritual
Growth, Heart to Heart Groups.
 04/26/20 Session 8: Pastoral Care, Care-Ring
 05/03/20 Session 9: Membership 101
You may attend any or all of these sessions, whether you are a visitor, a new member or a long-time member of the congregation. For first time visitors to UUSM, we offer a brief Visitor Meet-Up after each Sunday Service. At the conclusion of Visitor Meet-Up you will be invited to join the Inquirers Series the following Sunday.
Inquirers Classes will be held weekly from 11:30 – 12:30, in room 1, second floor of Forbes after Service beginning Sunday, February 9 th.
Registration will be held at the Adult RE table in Forbes during Fellowship after each Sunday Service, or in Room 1 prior to the session.
Please come…the sessions are interesting, educational and informative!
Faith Forward - Inquirers Series - Zoom/Online

Many visitors come to UUSM with a host of questions ranging from "What is Unitarian Universalism?" to "What do UUs believe?" Our Inquirers Series for vistiors, new members and current members is designed to help answer these questions and many others.

The Series consists of nine sessions that are presented consecutively from January 10th through March 7th. You may attend any session at any time; it is not necessary to attend them in sequence nor is it necessary to attend them all, although we hope you do so. The following is a list of Sessions:

1.  1/10/21 - Session 1: UU History & sources & The 7 Principles

2.  1/17/21 - Session 2: Campus Tour, Orientation and Church History

3.  1/24/21 - Session 3: Worship and the Liturgical Year

4.  1/31/21 - Session 4: Q & A with the Minister

5.  2/7/21   - Session 5: Faith Development for Children & Our Whole Lives (OWL)

6. 2/14/21  - Session 6: Adult RE: Personal, Intellectual & Spiritual Development Groups & Programs

7. 2/21/21  - Session 7: Faith in Action

8. 2/28/21  - Session 8: Pastoral Care & Chalice Circles

9. 3/7/21    - Session 9: Membership 101

Please send an email to to register. You will then be sent the zoom link.We lool forward to seeing you.

Norm Richey - Co-Chair, Membership

Faith in a Seed

Happy Earth Day! Although it’s a stereotype that all Unitarian Universalists love nature, you might say that reverence for the natural world is in our religious DNA. The Transcendentalists — our spiritual ancestors — viewed nature as “the face and essence of God.” In Part 2 of her Transcendentalism series, Erika will tell a Tale of Two Trees, inspired by writings of Henry David Thoreau (and others) that reveal a unique legacy: belief in the Divine presence in the natural world.

Faith in Action
The Art Wall for April is sponsored by Faith in Action.
The Art Wall for May will be art contributed by our children. A request for submissions has been provided by the organizers of this exhibition. We need submissions by April 28. Drop them by the office. We have frames if you need them. We encourage every family to have all kids participate!
Opening day will be May 4, 12:30 to 1 p.m. in Forbes Hall.
Join us for some art and refreshments...and maybe even some music.
The theme will be steampunk, an interesting art form blending science, steam technology and elements of the Victorian Era. Think about the drawings of Jules Verne.
The co-curators of this art show are Madeline Gordon, age 16 (YRUU), and Alex Michaelson, age 13 (COA). Both are experienced in art. Maddy focuses on photography and Alex specializes in painting and modeling. They are helping to put together a thought-provoking and interesting show.
Come out to the show and support our kids with their wonderful art!
Alex Michaelson
Faith in Action
Join member and friends this first weekend of June for the Art Wall Opening Reception, featuring UUSM’s Faith In Action Committee (FIA).  The reception will be held on Sunday, June 2, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Forbes Hall.
Faith In Action is an active committee of UUSM and currently acts as an umbrella for other church committees, including the Peace and Social Justice group.
Over the past year, FIA has hosted many important events focusing on peace in the Middle East, the economy and labor rights with emphasis on hotel workers, racism and police brutality, and immigration and immigrant detention.
Recently, FIA hosted more than 40 energetic, committed young people in their late teens and twenties filled the Sanctuary and campus on last month to organize for climate justice.
What’s next for Faith In Action? Come to the Art Wall reception on Sunday and find out, because sometimes, word of mouth still works.
Contact Cyndee at, 310-829-5436 ext. 102 for info or appointments. Contact Beverly Alison for further info about the artist or about exhibiting on the Art Wall at UU Santa Monica. Contact Roberta Frye for any FIA  related matters at
Faith in Action - Education Panel Discussion on Syria
Faith In Action - Peace & Social Justice

People of all faiths and none are welcome to join us in working to heal our world. PSJ puts our UU principles of justice, human rights and sustainability into action in our local community and beyond. We organize activities and support campaigns in the areas of labor and economic issues; racism, police brutality, and mass incarceration; immigration and immigrant detention; and resisting war. We work with community partners such as CLUE (Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice), OFA (Organizing for Action), the ACLU, and the Sunrise Movement. We also collaborate with the UUSM Green Committee on issues relating to environmental justice and climate change. Contact: visit us at the FIA table in Forbes Hall, or email

Faith in Action - Town Hall Meeting